Part 68: Solving the Problem
Chapter 20: Solving the Problem
QfG3 Manual posted:
Concluding Caveats
"F. E. again. Well, that's about all you need to know to be a Famous
Explorer around here. It's been good talking to you. Don't get much of a
chance to talk much anymore. Seems no one wants to listen. Why, I well
recall the time..."
Just so you know, I built the paladin up to full Honor points, and so got the last two abilities, which cover the following:
QfG3 Manual posted:
Sense Danger: After the Paladin has continued pursuing good activities for
some time this ability will automatically give the Paladin advance warning
if danger is present.
Honor Shield: When a Paladin has performed many deeds of great heroism he
is surrounded by magical protection whenever the Flaming Sword is ignited.
The Flaming Sword will now incinerate certain magical attacks intended for
the Paladin.
World Gate
*You are almost overwhelmed by your sense of danger here.*

So you made it past my guardians, little pawn. I have been waiting for you.

Vile monster! You don’t belong in this world!

So? It belongs to me. You know, it was I who stole both the drum and the spear. When you returned them, you played right into my hands. You helped bring all the pieces together at your stupid peace conference. I had but to possess and make my move with the Leopardmen leader.

Oh yeah? Well you can’t gloat when you’re dead!

You cannot stop me! Thanks to you, my enemy Rakeesh is in disgrace. My minions will soon finish with him and your other worthless friends, just as my armies will soon drown this land in a sea of blood.

Nuh uh. You’ve failed, demon wizard. I am a paladin, like my mentor before me.

Be quiet and die to my magic.

Wait, do I have to fight him this time? I don’t think the demon wizard is casting anything, so maybe I’m allowed to kill him this time.

Ha! Your stupid stone thing is dead, wizard!

So stone will not stop you. Then try my fire!

Ha ha, I got a magic shield and you don’t! Wait, that gives me an idea.


Creature of Stone,
Hear my command!
Capture that human
With your cold hand!

Hey, no fair! It’s supposed to be dead!

And yet it is not. Now I can destroy you at my leisure.

Not with my sword through your goddamn face!

Are you seriously throwing your sword at me?

Look at this thing, the work of mortals. What did you think you could accomplish by throwing a sword at me?

A PALADIN sword.

No. NO!
Fighters have no paladin sword to throw, so what ends up happening is that Yesufu will give the hero the Spear of Death for this moment. It lives up to the name.

Serves you right, you son of a bitch.
You have done well so far, paladin. Now free me and I shall be your servant.

What? Who’s there? Is that you, demon wizard?
Set me free. I shall be yours.

Is that you, glowing orb? Should I…should I touch you?
Yes! Touch me and I shall be free! Touch me and I will forever be yours!

Hell no! I’m gonna knock you into that portal-thing!

Hey, the wizard got sucked in with my sword! Oh well, at least it’s all over now.

Our plan worked, Lord! Even now, our enemy Rakeesh is in disgrace and the liontaur warriors march out from Tarna. The Simbani idiots and the Leopardmen fools will all avenge their murdered leaders. And they will all blame Rakeesh and each other, not dreaming it is our doing! My armies of demons and apemen stand ready and waiting to attack the warring liontaurs, Simbani, and Leopardmen when they are at their weakest. With the magic released from the deaths of so many beings, I can open the gate once more, and allow you to enter this world, my Lord.
Hurry. I grow impatient to again taste the power of killing things.

The orb is still weak from the amount of energy it took to possess the Leopardmen chief before the peace conference. It took great skill to kill the Simbani Laibon without anyone realizing the Leopardmen chief was possessed.
Fool! Restore the Orb’s power immediately!

Yes, my Lord! I will start the ritual right away.
Holy shit, they didn’t see me! Now’s my chance!


Hmm? Is that you, meddling human? I see I shall have to dispose of you myself.
I don’t have a good shot at the Orb from over here. I have to get closer.
Look above you, fool! That meddling human is going right over your head.

So, you have escaped from my trap. Perhaps destroying you will be more interesting than I thought.

Oh crap. I need to get to that other pillar.


Ha! You think you are above my wrath? Let us see how high you can walk without that rope!

…Why isn’t it burning through?

Because Rashid makes the finest ropes throughout the land. You think a little fire is going to stop me?

Fine then, I shall set the other pillar on fire!

