Part 11: The Valkyrie
Our current mission is to meet up with an informant in Lazvil Hills. Upon entering, we're hit with some dialog.Music: Beyond the Wilderness

This is the same place we've already trekked through too many times. There's only one interesting thing between us and our destination.

You may remember this cave. There was a soldier trapped behind some rocks the last time we were here, but we didn't have the means to rescue him.

That's not a problem for us anymore! Unfortunately...

Record in White Chronicle
We'll need to come back here sooner if we want to save his life. Let's make a quick detour to do that now, then. Our destination is the node: The Closed Mine.

"When Granorg invaded, I hid here, and the rain started a mudslide! I've been trapped here ever since! Let me thank you for saving my life!"
Obtained Right-Cut Scroll!
"Thank you so much!"
We technically could have done this subquest sooner, but that would have meant rescuing him without discovering the body first, so I decided to delay it.
We now have one of Marco's Sword Scrolls, so let's head back to A New Mission and learn a new skill!

"In return, I'll teach you a special technique!"

"Anytime you're ready!"
The screen fades to black, and we hear sounds of combat.

Marco learned "Right Assault".
"If you find another Technique Scroll, bring it to me."
As you can probably guess, there's also a scroll for Left Assault. It's really nice for Marco to know these skills since he's a lot weaker than Stocke, so you don't have to waste Stocke's turn moving enemies around, and you can use him to hit the enemies once they're already in a pile.
Okay, that's enough of that detour. Back to Lazvil Hills.


Kiel and Rosch step forward to greet the others, and a man steps out of the shadows to address Stocke.

"Lieutenant Stocke? I'm--"

Heiss' Messenger: Ah, I thought I'd managed to blend into the army quite well. Impressive. I suppose men like us have a sixth sense for our own kind.

Heiss' Messenger: What's with the dirty look? Didn't anyone tell you not to kill the messenger? I don't want any trouble.

Heiss' Messenger: I have a message from Heiss. "...It's about time you came back. Play time's over." "If you don't... You'll suffer the same fate as that brigade." ...That is all.

Heiss' Messenger: That's for you to figure out. Like I said, I'm just the messenger. And I'm impartial.

Heiss' Messenger: ......

Heiss' Messenger: Wait, I have one more duty to perform here. I'm to tell your unit the details concerning the next leg of the mission.

Heiss' Messenger: Your destination is the Sand Fortress. Upon arrival, you are to join ranks with Viola's unit under her command.

Heiss' Messenger: If you'll excuse me.
The messenger leaves.

Rosch rejoins the rest of the soldiers, and Stocke turns to face Raynie and Marco.

Rosch is removed from our party, and we head for Judgement Cliff to chase Heiss' messenger. Now is a good time to run back to Alistel for a quick stay at the Inn, if it's needed.

This is the same place we went through to get to the Sand Fortress in the Standard History, so the terrain isn't noteworthy. There is an interesting enemy here, though.

These Cactus Blows have ridiculous defense and will only take 1hp of damage, no matter what attack we use. We could sit here for 10 minutes and whittle its HP down, but a much better solution is to poison it. It'll take about 30hp of damage each turn, and drop to 1hp within two or three turns. Other than that, Judgement Cliff is totally uninteresting.

Heiss' Messenger: I've got no reason to tell you...
Stocke draws his sword.
Heiss' Messenger: You guys wouldn't be thinking of trying to kill me here, would you?

Heiss' Messenger: Well, I'm glad things turned out this way, honestly. I wasn't allowed to make the first move. You intrigue me, Stocke. You're the best we've got in Specint, and Heiss favors you... We're both members... Why should you be the one who gets all the special treatment?

