Part 92: Bonus 2 (by Ze Pollack): Prince Nike
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Hey! Clear the way in the old Bazaar!

Let us through!
It's a bright new star!

Be the first on your block to meet his eye!

Ring bells! Bang the drums!

Hero of Shapeir
Genuflect, show some respect
Down on one knee!
Now, try your best to stay calm.
Brush up your sunday salaam!
Then come and hear his spectacular list of deeds!

Mighty is he!
Von Slartibartfast
Strong as ten regular men, definitely!

He can climb a high cliff in a sandstorm.
In the desert he walks worry-free.
He returns those who're cursed to their old form.

He's a heroing prodigy!

(He's pretty scary, pretty scary)

(A tricky one, a cunning one)

(Glad to work for him)

Their fountain to guess who's lore?

Heroic he! Von Slartibartifast
Heard our land was in a bind tragic to see
And that, good people, is why
He hitched a ride and dropped by
With mighty muscles, a bright shiny sword
With sneaky fingers, a good head, and more
Things were getting worse and we needed a person
It's generally awesome to be
Make way for Prince Nike!