Part 44: The Legend of Mist - Grimoire of Time
Update 44: The Legend of Mist - Grimoire of Time
Look alive, people, Bush is on the move!

There's no better way to start the day than to find a place to conceal worrying amounts of demon blood.

We make more gifts for everyone, really. No reason not to when I've got all these extra ingredients lying around.
Cinnamon, of course, remains the hardest person to get a gift for at this point.

There's no mail today, so we get about our farm chores. Most notably, the extra blue roses go in the shipping bin. We only need one for the marriage item, so the rest is good profit.
The Irises have nothing to say today, I pet the animals as usual...

And fishing with our new rod proves trickier than I thought. The bar moves quite fast now.

I eventually get the hang of it.

DANNY: Because Rosetta's not here, I have to work hard.

DANNY: The general store will be open as usual so you can come shop like you always do.
Operative word being "can". I don't have a lot of reason to at the moment unless Rosetta's there.

UZUKI: In my country, we have a custom of eating dumplings while looking at the moon in autumn.

BUSH: Why do you eat dumplings?

TSUBUTE: I...don't know.

BUSH: Oh...
This is apparently a reference to Tsukimi, a Japanese festival in which you do... exactly this. Cursory research reveals the origin to be just borrowing the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival which itself dates back to 1500 BCE originally as a religious ceremony.
You learn something new every update!

ANETTE: Don't you get excited on days where you can sleep in? I got so excited that I couldn't sleep last night.
i wish my insomnia had a reason
Still good to see she's cheering up somewhat.

BRODIK: Haha! Well aren't you up early?!
Brodink has little to say today- which seems to be a running theme for the day.

CINNAMON: ...Is it fun talking with me?
1. Yes, it's fun.
2. Okay, I guess.
Of course, we all know what comes next regardless of choice:


BUSH: (What did she mean...?)

MINERVA: The red autumn leaves are amazing. I never saw the tree leaves change color like that!
If Tabatha was once surprised by it, it's no shock that Minerva would be as well.

There's so little going on today, that we head into Snow Ruins by 11:30 AM to go grind more demons.

We do this until the bathhouse opens at 3.

We pay our entry fee, but we don't actually go in. We finished off our grind with another level, so Bush is currently fully restored.
We'll come back later.

We ride back to the church to see if Lara's dialogue has updated now that she's inside the clinic, but something surprising happens...

A cutscene starts!

Over in the small graveyard to the side of the church, Bush finds Candy crying, and a large hole open in the ground! A rope tied around a gravestone leads in...

BUSH: What's wrong?

CANDY: Oh, Bush! Marco, he... He went in there!

CANDY: I found a hole while I was chasing after Spirits, and I dropped the doll I got from my sister in it by accident.

CANDY: So Marco said he'd get it for me and went inside...

CANDY: He hasn't come out for a long time...

CANDY: Could you please help Marco?

BUSH: Okay. I'll bring Marco back, so you just sit tight, all right?

BUSH: Don't worry. I'll bring him back safe and sound, so trust me. Trust Marco.

CANDY: Okay... Thank you so much!
Marco, you're still level 1! We have to hurry!

but first, here's some tomato juice

Down we go! Bush to the rescue!

The rope takes us down into Snow Ruins! If this place still kicks our tail, Marco is in real trouble.
We walk forward just a bit and...


MARCO: Hey, Bush!
We found him!
...That was easy. He seems to be trapped behind some of the usual ice crystals from down here.

MARCO: Help me! The ceiling suddenly collapsed on me, and now I can't get out!

MARCO: I would have been able to break through it if I had a hammer, but my mom said I'm too young and wouldn't let me take one...
Well, unless it was a fire hammer, it wouldn't have helped.


MARCO: Thanks. I was getting kinda scared thinking maybe I'd never get out...

MARCO: Oh, yeah. You can't tell my mom about this, okay...? It's a secret, okay?

And so he runs off, but it did look like he dropped something...

Ah, it's Candy's doll.

Might as well chop this wood while I'm down here. Funny enough, the frontflip actually caught the fridge wires from behind.

But with a new entrance into the Ruins, where might it lead? Well, this door seems extremely promising!

We're on the other side of the room Mist was locked in! I don't know how you did it, kids, but you did!
Ready yourself, Gelwein!

