Part 107: The Rite of Freedom
Chapter 14: The Rite of Freedom
Famous Adventurer posted:
The kid did some digging, and it turned out to be an open secret that the
leader of the bandits was a woman. He also noticed that the local wizards
all seemed to know the brigands’ warlock, who turned out to be the former
court jester, last seen when he went off in search of the baron’s daughter.
Add in that the bandits started getting active around when a certain young
girl would be hitting puberty and the last clue fell into place. So the kid
completed the recipe for the dispel potion, infiltrated the bandit’s fortress,
and threw the potion onto the brigand leader, causing her to remember her
past as the baron’s daughter.
Meanwhile, the kid had also done some scouting around by Baba Yaga’s hut.
Baba generally sets skulls around her chicken-legged hut in order to
discourage intruders, and enchants at least one of them with a personality so
that persistent adventurers can understand just how screwed they are.
This one was guarding a makeshift gate, and refused to let the kid in until he
got a glowing gem in exchange, one that would allow the skull to see around
him. Fortunately, a frost giant happened to be in the neighborhood and was
offering a glowing gem in exchange for a (giant’s) handful of apples. Now
the kid seems to think that this was an incredible coincidence to have someone
both offering and asking for a glowing gem in the same valley, but I think all
my readers know by now that these sorts of “find and fetch” quests occur
surprisingly often during adventures.

Hey, Julanar, how good are you at rebuilding limbs?

Oh dear. You don’t appear to need any regeneration at the moment; are you planning something dangerous?

No, it’s not like that, it’s for a friend of mine. Did you hear about the bank robbery?

Yeah, man, some totally bad karma for that business. Glad you got all the money back, though.

The guy who did it’s name is Arestes. Apparently, he lost his right arm in an accident at sea, and the reason he turned to crime is because no one would hire a one-armed sailor. In fact, he tells me that the reason he wanted the money in the first place was to hire a healer to rebuild his arm. I was feeling kind of bad for helping arrest him and everything when he was just trying to get to working again, so I’m hoping you can help.

So this Arestes lost his arm at sea? I will try to help him as best I can. And if you see him before I do, tell him to not worry about the cost.

Thanks, Julanar.

Yeah, man, righteous.

Oy, you! I gotta thank ya. That healer babe came by and fixed me arm up good as new. She said ya sent ‘er to me. You’re a real first mate, lad. I’ll soon be sailin’ out of ‘ere.

That’s all it took? Dude, you should have asked a hero to deal with your arm ages ago.

I know! That healer is a swell lass. She said ya helped her once too, and was just passin’ the good along. I’ve not met the likes o’ either of ya before. Guess it’s me job ta do someone else a good turn someday, too.

You think you can do that from in there?

I won’t have to. I made a deal with that centaur who runs the city. Gonna start a locksmith shop in my hometown, pay off me debt to Silmaria with cash instead of wastin’ away in jail me whole life.

That’s great news! So do you think you could, you know, spread the karma around yourself, help out others? After all, you can use this moment to turn your life around. And if a guy who ran a thieves’ guild could go straight, just think of all the other folks who could really come up in life if they just got the chance.

Oh, I was hardly runnin’ that guild, mate. But I’ll remember that. Never thought much about it before, but from now on, I’ll do what I can ta help others. Sort of like…sharin’ the good fortune, I guess. Thanks.

You’re welcome. It’s only right after I got you jailed, after all. Have a good life, my friend.

Well, if I never see ya again, ya know I’ll never forget ya. Good day ta ya, and good luck with the Rites.

Oh yeah, I should be doing that, shouldn’t I?
By passing 425 in Honor, the paladin gets this ability. Basically, the Sense Danger ability is considered passive and constantly gives little warnings that the other classes don’t get. Sense Aura is basically Sense Danger on command, and gives a general description of the area in terms of hostility or friendliness.
In other words, it’s completely worthless.

Important people in Quest for Glory 5 are generally immune to being attacked. Even if you force the issue by attacking them with the sword, it simply passes right through them without interacting. They don’t even notice what you’re trying to do.

Nameless people are not so fortunate. In fact, the nameless civilians die from one attack of any sort. When you do this, all the other civilians and merchants teleport out (apparently Shakra has been busy making those Mystic Magnets), leaving only 4-5 hostile guards in the area.

They’re actually pretty good as enemies go, with around the damage and hit points of the cougarmen. You can actually kill all the guards present and loot their corpses, but there are still a few problems.

You see, all ability to interact with the area is removed as soon as you start killing people in Silmaria. Another half-dozen guards always spawn whenever you enter a region in the city, and all doors shut and refuse to open. I don’t even know of any way to get past the front gate here to get out of the city. The Mystic Magnet still works and Ann doesn’t seem to realize that you’re a murderer now (although she locks the door behind you), but you are essentially left in an unwinnable situation. The only thing you have left to do at this point is let yourself get killed and pray you didn’t accidentally save over your game after you aggro’ed the entire city of Silmaria.
And with all the side plotlines resolved and every area explored, let’s finally get to the main event.

I would like to enter the Rites of Rulership, Sam.

