Part 52: Destiny
Update 52: Destiny
In we go.

Bush approaches the huge stone and metal dais inside the clocktower. Up the red staircase is a pedestal. It is here we place all the crystal flowers we have obtained thus far.

The astrological signs aren't in astrological order, but this is the order of the flowers if they were.
??? (Aries) ♈︎
Tabatha (Taurus) ♉︎
Iris (Gemini) ♊︎
Cinnamon (Cancer) ♋︎
Bianca (Leo) ♌︎
Selphy (Virgo) ♍︎
Rosetta (Libra) ♎︎
Anette (Scorpio) ♏︎
Lara (Sagittarius) ♏︎
Eunice (Capricorn) ♑︎
Melody (Aquarius) ♒︎
Uzuki (Pisces) ♓︎
We're missing an Aries. Hopefully that's not a problem.

Bush puts them in the order the game has listed. Which is almost correct, but Aries and Taurus are swapped, and it starts from Capricorn.

(You don't need to listen to all of these.)

We're left with a single Gemini flower as extra. I suppose we'll have to put it on.

BUSH: This is all of them...

*The music goes silent after the Gemini chime finishes playing...*

BUSH: ...Nothing's happening...

KANNO: What?!

KANNO: There are only 11 Crystals presented to the pedestal.

KANNO: Look. There's one hole with no crystal in it.

KANNO: Bush, are you sure you received the Crystals from 12 maidens?

BUSH: Yes. Positive.

KANNO: Hm... That would mean, of the 12 maidens, you were only able to get 11 varieties of Crystals.

KANNO: Does this mean two of the maidens grew the same Crystals...? How is that possible...?

BUSH: What do you mean?

KANNO: A Crystal Flower is in the shape of the caretaker's soul. Meaning, no two people can grow the same type of Crystal.

KANNO: The fact that you got 11 varieties from 12 people would mean... either one person grew two, or something else I can't explain...


KANNO: What is it, Bush?!

BUSH: So you're saying that if the same person grows more than one, they'll all be the same, right?

KANNO: Right.

BUSH: It's Iris!

BUSH: The two Irises were originally one and the same!

KANNO: Ah! Of course!

BUSH: Well, then the solution is simple. I'll just have one more person grow Candy.

*Kanno starts to turn away.*

KANNO: not possible...

BUSH: What? Why not?!

KANNO: There aren't any seeds left. Even if we were to look for more, I don't know how long that would take...

BUSH: That can't be...

BUSH: Man...!

*Bush starts to run off at full sprint.*

KANNO: Where are you going, Bush?!

BUSH: I can't just give up like this! There has to be something, some way to figure this out!

KANNO: Bush ...

But what can we possibly do?
We don't have years to wait for another flower, and there's no other girls with enough relation to Bush or Trampoli to count!
And besides, we have no more seeds. We can't get any more grown...

Bush, searching through all the knowledge he has absorbed, makes his way past Mist's house. On the way there, we meet an ever familiar, but still unknown figure.

MYSTERY GIRL: Once the church is finished being built, I will hold a ceremony. I hope you will also participate, Bush.

BUSH: When will it be finished?

MYSTERY GIRL: ...It will be a while... A long while...

BUSH: ...?
...That's right! We have to think back farther.
Flowers. Who else here grows flowers? Who here knows strange seeds?
Wait, didn't Mist say she found a strange seed a long time ago?


BUSH: Hey, it's the flower Mist was growing...

BUSH: Huh...? Th-this is...

You got Aries Flower!
Her foresight is impeccable.

Quickly! We must make haste! Who knows how much time is left!

The Aries Flower is made of diamond. I suppose it goes with her hair.

Bush places it upon the pedestal, but this time something different happens...!

(You might want to listen to this, just as reference for the upcoming songs. It's also worth noting that each of the separate pieces are the same as the little tunes each bachelorette would occasionally hum.)

*As Bush and Kanno stand listening to the chimes, Candy walks in.*

CANDY: Grandpa! The Spirits are restless! Did something happen?

KANNO: Oh, Candy... We tried placing Crystal Flowers on this pedestal, but nothing is happening except this melody.

CANDY: This kinda sounds like the Spirit Melody... Hold on a sec! The Spirits are trying to say something!

CANDY: Uh-huh... Oh...

CANDY: Grandpa! Let me see that book Bush found!

*Candy starts to search through the Grimoire.*

CANDY: This is it!

*She begins to sing out lyrics alongside the chimes!*

*A strange, multicolored light suddenly appears upon the top of the platform!*

*It begins to spark with energy!*

KANNO: Ah...! So this was the poem the book was talking about!

KANNO: But I've never heard of any poem that was sung with the Spirit Melody...

CANDY: I guess the Spirits originally had words they sang to the Spirit Melody.

