Part 39: "i do regret the rainbow can"
Update 39: "i do regret the rainbow can"(So for some reason I redid part of yesterday in my recordings, but I don't remember having done it. All the same stuff still mostly happened, but I made better use of my time and collected some crafting materials on the side. That's and some late night fishing is about it. We now resume as if nothing happened.)

The Bush awakens!

We start our morning off smashing some scrap iron into our sickle. Not to actually upgrade it, just to grind forging skill. A better weapon's not really on the table for a while given we still take some penalties on the Crescent Axe, but I might as well.

The skill we need do need to raise is crafts. I'm looking to get an elemental cape of some kind, (preferably a water one,) but the lowest skill requirement is 54. That one's also the Wind Cape and wind is rarely an issue, so I've set my sights on the next highest, the Fire Cape at 59 skill.
That means getting 12 more points of skill from our current 27. Given the relative rarity and overall variety of materials, grinding to this point won't be easy.
But with the season winding to a close, a boss room to break into, and no other immediate goals, I can't think of anything better for us to start working on.

I'm also starting to burn through that Relax Tea supply so that our watering can doesn't completely exhaust us for the day.

It's another clear and sunny Summer day!

Morning mail time!

~"Yes." - Cinnamon~
Fish curry must be delicious.
I just know it.
It's an actual food, although I can't vouch for it's taste. I don't like the taste of fish and I've never had curry.
Regardless, Bush salutes your cooking endeavors, Cinnamon. He too was once a beginner with dreams of unique dishes.


BUSH: Well, what?

ANETTE: I'm wearing boots that make me taller!

ANETTE: They're uncomfortable and no one noticed so I'm gonna quit wearing them!
I'd imagine running in platform boots is far from a comfortable situation.
She's only like an inch or two shorter than Bush, but alas. Perhaps someday Anette will find her magical height solution.

Anette still delivers Mist's mail as if nothing has changed, but she is aware of the circumstances. Perhaps it is a means of coping with this shocking situation, or perhaps it is merely continuing things as normal just in case she's wandered back.
It's also me reading far too deeply into what is just a minor oversight.

Ah, runes, you sustain us in these trying times
so much more useful than runeys

MELODY: I fixed my bed hair so I could wear this swimsuit.
While it doesn't look any better than usual, perhaps it is far more chaotic than we think underneath that hat.

TABATHA: Human food seems to have all sorts of ways to prepare dishes.

TABATHA: I have learned quite a lot of cooking methods from Uzuki recently.

TABATHA: It has helped me greatly since Miss Bianca is so particular with her food.
Apparently, the elves don't have the most diverse food recipes. In a way, this can be taken as a vague hint to something we'll might get to in a week or two.
I'll leave what that is a secret for now.

Being honest, there was a period of time in which I had begun to think the whole hullabaloo over runeys and the environment falling apart was a bit overblown, but no, I'm really seeing it now. Everything outside of my prosperity zones is gradually vanishing.
A free week is coming soon with the start of Autumn, I'm just hoping things can hold until then.

By the time I hit the archives today, I realize I don't have a gift for Selphy. My supply of carrots for sandwiches is getting low, and I keep forgetting to buy more cooking oil from the bar. I'll have to make her a rice ball for today I guess.
Honestly, the one disadvantage of Danny going out of business has manifested in that my only source of cooking oil is from the bar.

UZUKI: The weather is so nice. Respecting the sun is common among all cultures.
Except for the mole people, they seek to wage war on sunlight.

EUNICE: My birthday is on the 17th of autumn. It's the season when everything tastes good.
Eunice is evidently a fan of pumpkin spice.
More seriously, her favorite gift specifically requires the chestnuts that grow on the trees in Autumn.

ROSETTA: You seem really close with Mist.

ROSETTA: Are you two... What kind of relationship do you have?

BUSH: Huh? I don't know what you mean.
It's very difficult to explain the bond created by giving someone your breakfast on new years day.

ROSETTA: Then... What about... me...

ROSETTA: N-nothing! Forget what I said!
Rosetta's really trying to make a move on Bush, but just can't get it out. Part of me feels like she hasn't had too much screentime, but she kinda has?
I guess she hasn't had too many big events yet, but that's about to change. She's been climbing up in LP since we got our oven.

GANESHA: I heard you started blacksmithing.

