Part 41: Over Jumbled Lines of Localization
Update 41: Over Jumbled Lines of Localization
Good morning, Bush! Good morning, readers!
With the change of the season comes a brand new color for the clock up top, this time a brown. It honestly looks better than I thought it would.

bush makes food what else is new

Oh, what is new is me slapping a Gold ore, a Ruby, a Glittering Edge, and a Thick Stick into our lumber axe to make a Mountain Axe. Hopefully this will cut wood a lot faster.
It vaguely resembles a single edged Alldale with a pick end on the other side- I guess Bush has two Golden Axes now.

Somewhere along the line I obtained a lot of Water Runeys, and I don't really remember where. I have been focusing on collecting them when I do my maintenance, but it feels like there's more than there should be.
I've been almost ignoring the Grass farm, so that's possibly why.
Speaking of ignoring Runeys, it's the free 7 days, so I can continue to do that risk-free for the next week.

Welcome to Autumn! Everything is a lot more brown, yellow, and dark red, as to be expected. We'll get a nice view of most of the town in the coming days, but I gotta say, I really like how it looks.
I'm a sucker for Autumn ambience though, so that's probably just personal bias speaking.

This comes with a new seasonal theme, and it's quite good. It's an entirely different feel from the Spring and Summer tracks, but I'd say it matches given how different everything is now.

~"It's autumn!" - Rosetta~
Autumn begins today!
Autumn is a season for beautiful flowers,
for which, of course, we carry seeds at Materia!
Rosetta stopped by to drop off her monthly advertisement, despite the whole situation with her dad. Gotta respect the hustle.

Nothing but some fodder planted, so watering shouldn't take us too long. It'll probably be some time before I plant real crops this season as past me was waiting on an event that I thought would happen sooner.
We've got plenty of cash regardless, and the extra time should help us to work on getting prepared for our inevitable clash with Gelwein.
Rune Factory games keep insisting on using main plot hooks that typically demand urgency, but the games themselves never supporting that urgency. We really shouldn't be calmly farming like it's nothing and having festivals while knowing that Mist has been kidnapped and that Whale Island could crush us all at any moment, but that's how it is.
We've been ignoring the whole "Whale Island is falling" thing for a pretty long time, really.

No Anette today?
much sadness
Daily chores took too long, so we won't be visiting the Irises early today.

What's this?

Heading down to South District, a new house has appeared in the previously empty spot beneath Kross's house.

If you have no business, go away.
If you have business, go away.
...How nice.

Uh, Lute...?
Why are you awkwardly standing outside the Sainte-Coquille Manor?

LUTE: What is it? I'm not doing anything suspicious.

LUTE: S-see? N-nothing...
If you say so!

LUTE: Oh yeah! Bush. I was born on the 13th of summer by the way!
Changing the conversation skill: Masterful

It's really odd, I haven't seen anyone but him today. Going back to the normal schedules after a month of the Summer ones has got me confused.

UZUKI: The autumnal leaves look splendid.
Well, some of the villagers' schedules never change anyways.
Oh, right, with a new season comes new season dialogue.

UZUKI: Have you found any clues on Brother?

BUSH: No, I haven't found anything significant... Have you gone inside the ruins, Uzuki?

UZUKI: I-It is so dark and scary the-

UZUKI: I mean, is that not your responsibility?
Maybe it'd help if you gave us a description, maybe a sketch?
Regardless, we haven't seen anyone in the dungeons aside from Gelwein. I doubt he's your brother though.

EUNICE: I heard Uzuki and Tsubute having an argument yesterday.

EUNICE: I guess you can say tha people who don't care about each can't have fights.
Even without the typo(s?) that doesn't make sense. Plenty of people who don't care about each other get in fights- not caring makes it easier, in fact!
I'm no relationship counselor, but something's up if you're fighting regularly.

EUNICE: You know how Dad and I wake up in the morning and Mom wakes up at night?

EUNICE: That's why we make sure we always at least eat breakfast together.
That's nice. Third-shift jobs can be a strain on the family.
...But Rita's always awake. In fact, I don't think she goes to sleep at all, now that I think about it. She'll be standing in the bedroom sometimes, but I've never seen her asleep.

