Part 14: Inedible Set Dressing
Update 14: Inedible Set Dressing
Today, or tonight rather, we're headed off to check out that fancy barn we had made.
Well, we've checked it out once, but we never went inside. It has one of those!

BUSH: Whoa!

BUSH: I remember seeing this monster on Whale Island. Did it come all the way here?

BUSH: Jeez...

The little pink flower elephant made it's way down here... somehow. Despite it being here, it won't eat any of our food or do anything really!
It'll just sit in that corner until a later event happens.

The main room of the barn is massive, especially compared to how it looks on the outside. Fluff is standing in that pile of hay in the back.
In fact, all this hay is inedible set dressing. We still have 0 fodder.

BUSH: There, there. It's okay.

And then we brush Fluff. Every time Bush uses the brush, his voice line is a "heeey there!"
It's dorky, but very Bush. Though, his normal angry grunts and call outs being used while brushing would be hilarious.

When you interact with monsters, you can opt to bring them with you to help fight, ride them if capable, or release them back to the First Forest.
The last one's a bit dark, no matter the way you write it.

The little ledger in the entrance lets us move our monsters around or check their stats.
With a level of 13, a max HP of 285, ATK of 52, DEF of 59, and MAG 46, our little wooly outmatches Bush. Terrifying.
Despite how promising those stats may seem, woolies aren't great at fighting given their poor moveset.

I go outside to finish up the rest of the farming for the day, which takes me until about 9:00 PM.

Before Bush hits they hay, I send him into the Green Ruins to test something.

Yeah, just had to make sure. Those rocks blocking the path to better minerals in Green Ruins are gated behind having a Silver Hammer for sure.
Just had to check again, because these really do look like the rocks in our field that we can break.

Broadsword Lv: 1 was synthesized.
Two-handed Sword Lv: 1 was synthesized.
A blade piece from a goblin and some iron lets me make another broadsword, and that plus some more iron can make a two handed sword.

Two-handed swords are big.

They also have a decently fast wide swing.
In general, these are kinda the average weapons. Alright damage, alright attack speed, but they do have some good crowd control.

New day!

And with it being the weekend, we need to look our finest. Thus, Bush sets about making himself a hat!
A straw hat. From flour and glue.

Straw Hat Lv:1 was synthesized.

Ah, just like any good farmer ought to be opening the day; a straw hat and a giant sword.

Takes me until 8:32 to finish all the Homestead farmwork, so it's doing me good.

BUSH: I have to care for it a little longer before it will listen to me.
Also gotta remember to brush Fluff every morning. Monsters in this game won't give you their harvestable until they have a decent bit of friendship with you.
With that done, it's time to see what's up with the town.

MARCO: Did you know? There's supposedly a secret passage that leads to Mist's house from the back of the church.

MARCO: It's one of my own hidden passages. I'll tell you in secret.
Hate to break it to you, kid, but it's not that hidden. I used to use it more than the normal way to town!

CANDY: Whale Island is so mysterious... It's the first time I've ever seen an island floating in the sky.
I find it funny that the least mysterious thing about the flying island is why it's floating in the first place. But you've got questions about how are these beanstalks so rigid, how does the hot spring reach the bathhouse, and how does a tiny pink elephant get down from there?

MIST: Recently, I hear a lot of rustling around my house.

MIST: Maybe some monster I saved by the beach came back to repay my good deed?

MIST: But I've never saved any kind of monster at the beach before...
it wasnt bush i swear

MIST: Bush, you were on Whale Island, weren't you?

MIST: You must have come from a long family of adventurers.
Something like that, yeah. It's easy to forget that Bush climbs by hand into the skies above the clouds on a regular basis.

LARA: I actually like sweets. Like chocolate cake and jam.

LARA: I know it's bad for my health to eat too much of it, but I just can't help myself...
Lara informs us that we're fueling her sweet tooth.

SELPHY: You know Anette? I get this feeling that she's similar to me.

SELPHY: A book lover...? Hm... It's a bit different, I think...
All I got is that she's blonde too. Given the previous updates, you've been more similar to Cinnamon than anyone else.

Make a Magic Cane: A guide to making staffs. You can make magic staffs, but you can't use magic to make them.
2000G out of our pocket, but hopefully last update proved the potential future value of this book.

Fly! Frying Pan! 1: Beginner's recipe book for dishes that can be made using only a fry pan.
It's 500g and we'll be buying the pan today so why not, really?

~Up Your Quality~
"Not satisfied with merely growing crops and making items? Want to raise the quality of your crops and items to sell for more? Then you need the know-how to become a first-rate designer!"
"The quality of an item is reflected by its 'Item Level'. As the level of an item rises, not only can you sell it for more, but the item's performance improves, too."
"For example:
Tools: RP consumption down."
Accessories: Defense up.
Foods: Effect duration up.
Medicine: Recovery amount up.
And, etc.
Better the item level, the better the items are overall. Even a pickled turnip is a spectacular item at level 10.

UZUKI: Recently, I started fishing because someone recommended it to me. However, it is more difficult than I thought.
I'm guessing this was Cinnamon's doing.

EUNICE: Lalalala... ♪ Cleaning can feel so good. Why don't you give it a try, Bush?
Sorry, Eunice, I already don't clean my field up enough.

EUNICE: I clean the bar in the morning. It's hard because sometimes I find broken dishes here and there.
That's... pretty bad. Ganesha and Turner must be throwing some wild parties in there, but you'd think Rita would at least clean broken glass up.
Is Eunice doing all the work here?