GANESHA: Looks like I have some competition now.

BUSH: I still have a long way to go...

GANESHA: No no. I feel more motivated when I have someone to compete with. I hope you'll do well.
I guess it says something about our forging skill that we're just seeing this dialogue now, nearly halfway through a year in the game.

Following this, I take a pit stop into the Green Ruins for some metal while looking for some of the other townsfolk. This little spot on the first floor only accessible with a silver hammer or stronger reliably gives at least 1 per visit.

I nab some more scrap in general while I'm down here. Might as well.

I also have another reason to be here, which is to grab an Insect Jaw off one of the ants. I don't need it to be high level, so I might as well farm the easiest option.

Then I do some tests to see if chopping wood with our combat axes gives either Lumber or Weapons skill- it would seem to be just the former.
Regardless, I clean most of the stumps out of this area, so that's a few steps closer to getting a two-story house.

Not much later, it's time for a bath.

Following this, I get to grinding some crafting skill using anything I've got to make things with. I've ended up with a lot of iron and copper that need to go, which have basically no use beyond the mid 20's skill range, really.

I do have something more important to make though, and that's with the Insect Jaw I just grabbed.
Using the Silver Ring we're already wearing plus one of our few Magic Crystals, a Pink Cat flower, and an Insect Jaw, we can make a Silence Ring.
Aside from being a minor jump in stats over a base Silver Ring, it provides complete immunity to Seal and also gives us a 100% chance to inflict Seal with any attack, (monster resistances aside.)

Silence Ring Lv:1 was synthesized.
Finally, we no longer have to worry about losing our ability to use magic or special attacks on our axe. It also means we can even seal enemies with our stronger Crescent Axe rather than needing to use Alldale for it.
There are other good options for arm accessories, but I've got a feeling we'll be wearing this one for a long time.
Also apparently it makes people chatty when they wear it, which won't really affect Bush. He already actively seeks out conversation by any means necessary.

Following that, I spend some Silver and Insect Skin on 3 rings purely for skill gain. I might make these into the other status rings later if getting the Magic Crystals isn't too much a pain.
We're up to 30 crafts skill now, that just puts us 9 more away from our goal.

I drop by the Materia General Store to pick up a basic pendant following this.

I've got enough extra materials lying around, and now enough skill to make an Earth Pendant.

Earth Pendant Lv:1 was synthesized.

And so ends the long era of Bush's wearing a knit scarf as this edges it out in stats. He almost looks wrong without it at this point.
*sigh* You served us well, Knit Scarf. We only wore you through the hottest season of the year, but it was worth it.

I use a whole bunch more scrap metal on our sickle, pushing our forging up by about 5 levels in the process. This gets us in range to start slapping scrap iron onto the Rainbow Can, which being a higher skill item, pretty much guarantees a skill up per forge at this point.
We still have to get our skill up quite a lot before we can even access forging for expertise to lower the RP cost.
Unfortunately, I ran out of scrap metal, so grinding forging more can wait for now.

A few more Earrings and other bits later, we've thinned out the material box further and gained two more points in crafts. Things are coming along!

Just not finding that much new dialogue today, unfortunately. I hope the crafting escapades make up for it.

Unable to find new, riveting conversation, Bush dives into Lava Ruins and begins mining there for usable materials.

The ore vein on the second floor near the exploding Duck gives us an amazing yield of 3 silver ore!
This is what we're really looking for. Silver is featured prominently in many of the accessory recipes presently, and basic Silver Rings are some of the least complicated things to make.

Following this, I while the evening away farming Ignis. We're finally making some amount of progress with Cinnamon, and she's got a long way to go still, so farming these will be a part of our day to day life for quite some time.
Now that the Ignis can't seal Bush and every hit seals them, it does make farming a bit easier. Doesn't improve the drop rate any, but it does mean less time is wasted between waves.

Finally, by 8:00 PM we get one. Not only are these a favorite gift, they're a component in so many recipes.
This drop rate is just brutal given all that.

With nothing else left to do in the day but some passing runey management, it's off to Whale Island.

BUSH: Whale...?
WHALE: "What is it, Bush?"

BUSH: I found this crystal by the seashore. It's not much but it might help bring the ocean to you.
WHALE: "Ah, it is almost as if I can feel the waves already... Thank you, Bush, this is is wonderful!"