BUSH: It's...gotten bigger than before...
This is also true. The giant shadow rune is massive now, which does not bode well.

Well, look who it is.

GELWEIN: I guess I should say, "Welcome."

GELWEIN: I don't particularly like you, but I must admit, it's a bit lonely welcoming the beginning of a new era without an audience.

BUSH: Stop what you're doing! The island will fall and cause a terrible disaster!

GELWEIN: And your point is?

BUSH: What...did you say?

GELWEIN: A town or two disappearing is none of my concern. In fact, it's like the cornerstone of my plan. You should be thanking me.
Wow, dude, you really haven't had anyone to talk to in forever have you. He really is just going to explain his evil plan even more.

GELWEIN: Behold! This giant and ominous cluster of Runes!
I know this is supposed to be a serious moment, but who would even say this?

BUSH: ...! That's...!!!

*We cut away to see a familiar head popping out from beneath the ominous rune.*

BUSH: Mist!

GELWEIN: I have never before seen someone so in touch with the Spirits.

GELWEIN: Even the powers of the vampire tribe pale in comparison to this one. Her inner voice is practically screaming for the help of the Spirits.

GELWEIN: They respond in droves, making this Rune swell with Spirits.

GELWEIN: Its power is enormous. It's enough to completely control the being that could end the world...

BUSH: What have you done to Mist?!

GELWEIN: Nothing, really. Just causing a little pain so she'll subconsciously call out for help.

GELWEIN: A little...unbearable pain...

BUSH: Why you... I won't let you continue!
Kick his ass, Bush!
*Bush rushes forward!*

*A flash of white light emits!*

BUSH: Ugh...!

GELWEIN: Too bad. You're a bit too late. My plan is progressing flawlessly.

GELWEIN: With this girl, this giant Rune and magical creatures, I can destroy the world!

GELWEIN: The world that rejected me!

BUSH: Wa-wait...
(This last part was actually voice acted. Gelwein is a bit higher pitched and nasal than I thought.)

Another cutscene!

*We see Mist...*

*Her eyes are dim and barely conscious as runes swell up around her...!*

*The Dark Rune grows larger...!*

*We see her sinking into the ground for a brief moment before she seemingly warps away!*

*Gelwein readies himself with a flourish-*

*He too is sucked into the spherical void, which lasts but for a moment until...!*

*It dissolves with an eerie crackle, Bush left standing helpless to the side.*

BUSH: Mist... I'm...sorry I...couldn' anything...

Well, damn. This really isn't good.

Maybe we should've been looking for this entrance instead of ignoring this situation for a week.
Oh, but what's this on the ground?

BUSH: Is this... a book...? The letters... they're floating...!
~Grimoire of Time~
"Pray to heaven with a song as the winds caress me."
"Send a prayer up to the light so that it might help me see."
"Searching through my memories, memories, my memories for you."

BUSH: I wonder what this means...

BUSH: What's this on the back...? I can't read it. Maybe Kanno can.
Either Mist left this for us or Gelwein dropped it like a fool, but regardless, it's still something to work with.
The term "Grimoire" has always been important in the events Bush has been through, though it originally referred to a dragon. Maybe this is the real Grimoire?

The description at least informs us that it contains poems, though we can't read it. Wizard Grandpa is probably the best lead we have here.
Although we were able to read some of it? I suppose it just happened to be the only readable one.

There is one other door left in this chamber.

Off to the left, it seems to be a depressing little bedroom. Either this was Gelwein's or Noire's. Knowing him, it was probably Noire's.

Who'd have thought this was all just underneath the church? Or, um, maybe where the Whale Island being dragged down to the earth centers itself most days of the week?

You would not believe what just happened, Anette.

Magic Gramps! We need your aid!

BUSH: Kanno, I...

KANNO: You weren't able to stop Gelwein. I can tell. It's written on your face.

BUSH: Yeah... He disappeared right in front of me.
(Bush must really be in shock because he says this line twice.)

KANNO: Hm... This book is quite old...

BUSH: Can you read it?

KANNO: It's written in an ancient incantation language. This will take some time to decipher.

KANNO: Bush, will you lend me this book for a while?

