Part 31: Changing Fate
Quick recap for those of you who are still here.We're currently in the Standard History, and we're about to head to Granorg with Eruca to take it back. To do this we plan to enlist the help of the Gutrals, but we needed the Beast Mark to do so. To get a Beast Mark we needed to go deep into the Holf Ruins and defeat another giant spider.
We got the Beast Mark with a Brilliant 44-hit combo last time, and now we're going to see what happens next.
Music: Shadows Dance in the Darkness

A node appears, so we're able to save before making this important decision. I'm really thankful for this, because it would be awful to have to go back through the dungeon to get the bad ending and then continue with the story.
After saving, we speak to Bergas and tell him we've made our decision.

Lead the way

Music: Rebellion

We cut to Stocke running through the Granorg palace.

Stocke cuts down a soldier and runs.

Stocke headed to Granorg without waiting for the arrival of the Gutrals. Having gotten as far as the palace, Stocke believed that all was going according to plan. Instead, he walked into Dias' trap. They saw no soldiers in the city only because the palace was to be the stage of the ambush. The palace gates closed behind them, and the onslaught of an entire army surged forth... Stocke and his allies were truly trapped like rats in a cage...
"Premature Invasion"
Music: The Melody Connecting the World

Music: Shadows Dance in the Darkness

A few days later...

Music: Impending Crisis

There's a flash, and...

Alright, let's get to it. But first, let's stop by Vainqueur's place and teach Eruca her last skill.
Eruca learned Holy Light.

Vainqueur: Things may be tough now, but don't give up. The future still has hope.
Holy Light revives all fallen allies and restores most of their HP. It's extremely useful if Eruca is the last person standing in your party, but she isn't very durable so that doesn't really happen very often. A pretty good spell, nonetheless.
Music: The Melody Connecting the World

This happens the first time you go to Historia after obtaining the Beast Mark.

Stocke glows white, and then black.
The power of Mana Burst has been strengthened.

White Chronicle
The new Mana Bursts are sometimes useful, and mostly interesting to look at, so I'll put together a video of them and type up explanations later. For now, let's head to Granorg.
We head for the node Castle Sewers. We have important story things to do here, but we've also got an important sidequest, which we'll get out of the way first.
Music: Forever Proud

Handed over the Letter to Liese

Leave it to her

Music: Rebellion

"Go, go! Drive the damn Beastkind off the continent!"
Elm: Rise up, my brothers! Don't give those humans an inch!

"It's a Gutral! Those are the bastards that killed the guard captain! We'll never forgive you! Chaaaaaarge!"

Liese and the Guard Captain never saw each other. He died in Abyssia Forest. The search party that found him assumed that the Gutrals killed him, sparking a war. As time passed, the rift between humans and Beastkind widened irreparably. Conflicts between the two would arise again and again...
"Chains of Hatred"
Music: The Melody Connecting the World

Music: Forever Proud

Let's go talk to the guard captain and see how it went.

"She told me you were the one who talked her into it!"

"She promised to visit me every time she was in the city! I owe you one, so take this with my thanks!"
Obtained Promised Knife.
"Thank you so much!"
The Promised Knife has a pretty big magic boost, but it drops your max HP by 30. Aht isn't terribly durable, so I didn't equip it.
Now that we're done meddling in the affairs of others, let's get started on keeping the resistance alive.

Our first stop is the sewers, which aren't nearly as terrible now that we can cloak and run through everything.

If we wander around the sewers enough we can find this girl. I think on your first trip through the dungeon you can actually see the top of her head when you throw a switch, so she's hard to miss.

Claire: I was having an adventure in the waterway, but I got lost... Please, could you help me outside?

Let's take her outside

Claire: Yay! Thank you!
Claire is now accompanying you.
While Claire is accompanying us, we can't go to the palace exit of the waterway. If we try to go in that direction, Stocke says something about how he needs to take Claire back to the entrance first.

Claire: Ah, yes! I should give this to you!
Obtained Small Satchel
Obtained Holy Water

Claire: Hehehe, it's a secret! You can look at it later!

Claire: Thanks for helping me! I hope we meet again!
Claire leaves.

And by "the palace", Stocke means the node: The Resistance.

Will: !
Will: Hm... Is that a Sand Sword that you have there?

Will: Its shape gives it away. Only a Sand Sword has that unique shape. It seems to be in pristine condition. It should cut much better than mine.

Handed over Sand Sword.
Will: Thanks! With this sword, I can take on any number of the queen's troops! Please accept this. It's not much, but it's all I've got.
Obtained 1500G.
Alright, that's all we have to do to proceed with the story, but there's still a sidequest to be done. Still in The Resistance, we head for the gallows.

Awhile back this guy got himself killed by standing up to the soldiers, so we went back in time and stopped him from being a dumbass. Unfortunately, I forgot to come back to the present and talk to him again when I did this quest, so I never resolved it.

