Part 12: Update 11 Mondays with Rox
Let's catch up with where we were yesterday. Rox had hopped inside a particularly manly car in the manly town of Machopolis (yes, that's seriously it's name).
Rox decides first to check out the most important part of any car - the stick-on cat.
HA! Got one! Oh. Wait. It's only suction capped there. Drat!

Yup, this is a bachelor car alright.
It is disgusting and smelly. In a way it makes you feel right at home.

Other than an expired insurance card and a couple of wadded up tissues, there doesn't seem to be anything of interest in the glove compartment.

This deoderizer ran out of 'pleasant-smelling' evergreen disinfectant about a hundred years ago.

What a mess. Whoever owned this car was a serious slob. Apart from the ubiquitous stuffed cat on the windshield, there is a pile of soda cans on the floor and a layer of grime on all the controls. The central control screen has a thick layer of dust on it.
And yet, somehow, it is still more appealing than the Slippery Pig.
Car (0:15) - Rox attempts to start the car but the scanner detects the lack of testicular appendage and doesn't start. We'll have to come back here later.

Rox decides to get out of here. We'll come back in a few updates.

Time to continue down this hallway of oddities. I'm almost frightened to contemplate what we might find next.

Oh, for fucks sake.

Yes, yes.

I guess this is the storage room.

The fence was designed to keep packages in and people out. Right now it appears to be doing it's job quite nicely, thank you. You spend several minutes trying to find a way through it, and several more trying to cut it open. Eventually you give up, deciding that you really don't want to have to search through all those little boxes.
But think of all the cool shit that could be in there! Maybe some gigantic one-ton floral lamps or something!!

You notice something interesting in one of the cartons. The other cartons do not appear to contain anything of interest to you.
Of course, it's completely obvious which carton they're referring to. There's only like 30 of them here. That's alright game, we don't mind pixel hunting. Really.

These look like standard charge cases used to pack explosives. They would be extremely dangerous if they had anything in them.
Just put some of that baby powder in them man. Woman.

Rox continues to explore her feminine side.
After stroking the charge cases for a few exciting minutes you decide to get back to the business at hand.

What do you reckon? Will Rox walk smack into this door as well?

Apparently not.

Is that a massive post box in the background there? Or.. a whistle?
Hey! This looks and smells fresh. This must be where that explosion occurred while you were 'chatting' with Doc Slache's intern. Whatever caused this was potent stuff.

This appears to be some sort of emergency power switch. Open contact switches make you a little nervous--if you grab the wrong part . . . .
Grabbing the 'wrong part' is not a problem on this planet, Rox.

From the smell in here you presume that the air purifier is not working properly.

You wonder how long this has been sitting here. You are reminded of the condiments in your refrigerator.
Niiiice throwback!

Underneath each of the glass domes is a brain pickled in formaldehyde. The labels underneath the domes read "Citron brain", "Motron brain", and "Human brain". The human brain appears to be significantly smaller than the others. The exact nature of the experiment escapes you, but you decide you'd rather not participate in it.
A Citron sounds like a fucking fruit.

Rox has seen enough. Time to start stealing chemicals!
Harking back to your high school chemistry days, you recall that this compound is a highly volatile oxidizer, or is it an acid? No wait, it's . . . Hmmm.

Highly volatile? Yoink!

Hell, let's just mix it with the alien liquor while we're at it.
This is not a good idea. Coffee makes you jumpy; rocket fuel would be a serious problem.

More drugs.
The label reads "Lecithin", but you remember little about phosphatides.
I didn't realise Rex/Rox was such a chemistry master. Mistress. Whatever.

You can never have too many phosphatides!

I just love trying to get Rox to drink this sort of shit.
You take a small sip of the lecithin. It tastes awful, so you wonder what possessed you to try to drink it.
Holy shit she actually drunk it.

If we use the liquor as alcohol, this is the last ingredient to make the explosive material that blew up Prof. Pyro.
The label reads "Formaldehyde".

These things could be mislabelled. This stuff looks like fruit juice.

You get so many preservatives in your normal junk-food diet that you probably won't need to be embalmed. You don't need any of this stuff.

Time to cook up some explosives!

The kettle is empty but you reason that it must be a mixing vessel.
Because a bowl just won't do.

Rox has been a girl for like 30 minutes and has already achieved more in cooking than in her entire life as a man.

Add the petrox...

The disappointing tasting lecithin...

And finally the formaldehyde.

Eureka! You have managed to reproduce the professor's explosive formula! Now what?
If I remember the tape properly, the next step is to drop it on the floor.

Hahaha, yes, just stick your hands in and grab some!

That works too.

And so we finally come to the end of this hallway, and of this female-only area. This door isn't actually accessible.
In reality, you can go back and forth being Rex and Rox, approaching various areas only accessible to a particular gender, and solving the relevant puzzles in whatever order you choose. In our case, however, we've already done everything required of Rox. Say farewell to Roberta Williams. The dream is over, folks.
Stay tuned for tomorrow when we check out the flight centre - and see the first of the "bad" endings!!