Uh oh. I didn’t think of that.

The pillar may be burning, but I’ve finally got a good angle.

Here, catch!

A grapnel? What good do you think that will do you?



*Fall* *Knock*

At last, it’s finally over and I can take a break. Now how the heck do I get down from here?

Our plan worked, Lord! Even now, our enemy Rakeesh is in disgrace and the liontaur warriors march out from Tarna. The Simbani idiots and the Leopardmen fools will all avenge their murdered leaders. And they will all blame Rakeesh and each other, not dreaming it is our doing! My armies of demons and apemen stand ready and waiting to attack the warring liontaurs, Simbani, and Leopardmen when they are at their weakest. With the magic released from the deaths of so many beings, I can open the gate once more, and allow you to enter this world, my Lord.
Hurry. I grow impatient to again taste the power of killing things.

The orb is still weak from the amount of energy it took to possess the Leopardmen chief before the peace conference. It took great skill to kill the Simbani Laibon without anyone realizing the Leopardmen chief was possessed.
Fool! Restore the Orb’s power immediately!

Yes, my Lord! I will start the ritual right away.

Hey, demon wizard! Meet Force Bolt!

…He barely even noticed. Lovely.

So, you have escaped from my trap. Perhaps destroying you will be more interesting than I thought. Flame Dart!

Oh crap! Reversal!

Gah! But Reversal only works against direct attacks. Floor of fire, enflame this fool!

Not again!

I can take the pain this time. Calm!

Pillar of Stone,
Heed my command!
Gargoyle, come forth,
Destroy that man!
You could engage the gargoyle in normal combat, much like the warrior/paladin. You could also fail at it:

Or you could do this:


So you have defeated my minion. Enough of this foolishness! Now I shall summon my Lord. He shall deal with you personally. He’ll enjoy that.

You’re just angry because you lost. I, on the other hand, am just getting started. Summon Staff!

You think that worthless piece of wood can harm ME?

This “worthless piece of wood” happens to be a gift granted by the very Heart of this World! Force Bolt!

Augh! Now you have truly earned my wrath!


What? No! Let go! Gah, his spell is too strong!

Ha! Now I have your staff. You are defenseless against me! Foolish human, you have given me the tool I need. I shall use your magical staff to open the gate.

Aw, crap.

You should think before you act, demon “wizard.” I still have one spell capable of harming you.

Oh? And what’s that?


My personal favorite ending.

I sure hope the Gate Orb doesn’t absorb this. Force Bolt!


I did it. I won. Ha ha, I won!
End Game

Man-friend! Man-friend! Happy, happy, you come back! Man-friend come back!

Welcome back, my friend.

Habari, hero.

You made it, huh?

The demons were drawn back into their own world when you closed off the World Gate. This land, and all its people, are safe, thanks to you.

Mzuri, Nike. I not be knowing how much longer Rakeesh and I hold off the demons. A good fight, much better when over.

You are a good man to be fighting at my side, friend.

Now my people and the cow people will have peace because of you, hero. I’ll name Yesufu’s son for you.


You said you wanted to marry me. I accept.

Good luck to both of you, then.

It is an honor to meet and serve you, friend.

Man-friend very brave.

You did good, kid.

Please don’t call me—wait, what’s happening?
Ever wonder what narm looks like?

This is dark magic!
This is the one and only time the character’s name is used inside the game. Since the final two games are voiced, it is also the last time you will ever see a character speak the hero’s name.

(This time we mean it)

As you can see, I didn’t bother spending the time to max out all the stats this time, and neither did I manage to get a full 500 score. But don’t worry, because all three files I’m using for QfG4 will have maxed stats (or close enough to them).
A couple parting words before we go: something I neglected to mention earlier is that it is entirely possible for a fighter (and only a fighter this time) to become a paladin in this game. All you need to do is get your honor up high enough (140, if I’m not mistaken), and Rakeesh will perform a small ceremony for you just before the peace conference starts. Also, in case you were wondering, my preferred time for grinding is just after the prisoner is captured by the Simbani. At that point in the game, nothing happens that you don’t initiate and no random encounters in the wilderness will lead you back into the plot, making it a great time to just wander around and kill stuff.
And at the end we're left with a surprisingly interesting credits sequence.

Coming up soon: Quest for Glory 4: Shadows of Darkness (I still think that’s a goofy name).