Part 26: How To Spend An Exorbitant Amount Of Money On Grass
Update 26: How To Spend An Exorbitant Amount Of Money On GrassHave an early update, and not because I accidentally hit "post" instead of "preview"!

A new day today, and it's raining again!

Here's a 30 minute loop of RF4's summer theme as our guest track today.
I need to find more watery themes. If you know of any good water or summer themes that'd fit for more days like these, send 'em my way.

Because there's not much for me to harvest this morning, I decide to follow Anette around on her route for the first three houses. We don't really see the dialogue for those too much.

~"Thank you ♪" - Melody~
Thanks for sending me a "Black Grass".
Bush, you are probably the only one that understands my research.
I must thank you for being so helpful all the time.
Let's see...
Well, I'll think about this one.
I may not come up with anything, though ♪
I did send that Black grass in last update, but I'll be honest and say I don't know when. Couldn't find it in my recordings.
Bush doesn't really understand Melody's research, he's got like 5 skill in the pharmaceutical arts, but he's just nonetheless supportive.
This was probably the closest we'll get to a request chain in this game, so, uh, yay?

~"Thank you for your participation ♪" - Melody~
Thank you for participating in the survey ♪
I'll be sure to take your suggestions into considerations
for making a better bathhouse, so come aggain, okay ♪
Melody was all in on using the quaver as punctuation when she wrote this. I guess it checks out, her name being Melody and all.

~"Caught a huge one." - Cinnamon~
I caught a big one. I made a mold of the fish and let it go.
Do you think you can catch one bigger than mine?
Oh, so that's what she does with the fish.
um how did you do that with it alive
It's probably not clay molds either, it's probably this:
Karma Guard posted:
Oh! I think I might know what Cinnamon means by "I caught a big one. I made a mold of the fish and let it go.".
She's making Gyotaku, or fish prints. It was started Back In The Day in Japan to record your big catches. You literally paint ink onto the fish you caught and plap it on washi paper to leave a mark. In real life, though, the fish is usually dead. But maybe she's just that good at fishing she can make a catch-and-release one?
A thanks goes out to Karma Guard and their sudden but inevitably useful trivia.

ANETTE: Erik, you've got mail.

ANETTE: The package from Erik is really big. What could it be?

ANETTE: I got it! It's vegetables! Is he sending them to his mother?

ANETTE: I'm hungry... I'll get Erik to treat me to breakfast later!
Mom's gotta have her greens, I guess. This is also your hint to the fact Anette sometimes hangs out in Erik's house.

ANETTE: There's no one here but I hear voices... Is it a monster?
This scene is only more depressing when you consider Kross's dialogue about wanting to be a monster.

ANETTE: Bianca! Tabatha! You got mail!

ANETTE: So this letter is from Bianca's father. He must be a really nice father.
Jasper is the coolest. In part for just being a fun character in a game filled with not a lot of outstanding dialogue, but also because he's Jasper.
Also, it plays the manor theme just for this, which is neat.

Following this, Bush goes about manually collecting the corn. I could've let Grant do this but, uh, I don't really know why I did this.
As I will later find out, doing this was a good idea!

pet ze animals

TABATHA: Thank you very much. I really love rice porridge. It's good for your health, too.
Yeah, I don't know why they didn't call it rice porridge in game, makes more sense than oatmeal, which is supposed to be made with oats. We can really only chalk it down to another translation oddity.
People in the thread have informed me that it's called porridge in Tides of Destiny, so I guess they eventually got it right.

BIANCA: The weather is terrible. Do something about it.
Unfortunately, any changes that Bush can make to the weather are not immediate. He can change the weather, this is true.

BIANCA: You're always wearing the same clothes... You smell...

BUSH: Oh... Really?! But aren't you wearing the same thing all the time, too?

BIANCA: I never wear the same thing twice. I like the design of this outfit so I had hundreds of it made for me.

BUSH: Oh...

I can easily see how people might find Bianca to be an unbearable snob, but I find it hilarious. This one's also just a really strong opener for poking fun at the fact nobody has different clothing.
A lot of her conversations will follow this sort of formula, similar to Iris and her drawings.

BIANCA: Why, thank you. It's a bit meager for a birthday present, but I will still accept it.
As far as I know, there's nothing you could give her to elicit more of a reaction. I'm pretty sure you could hand her a piece of platinum or a diamond and she'd say the same.
She is halfway to the first LP point at least. That's not bad for what, 6 days?

MIST: Did I mention the rustling around my house?