Elsewhere, Rosetta's still dropping hints on what to do with the Moondrops. Most of her dialogue will be eaten up by this until we pass this story flag, unfortunately.

LUTE: The Handy Frying Pan is used to cook stir-fried foods.
And since it's the weekend, we visit our buddy Lute. He's also selling the oven and steamer today, but those require a larger kitchen.
I believe next time around he'll be selling the mixer, which I think we do have space for.
Anyways, it's off to find the rest of the townsfolk for the day.

CINNAMON: I'm sad I can't fish crabs here.

BUSH: (You can fish crabs with a fishing pole...?)

CINNAMON: Was there something......interesting......on Whale Island?

KANNO: The Runeys of these ruins and Whale Island...

KANNO: Hm... The mysteries are increasing in number. I have no time to waste!
Cinnamon and her grandfather are up at the ruins on the mountainside.

MELODY: I decided to make some bath salts and put them in the bath. I'm researching about what kind to make right now.

MELODY: I love "Relax Tea." I drink it while I'm in the bath to relax even more.
Melody's also up here. This place gets crowded on weekends. Relax Tea requires a skill level 88 cooking recipe consistent of a couple colored grasses, and that has to be used in a cooking pot for a 95 skill recipe.
This might be the hardest favorite gift to make, and also just goes to kinda show how all the crafting recipes got sort of overtuned.

And then while I'm on the mountain, I collect some more cherries.

Back home, we've got our frying pan!
The primary use for this will be using up the rest of the fish in our inventory. Every fish can be fried, but only some can be made into sashimi.
Either way, wave hello to the cheapest source of RP in the game!

P. Carp Roast Lv:5 was synthesized.
We can also make one of Anette's liked gifts but it's liked as much as strawberries, so we're really not going out of our way to make it instead.

MIST: Stella lent me this house. At first, the roof leaked to no end, but rainy days soon became fun on their own.
I feel like we're missing part of this conversation somewhere. I imagine it's something like she entertains herself by plugging up the leaks, but who knows with Mist?

Then Grass Farm management happens...

BUSH: Oh? What's that, Candy?

CANDY: Oh, this? This is a doll.

CANDY: Sis made it for me for my birthday.
This isn't a hint that it's her birthday, actually. It's about 8 days from now, on the 27th.

BUSH: It's cute... Actually it looks funny. A bit scary too, I might add.

CANDY: Hahaha! Maybe! But I don't know what it's a doll of.

CANDY: But it's still my treasure!

Unfortunately, we never get to see what said doll looks like. Maybe it's for the best.

With that nice little conversation done, I decide to just finish up Green Ruins today.
Well, almost finish. I'm not doing the boss just yet. I am going to blitz through and open up all the shortcuts though.

Last time I came here, I could have opened up the first shortcut, but I ran past it. My memory of this dungeon's layout isn't great, and I thought it was after the Big Mucks.

Said Big Mucks are merely optional, as the room behind them is just more farm fields.

Doesn't stop Bush from getting his revenge though. Being a good deal stronger now, they're not much of an issue.
The fire staff would obliterate them, but I felt more like using the new giant sword we made. Magic does still use a lot of energy- it's better used to mostly handle hard encounters.

The path we need to follow is just to the entrance of this room.

It leads us around more circular pathways, but if we take the first left...

Then south through these two doors...

We find the entrance to floor 3.

Down the stairs is a number of winding corridors, and also a Little Mage! These are the first enemy we meet that uses magic against us, and it'll pack a bit of a punch.
Among other materials that can be gotten elsewhere, they do have a very small chance to drop Fire Crystals, used in making fire-element weapons or staves.
Fire as an element won't be particularly useful for a long time, alas.

Ah, more spiraling rooms-


Hornets aren't nearly as dangerous as they used to be. They were horrifyingly strong in RF1, but now they've been thankfully nerfed.
About the only interesting thing I can say about them is that they give honey when harvested and can sometimes drop the Toxin material.

We end up getting poisoned, but it doesn't hurt much, really.

Also on this floor are Pecks, or as previously known in the series, Cluckadoodles. I think the latter is a much better name. They look like roosters, and they lay eggs.

They also spit eggs to attack!
I don't know how that works.

Some winding hallways later, there's also Buffamoo down here.

More winding paths later, and I've opened the shortcut for floor 3!

Although, just to the east from there is the staircase that leads to floor 4.

The final floor is just one sorta big room with some more farm fields in it. But with this door open, that's all of it!

BUSH: There's something up ahead...
1. I should turn back...
2. Let's go!
Well, aside from this ominously large door. Nothing about these giant feathers laying around could suggest what's inside. Boss fights? Nah, that's ludicrous, why would this game have boss fights!?
But before we do go in there, I've got to prepare some things first.

It's also 9:43 PM by the time we get home. Took me about 4 and a half hours to zoom through there, and I barely fought anything!

I am left with a good amount of RP after a level up, so I start by burning it away frying fish.

Pale Carp(24cm) Lv:6 was caught perfectly!
Then I catch a bunch more fish. I get a few trout for sashimi and a number of other high level fish.

And with that, it's time to sleep!
I'll cut the update here, making it a bit shorter than usual. I don't really think doing half of tomorrow and cutting it there would be any better.
Next time: We prepare to make story progress and probably start voting on what to get for our barn!