TURNER: Listen. Alcohol is said to be the cause of all sorts of illnesses. It's really bad for you.

TURNER: Wine is especiall bad. That's why if you have any on you, give it to me. I'll dispose of it for you.

TURNER: I'm not saying this because I want to drink it. Don't forget that.

TURNER: *gulp*
Your reverse psychology won't work on me!
As mentioned before, Turner's favorite gift is apparently the Amazing Bathing Suit- Wine is actually his hated gift. This is because he'll go on a drunken bender if you give him any and get chewed out in the morning by Rita.
I guess I can show the event off at some later point, but I'd rather not make trouble for Eunice.

I checked upstairs in Materia for Rosetta, but she's not here right now. I think she's on the Beach Road at this time of day, but I don't think past me remembered that.

Inside the Archives, we find an unusual sight- Bianca!

BUSH: Hey, I thought that you were only here during the summer, Bianca.

BIANCA: That was my initial plan but Francoise can only live in these lands.

BIANCA: I can't just leave it here so Tabatha and I decided to stay.

BUSH: I see. Well, you're always welcome in the village.
Bianca's gotten rather attached to Francoise at this point, something that will keep showing up more and more. I'm glad they're getting along, when the purple elephant was with Bush it just sat in a corner idling forever.

BIANCA: The other day, Francoise ate what I gae it instead of Tabatha's food.

BIANCA: It feels kind of nice.

While I'm here, I spend a little bit of cash picking up some of the last few cooking books we don't have, mostly for dishes we care about.

LARA: It seems that Rosetta's father is sick. That worries me.
Lara would've known Jean personally in some capacity, so this is more than her usual but already great concern for anyone in ill health.

KANNO: Gelwein wants revenge on the Kingdom of Norad!

KANNO: We must stop him!
I'm working on it, but we're not done with Bush's training arc just yet. That and I have to explore around a bit more to find a back entrance.

CANDY: The Spirits are sad. Please help the Spirits!
i said i'm workin' on it

BUSH: Marco, you seem to be really good friends with Candy.

MARCO: Y-yeah... Candy's really weak so I have to protect her.

CANDY: I'm not that weak!
It was this moment that would later influence Candy to become a martial artist of legendary skill.

KROSS: It's autumn. It is a melancholic season.
It is, but it's also pretty and consumed by blazing heat. I just ignore the fact that I'm surrounded by decaying plant matter.

KROSS: This hoe is my partner.

KROSS: Until I met this hoe, I had never done any sort of farm work.

KROSS: This hammer even taught me that I can make things with this.

KROSS: Heh...

KROSS: I'll have to thank the sister that gave this to me.
I suppose it was probably Stella? I guess there's always that one unnamed girl who we haven't seen in a rather long time at this point.

ERIK: Young man! How are your fields?

ERIK: I'm glad to have another farming buddy. We should compete with each other to hone our skills!
Sure, you can have a head start this month. Bush is just gonna grow some grass for a while and that's it.

CINNAMON: Fish is in season. Did you eat some?
Not yet, but we're gonna be eating a lot in the coming days, I'm thinking. Autumn really is a good time for fishing though.

CINNAMON: You can see the "Hat Constellation" now.

BUSH: A hat? That's an odd constellation.

CINNAMON: The Hat Constellation can be seen when it's a bit late. Good luck.
This one is Melody's constellation, and I'm looking forward to the reward it gives.

CINNAMON: The "Broom Constellation" can be seen during this season.

BUSH: People back in the day really thought strange things. What were they thinking when they saw a broom among the stars?

CINNAMON: ...Who knows? But the Broom Constellation can be seen way past midnight. Try to stay up for it...
bush casually throwing shade on his ancestors
It is a pretty late constellation though. I'll try to get both of these rather soon, but the broom is a bit of a challenge if I don't want to lose any time.

STELLA: I like how there are more people in the village now, making it much more lively.
It does make for a lot of content. Just imagine if the town never grew past the people available on the first day- I guess you'd have to write everyone with much more complex dialogue.
I could get behind that idea though.