MIST: It turns out a duck has moved into the lake near my garden.

BUSH: Duck...? Aren't Ducks monsters? It's dangerous!

MIST: It seems pretty tame so it should be all right.
The disco exploding ducks are no joke.

MIST: It waddles around with its short feet and looks so cute. It became even more friendly when I started feeding it.
well, uh
i guess you done tamed a monster
we don't really do it that way until the next installment, but congrats

TURNER: Ganesha is really good at what she does.

TURNER: But she won't even sharpen your kitchen knife if you don't take the materials to her.

TURNER: That's why if you have any extra, can you give them to me? Like iron, copper, and silver... Thanks.
[Sharpen: Kitchen Knife] 5g, your mats only
I don't know if I've transcribed this dialogue before, but if I have, here it is again.
Believe it or not, Turner's favorite gift is not food. It happens to be a max skill requirement item, as to what though, I'll leave that for later.

RITA: Bush, do you have any "Wine"?

RITA: Don't show me any "Wine" while I'm working. I'll confiscate it.
Under what authority? You'll never find my secret supply regardless!

Actually this is just to tell you that her favorite gift is wine. Who would've guessed?

I don't have a gift for Eunice today, the flowers should be done growing on Whale Island by this point, but I just wanted to stop and note that her singing is really pretty.

EUNICE: It's raining. I don't really like it because I can't do the laundry.
It's also been raining for two days straight, so that can't be great for the laundry.
Maybe wind magic could help? Maybe an Earth Crystal?

EUNICE: Dad was being yelled at by Mom again the other day.

BUSH: Turner is so whipped.

EUNICE: But they still get along really well. I wish I had someone like that.
In lieu of addressing the other concerning matter here, I hope you find someone Eunice.
just maybe not exactly like your parents though

EUNICE: Speaking of which...

EUNICE: I heard you stayed at the church when you first came to the village.

BUSH: Well, at the time, I didn't have any money...

EUNICE: Oh, really? But I wished you would have stayed at our inn.
Just that casual lie there to cover up the fact that cutscene Bush is terrible at navigation.
I still question how you ended up at the church, man.

ROSETTA: Recently, I've been selling the leftover stock near closing time for cheap. This actually got really popular.

BUSH: Oh, really? Then I'll go right before closing time from now on, too.

ROSETTA: What are you talking about? Seeds last really long, so I'm not going to discount those.
This is a reference to a thing that's apparently common for stores carrying produce to do in Japan. I don't know if it has a special name or anything, all I know is that it exists.
Edit: Raitzeno informs me that these are usually translated as "time limited sales", and that they usually see them for baked goods more than anything else.

DANNY: It's so hot. I hope it'll be autumn soon.
Sorry, but we've still got 22 days to go, dude.

DANNY: Hey, Bush. Try giving Erik a turnip next time.

DANNY: He's gonna be so happy he'll cry.
Nice try, Danny, but you're not going to troll Bush. We've already terrified Erik with a turnip once before.

~Constellation: Buffamoo~
"The Buffamoo is a summer constellation that appears a little after midnight. It may be a good sight to see while taking a walk on a sleepless night."
The event for this constellation will take a while to resolve, as we'll need to get a few more strange letters before Bush says anything.
It's nice to have something to read again though. I've weirdly come to look forward to these, whereas before I was kicking myself when I had to transcribe 5 page long books.

SELPHY: The books can get moldy when it rains so often so I hate it.
Ambient humidity and mold is just the worst. I live in a humid region, which aside from being annoying on breathing some days, usually causes some sort of mold problem in the home at least once or twice a year.
just the absolute worst

BUSH: Maybe it's the clock's parts? I've never seen it actually working...

KANNO: That's broken. Apparently it just cannot be repaired.
Um, weren't you brought here to fix it?

KANNO: I wake up here, eat, then do research.... This is the perfect life for me.
Well, good for you, I guess?

CINNAMON: You can see the "Elephant Constellation" now.

BUSH: "Elephant Constellation" seems to have a lot of syllables.

CINNAMON: Elephants are animals that have numerous legends all around the world.

CINNAMON: You can see the Elephant Constellation relatively early. Look...
I like how Bush's input is just "wow, that's a mouthful". Maybe it was a more insightful thing in the Japanese version? I dunno.
The Elephant constellation corresponds to Bianca, and it's a fun little event. It'll take me a while to catch it though, as it's very easy to miss it with Whale Island shenanigans at the end of every day.