BUSH: You're welcome, Mr. Whale.
WHALE: "If there's any way I can return the favor to you, please let me know."

WHALE: "I owe you one for the 'Tide Cluster'."

BUSH: Well... I can think of something. Can I have some of your "Baleen"?
WHALE: "That can be easily arranged."

WHALE: "Every time you bring me a 'Tide Cluster,' I will exchange it for some more of my 'Baleen'."

*And it appears on the ground in front of us!*

...And that's how we get the other important material for our wedding bouquet! This dialogue would have triggered yesterday, but the conversation about the two Irises singing overrode it.
If you don't remember, the Tide Cluster was that white crystal we found on the beach like a week ago or so. I didn't bring too much attention to it at the time, but this is what it's used for. We could have turned it in before getting the bouquet recipe and still gotten the same dialogue, but Bush would have saved the favor for later.
(Due to shenanigans, I had to sort of recreate the above script as I'd already turned in the Tide Cluster, but lost the small recording where I did that. I hope you don't mind. So many technical difficulties this update.)

IRIS BLANCHE: Should I grow out my hair?

IRIS BLANCHE: Do you prefer girls with longer hair, Bush?
Blanche is getting self conscious over her other half now, I think. Noire's got minorly longer hair, mostly just longer bangs. Then again, she might just be thinking about longer than that in general.
I don't think much longer hair would really work with the giant collar they wear, unless they run it in front like Noire's already kind of doing. That could be a good look, now that I think about it. Two long tails in front? Maybe just one long braid?
There isn't any choice to be made here though, unfortunately. Only way we can influence their style is to give them an accessory.

IRIS NOIRE: My hobby is actually fortune telling with tarot cards.

IRIS NOIRE: Do you want me to tell your fortune?

1. Yes, please.
2. Not now.
One can only wonder when and how she had the time to get this hobby with Gelwein over her head. Regardless, what could it hurt?
(saying no here doesn't provide any interesting dialogue, if you were wondering)

IRIS NOIRE: Now then...

*Card shuffling*

IRIS NOIRE: ...There. Let's see...

IRIS NOIRE: "Anything you do today will turn out well. If you want to start something, do it today, but do not get carried away."

IRIS NOIRE: There it is. Of course, fortune telling is always a hit or miss affair.
I'd say we followed that advice pretty well retroactively. Hit or miss is about right though, fantastic Silver luck today, abysmal Magic Crystal luck.
Alas, tarot doesn't involve the branch of fortunetelling that includes weather shaping magic.

IRIS NOIRE: The scenery from here looks wonderful. It feels like I am swimming in the sky...
We'll probably be getting more dialogue from Noire than Blanche for now, as the latter is nearing LP 10.

IRIS NOIRE: I really like to grow flowers.

IRIS NOIRE: You can grow flowers for spring, summer, and autumn on Whale Island. I'm glad I came over here.
Noire also shares similar tastes to her counterpart, given they're two halves of the same person.

Following this I remember to stop by the bar for cooking oil, and we're off to bed.

I do manage to make a level 5 Silver Ring before we do that.

So many rings!

Alas, we're 1 skill point away from making a Poison Ring. It'd be worth a skill point on it's own.

We blow our remaining RP on grinding some Magic skill, and then it's off to bed for Bush.

We awake to a sunny Summer 28th. Just two days left in the season! Next update will be the last we see of this season for a long time!

watering everything is still a strain on resources
i do regret the rainbow can
so fashionable yet so painful

I manage to meet Anette before she even makes it off the bridge today. Getting a lot better at timing this!

ANETTE: Bush, you must get so tired from working in the fields.

ANETTE: When that happens, you can recharge your batteries by eating some fruit. But maybe that's just me.
Timely advice! It's quite true, the supply of oranges I gathered earlier in the month has kept me alive while watering. They're not a lot of RP, but they're enough to stop you from passing out.
My only question is how she knows what batteries are. Norad doesn't have electricity! Maybe she means like artillery?

One silver from Green Ruins today. I don't think I've ever not gotten at least one from here.

r u n e y
m a n a g e m e n t

LARA: I'm relaxing a little before I do my daily morning work at the church.

