Part 127: Epilogues: The Paladin

Following the lead of his mentor, Nike refused the crown of Silmaria, and when Logos asked why, he gave him a little speech about honor, duty, and what it means to be a paladin. He only stayed on Marete long enough to get married to Erana, having a simple (but well attended) ceremony on the plain next to his airship.
As the years pass, I encounter them every once in a while, or else the places they leave behind. Much like before, Erana has been placing areas of comfort and safety throughout the world. However, with Nike at her side, the two have been much more proactive; Erana was never a paladin, so she had wandered about more or less randomly until she stumbled upon the Dark One sect in Mordavia. Nike, however, had that uncanny knack paladins possess to show up just when they’re needed, and Erana was completely willing to follow his lead. Thus, not only would Peaces and Pools and Gardens show up in new areas, but you could be sure that the locals had a story about a husband and wife who had come in and saved the place from darkness.
I think they may be slowing down for the moment, however. I hear they’ve got a kid of their own now, and Nike’s paladin-wanderlust is probably turned off. After all, where else should a father be than raising his child?
Ending: Knight Errant