CINNAMON: In this season, you can see the "Wooly Constellation."

BUSH: That sounds like a very cute constellation.

CINNAMON: ...I guess. The Wooly Constellation is a bit weird because it can only be seen late at night if you have a monster with you.
It's a very late constellation, but we'll be sure to see it. It corresponds to Tabatha, but also helps us befriend a monster.

The Runey Situation is doing okay for the time being. I'd have to manually track how much I have to skim off the top off of every zone if I mess with it right now. I'm mostly waiting for them to grow to the 50/50/50/?? range, as I just need to skim 9-10 each day from them afterwards.

Of course I still opted to mess with it for some reason.
Keeping spreadsheets on index cards, yaaaaaay

Oh, and here the explosive device hanging out in Mist's yard. It mostly paddles around in the little pond. That's all.

Enough time passes for Selphy to be working the front desk at the library, so I head back there.

SELPHY: You know...

SELPHY: Don't you get annoyed by the gap between what people want you to be and who you really are?

SELPHY: You don't... I guess you wouldn't...
There's not a choice here, it's just implied Bush answers no. I just imagine Bush just giving a blank stare at Selphy for an awkward amount of time.

I buy the Cont'd: It's Hot!, the intermediate pot recipe book for 2500g. There's some lifedrain dishes I'm looking to make, and I'll need the book if I want to make them at level 2. Without the book, the meters cap out with expert crafts being a nearly frame perfect input that I'd rather not bother with.
I also buy Axe Fan Weekly for 8000g, the book containing all the axe recipes. The formatting on the description is broken and only tells us that "This is the only".

I also scoop up Neck Accentuation for 5000g, "an advanced guide to making neck accessories. Why not just say necklaces...?"
There's some good stuff in there we'll be able to make.
New recipes in hand, we head back to the house.

Peperoncino is some good stuff to make, and the only reason why I bought an upgraded pot to begin with.
It's made only from garlic, cooking oil, and flour, all bought materials. It heals for 50, RP restore for 150, gives +40 max HP as well as the very good HP Absorption effect.

The majority of the neckwear is various necklaces, but there's some other interesting things.

Like Critical 7 for instance, which boosts critical chance, and gives +17 ATK, +77 DEF, +77 MAG.
That's way away from now though.

We've also got a great many axes now at our disposal. There's some good fire element ones later, but for now we've got two real good ones lined up.
First is Alldale, a big ol' golden axe and a series staple. It has a higher level charge attack, an ATK of 80, alongside a new effect of Seal Attack 100%.
That means all swings with this weapon are highly likely to seal our enemies, cutting off a lot of their more annoying attacks. It'll be great to have around for pretty much the whole game.

Requiring some more interesting materials, is the Crescent Axe with it's 30% chance to paralyze and built-in HP Absorption.
It needs some more unusual materials: a Great Axe, Silver, Glittering Edge, and a Moondrop.
We'll have both of these axes in not too long though.

The highest level axe is

The nice thing is that all of these later axes like Heat Hawk and Double Edge are made from these early axes.
The upgrade tree is mostly this:
Normal Axes -> Alldale -> Demon Axe -> Executioner
Normal Axes -> Flame Axe -> Heat Hawk
Normal Axes -> Tomahawk -> Heat Hawk
Normal Axes -> Crescent Axe -> Double Edge.

MIST: That's a wonderful Yarn Ball.
Apparently Mist comments on whatever you make with your various maker machines. I suppose she's impressed with the technology as it's not like Bush does anything but stare at the maker while it churns for a moment.

We've got a lot of yarn balls, and the best way to spend those right now is on Knit Scarves, a pretty good piece of equipment at a skill cost of 20. It should help jump our crafts skill by quite a bit.
It's also 20 DEF and 15 MAG better than our neck scarf, so it's a long needed upgrade.

I end up making 4 of these. They look rather nice, I'd say, but they don't sell for as much as I'd hoped so this prompts me to go throw one at somebody.

BIANCA: I don't need so many.
I gave Bianca one of the scarves to see if it'd have any effect on her LP, and also just to mess around with the dress-up system. Once we get a lot of resources available and a high crafts skill, I'll open up voting once our crafts skill gets high enough to make most of the stuff.
It's also probably a better birthday present than the random colored grass I gave her.

It seems like it raised FP at least.
I think it kinda works with the rest of her outfit?