LARA: We all need some time off.
I'll say! I don't think I ever see you not working outside of these trips to the beach.
This reminds me that these last three days is also the last we'll really see of the beach. While it made locating some characters annoying, there was a certain fun in not knowing who'd be here each morning.
Melody and Uzuki still come out here occasionally anyways, just not in swimwear.

BIANCA: That Mist... Where could she have gone...? Making us all worry about her like this...

BIANCA: I-I'm not...! I mean... Tabatha was worried...
Every once in a while Bianca lets something slip through- she's a good person at heart, but is just afraid to show it.
I don't really know what relationship she'd have with Mist, but she must have found her at least somewhat interesting given her oddball conversations.

BIANCA: Once I get bored of Trampoli, I may move to another summer home. You'll have to entertain me so that doesn't happen.
As we've given her Francoise already, she's not going to leave. This could be a real shock to someone who doesn't know this is coming, but the conditions are so easy I don't know how you'd miss it.
If there is an LP requirement of some kind, Bianca's almost at 3LP thanks to all the conversation and winning the boating festival.

UZUKI: There's really not much to do when you go fishing.

UZUKI: I swung my naginata to kill time and the fish got away.
If you're a restless person, bait fishing can be really hit or miss. I normally have to keep myself occupied all the time, but fishing's the one time where I can really just sit back and take in the atmosphere. It's the perfect mix for me, the feeling like I'm doing something alongside the ability to just simply relax.
If it's too slow, then fly fishing might be more your style. It's constant action.

EUNICE: I used to be lonely, but I have so many more friends now.

EUNICE: Cinnamon always comes to pick up Kanno every morning. I'm really grateful for her.
Magic Grandpa's usually out on his own by 12 AM. He actually doesn't get much sleep from what I can tell, I don't think he goes to sleep until like 3:00 AM.

EUNICE: I feel so calm inside when everything is cleaned up.
It's a strange feeling, but I've had it before.
I also feel like I've covered this before.

GANESHA: The Snow Ruins, as the name suggests, has monsters that are resistant to cold.

GANESHA: But, they're also weak towards heat, so adjust your equipment that way to prevent needless damage to yourself.
This is why I'd like a Water Cape, but that just so happens to be the one with the highest skill cost. Ah, well, I'm still making one for the massive improvement it'll be over that Crest we made at the beginning of Summer, I think.

I buy a Wind Crystal while we're here, as I've got something I can make with it.

CINNAMON: I've gotten good at back rubs recently. Grandpa loves it when I do it for him.
Cinnamon's racking up a list of skills now- fishing, fish prints, constellations, magic theory, medicine, dabbling in cooking, and now massage!
A few more and she'll catch up to the jack-of-most-trades that is Bush!

CINNAMON: Melody seems really... motivated recently.
Melody's usually pretty motivated, so she must be putting into overdrive now. Must be thanks to getting more bath family.

MELODY: I'm actually really picky about my hat. Did you know that I wear a different hat everyday?
Speaking of Melody, here's some Melody Facts for you. We've seen this before, but with the springs of content being a lot drier for her now her storyline's complete, I've gotta do something to not just leave her out.

SELPHY: In Uzuki's country, there's a legend about a princess that came from the moon. Isn't that romantic?!

SELPHY: But yeah. I discovered that hearing someone tell a story directly can be really fun, too.
Selphy has branched out from literature to also being interested in the wider world of storytelling. If this keeps up, she might end up inventing tabletop roleplaying with "Woolies & Warriors, 1st Edition".
That just leads to the fun question of who in town would play the game. Melody's a hard yes, Cinnamon's a maybe, and I've got a feeling Bianca would really want to join but wouldn't say so. You'd proably have to ask her directly so she can claim she's bored and has nothing else to do.

SELPHY: Books are so good. They're compressed packs of human knowledge. Everyone should read more books!
Despite getting into oral tradition, Selphy will continue to espouse the virtues of reading. It will forever be the supreme form of storytelling in her eyes.

Conversations done for the day, we return to home base to continue our accessorizing. First up, I make some yarn from our recent wool harvest.

I also try out making some yogurt.
Its basically worthless as a food, so either it's an ingredient for something, or a really really minor profit.

Next up, we stick a Wool, a Yarn Ball, a Monster Hide, and a Toy Herb together to make...