Ah, good, then they can finally get underway! Congratulations, you’re now fully vested in the Rites of Rulership. Make your way to the Hall of Kings, and I’m sure they’ll set up the ceremony soon.

Just like that?

Well, they have been waiting for a month now. Just go up to the guards outside the Hall of Kings. I’ll let them know you’re coming. They’ll be happy to let you in now.

I’m still not sure if I’m really up for this.

You’ll do fine, I’m sure. You’ve got the stuff of heroes, so don’t worry. Yeah, sure you’ll be facing terrible monsters, overwhelming odds, and almost certain death, but it’s all in the line of duty. Who knows, you may even be Silmaria’s next king.

You’re not helping.

Sorry. Oh, but think of the ceremony! The Hall of Kings is a great place for a celebration. All the bigwigs will be in the audience. You’ll get to stand before Logos and Minos and the rest of the entrants for the Rites. It will be a great event, and I for one wouldn’t miss it for the world.

Didn’t Elsa say something about him?

You haven’t met him? Minos does a lot of advising around here, although he doesn’t really live in Silmaria. Supposed to have a big place on some island off the north coast. He’s said to have a lot of money, but you wouldn’t know that by me. He sure doesn’t keep any drachmas here.

Huh. Oh well, what’s done is done. Guess I should go up and face the crowd.

The Hall of Kings awaits you, Nike. I’m sure you’ll do swell.

The king of Silmaria is dead, and the kingdom mourns his loss. We are gathered here to determine the future of this land through Rites of ancient ritual and tradition.
By the Rites of Rulership, heroes will prove their worth.
By the Rites of Rulership, Silmaria will arise from the ashes of mourning like the Phoenix rises to the sun.
By the Rites of Rulership, a new king will ascend to the throne of this land!
Who here is worthy to compete in the Rites of Rulership?

Gort, a shining example of the triumph of Science over superstition, is more than worthy to lead Silmaria to a rational, logical future.

Gort has been named as a contender. Who else is worthy to compete in the Rites of Rulership?

Elsa von Spielburg has proven herself to be a leader and a hero in the lands to the north. She is quite capable of becoming the first woman monarch of Silmaria as well. I, Minos, counselor to Silmaria, am proud to sponsor her.

Elsa von Spielburg has been named as a contender. Who else is worthy to compete in the Rites of Rulership?

I, Magnum Opus of the homeland of Romulus and Remus, leader of armies, peerless in the weapons of war, fierce, fearless, and fearsome in battle, shall win the Rites of Rulership and become king of this kingdom!

Magnum Opus has been named as a contender. Who else is worthy to compete in the Rites of Rulership?

I am Kokeeno Pookameeso. I have been a guard in the protection of Silmaria for years. I am one of the people of this land, and I am proud to aid my kingdom and my homeland.

Kokeeno Pookameeso has been named as a contender. Who else is worthy to compete in the Rites of Rulership?

Prince Nike of Shapeir, hero of Spielburg, Tarna, and Mordavia, is worthy to compete in the Rites to become *cough* king of this land.

Prince Nike of Shapeir has been named as a contender. By the ancient traditions of this land, five heroes shall compete in this challenge. Five heroes shall make the land stronger. One hero shall rise to the throne of Silmaria. The Rites of Rulership shall begin!
The first Rite is the Rite of Freedom. The fishing villages of our kingdom and the island of Marete have been invaded by Hesperian Mercenaries. Ios, Keros, Paros, Tinos, and Naxos have been overwhelmed. The invaders need to be driven from this land.

I shall free Paros, for it is the village in which I was born.

Gort shall choose Keros, for it is closest to the Academy of Science.

Elsa shall choose Ios, for it is closest to my island.

Thank you, Minos, for making my choice for me.

Forgive me, Elsa, but I only wished to assure your success. Ios is still the best choice.

It matters not which village I shall release from the yoke of oppression. Hmm, I believe Tinos shall be avenged by Magnum Opus!

So what’s that leave for me?

Naxos has not been claimed.

Naxos it is, then.

Five shall go forth from the gates of Silmaria. Five shall bring freedom to the fishing villages, and return to the gates of the Hall of Kings with the sigils of those villages. Five shall begin the Rites of Rulership. The first person who returns with the sigil of their freed village shall be deemed the winner. Let the Rite of Freedom begin!
As of this point, nearly everyone will have new dialogue options that acknowledge that you entered the Rites of Rulership. Some are more interesting than others (Erasmus and Fenris basically say “Nice day, isn’t it? Oh, and good luck!”), so let’s take a walk around, shall we?

The first of the quests finally begins, and I can see you are eager for information. How can I help you?

Could you do all the dangerous stuff for me?

Heh, heh. I wish I could help more directly, honestly. It’s difficult for me to send others to do a job that I would rather do myself. However, my fighting days are mostly over.

You’re just saying that ‘cause you couldn’t help the last two times either.

Don’t remind me. I would fight the mercenaries to a man if I were still up for it, but I’m afraid it must fall upon you and the other heroes in the Rites. For my sake, could you at least try to free Naxos, even if you do not come in first?

Fine. It can’t be too hard; the villages were all deserted the last time I checked.