Some Lava Ruins farming later, and we've got a crystal for Cinnamon. I think at this point that Tabatha has accidentally overtaken her just from the sheer difficulty of obtaining these things.
I also decide it's about time I try out our new lumber axe, as I'm looking to finally get that upgraded house sometime soon.
So I find a stump and-

...oh yes

hell yes
I was not expecting it to change the axe swing into him chucking the axe a dozen feet into the air, jumping up to catch it, doing *two* unnecessary frontflips, and then striking the stump with a massive column of lightning.
Truly our magic skill has crossed into our axe skill.

Much lumberwork ensues as unlike the rainbow can, this is pretty efficient on RP.

I keep going and clear the whole Lava Ruins B2F, taking until 6:00 PM going at it with the axe.

BUSH: Melody, it seems that Selphy forgot and left behind the "Scriptures" here...

MELODY: So you came back for it?

MELODY: ...Isn't it in the women's bath, then?

BUSH: Yes...

MELODY: I told her that you're not allowed to read in the bath! That girl is so...

MELODY: Oh, fine... No one comes when it rains or on holidays so just come in then.

BUSH: Rainy days or holidays, right? Thank you!
On our stop for the bath, we resume Stella's request to recover them scriptures and it continues to play out in a mirror of the similar event to RF1. These same conditions were there as well.
...My question is why Melody can't just walk in there and get it for us. She cleans in there almost every morning, I'm surprised it hasn't ended up in a lost and found of some kind.

I think by "holiday" she means festivals, not the day of the week Holiday, as it wouldn't let me just go in now. Everyone's presently dressed and not inside, I don't see why I can't give a "gimme a sec, i just gotta grab somethin Selphy left"
Anyways, apparently everyone present has small lines if you try to do this, all of them pretty much variations of "what are you doing".

MELODY: Um... That's the wrong way...
I don't know if it's just because we're bath family now, or it's always been this way, but Melody's response is not the "world of hurt" she promised long ago.
I just think it'd be funny if she personally threw Bush out the door.
Anyways, that's enough sidestepping how weird this weird situation is. Time to stop on by Whale Island.

TABATHA: The season of autumn has all sorts of foods so I feel excited about what I can cook.
But first, a slight detour to Tabatha.

TABATHA: Do I find anything dissatisfying with Trampoli?

TABATHA: No... It's a very quiet and nice place. It has a mysterious power to make people kinder. I just have that feeling.
Way long ago, in one of the library books, there was some information that Runeys affect people's emotions- prosperity brings happiness and failing environments brings irritation, or something like that.
I guess all my hard-ish work is to thank for this mysterious power?
...Just imagine if they made that a mechanical effect of the Runeys, having townsfolk be less receptive to gifts and the like if you're not balancing the environment. That'd be truly awful with how bothersome it is. It might actually be neat if the system was any fun to work with.

BIANCA: Francoise lets me pet it recently.

BIANCA: I think it's finally used to me.
More of Bianca slowly becoming a friend to monsters like Bush.
Also her voice line for an afternoon greeting sounds like she didn't expect us to be here, which is fair. 7:00 PM's a pretty late visit.

IRIS NOIRE: *giggle*

BUSH: What's the matter?

IRIS NOIRE: It's nothing. I was just happy that you came to visit me, Bush.
Noire's definitely come out of her depression now.

RITA: People who have longstanding relationships need to test how close they are by fighting sometimes.

BUSH: Are you talking about Uzuki and Tsubute?

RITA: Who knows?
It probably helps if you have a friendly spar with your warrior buddies every once in a while, but I don't think that's the correct context for this relationship advice.

either way, I'm just here for flour, not your relationship advice

KANNO: Always be in love. That's the secret to staying young.

RITA: So... how did it go?
Magic Grandpa is very drunk right now, as evidenced by the VA. He says "Always be in love: love is the key to youth" though, instead.
Rita's says merely "Oh, I see...!" instead.
The localization continues to be odd. This update is filled with localization oddities, in fact.

Found Hat Constellation!

BUSH: It looks like Melody's hat.
At 8:30, we can catch the Hat Constellation.

With so much time left in the night and so much RP to spend, I continue Bush's war against the stumps, this time clearing out a lot of Green Ruins.
This should be at least about another 100 lumber or so.


...has that ever been a word?

After our usual morning cooking, which is getting shorter, we begin our first sunny weekday of Autumn. Behold our field of immature grass that lags the game!

BUSH: That's a strange necklace you have on, Anette.