Furry Belt Lv:1 was synthesized.
A Furry Belt. With this and the cat ears, Bush is entering dangerous territory, I know, but this is a long needed replacement for our horribly outdated Crest.

It's a pretty decent jump in DEF, but this'll soon be replaced by that Fire Cape I've got my eyes on. It was also a free skill up.

And so the Crest goes into the shipping bin alongside some whatever earrings. You served us well, sort of, but you were so tiny I pretty much forgot you were even equipped.
Rest In Profit, good soldier

It's around this time I check in with Erik and his supply of wool he somehow has despite being terrified of monsters and not raising any himself. For only 360g, we can buy two wool and make a scarf, so that may be a viable means of us to speed grind the craft's skill.
We're rolling in cash and the only big purchases are far off from now, so it's not a horrible idea.

I do buy one and make another few belts while I'm at it. I've got a good number of leftover monster hides I can use for this, but it digs into my Toyherb supply a lot.

It's a cost I'm willing to pay though, as each one of these is getting me a skill up, and I've got enough to get me just to that coveted 39 crafts skill.

They're worth a lot thanks to how much Toyherbs are worth, so it adds a pretty hefty profit to today's earnings.

KANNO: Trampoli is a very nice village...

KANNO: ...but it's so deep in the countryside that there isn't any place I where can gather materials for research.
Just give me quests to go hunt stuff for you, I'm pretty sure I can get most of what you need.
Also, it's been a while since we've seen a typo. Hard to tell if it happened because of an editing pass to "any place I can" or just putting the "I" before "where".

Time to grind items in Lava Ruins!

After far too much fighting, I manage to acquire a Quality Cloth. Two in fact! I never get this kind of luck on drops so frequently, that tarot reading must be really working it's magic.
That's one material for our cape down!

Time for our daily bath!

Refreshed, we examine the materials left for us to acquire. It would seem all I need now is some Cheap Cloth and a Quality Fur.

Before I go get that specifically, I've got another thing in mind. So I go magick the giant chicken away again.

The HP bar doesn't even get to finish draining before it goes down.

And bam, another Feathered Hat, just like that.
If you're asking why I needed another of these, it's because I sold the old one and gave the spare to Eunice because I am a master of planning ahead. But with it, I can now make one other new piece of gear to add to our ensemble.

That hat, plus a Toy Herb, a Fair Hide from the hornets in the Snow Ruins, and a Quality cloth make...

Stylish Hat Lv:1 was synthesized.
One stylish hat!

It may not have the passive crit from the ears, but it's a decent little jump in DEF and MAG. If that flower on the side was a feather, then this would definitely be a pimp hat but as is, it's only close to it.
Now, off to Whale Island for the day!

Before we go visit the Tower of Rest, we've got some other business to attend to.

All the way back up to the Tower of Birth we go, a place we haven't visited in a long time.

Up here, I start to grind the

Far too many hours later, a quality fur finally drops. Sealing really shuts them down, locking them to using only their basic horn poke attack.
With that done, we can go visit Blanche and Noire.

IRIS BLANCHE: People change, but one should never be afraid of it.
Sudden, but good advice, I guess.

IRIS NOIRE: It's most dangerous right when you get used to things. Please be careful when you explore the ruins.
They're just throwing all sorts of advice today.

Back at home, we're still missing 2 materials for the cape: the Cheap Cloth and a Fire Crystal. These are both pretty easy to acquire, so we'll have it for sure next time.

Not today though, it's gotten far too late. I spend out the last of our RP on various skill grinding as usual, with nothing else left in the day to do with it.

With that, I shall see you next time, in which our obtainment of drip shall continue, and we give a send-off to the season.

MYSTERY: "Wow, they still said 'drip' back then?"

BUSH: "Yes, although I'm still not sure I know what it means."

MYSTERY: "Eh, that's fine. The rapid mutation of multi-dialectic slang in the modern world means that a lot of these words don't stick around."

MYSTERY: "Unless of course it progresses to its own dialect of our language, and then evolves past that into it's own separate language consisting of references to things you had to be there for to understand."

MYSTERY: "Said shorthand reference language will then consume the world leaving a nearly indecipherable written history behind, which will confuse our alien successors who become fed up with the language and pass it off as merely a strange form of art instead. And thus, we will be lost to time."

BUSH: "Uh... can I continue my story now? The network said we had to keep these short."