Part 53: The Great Turnip Heist
Update 53: The Great Turnip Heist

We resume to find Mist continuing life as if nothing happened.
Yep, that's Mist.

MIST: Autumn is the season for giving thanks. I can't wait.

MIST: What am I looking forward to? You should know by now.
It's the upcoming festival. It's turnip-based.

MIST: I took Torte and his friend to the bath the other day.

MIST: But Melody got mad and said monsters aren't allowed inside.

BUSH: Of course they aren't...
That's her two exploding disco ducks, if you've forgotten. She has those.

MIST: Oh...? You seem to be wearing normal clothes today.

BUSH: Huh? I wear this every day...

MIST: Oh, I'm sorry... That was in a dream.

MIST: Yesterday, I had a dream where you were working in your field while dressed strangely.

BUSH: How strangely?

MIST: You had rabbit ears, a long scarf...

BUSH: You can stop right there...

MIST: Really? That's too bad.
We've seen this conversation before, but...

she doesn't need to know the truth

Speaking of outfit changes, I decided to have Bush go back to his classic red hat + cape look. The wooly hat wasn't bad, but this is just peak Bush in my mind.

KANNO: I'm glad that the abnormalities with the Runes have subsided.

KANNO: Now I can concentrate fully on my research.
All has returned to normal. (The existence of Runeys is not an abnormality.)

RITA: Only regulars come to our bar and it's never that busy.

RITA: But working at it alone can be really hard. I wonder if someone could help me out...

BUSH: What about Eunice?

RITA: I have Eunice clean the bar in the morning. I can't have her work at night, too.

BUSH: I see...

RITA: Sorry for complaining in front of you.

RITA: Don't mind me.
Hrm. Who do we know that would be good at a nighttime job?

IRIS BLANCHE: ...We can get to know the villagers better, too.

IRIS NOIRE: Yes, but there will be problems...

IRIS BLANCHE: Where to live...

BUSH: What's wrong?

IRIS NOIRE: Oh, Bush...

IRIS NOIRE: The Runes of Whale Island are much more stable now,

IRIS BLANCHE: we were talking about moving to Trampoli.

IRIS BLANCHE: Staying here by ourselves would be meaningless and we want to get to know the villagers better.

BUSH: That sounds great! Everyone will welcome you!

IRIS NOIRE: But there is a problem...

BUSH: What is it? I'll be glad to help out any way I can.

IRIS BLANCHE: We don't have a place to stay so we can't move.

IRIS NOIRE: And, we can only come out at night so we can't stay at someone's house either.

IRIS BLANCHE: But building a new house would be too much trouble.

IRIS NOIRE: That is why we were at a loss.

BUSH: Rita, over at Snowstyle, was looking for someone to help out at the bar.

BUSH: If you ask her, maybe she'll let you live there, too. The bar is in business only at night, after all.


IRIS NOIRE: Would you please ask her about it?

BUSH: I'll try.
If you were wondering why there was still an unused room in the inn, well, here's your answer.

BUSH: Rita, I'd like to ask you for a favor.

RITA: What is it? Just come right out and say it.

BUSH: Well, Iris is looking for a place to move to...

RITA: Then they can use our inn.

BUSH: Really?!

RITA: We've got plenty of open rooms anyway.

RITA: If they'll work at the bar, they won't need to pay for the rooms. As for my husband... He probably won't object to it.

BUSH: Really?! Thank you very much! I'll bring Iris right away!
So we're gonna set the vampire girls up with a place working room and board.
I don't see why we couldn't have just hit up Kross and get him to build a house somewhere. If Brodik is allowed to unquestioningly just set up a house, why can't we?
Anyway, back on up to the island we go...

BUSH: Iris, Rita said that you can stay at the inn!

IRIS BLANCHE: Really?! Thank you so much!

IRIS NOIRE: We really can't thank you enough, Bush.

BUSH: I haven't done anything. Now let's go!
At least this time we get instantly transported to the inn.

RITA: Welcome, girls! This will be your room!

RITA: But are you sure you only want one room? Isn't it a bit cramped? You needn't worry about money if you're working at the bar.

IRIS NOIRE: We want to be together.

IRIS BLANCHE: We've been separated for so long and finally, after so much time, we were able to come together again...

RITA: Fine. I won't say another word about it.

RITA: All right. I'm going to have you two working starting tonight.

IRIS NOIRE: Yes, ma'am!
And so, that's how the vampires came to work at the bar. Honestly, I wish we could get them a better job.

IRIS NOIRE: I've been learning how to do household chores from Rita. Is this what they call domestic training?
I suppose the lessons really did start immediately!
Either way, this means we really don't have a reason to go to Whale Island anymore outside of monster hunting. This also means we no longer have to do the run there every morning- we just drop by the bar every morning.