CANDY: They were just forgotten over time until no one remembered...

BUSH: I wonder why it suddenly resurfaced now.

CANDY: It's to help Mist...I think... The Spirits want to help save Mist!

KANNO: Well then, we must not keep the Spirits waiting.

KANNO: Touch the pedestal. You should be able to travel to the other world where Mist is.

KANNO: Be sure to remember there is a fearful magical creature that awaits you there.

KANNO: It's not too late even after you've made preparations.
Oh, Magic Grandpa, Bush is prepared. He's as prepared as he'll ever be.

Well after a bath and picking Pony back up (the cutscene despawned her).

BUSH: I may not be able to return for a while once I cross over...

I'm ready. Let's do this!

BUSH: I should be fine. Let's do this!

*And so we fade to white...*
Click *here* if you want to see the video of me playing through this instead.

And fade back in to find ourselves outside the Clock Tower... but it's a bit different.
Some strange, dark gold void seems to have encased the tower in a sphere. It's marbled with streaks of white, cloudy energy.

From some angles, it looks a bit red.

There's the clock, so we're headed to the ladder...

We ready the trusty Fire Rod.

No choice but to climb. The void is getting noticeably more red now.

*We fade back in to find Bush approaching a strange monster...*

BLUE VOICE: Don't come near me...
That blue voice in our dreams... is this creature? It's some sort of black hound, accented with white and red fur...

SPIRIT HOUND: I can't do this anymore... I can't hold myself back...
SPIRIT HOUND: Please... Run away...

BUSH: You're...from my dream...

GELWEIN: Welcome, Bush. I knew you'd be able to make it here.

*Bush turns around to see...!*

BUSH: ...!!

*Gelwein's standing in the air above us!*

GELWEIN: Behold, this hideous monster!

GELWEIN: This here is a magical creature created by amateurish researchers with the power of Spirits.

GELWEIN: On top of their incompetence, it had an uncontrollable trait of endlessly absorbing Runes, so it was abandoned here.

GELWEIN: For such inept fools, this was the only thing they could do.

GELWEIN: That's where I come in.

GELWEIN: At first, I used Iris, then Mist, to continuously feed him with Runes filled with negative emotions over the years.

GELWEIN: It was so exciting watching this creature turn into a hideous monster while so loyally waiting for his masters!

GELWEIN: He's at his limits now though. He will soon lose control of his mind.

GELWEIN: Once that happens, he'll absorb all the Runes around him and become a complete embodiment of destruction!

GELWEIN: This is how I will destroy the world, the very fools that dared reject my genius!
Wow, man, you're really just gonna explain your entire evil plot to us aren't you?

BUSH: I won't let that happen!

GELWEIN: Why don't you speak such nonsense after you've defeated that!

BUSH: ...!! Incoming!

*We fade to white...!*

*The view pans from a far view to show Bush on the tower, and the beast, empowered with red energy charging him!*

*It stops and lets out a howl!*

Pony immediately lunges to Bush's aid!

She's knocked back and takes... 1 damage.

Well, the howl it does hurts her some at least. It still only hits Bush for 1.

BUSH: Take that!
And so Bush begins stunlocking it with constant fireball spam!

The mad beast leaps away sending out pink energy spheres in the process! Bush dodges and switches to the Demon Axe!
The energy projectiles do track, but they do little damage to Bush.

It also seems capable of emitting large, magical melee spikes of some kind. These hurt a bit, but Bush powers through into a charge attack!

This combined with a frontal attack from Pony wipes a full quarter of it's HP!

It narrowly dodges away!

We've got it now!

*With a grim howl, it falls to it's side...*
I'm sorry, demon dog, but it had to be done...

BUSH: ...Your maniacal plots...END HERE!

GELWEIN: Haha... Muahahaha!
*A magical whirr begins as Gelwein begins to glow with the power of the Dark Rune!*

*He flourishes his cape, in... triumph?*

GELWEIN: This is it... This is what I've been waiting for!

*Now beside the fallen beast, he raises his hand to the dark energy!*

*We fade out and back in to see Mist, suspended within the center of the Dark Rune!*

BUSH: Mist!

BUSH: Release Mist!

GELWEIN: Why don't you make me!

BUSH: No need to tell me twice...!!

*Dark energy begins to spark around Gelwein!*

*A blinding flash of light!*

*Our view comes back to see the monster alive again...*

*But with Gelwein now attached to it in some amalgamation of the two, transformed by dark magic!*

TRANSFORMED GELWEIN: Such magnificence... I never imagined it would amount to this much...

BUSH: this? This monstrosity...?

TRANSFORMED GELWEIN: It's a combination of a giant Rune and the awareness-control I used to manipulate Iris...

