Part 22: Episode XXII: Less Than Compelling
Episode XXII: Less Than Compelling
When last we left our heroes, they were finally reunited by less than believable means. Also, they found some skeletons. With that said, let's get going...

In its infinite effort to perfect tedium, has installed this beauty of a puzzle. It's not difficult, per se. Just unfuckingbelievably tedious. To solve the mindboggler, Billy must first push the giant metal crate east and jump on top of it. Rebecca, then, must use the controls to spin the gate in the middle. Did I mention it takes three prompts just to get to the option of using the control...every time...? No? Well, it's been mentioned. After that, there's about three more rounds of Billy moving a crate a bit, Rebecca spinning the gate (did I mention that, too, is about an eight second animation?) and repeating the process.

Only then can a man, who just survived several tall drops down waterfalls, make it past a three yard gap pool of water.

All to retrieve a piece of equipment that is welded into place in 99.9% of instances it may crop up in reality.

Ah. Naked zombies. You know we're approaching the endgame now. Capcom knows how to treat its consumers.

The pair head up a nearby ladder. I knew we hadn't seen something in a while...
Investigator's Report 2

No... Everybody expected it...

You know, it only now occurred to me that there is a fully active and staffed laboratory upstairs and there's a fucking zombie holocaust going on a few meters below. Doesn't Umbrella have multiple armies for times like these? I'd say this would rank high on the importance list...

Rebecca goes ahead and dumps another chemical into her medical kit just because she can. I'm sure things will work out and in no way contaminate her supplies should there be, ya know, a medical emergency.
The two head back down the ladder and into the next area. A few pointless hallways notwithstanding.

A save room and another file. Capcom, you shouldn't have. Don't worry, kids. There's just one more file and we're in the clear for a while...
About Battery Fluid

Thanks for being useless.

Thanks for being redundant.

A few of the many, many pointless empty connecting hallways are filled with leeches. They're not hostile or anything. They're just sort of chilling out. Since, I guess, a poor exploding leech animation is better than just an empty hallway.

Underwater cities? Pfft. It's all about the underground cities, these days.

Further ahead, our heroes come upon a gondola control unit.

Which is, you guessed it, missing a vital component. It's sad when fucking Dead Aim was the only game where basically everything worked right and it was just a matter of finding keys to places.

Oh well, I'm sure a file will fix everything.
Treatment Plant Manager's Diary

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Umbrella already have an expansive treatment facility at the end of Resident Evil 3? Sure, it was a sprawling nine story monolith deep under the earth's crust... But how many of these things do they need?

Oh, well okay. Really, that's it. It's like they forgot to save a few pages and just said 'fuck it, good enough'.

Moving right along, yet another dimly lit run-down industrial room lies in wait. Let's give it a little look around, shall we?

Hi-tops. The official footwear of S.T.A.R.S.

Tune in next time for more wandering around, item collection... And maybe that giant frog too!