Maybe, but I doubt they will remain so; an unfortunate side effect of the Rites is that news travels fast of what you heroes are going to do next. Now let’s see, you should know that the Hesperian mercenaries are hired soldiers. They train all their lives for war. They are disciplined, and take their time in battle. They fight with sword and shield, and are also skilled archers. Do not underestimate their abilities. They will show no mercy.

Then I won’t either.

Unfortunate, but likely unavoidable. You may find yourself facing a small army. You should prepare yourself for battle, but avoid it if you can. You are only one person in the end.

Don’t have to tell me twice. I’ll go see about getting outfitted, then.

Thank you. Good luck, and be careful, my friend. I will eagerly await any news of your success.

Hero Nike and Elsa try be king. Not let Magnum man be king. Magnum man only talk big.

Morning, Toro. Just you here today?

Guild quiet. Magnum man busy with Rite. See you Hall of Kings. Hero Nike look good with Elsa.

You really think so? Would you really be okay with me winning the Rites?

Toro not mind. Elsa not like lose. Elsa lose, Elsa go. Toro go too. Toro miss Silmaria. Toro like Silmaria. Want Elsa win. Elsa be good queen.

Yeah, I guess so. Well, maybe we’ll all end up getting just what we want. See you around, Toro.

Good luck, hero Nike.

Greetings! So, you are competing to become king of Silmaria in the Rulership Rites? It will be good to have the fishing villages free from the mercenaries. I hope you are all successful.

Thanks. So you were watching in the crowd?

Oh, yes. The five of you looked very heroic all standing together. I do not think I would like to be a king myself. If I could, I would become a great healer, and make everyone well and happy. That is a much better job than giving everyone orders, at least to me.

A healer? I think I could help you out with that.


No promises. So, do you know much about the villages outside?

Every time I travel near the villages in the daytime, I am attacked by a boat of the mercenaries who shoot at me. I don’t have many places I can fish right now. However, they are only a day’s travel from here by land.

Not that much, then. Well, thanks anyway.

Good luck. I hope you drive the mercenaries far from our shores.


…Nike. So you entered the Rites of Rulership after all. That’ll certainly prove whether you have the “Rite” stuff or not. Heh, heh, heh, heh.


Alright. Seeing that you’re going for the gold by entering the Rites, I guess I could let you buy some of the good stuff, if you got the money.

Don’t you worry about the money.

Fine. Here’s what I’ve got.
Meet Pholus’s expanded inventory. Aside from the things he was already selling, we now have access to the Slasher Dagger (20 damage), Wurmbane Spear (35, +10 to dragons), Ice Diamond Sword (35, +10 to fire-based creatures), Dragon Slayer Sword (40, +10 to dragons/dragonkin), magic leather, magic chain mail, and a magic helmet. Remember how the paladin sword has 40 damage? It also gets an honor bonus, so it is in fact the best weapon in the game. The unique weapons are priced rather dearly, though, with the Slasher at 2000, Wurmbane at 6000, Ice Diamond for 8000, and the Dragon Slayer for 10,000. 500 Intelligence does let you bargain him down to 8000, at least, and as you can see, it is well within Nike’s price range.

Now that’s what I’m talking about! I’ll take the Dragon Slayer. That looks like a good weapon.

It is. Try not to…never mind.

Hey, Julanar, were you thinking about taking an apprentice?

I had not given it much thought. Why do you ask?

You know that one fisherman at the docks? You can’t miss him, he’s the only one down there. Well, he told me that he’s always thought about becoming a healer and helping people. I was wondering if you could make something happen for him.

You know, maybe I should take on a student, in case Salim and I move again. If this friend of yours is truly serious about this, then I shall be delighted to teach him what I know of medicine and the art of healing.

Great, thanks. Oh, and I’ll need a few more healing potions. This Rite’s gonna be a killer.

Greetings. Rakeesh is very pleased that you entered the Rites of Rulership. Even if you don’t become the king of Silmaria, you will undoubtedly discover who is behind the ill that has been done here lately.

Yeah, the investigation. You don’t think I’d do good as king, do you?

Honestly, I think you would make an excellent king. You remind me a little of my father, and he would have been a great king for Tarna if he hadn’t stepped down.

What?! How am I at all like Rakeesh?

You really are, Nike, even if you don’t see it yourself. Also, few kings have the magical talent, although it is obviously very useful. If an officious person drones endlessly at you, you could always cast a Sleep spell on him before he bores you to sleep yourself. Yes, there are definite advantages to magic.

How is that at all like ruling a country? I can’t exactly magic away a kingdom’s troubles, no matter how powerful I get.

Maybe not, but it can go a long way towards helping. Take this mission you’re on; you’ll be up against great odds and seasoned warriors, but with enough magic, caution, and plenty of healing and mana potions, you should easily survive the Rite.

Yeah, that’s actually why I’m here. I’ll need a few more mana potions.

Good, here you go. Remember, you have many spells at your command. Try to avoid direct combat if you’re able. Take care, and good luck.

Right then, time to free Naxos.

…Shit. I forgot to ask which village is Naxos.