BUSH: Sure. Of course. Take as much time as you need.
We are given an option not to, but we have no reason not to give it to him.

Anette, why are you hanging around here anyways?

ANETTE: Say... Do you, m... *cough* I mean...

ANETTE: Do you like m-me-melons? Do you like melons?
This is voiced and it's

I suppose life in town goes on as it always does.

danny, we're not even at the store
this is my shipping bin

But Bush is still ready for a fight, so we revisit Whale Island and head back to the towers.

Pony gets KO'd on the trip as usual, but Bush is determined to make some sort of progress today.
A bit of woodcutting happens before we take the northern path from the Tower of Birth exit (that's the entrance tower, if you don't remember).

This one is the Tower of Life.

High Orcs and Gigantes (upgraded trolls) are plenty here.

On a staircase at the bottom is a furled rope.

We interact with it and that's the shortcut!


Let's reverse that timeline a bit and jump down the rope before we get pummeled into the wall by trolls.

Surprise! We're back in the entrance cavern at the front of the isle! This is just a bit north of the first goblin spawner.

We've got time to spare, so I go explore outside the bottom floor of the Tower of Life. It leads to a "Garden" area.

a monster garden evidently

There are two new types of Little Mage up here: Little Wizard and Little Emperor.
everything hurts

So, we bail.

What's up, Ganesha? We saved your kid.

GANESHA: You shouldn't be talking to an old lady like me. Get out and go hit on some younger girls!

GANESHA: You should take this opportunity since there are so many young girls in the village.
um, ok
Bush has only one person he wants to hit on, and that's Gelwein. With an axe.
Why would we do that to any of the bachelorettes?

Bartender, I require 4 grand in eggs
that is all

But if we stop by the forge, we can see a little event because we saved Marco.

GANESHA: I told you not to play in the ruins, didn't I? Why won't you listen to your mother?!

MARCO: It's 'cause Candy...

GANESHA: I don't want to hear it! How could you blame a girl like that?

MARCO: I'm not trying to blame Candy...

GANESHA: Listen, Marco. You're still a child. Thank goodness Bush was around this time to help you...

GANESHA: ...but please, think about how your mother would feel if anything were to happen to you.

MARCO: ...I'm... I'm sorry, Mom...

GANESHA: Don't do it again, okay? And don't forget to thank Bush for his help.

MARCO: Okay.
Poor Marco, doesn't get to tell his side of the story. It was reckless, yes, but he had good intention. We at least have to recognize that.
(Although I won't deny things could've gone very bad given how close he was to Gelwein and the Dark Rune.)
You can't actually tell Ganesha about this, she just finds out anyways. Those long elf ears must hear a lot.

MARCO: Bro! Thanks for what you did earlier!

MARCO: I don't know what would have happened to me if you didn't come!

MARCO: I'll get stronger so I can get through this ruins without any problems.
No problem, bro.

(Ganesha has no comment on us saving Marco.)

I suppose while we're resolving the events of today, we should go ahead and give Candy's doll back to her.

CANDY: Thank you! This is a precious doll I got from Sis.

CANDY: Let me tell you a secret.

whatever you say, kid

Following this, Bush goes to the town square and fishes for a long while.
I feel like I'm forgetting something...

Oh, that's right! Our bath! We paid for it but never took it!

Bush walks extremely slowly and only manages to enter at 0:03 AM!

This is all to find out that Melody takes her bath this late in the day. She directly notes this is so she can have it all to herself- fair enough.
Bathhouse fact time, I suppose!
You may or may not have noticed the tradition of wearing your towel on your head (this game doesn't have it, but RF3 does). There's varying info I can find on this, but the most interesting one I can find is this.
Ancient baths used to have walls for closing in more of the steam around them, and you had to duck beneath one to enter. Since you needed to kinda crawl under with your hands, putting it on your head was the next best option. Even when the enclosing walls fell out of style, old folk kept doing it to keep their heads warm. Supposedly.
There is at least the more obvious factor in how you're just not supposed to put it in the water (more on that another time), but you don't want to lose it.

Anyways, that's all for this update. Only 1 day, I know, but it was a big plot day. I'll probably start posting faster again here soon.
Next time, we see how we'll need to move forward on this, as well as make major developments in the bachelorettes' storylines.
Catch ya then!