BIANCA: I came to get away from the heat but it's not cool here at all! Do something about it!
I gave you the scarf. It looks kinda cool!
oh wait, you wanted the temperature to be cool

TABATHA: Th-thank you... I guess this is for me? I see...
I gave Tabatha the neck towel we've been carrying around, just to get it out of our inventory while I was here. This is absolutely the best/most appropriate response I've gotten for gifting anyone in this game so far.

It kinda works? It's a bit brighter than the rest of her outfit, but that's to be expected with the rendering in this game.

For some reason I felt like blowing more money on crafting books, so here's Head Coordination, "an advanced guide on making accessories for the head. Pretty heady stuff..."

Aside from oddities like the pumpkin mask and turnip head, this is mostly a lot of headbands and animal ears. There's a few hats in here, but no helmets.

There is the supremely high level Tiara, with a +120 MAG on it, and high resistance to all status debuffs.
It might even be worth growing an Emery flower for.
...What am I saying? Nothing is worth growing an Emery Flower for.

For the time being, Bush's Fashion Boutique closes and my focus goes back to cutting up tea leaves and making popcorn.

Almost 9000g for a collection of leftover produce and a few fish sashimis? I'll take it!

ERIK: Young man, what do you do on rainy days?

ERIK: I think it's good to take it easy indoors when it rains.
As you might've noticed already, usually rainy days are an excuse for me to make progress in dungeons or just go on crafting binges.

LARA: The rain is a blessing from the heavens. It would be bad if it never rained.
Bush doesn't know what the heavens are. If he ever attended a sermon he might know, but we're too busy for that.

Lara's suddenly selling moondrops now. Maybe they're used in a medicinal recipe?
I'm just here to buy grass. Lots of it. I'd buy even more, but my wanton spending at the library has left us with only 1000g.
It's fine, we'll just stock up on more tomorrow.

Tea Leaves Lv:1 were synthesized. Many tea leaves.
With enough chopping, we're all the way up to Cooking skill 86.

Following this, I just do some random fishing and orange collection until the bathhouse opens.

MELODY: You have to take a bath whenever you sweat. It's been really hot recently so you have to be careful.
It's fine, Bush comes here every day, no matter what happens.

MELODY: I clean the bath every day. I want everyone to enjoy their time here.

MELODY: It's my dream to go traveling to hot springs all over the world.

MELODY: There used to be a hot spring where a giant tree stump was used as the tub. That one was really nice.

MELODY: But you can't make that tub even if you tried.
Yeah, finding that big of a tree isn't going to be easy.

Following the bath, we head on up to Whale Island Flank to try and get some item drops.

Fighting the hobgoblins here can get us some decently high level knife pieces, which we'll be needing for some of our coming weapon forging.
These happen to be level 8 out of 10 so I really can't complain.

Eventually it gets late enough for me to head onto Iris. Also my carrots have grown!
If you forgot that I planted carrots here, you're entirely forgiven
i almost did myself
I need them for Selphy's favorite gift, that's all.

Iris has nothing new to say, so I dive back into the Lava Ruins.

All I do while I'm down here is get a few materials, mostly just ending up to be some silver, insect skin, and a fire crystal.
The run was mostly for the silver, and you'll see why in a bit.

While it's certainly late enough to trigger a constellation, they do have a minimum requirement of 1 LP with the corresponding girl. Tabatha won't hit that milestone until tomorrow, and Bianca will still take about 8 more days to get that far.

With a Battle Axe, Silver, Warrior Medal, and a Knife Piece (the latter two easily obtained at high levels from hobgoblins), we can make ourselves the Alldale before we go to sleep.

Alldale Lv:4 was synthesized.
This was as high as I could get it at the moment. It was held back by the level of the Silver, a matter really only fixable with a better hammer.
All the higher level does is reduce the RP cost anyways. I think if it was level 5+ or 10 it might get a damage boost, but I'm not clear on that.

I also go and make a Katusha, it needs Insect Jaw, Insect Hide, Cheap Cloth, and a Magic Powder. It's a little red hairband that claims to raise your critical rate, and happens to be useful for the various animal ears later. I make it at level 5.

It's a minor jump up to our defense and magic stats, but I like how the knit hat looks on Bush so he'll keep that on unless we're in dungeons.

Some extra food goes into the fridge. I'm up to 15 plates of tea leaves, but that will get higher in the coming days.
I reserve the middle row of the fridge for sandwich materials.
With all that done, Bush heads to bed...

Egads, a tornado!