Heiss' Messenger: What, you actually think he'd tell me? ...Besides. This way, I get to test out your skill firsthand... ...And if you end up dead, I'll just report that your ability had its limits after all.
Boss: Shadow
Music: Edge of Green

The Shadow is a pretty easy boss fight. On his first turn he creates a Heal Zone on the center space of the battlefield. If he starts his turn on that space, he'll recover some HP, so we want to move him. I choose to use Marco's Grapple to pull him forward a space, since he'll take more damage in the front row. His attacks aren't terribly dangerous, so there's no reason to push him back.
Once he's off the space, I arrange my turns into this order. You may think it's best to put all of Stocke's turns in a row at the end of the combo, since he does the most damage, but that's not actually the best plan. Every time a new character uses a skill during a combo, the counter increases by one, and then increases again when they attack. So the more you switch characters during a combo, the bigger your combo gets. For example, if Stocke attacks twice in a row, your combo will be at 2, but if Stocke attacks and then Marco attacks, your combo will reach 3. So by alternating characters, we get a bigger combo, and more powerful attacks.
The only condition for this extra increase other than character alternating is that at least every other character uses a skill. If Stocke attacks, Raynie uses a skill, and then Marco attacks, our combo will be at 5. If Stocke uses a skill and then Raynie and Marco attack, Raynie's attack will bring the combo up by 2 points, but Marco's will only increase it by one, leaving us with a combo of 4. If Marco were to use a skill in this situation though, the combo would end up at 6.

Getting a big combo and dealing lots of damage is not only useful, but it's very satisfying as well. Understanding how the combo system works is important for getting crazy combos and dealing mad damage. A couple of combos like this will take the Shadow out with no pain.
As for the Shadow's attacks, he can poison you and he can petrify you, but he doesn't succeed very often. He's really not a very dangerous opponent.
Beating this boss brought Stocke to level 14, teaching him Resurrection. I always look forward to learning revive spells in RPGs, because I hate to use items that are even remotely rare or expensive, which applies to revives in a lot of games. That's not really the case with Radiant Historia, but that doesn't stop me from hoarding my items anyway.

Heiss' Messenger: But as long as you are, your little brigade will always be in danger...

Heiss' Messenger: ...Didn't I tell you? Heiss wants to keep you under his thumb. But Specint is in no position to overturn a personnel request from Lt. General Raul himself. That's why when the time is right, Major Rosch is going to take a little spill. If he goes down now that you've been pulled from Specint, it'll give Heiss the advantage... Haha... You'd best come back on your own accord if you don't want things to get messy...

Heiss' Messenger: Well, this scheme has yet another major player... Someone who doesn't want to see Rosch getting too big for his britches... ...You must know who I'm referring to.

Heiss' Messenger: That's all I know... Now do you understand the danger of supporting Rosch...? If you want to survive, heed my advice... It's for your own--
The screen flashes white

????: Be gone.
Music: To the Battlefield

Heiss' Messenger: Wh-What is this!? I'm being drained...! Ahhh! Arghhhhh! Aaaaghhhh!
The soldier begins to glow black, and...

The screen fades out, and we rejoin Rosch and the brigade.

The soldiers begin marching toward Judgement Cliff, and we return from the same direction.

Stocke and Rosch turn away from the others.

Rosch turns back to the others.

Rosch rejoins our party and we set out for the Sand Fortress. For once the game is nice enough to let us skip over Judgement Cliff and just go right there.
Music: Machinist Kingdom

There's a brief silence as Stocke completely ignores Kiel. He doesn't even give the kid an ellipsis.

Rosch enters the fortress and we follow.

"Yes, what is it?"

"Major, the Field Marshal has no personal quarters here. Everyone sleeps and eats together, regardless of rank. Those are the rules."

"I believe she's on this floor, just a little further down. I'll escort you. Please follow me."

"She's in here. Please excuse me, Major."
The soldier leaves, and we enter the nearby door.

Rosch turns to us.

Rosch leaves our party again, and we automatically go back to the entrance.

"We are currently asking all squad leaders to check in with status updates."

"A strategy meeting the moment we arrive? This really is the frontline, isn't it?"

The men leave.

There's an awkward silence.

There's some stuff to do around the fortress before we speak with Rosch, but our first destination will be the room he's in. We need to speak with Viola.

We run across this guy on our way to Viola.
"He wouldn't stop crying when I had to go on duty. He wouldn't let go. It's kind of cute, but at the same time, I wish he'd toughen up a bit. Haha."
This guy doesn't have any task for us or anything, but it's worth remembering him.