ANETTE: Jealous?

ANETTE: I had a really good friend back in the day. When she moved away, she gave it to me and we swore that we'd always be friends.

ANETTE: I haven't seen her since, but I hope she's doing all right.
I never had a parting gift, but I've got someone like that. Sometimes you just have to wonder what happened to people you used to know. Regardless, this won't be the last we hear of her little golden acorn necklace.
Also this took precedence over the usual mail dialogue for some reason.

~"A Test Letter" - Bianca~
I heard that you take requests for items people want by mail.
I don't really want anything in particular, but.. hm...
Send me an iron.
Word's gotten out that Bush is in the acquisition business, and Bianca is scoping out the quality of service I assume.
Honestly, if Bush ever decides to put down the hoe and can, this'd probably be what he does for a living. Going out of his way to obtain certain things people want is already something we do every day.
I don't have any Iron on hand as I turned it all into earrings for crafts skill. I wish she'd have asked for Bronze- that stuff is basically useless in this game.
...I kinda don't even remember where exactly to get it, I just end up with it when I'm looking for scrap or Silver. It'll be somewhere in one of the early dungeons though.

~"Once again." - Tabatha~
We have officially become residents of this town.
Please allow us to first extend our greetings as new neighbors.
Although Bianca confirmed it for us yesterday, here it is in paper. Bush has done a lot for this town's population growth.
I don't know what becoming an official resident entails, Bush never signed any paperwork, Mist just gave him the house with unquestioned authority.

~"Sorry!" - Selphy~
I'm so sorry!
That last letter supposed to be for someone else.
Just forget what you read.
I had already forgotten about it, but thanks for reminding me.
Selphy must've been in a mad panic when she wrote this, because she forgot a "was"!
Perhaps we'll find out soon who that letter was meant for.

~"Autumns are quite agreeable." - Uzuki~
Is autumn not wonderful?
The colors, the food...
I am quite fond of autumn.
Are you, Bush?
While I like Autumn, I don't know when it comes to Bush. I may the being controlling most of his actions, but I only speak for him occasionally.
Regardless of what he thinks, we can't reply to this letter, so I guess we're leaving Uzuki read but not answered. Trampoli postal etiquette remains a mystery.
Also 4 letters today, wow! That's a new record.

Yep, not a single piece of iron. Just a lot of Copper I've been handing over to Ganesha and Turner.
I guess we'll have to go-

What's Anette walking past our house for? She's usually running past by this point.

*She slowly stumbles forward and collapses.*
I know it's been a while since we had a collapse gif, but this isn't what I was expecting!

BUSH: Anette!
What is it with the front yard of this house and people collapsing here?

BUSH: Anette... Are you okay?

ANETTE: Huh...? Hey... What am I doing here?

LARA: You collapsed in front of Bush's house.

LARA: I know your job is important to you, but please don't overwork yourself.

ANETTE: Oh... I'm sorry.
Bush might work himself to the limit, but he knows where that limit is at now. Now you'll have to start your mail route at 10:00 AM tomorrow morning and maybe even have to buy Cold Medicine!
On the bright side, you're now a member of the illustrious "Passed Out On Bush's Front Lawn" club henceforth known as the POOFL.

LARA: You must have been very tired.

LARA: Anette, I'm going to have you rest for the rest of the day.
Given what happened with Selphy ages ago, you might be able to guess at least one thing that'll happen after this.

ANETTE: Sorry...
This is all she has to say. Unfortunately, we don't get to help her deliver the rest of the mail or anything, this is all that'll happen today.
...In a twisted way, I guess this means I have more time to get that Iron, as she'll be right here all day.

STELLA: Anette is always so full of energy. It makes me smile just looking at her.

STELLA: I'm so glad that she's the mailman for Trampoli.
This random dialogue couldn't have been timed worse!

And so, I spend the next while looking for Iron and being unsuccessful at it.

What I do find is the first Chestnut of the season on the cornucopia trees, meaning I can start making Mont Blancs for Eunice if I can find the time.

KROSS: Answer me, vegetables. Where has your vitality to grow even without the Greenifier gone?

KROSS: Are the vegetables that make me want to place them on the wagon and run under the blue sky gone?

KROSS: Where, oh where, have you gone...?

