Part 36: Sky Elementals in Flight (Afternoon Delight)
Chapter 15: Sky Elementals in Flight (Afternoon Delight)
QfG2 Manual posted:
Occult Occupations
Career Paths for the Successful Magic User
Royal Magician
Royal Magician
While perhaps not the most prestigious of possible professions for the
profound prestidigitator, the position of palace performer is preferable to
pecuniary paupacy. More precisely, it pays.
Weigher of wonders, theorist of thaumaturgy, mediator on mysteries, the
wandering Wizard is a savant of sorcery, a watcher of weird, and an
academician of enchantments. Delving deep in mystical manuscripts, the
Wizard seeks to know the True Meaning of Life, the Universe, and how to do
the voodoo that the Zulu do to you.
The Archmage is the epitome of Power, the elite of enchanters, the crème de
la crème of conjurers, the nonpareil of necromancers. Archmages are pretty
hot stuff, in fact.
While Nike’s universe gets reset again, let’s take another look at the remake, and this time we’ll see some things that Alt Nike won’t experience himself.

This here is the “simplified” map scheme available at the game’s start. You should notice that the only special locations branch off from the basic path, and if you’ve been paying attention, you’ll notice that there’s only one branch that hasn’t been explored in this playthrough. Don’t worry, though; it’ll come up eventually.

Alt Nike is sadly lacking in magical ability, so he can’t play this minigame with Keapon. It takes a little while to get used to the system, and it is far too complicated to bother trying to explain it, but the object of the game is to smack the clouds on the left side with Force Bolts before Keapon can smack the ones on the right. It’s got a learning curve, but it can be fun once you get used to it.

But enough of that. Let’s get back to our “hero.”

Morning, Sheema. How’s the food today?

The food is good, but there is something I must tell you. My second cousin Sashanan the Jewler in the Plaza of the Palace, and my third cousin once removed, Tiram, the Rug Merchant, were unable to set up their stands today. An Elemental of Air is filling the plaza!

Already? But the last one was only three days ago!

Nevertheless it is there. Please do something, hero!

Alright, alright, but it can wait until I’m done eating, at least.


Will you please take this saurus back to the stables? I have been unable to move it back there. It seems to have been waiting for you.

*The saurus is perfectly willing to follow you back to the stables.*

Pesky saurus. Look, I know we spent 36 hours together, but we’re just friends, alright? Now where was I?

Oh yeah, air elemental. Whelp, that sure is a funnel. With angry, staring eyes. I think I’ll go talk to Aziza now.

Good morning, Nike. Have a seat. So, it seems the second element is Air.

Yeah. I could use the rundown now.

Very well.

The essence of Air is freedom of movement. As long as there is a place for Air to go, it will continue to grow in destructive power. Only when it is bound to the Earth can it be contained.

You should ask someone better versed than I in the nature of Air how to go about this.



Oh, but before I go, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask. How exactly do these containers work? I was a little surprised when the fire elemental just hopped right into my lamp.

An elemental trying to escape will be drawn to a container of an appropriate nature. If there is no container, then it will either flee or dissipate and reappear elsewhere. A container can be created by choosing an appropriate receptacle for the element (such as a waterskin for Water). Once the elemental has entered the container, its magical essence will be retained. One who thus captures an elemental will have power over it to use as he pleases.

Sweet, so weakened elementals just bind themselves to items automatically? Well, I’m off to make another magic item.

Are you certain you don’t wish to hear about the other two?

Nope! See ya later!

I heard the gusty Air Elemental has a tempestuous relationship with his own twister. They had a whirlwind affair, but it’s winding down, if you catch my drift.

Wait, “twister?” How does that—oh, god damn it, Keapon. Look, I’m only here because I heard you could tell me what to do with the air elemental.

If you’re led to behead an airhead, don’t let him lead the chase. Glue his shoes with goo, Blue, and throw mud in his face. It’s fair to snare the air, there, then put him in his place.

Throw mud? Is that another expression?

Nope. You gotta throw mud, Bud. If you have a dearth of earth, that’s worth my mirth, but I do have some Fooler’s Earth in stock.

What do you do with Fooler’s Earth?

It’s used to make dark stains on light clothes. If you need it to ground old Blowhard, it’s yours for a song. Dust in the Wind. All you need is dust in the wind.
*Keapon hands you a pot of dirt.*
(You can also get some from the plant merchant outside. Like the incense, you get the dirt for free.)

Great. It’s…not going to explode or anything, will it?

It stains the grains (of clothes, that is), but for magic it’s tragic.

Oh, and one other thing. Do you know what a good place to keep the air elemental would be?

Go find a fellow who’ll loan you his bellows. And if you can’t play, just take them away, Jay.

Hey, what a coincidence, I just happen to have a set of bellows on me. It certainly isn't a set of revenge bellows. Goodbye.

Before you flee, the dervish of the desert sent a Bedouin to my boudoir, and I hear he needs a hero for to help him bait a beast. You have to watch the old codger—he’s being cagey, but dervish is my command.
Somehow I knew the two craziest people around would know each other.

Hey, cyclone! Taste ground!
I usually get the best results by aiming at the black center. Make sure to lead your shots, though. Also, for anyone who can’t be bothered to throw, you can actually walk up to the cyclone and stand in it for a short time, at which point you can simply drop the dirt and trap the elemental. I don’t know if there’s a minimum stat requirement, however; it could be dangerous if there is, but Nike was able to stand in the center without taking damage. Finally, wizards can use Levitate to hover above the elemental's range and drop the dirt in from above. You'd think this would make it annoying, since the thing wanders the plaza randomly, but it seems that this was accounted for, and the air elemental will wander much more frequently under you when Levitate is on.

Time to reap the whirlwind.

*You capture the Air Elemental in the bellows and proudly put them away.*

Wow, you guys sure know how to set up shop in a hurry.

My carpets nearly went flying by the force of the wind. But for your bravery, there would be little left here that was not blown away. Our people are in your debt.

You have the gratitude of the Katta.

Enough gratitude to give me that pin I was looking at before?

Not quite that much gratitude.