And here they are at work.

IRIS BLANCHE: The changing colors of the tree leaves look so beautiful.

IRIS BLANCHE: I was on Whale Island the entire time so I never got see such beautiful scenery.
I'd imagine you'd be able to just look down on clear days, but then again, I've only seen you outside the tower once.

IRIS NOIRE: Pom-pom Grass can bloom beautifully in this season.

IRIS NOIRE: The fluffy cotton looks like a Wooly.
Noire will also start giving seasonal flower tips now that she has more than just the wildflowers from the island.
Pom-pom grass takes too long to grow, so we'll just take your word for it.

...And that's really all that's left for today. The number of days per update is going to grow a lot starting now.

I was gonna go and duplicate a bunch of money now that we're done with the game, but the bosses seem to have been upgraded again into higher stats and permanent rage mode.
....So let's just not. Hang up the ol' axe and magic rods.

Mail time!

~"Maid" - Mist~
Aren't Tabatha's clothes so cute?
Maybe I could wear them if I became a maid...
I don't think you'll rope the Coquilles into your underground schemes. They have too much money to care.

~"Iris" - Eunice~
Iris moved in today. I am so
excited because I feel like
I got two sisters at once.
Which reminds me, how old is
Iris anyway? Maybe she is younger
than me? No, maybe older?
If Minerva and Iris are your honorary sisters, why not Uzuki?

It's hard to know how old Iris, but I think it's a safe bet vampires live longer than humans.

~"Once again..." - Iris~
I have finished moving in and
begun to settle in, so I thought
perhaps I should send out a greeting.
Rita, Turner, and Eunice are all
very nice, and I am very excited to
begin a new chapter in my life.
I'll be working the tavern at night,
so come visit anytime.
And so we lifted them from overwhelming isolation into a life of paying rent via room and board.
I still think we should've gotten Kross to build them a house in the empty spot behind ours or something. Can't believe we just threw them into the hands of the 9-to-5.

~"Sorry." - Wind Crystal~
I got the Wind Crystal.
I'm sorry to have troubled you again,
but you really were a huge help.
I may require your service again,
so I'll talk to you again soon.
I think the later requests take quite a while to show. Ganesha's at nearly max FP thanks to handing over our Demon Blood stash, but as far as my recordings has gone, she hasn't sent anything in some weeks.
We probably won't see the end of it. It's not like the reward is something Bush wants: a sword

And we end with an advertisement from Rosetta. Must've sent it out before she left town this morning.
We spend our morning barging into people's houses, looking for interesting conversation.

BIANCA: Francoise is getting really big.

BIANCA: I think I shall be able to ride it soon. I can't wait.

That's good news, I guess!
You know, maybe we should go talk to the whale. We were just going up and down the tail yesterday as it was a holiday, so we didn't get a chance to talk to him.

WHALE: Bush...

BUSH: Whale...!
WHALE: My body feels much lighter now... I can feel the Spirits returning to me...
WHALE: I don't know what is happening but I suppose the problem has been solved.
WHALE: Now I can swim in the skies without any more worries...
WHALE: I would like to thank you from the bottom of my being...

...And that's it! We don't get a reward except the feeling of a job well done.

Outside of the few plants we have up here, we don't have much of a reason to be here. We'll be collecting these tomatoes up until those cabbages finally grow in, and after that we probably won't come back up here.
Nothing else happens, so on to the next day!

ANETTE: You defeated that huge monster on Whale Island?

ANETTE: You're so strong, Bush. I always thought you were a pretty timid guy.

ANETTE: Haha! Sorry.
Instead of mail, we just get burned by Ann of all people
how could you do this to us

ANETTE: Hey, this stamp is rare... Is this foreign? I guess Brodik has lovers all over the world.
I'm sure it's just some dating scam spam mail.

BUSH: Iris must have been drawing something. Let's see...

BUSH: ...

BUSH: ...I have no idea what she's trying to draw.
Iris is still practicing her extreme impressionistic avant garde artstyle.

Next day!
There's no new mail.

We do find Brodik up on the mountainside at least. He's just over here staring at the fruit trees sometimes.

BRODIK: What is this? You can't even take care of your own fields?

BRODIK: You don't deserve to be in this village! Get out of here! Get out of here now!

BRODIK: Hahahahahahaha!
no u

That reminds me...

We never used it anyways, let's give the Cat's Tail to Kross.

KROSS: W-won't it be weird if I wear this...?

KROSS: ...I was joking. Don't mind what I just said.
Kross just wants to be a monster at this point, let's be honest.
But that's cool, we don't judge.