BUSH: That's a sad song...

KROSS: Heh...

KROSS: ...Yes. These lands used to be very dry and growing crops was very difficult.
I wonder if this is why greenifiers cost so much. 9,000+ g a bag is kinda ridiculous, especially when you consider how long it'll take to actually make profit from it.
Still, compared to somewhere like Sharance, this soil is rubbish. Minimum 5 days growing time on anything.

In the manor, we find Bianca brushing Francoise!
Nothing new to say, just a neat little interaction that'll happen as part of her daily routine from now on.

TURNER: My birthday is on the 22th of spring.

TURNER: Drinks taste wonderful during this season when you have them while admiring the cherry flowers.

TURNER: N-no pressure.

TURNER: *gulp*
Ah, the twenty-secoth of Spring, an auspicious day, but not as auspicious as the thirteend.
But aside from that...!

*Bush looks around the upper floor of the Inn as an unfamiliar face approaches from behind...*

*She bumps into Bush and he barely stays standing!*

ELF GIRL: Oh, I'm sorry.

ELF GIRL: But you're getting in the way by standing there...

BUSH: I'm sorry!

*He moves out of the way and she continues down the hall for a couple steps.*

ELF GIRL: Are you from the village?

BUSH: Yes.

ELF GIRL: Hmm...
She's an odd one, but then again, most elves are.
...But why not just walk around...?

ELF GIRL: Say, I know there's a maid called Tabatha in this village. Do you know where she is?

BUSH: Yes, she lives in a large mansion nearby.

ELF GIRL: Oh. Thanks.

*And so she continues further down the hall...*

MINERVA: I'm Minerva. I'll be staying in this village for a while.

BUSH: I'm Bush.

MINERVA: I see. Well, bye, Bush.
Well, that was strange. I guess there's another elf in town now?
I think this is the highest concentration of full elves in any RF game. RF2 is mostly half-elves.

RITA: We better prepare for winter soon.
It's the second day of Autumn, no rush.
Anyways, if we head back to the manor now that we've met Minerva...

MINERVA: Sure... I already checked in at the inn here so I'll be staying for a while.

TABATHA: What am I supposed to do with you...
I think you've got the authority to throw her out or something if that's the direction this conversation is going.

*Bush arrives on scene!*

BUSH: Hello.

TABATHA: Welcome, Bush. How are you doing, sir?

MINERVA: "Sir"? "Sir!?" Why are you talking to him like that?!

TABATHA: You must be more polite in front of a guest, Minerva.

MINERVA: But I'm a guest, too...

TABATHA: Stop splitting hairs!

BUSH: Excuse me, but... Do you two know each other?

TABATHA: Ah! I'm terribly sorry!
Bush, having been removed from the conversation, attempts to get himself involved again.

TABATHA: This is Minerva and she is my little sister. Come and greet him!

...For the first time ever, the game starts to decide using these emotion bubbles. I guess I'll try to transcribe them?
These have never showed up in Frontier until this point. What happened behind the scenes with this game's development



BUSH: Haha... Hi.
Family introductions are often quite embarassing. Minerva doesn't seem that much younger than her sister outside of her higher voice, but it's rather hard to judge age with the RF artstyle. It's not like voice pitch is a good indicator either, but whatever.
I do like the look she's got going on though, it's a good color scheme.
Also, if anyone's wondering, no, Minerva's not a romance candidate, she's just here.

Well, new arrivals aside, I dip down into Green Ruins and finally manage to get a piece of Iron. Back to Anette with it we go!

CINNAMON: Did you find the Hat Constellation?

BUSH: Yes, it looked very funny, like Melody's hat.

CINNAMON: That hat is said to belong to a very powerful wizard who dropped it while fighting a giant scorpion.

CINNAMON: If Melody wore that hat, maybe she could become a great wizard...

BUSH: Haha. I guess so.
Along the way, we find Cinnamon and get our history lesson for last night's constellation. This mythological history is some wacky stuff.

I'm not exactly sure how to get Kanno to tell us more about Cinnamon's past, him being outside is usually the trigger, but I'll see what I can do. I'm already gifting him magic powder every day, we've got like 30 bags of it, maybe I need to step it up to Strawberry Tarts.
A decent portion of her storyline is from him, so I need this to happen. His tests to collect materials are apparently just based on character level.