BUSH: I shouldn't go outside today.
Tornadoes are awful, and are just staples of the early farming games. You just lose a day and take variable, but usually bad amount of damage to your fields.
Later games in the series let you both run around during these storms, as well as reinforce your crops from the damage.
Frontier is not so nice.
...However, I don't play nice either. I save every night before I go to bed for a reason. Goodbye, stormy summer 9th!

However, RNG is set at the start of the day in this game. If the next day was going to be a storm day, you can't stop it.
...Or can you?

We go back to the 8th of Summer again and we once again call upon an old friend...

I know there's folks that have been waiting on another of these.
You're welcome!

LARA: Did you work until you collapsed again?!

LARA: Be sure to go home and rest before you collapse.
Sorry, Lara, but this was necessary. She took like -10 LP subpoint from that, it's crazy.

You caught a cold.

Bam. Chew on that, bad mechanic!
The developers didn't go out of their way to program a contingency for waking up in the church after passing out, so it guarantees clear weather regardless of what would happen.
I've not tried this in RF1, but I've half a mind to wager it might just softlock the game. RF1 is not designed stably.

I get our cold cleared off for just 100g. Sure, we're starting our day at half HP and RP, but we spared our field from the wrath of wind.

Here's a look at the damage our field would have sustained had we accepted the storm. It's not a lot, but it'd still easily be about 3000g out of our daily profit, as well as a flat 20,000 from missing our tomato harvest.
Consequently, you might notice the white and black grass spread about. This is the easier way to get it.

STELLA: Anette is always so full of energy. It makes me smile just looking at her.
Anette is pretty fun. It's a shame she's not around more.
Also, we won't be seeing her today, likely enough. She might stop by the beach or Erik's, but it's unlikely.

KANNO: It's too hot. It hurts these old bones of mine.
I know about cold messing with bones, but not heat. Rough, man. I've got arthritis, so I know the pain at least.

Runey regions are filled up, so I'll go mess with those off-screen.

TABATHA: I really like rice porridges. Am I strange for liking it?

TABATHA: I think the cooking method of porridge is actually one of the most elaborate.
You're not joking. It's 80 skill for some rice mush.

While I'm chatting up Tabatha, Grant passes on by to help with all the harvesting. Good on ya there, lad.

EUNICE: I feel so calm inside when everything is cleaned up.
That's nice.

TSUBUTE: Milady! You mustn't blindly recieve gifts from gentlemen!

UZUKI: Why is that? It would be rude to rebuff them.

TSUBUTE: That is the way for commoners. Milady, you must be more discreet.

UZUKI: Very well. Then I shall require your help when Tsubute is not around, Bush.

TSUBUTE: M-milady...?

UZUKI: I was joking. You are much too serious-minded.
Tsubute does not approve of our wanton gifting. However, Uzuki's cool with getting free fish every day regardless.

UZUKI: In this country, there are people with all sorts of colors for their hair and eyes.

UZUKI: In my country, everyone had black hair and eyes. Seeing all these things is very new to me.
In a shocking twist, Not-Japan is not very anime.
The comment about the eyes is inherently wrong though, especially given she's got green eyes herself. Yue from RF2 has blue eyes while RF3's Sakuya and Shino have violet eyes. All black hair, but eyes, no.

ROSETTA: Let me tell you a little secret, Bush.

BUSH: What is it?

ROSETTA: My birthday is on the 21st of autumn. I'll be waiting for a present.
I'll probably forget but give you a gift that day anyways.

ROSETTA: Mist has that weird personality but she's popular with the boys. I can never understand why.
She's popular with some folks in the thread too. I do kinda get it though.

ROSETTA: Maybe I should start selling the stuff I cooked at the store?

BUSH: Rosetta, are you good at cooking?

ROSETTA: What, I don't look it?

ROSETTA: I'm actually pretty good at it, you know.

ROSETTA: When I was living with Dad, I was the one that did all the cooking.

BUSH: Oh, really? Then I hope you'll treat me to some later.
It might add some variety to the store. After all, Bush mostly exports fish and tomato juice.

ROSETTA: W-what?! I-It's not free! I-I-It's not cheap either, you know!
Bush has money. Of course, he's nearly a master chef, so he can kinda make whatever he wants.
Well, that was the light reprise of tsundere Rosetta, I guess.

DANNY: Oh... It's you, Bush...

BUSH: What's wrong? You look really down.

DANNY: The customers are all gone so I think I should just close shop and go back home...

DANNY: I have 5 siblings back in my hometown. I came all the way here to start a business... I just wasn't cut out for it...

