Part 2: But thou must give me \$10,000
Episode 2: But thou must give me $10,000

We're back in the LeBoeuf household, and now we're choosing dialogue options for Delia! As opposed to Armand, where you generally have the choice between a positive, neutral and negative response, all of Delia's options are variations on "oh, Armand, let me tell you how wonderful you are!"

I mean, come on, what is even the point of making me choose between these three?

What? Uh, Armand, I don't think you worded that right.

Oh, my bad, Delia's dialogue options aren't solely praise for Armand, the game also forces me to have her complain about how running a café is so haaard and boooring.

Well, with Armand's encouragement, Delia has now moved to LA to set up a new modern coffee shop. But before we take a look at our new place, let's go back to Delia's First Coffee Shop, which has been fully renovated with the help of our goon consultants in the thread!

Joke's on you guys, though, as the place actually looks better than before! Bit too HGTV, but I'll take that over the hunter green tiled carpet.

I have also updated the menu with everyone's requests. I have honoured the request for all prices to be in whole dollars, but I'm still going to be setting the prices myself (as that's the main way I have of actually playing the game!)
Our menu at Delia's First Coffee Shop is now as follows:
Hot coffee
Café vanilla - $9
Cappuccino - $5
Iced coffee
Iced espresso - $8
Iced cappucinno [sic] - $6
Almond iced coffee - $8
English breakfast tea - $6
Lemon tea - $5
Other drinks
Watermelon slush - $8
Pink perfection juice - $10
BLT sandwich - $13
Chocolate biscotti - $9
Apple croissant - $6
Mixed fruit Danish - $13
Salad Niçoise - $13

As requested, I've reduced the quality of the English breakfast tea as much as I can (to spite the English). It has a quality rating of 34% now, making it by a wide margin the worst thing on our menu. The quality of the leaves is now half a star, which I'm pretty sure means that they're just random leaves that Delia scoops out of the gutter.

We have three main objectives this mission. The first is to increase the food rating at Delia's First Coffee Shop to 2.8, which should hopefully be OK, even though that tea's going to be a problem if a lot of people order it. Next, our Restaurant group as a whole needs to make $100,000 in monthly revenue (easy, we made $173,000 in revenue last month). Finally, we have to visit the TV studio! So let's get that done right away.

"I wont have to do any terrible minigames, will I?"

So, for Restaurant Empire 2, they updated the engine to add this exciting, wholly original minigame! I really suck at Bejeweled clones, but luckily this version is incredibly easy, and they give you a ton of time to solve it, so it's not too bad.

We did a great show!

And the game just unceremoniously kicks us out. Well, whatever. Let's check out that new coffee shop!

This is our new café, Delacourt Sunset. The décor in here is already much better than the options we had in our old Parisian coffee shop! I don't know if I should be playing chess on the walls or reversi on the carpet. This place clearly has potential!

As usual, I set up some table sets and a temporary menu. I'm pretty sure I've sat in that exact chair at one point.
Along with the new restaurant, the game also gives us a couple of new recipes, which I have listed below.

I also bought this one off a customer. None of the recipes are terribly exciting in gameplay terms. The best is probably the café chocomalt, which has amazing profitability for an iced coffee. It's got a good quality rating too, despite being made almost entirely out of the malt balls inside of Maltesers along with a single tablespoon of chocolate ice cream.
I soon get called over by a customer back at Delia's First Coffee Shop

A lead on some better ingredients? Let's check it out!

It kills me that the game's characters are actually using the incredibly clunky name of "Delia's First Coffee Shop" to refer to the café, and that no one ever comments on what a stupid name it is.

$10,000? That sounds pretty ridiculous.

Oh. Well, why even give me those other options, then?

To be fair, though, this is an offer that you absolutely should not pass up. Rather than giving us "5 sacks", paying him actually unlocks him as a wholesaler for coffee beans, decaf coffee beans and soy coffee beans. Since those go in nearly everything we sell at our coffee shops, that's a huge deal that'll increase the quality of our menu significantly.

Here's something new that they added in Restaurant Empire 2. Whenever you get one of these rambling guests whose dialogue can't be contained in a single box, you know that they're going to offer you something really stupid.

She wants to sell us membership at a local fitness club for the low, low price of $35,000! And it's not for us the idea is that we'll give the membership to a member of staff to boost their morale, because we're such a great and caring employer!

No! It's happening again!

This is just the game rubbing in the fact that I can't wring money out of my guests with overpriced wine at my coffee shops. Now my guests are doing it to me! This game is like an ironic punishment for the way I played Restaurant Empire 1.

A bit later in the day, I buy what the fuck is this?

I also buy this recipe for blueberry muffins. Not a very good recipe, but at least they don't look like the radioactive ooze from the Ninja Turtles cartoon like the lavender tea.

We get to the end of the month, and yikes, we are far away from that food rating goal. If things don't get significantly better next month, I might have to step in and take measures.

Second month, and no real progress has been made.
To fix things, I'm going to temporarily bring Delia back to Delia's First Coffee Shop and bump all the low quality recipes from the menu. Hopefully that should do it.

The strategy seems to be paying off, as Delia has already become a skilled chef/barista. This salad Niçoise she's making has a base recipe quality of 53%, but because of her cooking skill that's getting boosted all the way up to 69%, or about 3.4 on the scale used for the mission objectives.

In the end, Delia smashes the objective with an overall score of 3.19. Now that that's over with, I've transferred her back to Delacourt Sunset and put all the awful recipes back on the menu.
Next mission, we'll be setting up our snazzy new modern restaurant!

Here are the wall, floor and table options for our new modern café.

These are the additional decorations. It's pretty bad when the lamps are more interesting than the decorations. We should be able to do something with the giant coffee poster and the planks (?) on the wall, though.
Thread poll: what décor should we have in Delacourt Sunset?
Vote on wall, floor and table design. For example, to vote for wall type C, floor type D and table type B, vote "CDB". The winning combination will be whatever has the most votes when I play the next mission. Also, let me know if you want me to add any of the floor or wall decorations.