Part 67: Investigating the Cause
Chapter 19: Investigating the Cause
QfG3 Manual posted:
Demons: Demons are not native to this region. In fact, they are not native
to this world. They enter our world through magical gates to spread chaos
and desolation upon everything. The gates are opened by means of negative
energy released through death or destruction. Such gates are usually
temporary unless sustained by a "Gate Orb" -- a magical device that draws
magic and negative energy from the air in order to maintain a gate.
Demons are resistant to fire and damage from non-magical weapons. They may
be highly intelligent and magic-using (Demon Wizards), or just stupid and
tough (Dumb Demons), but all Demons are dangerous.
The Lost City
I appear to have been exceptionally lucky in eluding the guard so far. That may very well be the mural I need to enter the central chambers.
If you waste time on this screen, an apeman will show up and attack you. If you try to leave this screen, an apeman will show up and attack you. If you’re not hidden when the patrolling apeman comes back, he will attack you. It’s actually a pretty good way to get in some last-second training, plus you get to watch the bodies pile up.
Aha, it appears as though there is a recess within the eye socket. Now I just need a “glowing stone.” Wait, what about the opal I received from the meerbats so long ago?
Once again, if you did not do this earlier, the game has accounted for your mistake. If you are a wizard or a thief, the large stone statue above and to the right of the door will have the gem in its eye, while the fighter and the paladin (if I’m not remembering wrong) will simply discover the gem in place already.

It is time to enter the den of evil itself.
Frik and Frak (Because Every Good Villan Needs a Pair of Dunderheads)

*The door shuts itself behind you.*

Dis gets real boring, ya know dat, Frak?
*Frak seems to nod his head.*

All we ever get to do is guard de door. Big deal. Nobody can get to dis door for us to beat up. Boring.
*Frak nods again.*

All de other guys gets to beat up de apes but us. We gotta guard de door. We never get no fun. It sucks.
*Frak’s head nods in agreement.*

All I want is sometin to beat up a bit and bite de head off. Is that too much ta ask for, I ask ya?
*Frak keeps nodding. He must be the strong, silent type. Then again, he might just be the very stupid type.*
At this point, the encounter can go one of two ways. As a wizard, you can cast Calm to pacify the demons and Open on the door to bypass them, and as a thief you can simply sneak past and pick to door open (don’t forget to oil the hinges). If that happens, all Frik says is this:

Boring. Boring. Boring. Dis job is da pits. Da prisoner never tries ta excape since da last time I beat it up, and nobody gets past da guards below ta get ta us. I tell ya, it’s boring.
*Frak nods sadly in agreement.*
If, however, you’re a paladin…

Hey, butt and ugly! Let’s dance!

Did dat sound like a noise ta you? It sounded like a noise ta me.
*Frak nods.*

Hey, are you guys going to turn around or what?

Slow down, buddy. We’re tinkin’.

Oh, sorry. I’ll wait.

Now, what could make a noise like dat? A mouse? Na, we ate all the mouses.
*Frak nods.*

Da prisoner? Na. All she does is snarl if ya rough her up.
*Frak nods.*

Da door? Na. We’re guarding da door.
*Frak nods.*

An intruder about to wipe the floor with a pair of demons?

Na. Nobody could get past da guards downstairs.
*Frak nods.*

I give up. Wadda ya say we look?
*Frak nods.*

Well, wadda ya know? It was a intrudder! And looky, I gots a human to crush, kill, destroy. You go gets da guys while I gets de guts. It’s clobberin’ time!

Apparently Quest for Glory 3 is not, in fact, a Saturday morning cartoon, and we will never see Frik here alive again.

You…you’re not a demon. Who are you? How did you get here?

My name is Nike von Slartibartfast. I’ve come to stop the demon wizard. Are you Reeshaka?

My name is Reeshaka dar Kreesha. How did you know who I am?

I’m friends with your—

Greetings, human. My master sends his regrets, but he is too busy to speak with you right now. I have taken over the body of this creature. All harm done to me will harm her, and she is the daughter of my master’s enemy, Rakeesh. Now I shall destroy you, and you shall destroy her. I shall win both ways.

Or I could throw a dispel potion on you.

You can also fight the demon normally. Reeshaka collapses the same either way, but again, you get more points for doing it the right way.
Each of the people who show up get a part of their personal theme played as they walk in.





Rakeesh! How did Kreesha manage to follow me so close to the Gate Orb? And how could she cast a Portal spell so—


By the power within and without, may you be healed!

Kreesha opened a portal as soon as she could locate Nike here. We came as soon as we could. Your friends didn’t want you to face the danger alone.

Even Harami?

Hey, don’t look at me. I’m no hero. I just came ‘cause I didn’t want to stay in Tarna. I ain’t fighting no demons.

The prophecy I had from the temple of Sekhmet said that five from very different lives will stand beside each other to face the darkness.

I heard something similar from Sekhmet myself.

It is good that you are prepared, then. Reeshaka, will you fight at the side of Nike von Slartibartfast?

Of course, Rakeesh my father.

I am sorry, my friend, for if Harami doesn’t stand by your side, I fear that the prophecy cannot be fulfilled.

It’s mostly just a recommendation anyway, right? We won’t all die if four don’t follow me, right?

You’re the wizard, Nike. But I fear for our cause if we don’t have a prophecy on our side.

No way. No way I face a demon.

Uhura and I must stay here to stand off the demons that are trying to follow you, so we cannot join you. It seems you must try with only three following you.

Manu! You came?

Manu here. Manu come. Help man-friend. Not let bad things get man-friend.

Then the prophecy is fulfilled, and four different friends now follow where Nike leads.

A monkey? That’s supposed to fight demons? Give me a break. How is a monkey supposed to help?

What, you want to take his place?

Manu very brave. Manu fight bad things. Manu help man-friend.

Harami, never reject the offer of friendship and help. Manu here has great courage and loyalty, and with that he will aid our friend well. The way you must all go lies through that blocked door. I sense powerful demonic magic behind there, so be careful. By the power within and without, that door shall open!

Go quickly! The demons are trying to get in here. Uhura and I will fight them off!

Kwa heri, Nike. Kwa herini, all of you.
Reeshaka dar Kreesha (with The Mirror Room and Desperate Battle) The third part of this track has my favorite combat music from the entire game.
*You find yourself drawn to the mirror at the opposite end of the room.*

*Crash x5*
This is the hardest combat in the entire series, mostly because it is impossible to win. Your dark mirror clone has the same equipment and combat abilities as the hero himself, and only takes damage down to the level of the hero’s own current hit points.

There’s no way you could possibly win (believe me, I’ve tried), but there’s a reason for that.

Because it’s someone else’s turn to be the hero.

I’ll fight this fucker. You gotta run!

Harami?! How’d you even get in here?

These things can’t really be defeated until you take out the demon wizard.

How would you even know that?

Rakeesh told me. Now take these pills I borrowed and make like a hero and save the day!


Not the fucking time! Run!

Sage advice, if not from a sage. I need to get up that staircase.