Part 15: It's a Miracle!
With this, 2nd to last update goes up.

Update 15 - It's a Miracle!

(53:03) Episode 18-1 - Jellyfish Power!!|YouTube
(2:44) Episode 18-2 - Files and Figures: Chris Chapter 5|YouTube
-Making their way to the oil facility
-Files are a bit underwhelming, the main ones to read are about the underwater facility they used to extract magma and study the organisms thriving under its extreme conditions and add their traits to the C-Virus. There is a file on the Haos and that it possesses a gas more dangerous than the Lepotitsa, a recap of RE5's events between Chris & Wesker, and a file on Piers himself.
This is the most relaxed I've ever been while playing for the LP and that's because I was doing Live commentary! That's how I was able to be finished with it so fast. I like the efficiency but I won't be doing this in the future unless I find myself in a room with several people all mocking the game and each other

That being said, there wasn't much to talk about despite this new area. There's a dearth of interaction with the environment at all, it's still the same action with normal enemies, and we won't see anymore normal and fight-able enemies from here on in a properly designed level. I mean of course there's the cross-over with Jake but, let's be honest, that doesn't count. The big things to talk about come with the boss and I thoroughly rant about it during game play. As I've said, this is the part of the game where everybody (rightfully) gets frustrated with the design because of its precision requirement, then the immediate dumping of you on the doorstep of an underwhelming and pointless fight, then repeating the process for good measure. What a shame we could not truly explore this facility!
Hope you enjoy it, and yes I'm aware that I missed one "failure" but I would have rather ended on the special font I found

There is one problem though I'm having lately. Whenever I upload a video now it crashes my modem and it becomes a chore trying to get it to work. When it does work, I can't so much as refresh a web page without it dying again for about 5 minutes. Dunno why but yeah, this could delay Jake 5...WHICH ALSO HAPPENS TO BE COMING ON FRIDAY!
Chris ending theme
I think this one probably fits Chris too!
Fan stuff!
Captain Swing makes awesome gifs in the RE Megathread in Games.
*Direct links for less bandwidth usage
I never forgot, Azran!

Video I used:
Please finish your damn food.
And thanks again to Galeboomer for joining for co-op.