"Do you remember me? I'm that man you talked out of doing something stupid. I finally realized that I had to stand and fight. It's not easy, and I may not win... But it's the only way. So now I'm trying to get the world to realize the truth here. The Resistance introduced me to some comrades."

"I told you, I might not win. I've got to do what I can. Maybe the truth spreads, maybe it doesn't... But I'll be giving it my all, and that's better than throwing my life away. Oh, please take a copy of our book. You guys seem pretty tough, so I think you'll be particularly interested in its inserts."
Obtained Left-Cut Scroll.
"Well, let's work hard to accomplish our goals, then. Don't get in over your head, though. Hahaha...."
With that finally resolved, we head to Granorg while the soldiers are fighting the resistance.
Music: Rebellion

That guy in the lower-right isn't a part of the cutscene, he just noticed me and is about to chase after me to fight.

Will: Don't... speak of me... like one of the dead...

Will: How harsh you can be... Excuse me, but can you lend me a hand?
Stocke helps Will to his feet. (The screen fades to black and he's standing when it fades back in. You didn't think they would actually animate that, did you?)

Will: Quite. It's all thanks to this Sand Sword I bought from you. The one I'd been using broke on slicing through my third foe. If not for this sword, well... I shudder to think.
Will: !
Will: But there's no time for this! The soldiers have advanced towards the tavern! Princess Eruca is in danger! *wince*

Will: ...Yes, you're right. I'd only be a burden to you as I am... The princess... Her life is in your hands...!

After this point, the scene plays out as usual. On the way to the tavern we pick up Aht, then as we try to escape with Eruca and Pierre the waterway is blocked and Pierre betrays us.

Pierre: But I guess one's found me.
????: Stop this, Pierre!

Claire runs out from behind the tavern and stands between Stocke and Pierre.
Pierre: Claire!
Claire: Why are you doing this...?
Pierre: Claire... I just wanted a better life for you. If this works out, I'm going to get a huge bounty! Remember that thing you wanted?
Claire: I don't want that! I just want to be with everyone!
Pierre: Claire...
"All right, that's enough. It's time to put an end to you filth."
Pierre: Hey... What's this about? That wasn't the agreement! They said if I gave them the princess, they'd let me and Claire...
"Are you stupid or something? If a deal sounds too good to be true, it probably is! You'll go to your grave here, lowborn weakling!"
Pierre: ......
Claire: Hey, do you still have the bag I gave you?

Claire: I snuck in one of Pierre's! Shhh! Hurry and toss it!

Pierre: What!?

We disappear in a flash.
"Dammit! They ran off! They can't be far! Find them and kill them!"

Pierre: ......

Pierre: ...W-Why? I betrayed you all...

Pierre: M-M'lady... I understand... I am in your debt until I breathe my last!
Pierre: Claire, we're going to take a trip, okay? Come with me!
Pierre and Claire leave.

You may remember in the original timeline, Pierre fought us. If you rescue Claire on your first trip through the sewer, like I did the first time I played, you never see that battle.
On our way out of the city, we can finish up another sidequest.

"Worse still, Dias isn't carrying around my sword anymore... Where did he put it?"
You may remember this guy wanted us to retrieve his family's sword from Dias.

Handed over Rose Sword.
"Oh, yes! That's it! Thank you! Now I can go home! Here, take this as a token of my appreciation! You've earned it!"
Obtained Rose Ring
"Thank you very much!"
The Rose Ring raises HP by 10 and attack by 5.
Now that we're done here, we head for the Sand Fortress. When we arrive, Otto shows up and goes ahead into the fortress, then we follow. Everything proceeds as usual until...
Music: Impending Crisis


Otto: Bah... We've picked up a troublesome tail. You're hearing the Executioner's Footsteps... It's Palomides' division of the Dias Knights. When they're on the march, it sounds like no other troop in the army. It's eerie.

Otto: ...Oh, well. Hey, Stocke.

Otto: I'll buy you guys some time. Take Lady Eruca to Cygnus.

Otto: My goodness... What an honor to have the princess herself worry on my account! It puts a spring in my step... I feel like I could keep fighting even to my death.
????: I applaud your desire to make yourself useful, but aren't you forgetting someone?

Otto: Will... You...
Will: I'm a bit miffed you thought I'd die so easily. I heard it all. Would you like another helping sword?
Otto: ...You can say that again!
Otto: Well, I'm just about satisfied. But first... Stocke. Look me in the eye... ...... Good... That's what I wanted to see. I think I can trust you with Lady Eruca. She's in your hands.

Otto: Heh!

The twins (I don't think they're actually twins, they just reused the sprite) head to battle Palomides.

And that's it. We can proceed with the story now. But first...

Marco learned "Spin Slash".
"That's all four sword scrolls! Thank you so much! That means Marco's learned everything I have to teach him!"

"Haha, I will. Goodbye, Marco."
Left Assault's function goes without saying, but Spin Slash is a physical attack that hits a single enemy several times. It's basically a bad version of Aht's Dancing Death, since it only hits five times.

Next time, we'll finally begin our assault on Granorg!