KROSS: What do you think of your home?

BUSH: It's so spacious now!

KROSS: Heh... I see... Thank you.
Our man did a real fix-up job on it, cannot lie.

Meanwhile, those cabbages are ready, so I suppose this'll be the last we see of the island out of some rare circumstances.
You were cool, Mr. Whale, you were cool.

We can use that to make the Veg. Stir Fry that Bianca was asking for. Cabbage, Bell Pepper, and Cooking Oil.
Seems like it needs some onion if you ask me, but this is what the recipe calls for. I go ahead and get that to Anette so she can deliver it.

~"Coming of Age Day" - Stella~
Tomorrow is the Coming of Age Day.
We'll be having a big treasure hunt
to celebrate the day, so if you're
interested, come by the Public Square.
Tomorrow we get more letters. This festival is mostly the point of this update.

MYSTERY: ...Then why didn't we just start with that?

BUSH: This was all extremely relevant info up to this point.

MYSTERY: It... really hasn't been.

~"Next..." - Bianca~
I recieved your Veg. Stir-fry.
Did you make this?
Well, not that I care or anything.
Hm... as for the next item...
Something harder to make...
Perhaps a Steam Pumpkin.
Yes, send me a Steam Pumpkin.
Luckily for us, I just happened to have one leftover. I didn't plan it or anything, it just worked out that way.
If you read through the Tabatha date last update, the timelines crossed and got a bit confused. I thought I had already done this letter request then.
Bush picking up this side gig as Bianca's food delivery service will go on for a while, although we're going to hit a dead end soon.

Pumpkin delivered. Off to go bother people for the day.

LARA: I went to go see Rosetta's father just now.

BUSH: How was he? Will he get better?

LARA: Yes. He'll be good as new.

LARA: Just follow the recipe I'll be giving you and hand the finished product to Rosetta.

BUSH: I-I'm making it...?!

LARA: I won't be able to. You have to care deeply for Rosetta while you make it or it won't be effective.

BUSH: Oh...

LARA: Let me teach you the recipe now.

LARA: Take 2 of "Healing Drink S" and a "White Grass" and mix them.

LARA: You'll be able to make a "Healing Drink X" with it.

LARA: You may fail a couple of times, but keep trying.

BUSH: All right.
We've already done this, of course. This means we can hand it in to Rosetta tomorrow.

And tomorrow it shall be!

IRIS NOIRE: So there will be a treasure hunt during the Coming of Age Day. Is there a reason for that?
We will never find out. I guess they just wanted a parallel to RF1's Adventure Contest.

Most importantly, it's a day that Rosetta is here!

ROSETTA: Oh, what's this?

BUSH: Please give it to your father. Lara told me about it.

ROSETTA: Really?! I'll get him to drink it right away! Thanks, Bush!
Rosetta is understandably quite happy to get this. We'll get to hear the results soon!

KROSS: I just can't learn to like the Adventure Contest...

KROSS: You should never let children carry weapons. You will ruin them if you do.

BUSH: The Adventure Contest is where they go treasure hunting.

KROSS: ...
Kross isn't much a fan of the Adventure Contest. Luckily this is Coming of Age Day, which is entirely different, I assure you.

Lute, my main man! How you doin'?

I buy some curtains for the house and buy the Lab Storage for not particular reason aside from the fact I can.

CINNAMON: The Whale Constellation is a strange one. You can only see it during nights with a full moon.

BUSH: That is strange.

CINNAMON: The full moon comes out every month on the 15th and 16th. Look for it around midnight.
Just before we reach the square, Cinnamon has a new constellation to mention.

Enough delay, festival time!

GANESHA: Today, on Coming of Age Day, children and adults are all treated alike.

GANESHA: Marco's getting carried away, saying that he'll win the treasure hunt so that he won't be treated like a kid anymore.

GANESHA: But I'll be joining, too, so he's not going to win that easily.

RITA: A old lady like me shouldn't be here at the Adventure Festival.
I actually have no idea why you're here. She's not a judge, a competitor, or even a spectator.

STELLA: We have a customary event on the Coming of Age Day, where we go treasure hunting. Wanna join?

STELLA: The rules are simple. Find the item Golden Turnip from somewhere in town, and bring it to me.

STELLA: I've also placed some wrong items so be sure not to bring those to me.

STELLA: The first person to bring it to the Public Square wins.

STELLA: Also...listen. Today is the Coming of Age Day.

STELLA: Which means I won't allow any childish behavior such as cheating, all right?

STELLA: If you've found Golden Turnip , bring it here to me before the sun sets. Don't be late.
And those are our rules. We won't get to try and cheat ourselves until next year.
Festival start!