Anette still prepares the iron for delivery tomorrow despite her current condition. One could consider this callous, but it could also be the sort of thing she wants. A sort of "you'll be back in top form tomorrow sort of thing".
It'd depend on the person really, but given Anette loves her job, I think she'd appreciate Bush not holding back this delivery request.

~Constellation: Hat~
"The Hat, an autumn constellation, appears just after dusk.
They way it lies next to the moon makes it especially beautiful."
While we're in the area, I go ahead and read the constellation entry for The Hat. More small typos to be found.
Following this, we head on up to Lake Poli. We'll find Minerva up there on some days of the week, otherwise she's loafing around the manor.

MINERVA: Your name was Bush, right?

MINERVA: What are you to Sister, Bush?

BUSH: I don't know how to answer you...

It's true, we don't really know. She wasn't in the top 6, but I've accidentally progressed her LP rather fast as riceporridgemealoats are easy to make now since we mastered cooking all that time ago.
I only had to get her to LP 6 to get Minerva to arrive, but I think we recently hit 8?

MINERVA: Fine, we'll set that aside. It'll only be for a little bit but I hope we'll get along.

BUSH: I feel the same way.
I can't really tell if she's got a thing for Bush. She tends to use the little heart emotions frequently, although it's possible it's a side-effect of her only being a non-candidate and thus only having two expressions.

MINERVA: Seems like we're in autumn now.

MINERVA: I like to take walks.

MINERVA: Even if something bad happens to me, looking at the scenery like this makes me forget about it.
Autumn scenery does that for me, yeah. Really nature walks in general do.

Now, a while back I said I was saving Flops and Weeds for a reason more than just pointless collection. Here's the use for the former, as a gift for Minerva.

MINERVA: Hey! Is this really edible?! Oh, whatever. *gulp*

MINERVA: ...?!

MINERVA: *gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp* ... *phew*

MINERVA: Wow... This kind of dish doesn't exist in the nation of elves! Please tell me the next time you make it!
Evidently, nobody in the nation of elves has ever failed at cooking

This is her favorite gift, although that's probably apparent.

"Minerva - Tabatha's younger sister. Independent and unyielding, unlike Tabatha."
Here's her profile entry before I forget.

On our way down the mountain, we see another new person.

(This is the theme I've had to avoid linking by name since Summer 01. It probably wasn't worth going through that much effort, but whatever. No points for guessing who this guy is.)

IRRITATING GUY: That hair... Those eyes... So this is where you were...

IRRITATING GUY: And you're living here as if nothing ever happened!

1. Um, who are you?
2. Long time no see.
The second is just one extra line compared to the first, so we'll go with that.
We have no idea who this guy is by the way.

IRRITATING GUY: ...What do you mean long time?! I have never met you before!

LOUD GUY: Hey, Weber... Wait, you must be going by another name now...

BRODIK: You! What is your name?

BUSH: My name is Bush. Nice to meet you.

BRODIK: I see. So that is what you call yourself here.
This guy's localization is incredibly confused. Yes, his displayed name changes this many times and he hasn't even told us his name yet.
The only excuse for the very odd path of dialogue is him acting like he's never met us before. All you really need to know is that he thinks we're somebody called Weber from his past.

BRODIK: Very well. I, Brodik, will be the one to chase you out of this village!

BRODIK: I'm gonna kick you out of this town, by doing whatever it takes! You got that?!

BRODIK: Hahahaha!
"I, Brodik, will knock you all down!"
Our? past has caught up to us and it has materialized in the form of a complete dingus.
If you thought this game was missing a guy that was needlessly aggressive towards you like Jake, here you go. He's now here.
If anything, he does have a good evil laugh.

BRODIK: Hey. Going to go torture monsters again?

BRODIK: I hear that during a mission in the past, you said you wanted to hide out in the countryside and run a farm.

BRODIK: And it's called the Shrub Farm? I never thought that you would really start one up...

BRODIK: Heh heh heh...

BRODIK: Are you sure you want to keep it as Shrub Farm?

BRODIK: That name of your farm isn't witty at all! At least do something about it to make it harder for people to find out!