BUSH: Oh...

DANNY: Sorry... Can you leave me alone for a bit?
Well RIP Danny's Groceries. Can't say I didn't see it coming. When someone comes along with a better supply than you and you refuse to adapt, that's on you.

SELPHY: Every Tuesday I will have a clearance on the stock! But, it's still not going to be that cheap...
Somehow, it took me this long to find this out.

The tuesday store sells all the basic, low-level books alongside two very pricy and niche books for 10,000g:
Beach Style!: A book of swimsuit patterns that boys are too embarassed to buy at stores.
Happy Toys!: A book with instructions for accessories meant to be presents! Isn't that just awesome!
The latter book just contains recipes for the Fan and Ribbon, two generic gifts that I know nothing about. The former book lets you learn all of two recipes for making swimsuits... as gifts for the girls.
For now, I just buy the rest of the basic utensil recipes. This means that after all this time, Bush can make level 2 tomato juice on regular instead of needing a near frame perfect input to do it.

Following that, Bush spends a few thousand on grass at Lara's clinic so I can continue to go about making Tea Leaves all while listening to the 1975 radio hit, "How Long" by Ace.
Had to mix it up from F-Zero.

MIST: I had a funny dream last night. In it, my roof leaked so much that I had to use my bed as a boat and I sailed on a voyage!
Neat. I only have nightmares!
You should probably get Kross to fix your roof though.

MIST: Adventures are nice, but don't forget to till your fields.

MIST: What you need to do is to till your fields, Bush.

Many, many tea leaves later and Bush is at Cooking skill 90. He's going all the way, folks.
(And also everything I'm doing here is a profit, if a minor one.)

Mackerel (24cm) Lv:1 was caught.
While waiting on the bath to open, I went to the beach and caught some fish. I stuck around until I'd burned my bars to the limit before hitting the bath.

That eventually leads into visiting Iris up on the island. Our moondrop are finally ready though!

But I didn't have any tomato juice or tomatoes left on me, so I had to go all the way back home once gathering the ones by the tower.
Given that it was already past 5, Grant's harvest got sold already.
I go ahead and blow the rest of my RP on cooking since that's what I was going to do when I got back anyways. Our skill is up to 94 now!

IRIS: Bush! Bush!

IRIS: Can you model for my next drawing?

1. Sure.
2. Maybe next time.
Oh, wow, a branching dialogue! Running all the way back to make that juice was totally worth it now.
A polite way of saying no posted:
IRIS: I see. I'm sorry I asked when you're so busy. I hope you can come see it next time.
Oh, no... a drawing of Bush from memory. As someone who is terrible with drawing, I know this will likely unleash a cursed horror on the world if we let it happen.
So we say yes, instead, naturally. Bush is just predisposed to say yes to everything anyways, for the sake of content.
Draw me like one of your French, uh wait france doesn't exist in- posted:
IRIS: Thank you very much!
IRIS: I'm going to put a lot of effort into it!
IRIS: Done! I think I did a great job. Please take a look!
BUSH: ...
BUSH: (Um... is this Clucky with a pumpkin on it's head supposed to be... me?)
BUSH: I think it has a lot of... originality, and it shows your personality in it.
IRIS: Really?! Thank you! I'll practice even more to get better!
first person to draw that and post it in the thread gets an oatmeal
I think I misjudged Bush, he's not making white lies, he's carefully supporting the world's next top surrealist/avant-garde artist. He's got an eye for talent is what it is.

IRIS: I've never eaten any garlic before, but for some reason, I don't want to try.
I dunno girl, it's got lifesteal on it
some pretty kickin' stuff if you ask me

Found the Wooly Constellation!
Friendship with monster went up!
It's near 9:00 so I drop by the observatory to grab this. Of course, Pony is with us as always for this. It's the least I can do, given everything she does for us.

She's level 34 now, higher than us, thanks to the friendship levels. Her FP gain is going to stay real slow just because of how the calculations work in this game.

Thanks to the weird start this morning, I forgot to water the crops, so I had to do that late in the day.
It also turns out that Grant still doesn't like us enough to do the entire field himself, leaving one section of corn and two sections of tomatoes unharvested.
I can just resolve that by collecting the corn myself on big harvest days. Easy enough.

And with this, Bush hits the hay for the day. Like the saying, not the fodder. I've got enough of that stuff.
He's at skill 94 right now, and I should easily get that 95 next time around, finally closing out Bush's great cooking escapade.

See you then!