Alright, she knows we want the book now, so we should be able to come pick it up later. Talking to Rosch just starts the next plot point, so let's go up to the second floor of the fortress before we do that.

There's a free inn here on the second floor, in the Rosch Brigade's room. There's also a node right by here, so we can come here whenever we want for free healing.

The Sand Fortress has a lot of empty nooks and crannies blocked off by heavy crates. There's nothing for us back here, though. I guess the boxes are just for looks. v

"The Prophet Noah is on our side!"
One thing you'll notice if you're talking to all the NPCs (which I haven't been showing for length concerns) is that everyone puts a lot of faith in the Prophet Noah. Most of the NPCs in Alistel talk about how incredible he is, and a lot soldiers talk about how we couldn't possibly lose the war, because we have the Prophet Noah on our side. I'm bringing this up because I feel like the Prophet Noah's incredible importance to the citizens of Alistel is an important bit of world-building.
Anyway, you may notice Kiel standing right behind this guy. We've got some free time before our next mission, so maybe we can get him to teach us some fancy sword dancing stuff.

Note that while Stocke specifically mentions the other timeline here, we can still learn sword dancing from Kiel if we haven't been told to yet. Stocke just mentions that learning sword dancing could be useful.


The power of "Strike" was increased! With Stocke's improved skills, he can destroy some obstacles.
Learning sword dancing didn't just free up the other timeline, it also allows us to cut down thick vines. There are one or two treasures behind vines in Lazvil Hills, so we can pick those up next time the game needlessly forces us to trek through there again.
And we've done everything we can do at the Sand Fortress, so let's head down to get our next assignment from Rosch.

We cut away to our brigade's sleeping quarters.
Music: To the Future that Awaits Ahead

Rosch, Kiel and Stocke walk into frame.

"So... We're just on guard duty?"

"Yes, Sir! Please excuse my blunder!"

Meanwhile, outside the Gran Plain exit of the Sand Fortress...

Viola and her troops march into Gran Plain, and the screen pans down to our party, standing by the Sand Fortress' northern doorway.

A soldier suddenly comes running into the room.
"Captain! Reports are coming in of a large number of injured troops returning here!"

"Field Marshal Viola seems to be having a difficult time dealing with High Colonel Dias, Sir. Granorg is using explosives, and our side is sustaining heavy casualties!"

Send reinforcements

Music: To the Battlefield
The Rosch Brigade sent a portion of its men to assist Field Marshal Viola's troops. The detatchment led by Stocke flanked High Colonel Dias with a brilliant tactical ambush. Shocked, High Colonel Dias had no choice but to sound his retreat. But the trap he had set was already in motion. Granorg was also using a detachment force to reclaim the Sand Fortress. Rosch fought bravely with his limited numbers, but he was quickly overpowered. The Alistel army was left stranded in Granorg territory.
"Front of Despair"
Music: The Melody Connecting the World


While making rounds, something catches Stocke's eye...

Upon noticing Stocke staring at him, the soldier runs in the opposite direction.

Stocke, Raynie and Marco chase the soldier.

Rosch turns to the nearby generic soldier.

"Sir, yes, Sir!"

Rosch and Kiel catch up with us outside the fortress.

There's a loud sound and the screen shakes a bit.
Music: Impending Crisis


"Enemy attack, Sir! The Fortress is breached! They must have advanced in the dead of night! We estimate that they're about 300 strong!"

"Enemy spies set up bombs, Sir! They're using the chaos to pour into the Fortress!"

We quickly return to the fortress. The stairs are blocked by debris, and the whole place is on fire.

"The stairs are blocked... According to reports, there were five explosions. That means the upper floors might..."

"What--!? Then at this rate, our army will be...!"
There's a bright flash, and...
Music: The Melody Connecting the World

I love how Stocke reacts to being told about invisible bombs. He's not surprised, or concerned about how to deal with them, he just plainly states what a pain in the ass this whole situation is.

Looks like we can't proceed down this timeline any more. Next time we'll return to the Standard History and rejoin the traveling entertainers. Look forward to it!