BRODIK: Hahahaha!
I can't believe you just disrespected the name that was voted on at the start of this LP. It's witty and thematic!

BRODIK: Heh heh heh...

BRODIK: Why are the villagers so nice to outsiders like you and me?! You better not be taking advantage of them!

BRODIK: It's better for everyone if you just left before you become attached to them.

BRODIK: But that's only if you can still act friendly to people! Hahaha!

BRODIK: Hahahaha!
Psh, the Turnip Mafia was more threatening. If they were here, you wouldn't be laughing.

BRODIK: The weather is so hatefully good!

BRODIK: Hahahaha!
Like I said, this guy is a complete dink.

Oh, and I guess this guy is the other use for weeds.

BRODIK: What is this? Are you trying to piss me off?

BRODIK: Heh heh heh...

BRODIK: I'm not going to fall for that trap! Hahahaha!
*You were given 1 Gold!*

BRODIK: There's a little something for our troubles! Can you see how generous I am?! Hahahahaha!
You can ship these for 10x that, so it's not worth it. I will keep my Weed collection safe from this cheapskate.

"Brodik - Appeared out of nowhere only to harass Bush. Why?"
There's a plotline to explore here, but it'll be slow to progress.

Enough of new characters, it's about time I wrap up this update. First up, I stop by Erik's and grab a random assortment of crops to grow, not even bothering to check their profitability. I went in mostly on yams since they're like the tomatoes of this season.
I'll plant them at a later date though, we've got enough money and Bush needs to get to training his combat skills.
Next, we drop on by the bathhouse for our daily routine.

MELODY: Hi Bush! You came just at the right time!

BUSH: Did you need something?

MELODY: I'm gonna try out the spell that Cinnamon taught me the other day. So help me out!

BUSH: Huh? How am I supposed to help?

MELODY: Just stand over there. Now relax.

BUSH: Huh...?
*Deep magical bubbling*

BUSH: Nothing seems to be happening...

*out of tune -bwing- noise*

MELODY: That's weird... I did just as I was told, too.

BUSH: Um... Can I ask you something...?


BUSH: What magic were you trying to cast?


MELODY: U-um... Well... It's the magic to...

BUSH: What? I couldn't hear you.

MELODY: It's, uh... the magic to turn someone into a frog!

BUSH: What?! What if the spell had actually worked?!

MELODY: Well... Then I'd just... you know... Kiss... or something...

MELODY: I-I said nothing! I said nothing about kissing!

MELODY: It didn't work anyway!

BUSH: Oh, come on...

MELODY: See you later. I need to learn some more spells.
Oh, Melody, you wacky gal

I suppose it's worth knowing if only a princess can cure a frog, or if it just has to be any maiden. Otherwise she might've had to actually get adopted by Nolan to fix the issue.

BUSH: (My mind seems to feel very clear...)

BUSH: (Maybe Melody cast a spell with a different effect?)
Bush's Magic skill went up!
This is our reward for the Hat Constellation, a +3 Magic skill! Very much appreciated, especially as we were looking to start training it soon.

speaking of training magic
sorry about the flooring

And then most of the day goes to cutting more lumber.
A LOT of lumber.

In other news, our roses finally finished growing! I took one as a precaution regarding the seeds and left the rest to mature into Blue Roses. White ones are only worth 810g a piece, but that's still quite a lot.

IRIS NOIRE: I really like flowers. When you grow them with love, they become especially lovely.

IRIS NOIRE: B-But, I guess that's a given for you as you work in the fields.
I guess we just grow some of the best level 1 flowers around.

And with all that done, it's time to stare at the sky until dangerously late at night.

Found Broom Constellation!

BUSH: Now that you mention it, it does look like a broom.
Question not thy ancestors' interpretation of stars, Bush!
I guess it could've also been the Naginata Constellation or something, but a broom fits.

Unfortunately, said constellation shows only at 0:59 AM which means you have to make some real fast teleport inputs to get inside your house before you're stuck waking up at a later hour the next day.
Bush was quick enough to escape that fate tonight though- onwards to tomorrow!

...Next time!
There was some more stuff with Minerva I didn't show, but I'll just slot it in next time with the power of *e d i t i n g*. It'll be so smooth you wouldn't have known if I didn't tell you!
oh wait