Part 61: Reaching Out to Your Enemies
Chapter 13: Reaching Out to Your Enemies
QfG3 Manual posted:
"F. E. here. The lure of the jungle is the siren's call to every Explorer.
You never know just what you will find there. One time I was hacking my way
through some heavy underbrush when I came across this lost city inhabited by
apes and ruled by a beautiful woman. Naturally, when she saw me, she fell
instantly in love. After all, the rest of the guys around there were pretty
big, smelly, and hairy. Jealous, too. I barely got away by the skin of my,
well, let's just say that I learned an important lesson."

This is the magic staff in action. While it’s out, I can cast any spell (except for Trigger) at no cost, but I unfortunately can’t move without it disappearing and it desummons once close combat starts. Still, it’s a handy way to make your mana stretch, since the stuff doesn’t replenish completely overnight.

Initiation Ritual (also plays for the storyteller’s stories)

Crowd: Sijambo, bwana.

Crowd: We will listen.

It is all the truth.
Listen and learn.
Crowd: We will listen.

A proud people.
A people with the wealth of the land and their cattle.
A people with a Spear of Death.
One day, a thief came into the village and stole this Spear of Death.
Crowd: We will listen.

He stole the pride of the people.
He stole the honor of the people.
He stole the wealth of the people.
This thief showed the people that they had an enemy. There cannot be peace as long as you have an enemy.
Crowd: We will listen.

Now the people see the enemy in every stranger.
Now the people have lost the great wealth of peace.
Now the people call out for war.
They call upon their friends to join them in war.
They call out at the enemy to meet them in war.
But the enemy does not speak.
Crowd: We will listen.

The people go to war against an enemy they cannot hear.
The people go to war against an enemy they do not know.
Who will win this war?
The people do not know.
The people know that without the spear, there be no wealth.
The people know that without the spear, there be no peace.
The people know that without the spear, there be an enemy.
Crowd: We will listen.

The people will fight the enemy and they will lose.
That is always the way when there be an enemy.
That is always the way when there be war.
That be the story that I found.
Crowd: We listen and learn.

Crowd: We will remember.
*The crowd breaks up, and everyone goes back to their huts to sleep.*

Caged Leopardman

*The Leopardman just glares at you.*

Eastern Fricana
This is the single most dangerous screen in the game, particularly at night. The plot never actually demands that you walk over this way on your own, so I’ll just stick all the combat stuff in here.

QfG3 Manual posted:
Amusing and Mostly Harmless Creatures
Monkeys: Arboreal mammals with puerile senses of humor, monkeys do their
best to enliven the dull day of even the lowliest Explorer with such
amusements as dropping overripe mangos on the traveler's head, leaving
banana peels on the path of the unwary wanderer, and sneaking into the
camp of the exhausted Explorer and making off with his traveler's cheques.

It’s hard to see, but Manu’s moved up to the branch on the top right.

Right here we have a random encounter with a Leopardman. Don’t worry, though, because apparently all the random encounter Leopardmen are “rogue,” and don’t count against your peace efforts. They can only be encountered in the two jungle screens at night, and are seen here during the day because the encounter table doesn’t reset unless you change screens. Also, unlike every other monster in this game, the Leopardman will keep his distance, preferring to cast spells rather than close to combat screen distance. Fortunately, the Reversal spell works perfectly against the shapechanger’s spells, and while it doesn’t actually cause damage to them, it does give you enough time to kill him at range with your own spells. Also, the fighter/paladin has that shield given by the sultan which reflects spells; if you click it on the hero, he will also bounce spells, although you still need to close the distance or throw stones to kill him between casts.

…You could also just close the range anyway, at which point his attacks cycle between bites, claws, and spells.
QfG3 Manual posted:
Definitely Not Quite As Amusing and Even Rather Harmful Creatures
Shapechangers: These are members of jungle tribes having the magical ability
to take on certain aspects of an animal and transform into a combination of
human and animal. The type of animal depends upon the totem of a particular
village. Some tribes, like those that assume the aspects of the Bushbaby,
are pleasant to encounter. Others, like those that assume aspects of the
Python, Warthog, or Leopard, are best avoided. All know magic and use
spells to defend their territory from all outsiders. Shapechanger villages
are extremely hard to discover since they are generally magically concealed.

Right here we have the apeman, who, in spite of the name, really just seems to be a particularly tan (swarthy?) fellow with heavy eyebrow ridges. The apeman is only encountered in the second jungle screen.

Rock on, apeman, rock on. Something else to note is that, along with the crocs and the Leopardmen, the apemen carry money in their loincloths, usually between 5-10 royals each. Crocs will also carry this much if you find them in the jungle, in spite of not being much harder to kill.
QfG3 Manual posted:
Definitely Not Quite As Amusing and Even Rather Harmful Creatures
Apemen: While it is not clear if these are apes ascending to men or men
descending to apes, Apemen combine the brute strength and toughness of the
anthropoid with the stupidity and cantankerousness of the humanoid.

The last of the jungle monsters is this, the demon worm. These are only encountered at night on the second jungle screen, and rarely at that. Most other monsters identify themselves with a warning cry, but all you get from the worm is a shaking screen and a pile of dirt as the demonic thing slowly burrows towards you.

Battle part 2
It also makes a really creepy noise when you hit it.
QfG3 Manual posted:
Creatures From Which You'd Best Run Away
Demon Worms: Legends are told from the Mijikenda on down of the big monster
they call "Utakufa" (You will die). Since no one who has ever actually
seen this thing has ever lived to tell about it, rumors are sketchy. It
is supposed to burrow underground after its prey and spring up out of the
earth at the last moment. Most famous Explorers discard such naive native
narratives as pure poppycock.

I would also like to add that, fire aside, the safest way to sleep in the wild is over the corpse of a fallen enemy. Quest for Glory is incapable of spawning two monsters onto the same screen.