TRANSFORMED GELWEIN: In order to place this rebellious magical creature completely under my sway,

TRANSFORMED GELWEIN: I had to first get rid of his own will, but thanks to you, that became much easier.

TRANSFORMED GELWEIN: If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to destroy the world!

BUSH: What...

TRANSFORMED GELWEIN: For your great service to my dream... You'll have the honor of dying first!

BUSH: Gelwein!! You've caused enough suffering with your selfish games...

BUSH: You, I will never...EVER forgive!

*And so we return to battle, Gelwein glowing intensely with dark energy, Mist suspended in the Dark Rune behind him!*

The void surrounding us has gotten much smaller, now it eats away at the edges of a runed circle of light, detailed with the star signs,

Pony gets a good starting blow in as Bush downs a Peperoncino for lifesteal.

A good hit on his front as he taunts us!

We continue to smash him and he summons monsters! Some strange variant of the Mantict!
But his health... it's...!

It's just going back up!

Pony, NOOOO!


...But, all the damage we do just gets healed back!

What... what can we do?!

BUSH: *huff*huff*

BUSH: He's...too strong...


MONSTROUS GELWEIN: You will never win!!

*He begins charging a dark spell above his head- consuming the light around it...!*
Is this it for Bush? Were we destined to fail?

BUSH: I...hear something...

BUSH: A song...?

(This has all the girls singing their parts alongside Candy.)

CANDY: Bush!
*It's Candy, high in the air!*

BUSH: Candy?! What are you... Why are you here?!

CANDY: We asked the Spirits to bring our forms and song voice here!

CINNAMON: You can't win without first releasing the Dark Rune from under Gelwein's control.

IRIS NOIRE: If we all sing together, our thoughts should be able to reach the Dark Rune Gelwein took by force.

EUNICE: That's why we're all going to sing the Spirit Melody together!

BUSH: You guys...

SELPHY: Hey! I'm here to help, too! Although, to be honest, singing isn't my forte!

MELODY: I'll be helping too, so we should be able to take care of a guy like him. No sweat!

UZUKI: Well, this is the one time I can't ask for Tsubute's aid... Because he's...tone-deaf.

BIANCA: I came all the way here to sing for you. You'd better make it worth my while and take care of that lowlife!

TABATHA: If at all possible, please save that monster along with the Spirits.

ANETTE: I'll deliver a song instead of mail, today. It's a mailman's job to deliver anything if necessary!

LARA: I'll take care of your injuries, but please, be safe...!

ROSETTA: Hey Mist! It's not like you to be captured like this! Everyone'!

IRIS BLANCHE: May our songs be carried. Oh, Spirits! Awaken from your sorrows!

*We cut to a view of Bush looking up at Mist...*

*She floats at the heart of the Dark Rune...*

*As her eyes open, the darkness turns to light!*

*The rune shines a bright blue!*

*And she looks our way!*

MIST: Oh... Hello, everyone... Is there a festival today?

BUSH: What are you talking about?! Everyone's here because of you!

MIST: Oh, is that so. Then I guess that makes today "Mist Festival."

BUSH: ...Mist...

MIST: Haha, I'm kidding.

BUSH: ...
*insert canned laugh track*

MIST: The Spirits told me about what's going on.

MIST: Don't worry about me. Give 'em all you got!

MIST: I'll support you.
I hope the Spirits also told you your lines for the song!


MONSTROUS GELWEIN: Even without the Rune, you're no match for this body of mine!

BUSH: Everyone, help me out!

CANDY & THE MAIDENS: No problem!

(If there's one track from this update to listen to, it's this one!)

Gelwein, get ready to lose to the power of anime friendship!
We'll have to do this without Pony backing us up...

"Pray to Heaven with a song,"
"As the winds caress me~"
He has an aresenal of spells, this one being a wave of 5 fireballs, but we dodge this one cleanly.

"Send a prayer up to the light,"
So that it might help me see~
Throughout the fight, spirits fly forth from the cleansed runes giving us a full restore on RP. This lets us go full aggro combined with our lifesteal, although I was doing that anyways.

Searching through my memories-
Memories, my memories for you-
For you~
Another of his attacks, a tracking wave of flame eruptions...

I have come this far having lost every hope,
Hope of finding you~
A dual shot of green energy...

But I swear no matter what I've had to face,
You've never left my heart~
...But he has unique attacks of his own in the form of violet beams wielded like a sword.

There are sweet memories-
They live all around us~
He stops to summon his mantis creations, but eats 2000 damage for it as Bush relentlessly goes all in on charge attacks.

How can you not believe in our love-
My whole heart belongs to you-
My life your love leads~
Having been swiftly dropped beneath half HP, Gelwein retreats to the back of the arena to prepare his strongest move.

