Part 14: Tetyth, Part 2

Since there wasn't anything particularly interesting about this battle, I'd like to mention a little something that I noticed during it.

At this point, Ein's stats are universally lower than Serene's.
Some protagonist he is. Yeah, he's got a few more hit points, but that's balanced out by his lower Vitality. If it weren't for Disaresta, he'd practically be obsolete! What right does he have to be a mandatory character in every battle?

Anyway, there's nothing else to be had in this area, and we can get through this door now that we have the Rusty Key. Let's move.

Some time later...

For S-ranking the archers, you get a brand new bow with 15 charges, which seems like a good reward...until about two seconds later, when a chest appears on the screen containing exactly the same bow with 40 charges.

Yay for loot that gets dropped in your lap being better than loot that required actual effort to obtain!
(also did anyone notice that that chick's name was cecil)

OK, so you don't really get to go to Narnia. But you do find a Crystal Key, which we'll be using to open...

...this door.
(That is, after we open the chest.)


This is another one of those damned wyrms that will blow you back to an earlier screen if you let it use its Break Out. It's twice as annoying here as it was the first time, because at least in Lacrima Castle you could get an extra scene and a key item out of the arrangement, and you also didn't have an instant death timer ticking away.
We're not going to let him have his way, though. Why not sit back and listen to the miniboss music while I explain how to S-rank this sucker?

First, we use a Power Wrist to boost everyone's Strength.

After that, we start whittling him down with single-attack weapons. Weapons that deal multiple hits, such as rapiers or staffs, will just build his Rage Gauge more quickly.

If he accumulates too much Rage, we start spamming the Power Wrist instead of attacking. Not only does this give him time to cool off, it has the added bonus of giving us additional (smaller) boosts to our Strength, allowing us to deal the finishing blow that much faster.

Of course, he can dish out quite a bit of damage himself, which is why we brought some Emergency Bread. Also, since his attacks always target the nearest character, we put two people in the front row so that the damage gets split between them, rather than one character having to soak it all up.

The end is at hand! The wyrm's resistant to Physical, Lightning and Holy damage, so Serene's Burning Sun Over Skill is the best option here. Doesn't hurt that she's the strongest character, either.

Job's a good 'un!

OK! Here's what actually happens. If you pull the middle rope, a barrel falls on Ein's head and he loses some hit points. If you pull the left rope, a beehive drops and you have to play a minigame to avoid getting stung. You also get a note from the Red Sage (one of the androgynous mummies we saw earlier) that says "Bee-envenido a Tetyth!"
Kind of makes you groan and chuckle at the same time. Or maybe that's just me.
Also, if you come back and pick it up, you get the Killer Beehive item. Unlike the regular Beehive, this is actually ridiculously powerful, inflicting a total of 704 points of damage. Of course, since it can still backfire, that just makes it even more of a double-edged sword.
We opted for the right rope, which gets us...

We can also pick up the rope afterwards, which we do.

(here's the real miniboss music)

We're going to be Power Wristing it up again here, because hey, why not.
It doesn't really make you go blind, you know.
Scythes target the front row, so the Burning Sun will take down those hammer bros. quickly enough. Perhaps a little too quickly, because we build up enough Rage to get targeted with a Break Out right away.

Fortunately, that's exactly what I was counting on. With our Overdrive bar maxed out from the assault, we can now counter with an Over Skill of our own.

That, in turn, maxes out his Rage bar again, which gets us hit with another Break out, which maxes out our Overdrive bar, and thus commences an ENDLESS CYCLE OF BLOODY VENGEANCE.

(Not really.)
If Lina uses the Blue Bomber, it does 50% damage and may remove the target from battle outright. Another item that'd be great if it worked on bosses. We won't be keeping it.
also cierra has some front row ice attack with it i guess
By the way, feel free to insert the Megaman joke of your choice here.

Banango: Support Item. 55% HP restoration.
Elfin Bow: Bow-type weapon. Physical damage.
Wyrm Wing: Miscellaneous weapon. May remove enemies from battle.

---LEVEL 1---
Rising Shot
Item: Elfin Bow
Effect: Single attack, power of 203.
Target: Nearest enemy.
Additional: Piercing.

---LEVEL 1---
Piercing Arrow
Item: Elfin Bow
Effect: Three-hit Attack combo, power of 117.
Target: Enemy with lowest HP.
Additional Extra damage against air enemies.

---LEVEL 1---
Banana Slugger
Item: Banango
Effect: 55% HP damage.
Target: Back row.
Additional: Removes all remaining Banangos from inventory.
---LEVEL 3---
Voltage Raid
Item: Elfin Bow
Effect: Give-hit Attack combo, power of 124.
Target: Random enemies.
Additional: Extra damage against air enemies.

---LEVEL 2---
Wind Hazard
Item: Wyrm Wing
Effect: 35% HP damage.
Target: All enemies.
Additional: Unavoidable.

---LEVEL 1---
Thunder Arrow
Item: Elfin Bow
Effect: Three-hit Magic combo, power of 90.
Target: Random enemies.