I've always stood next to you-
In your time of need~
Descending from the sky, a ridiculously massive violet greatsword falls into his hands!

Embraced by the warmth of your gentle gaze-
I've given you my love~
The swing from it engulfs nearly the entire arena in violent energy, also friendly-firing his summons.
Bush has easily retreated to safety at the other end of the arena.

I look for you now in my memories-
Heart never mending~
Love never ending~
And then he goes for it again...

Pray to Heaven with our song~!
Bush ends up taking this hit, and it deals some real damage. But it's not enough to knock him down. One Pumpkin Tart later and we're back to max with an attack boost.

"Pray to Heaven with a song,"
"As the winds caress me~"
Utterly desperate at this point, Gelwein then begins casting incantations on fractions of the runed circle beneath us. These rain down columns of water lasers, but all elements can show.

"Send a prayer up to the light,"
So that it might help me see~
You think that's enough to stop Bush? You're going to need more than just that.

Searching through my memories-
Memories, my memories for you-
The next is a wind incantation, but Bush has already downed more food and it's as if he was never hit to begin with.
Gelwein has left himself open- his fatal mistake.

For you~

The final blow is struck.

*With an anger filled roar...*

*He falls.*

*We fade in to see Bush and Mist facing a defeated Gelwein.*

GELWEIN: No... Impossible! My plan... My plan...!!!
(Hey, the dog is alive again!)

BUSH: I couldn't have beaten you alone...

BUSH: You despised everyone around you and wanted revenge.

BUSH: I, on the other hand, fought together with everyone around me...

GELWEIN: You're telling me...that's why I lost...? A miscalculation...on my part...?

GELWEIN: Not...possibl...

GELWEIN: Ugh...!!
Man, when are villians going to stop underestimating the power of friendship?

SPIRIT HOUND: I've caused all of you such trouble. I'm sorry.

BUSH: You weren't yourself. You don't need to apologize.
SPIRIT HOUND: ...Thank you.

BUSH: ...Mist. We should get going. Everyone's waiting.

MIST: Right.

MIST: Oh, yeah!

MIST: Mr. Dog, why don't you come with us? It'll be fun.
SPIRIT HOUND: Thank you, but I'd be more trouble than fun if I were to cross over.

MIST: You're talking about the power that absorbs all Runes, right?

MIST: I'll just tell the Spirits to be careful next time in my dream, so don't worry.
Mist, I don't know if that's enough.

SPIRIT HOUND: Um... Is such a thing really possible?

MIST: I'm pretty sure it'll be okay.
SPIRIT HOUND: Th-thank you! But... I'll stay here.

SPIRIT HOUND: Because I... Even I have a family...!

BUSH: Oh, yeah. The people in this world see you as... what? I don't know. Bush, stop withholding information from me!
It is nice Mr. Dog can go back to his family now, though, whoever they are.

*A distant bell of a clock tower tolls...*

*Spirits begin to gather around Mist and Bush.*

MIST: Let's get going. I'm sure everyone's waiting.

BUSH: Ah, right.

BUSH: Well, we're gonna get going now. Take care...

SPIRIT HOUND: You, too...

*And so we fade to black as the camera rises...*

By the way, Gelwein is still there. I think we just abandoned him in the Era of Disconnect, never to return.
Fair enough, serves him right.

It's the credits!
They're actually pretty short, really. I don't really have a good way of showing them in screenshots or anything, but you can see them in the video.

So that's the end of Rune Factory Frontier, although it's not the end of the LP just yet.

We've got just a few updates left, primarily to show off the end of a few character storylines. We won't be seeing everyone's, but we still have some unsolved mysteries worth uncovering.
To be more specific, Kross, Mystery Girl, and Brodik. Also maybe Ganesha's thing if it ever decides to happen.

Of course, Rosetta and Iris's story ends are still on the way before we can have that final vote on who to marry.

After that, it's mostly just showing off festivals. The days per update is going to increase dramatically as the amount of stuff left to show per day is going to get increasingly minimal.

Also, the credits have shifted from green to yellow to blue text by this point.

How will Bush's life continue from here? There's no dangerous monsters left to fight, money is losing it's meaning...
Let's be honest, he's approaching retirement at the ripe age of indistinctly young man.

I suppose there's only one answer for that.

*Bush walks up to the door of his house and yawns.*

our fields are still messed up

Stay tuned, folks.

MYSTERY: ...Wow, Gelwein was a chump.

BUSH: That's just the power of friendship!

MYSTERY: No, I mean you barely used any of that food you made.

BUSH: I suppose you're right. I've still got some leftover even now! Want some?

MYSTERY: ...I question the safety of eating a sandwich that old.

BUSH: *snarf munch crunch*

MYSTERY: I'm just going to call Lara right now because I know what's coming next.