*We get a dramatic, sky-high zoom in.*

STELLA: Everyone ready?

STELLA: Then begin your search for the treasure of the Coming of Age Day!

*And so everyone but bush takes off at a sprint!*

RITA: Oh, no! Bush is off to a slow start!

STELLA: Bush, you must hurry!
All part of the plan, I assure you.

Of course, we have Pony so we can cover ground much faster than anyone else.
The turnips will be hidden in more out of the way places, so that's where we go.

BUSH: Um...maybe it's a Golden Turnip?
That's just a normal turnip, although the item glow does make it look kinda golden.
Let's keep looking.

BUSH: All right! I found a Golden Turnip!
that's a carrot

Bush will stop and note if there's an item nearby, although most are pretty visible to begin with.
What happens if we pick up an incorrect item?

BUSH: Woohoo! I found it! A "Golden Turnip"!

BUSH: ...

BUSH: Huh? This is just a plain old "Turnip"!

UZUKI: Ah! This is the Golden Turnip! Bush, I shall have this victory!
And then someone else immediately wins just after.

But we don't plan on losing this, so let's rewind time a bit.

The golden turnip is really noticeable when you do find the real one. In our case, it was at Lake Poli's dock.
The position is randomized each time, the seed set from the moment you start the contest.

BUSH: I found it! A "Golden Turnip"!

BUSH: Okay, I better take this to the "Public Square" before I forget.
But were it only so simple!

GANESHA: So the Golden Turnip was hidden over here. Well, bye, Bush. Victory is mine!

BUSH: (Oh, no! I got beaten to the punch!)
There's not just one turnip to find! I've heard this is based off how long it takes you to find the item in question, and can be pretty unforgivingly random as well.

We must make haste! Ride, Pony! Fly like the wind!

STELLA: Oh-ho! Bush comes back right in the middle!
Someone beat us here? We have teleport magic and a super fast horse!

GANESHA: Bush, victory is mine! Goal!!

No... how could we lose at a festival...
it can't be...

STELLA: Um...this is an ornamental turnip made with brass! Did you make this yourself?!

GANESHA: You can tell? Darn...

STELLA: Now, get going!
She cheated!

...Or at least attempted to. In fact, a lot of characters will try to cheat. Marco can bring one made out of gold paper (Ganesha told him to do it), Melody will bring one aged in bathwater, and Danny will buy a real one and have it prepared.
Uzuki and Tsubute are the only one who don't cheat, they just show up with the wrong item because Cicada Dad flubbed it.
I don't think there's actually more than one golden turnip by the way, I was just setting you up for this.

The music strikes up as she begins to leave!

BUSH: (This... just might be my chance!)
Indeed it is, Bush!

STELLA: Ah, yes. This is the Golden Turnip I was waiting for!
*The sound of a celebratory cannon blank firing is heard*

STELLA: All right, then. I will now announce the results of the Treasure Hunt!

STELLA: In 4th place... Ganesha!

GANESHA: You're kidding...

STELLA: In 3rd place... Danny!

DANNY: Eh, oh well.

STELLA: In 2nd place... Uzuki!

UZUKI: Hm... I thought victory was mine for sure...


STELLA: And in 1st place... Bush! A new champion!

He just yawns. Or rather, it's his yawning animation being used for a cheer? This screenshot does look like he's basking in the spotlight though.

BUSH: All right! I won!
What do we win?

STELLA: The 1st prize is... Straw Hat!

is this a joke

STELLA: There's a consolation prize for those of you that didn't win, as well.

STELLA: This concludes this year's Adventure Festival. I hope you all had fun!
Even then, you people can't even get the name right. What kind of festival is this?!
That's it, time to hit the rewind on our watch.

Right back to when we first found the turnip.

We go back home with it. It happens to be worth 500g, and even restores 70 RP raw.
This thing's an endangered miracle food! And we're just going to play hide and seek with it for a straw hat?
We're going to do the right thing.

*pop* *grinding* *cha-chink*

You got a Golden Turnip S.

Aaaand there. Planted! It'll only take 8 days normally to grow, less with our runey environments.
I guess we ought to show up to the festival with something. I pull an ancient turnip back from Spring from the fridge and take it to Stella.
(Ganesha still tries to cheat by the way)

STELLA: Ah, yes. This is the Golden Turnip I was waiting for...

STELLA: what I want to say, but Bush... This isn't Golden Turnip.

STELLA: Did you forget the rules of the Treasure Hunt?

STELLA: You have to find a Golden Turnip hidden somewhere in the village and bring it back to me.

STELLA: Now, Bush, you better hurry!
i dunno it's pretty golden to me
don't force your narrow worldview onto how i perceive this turnip
Anyways, I guess we ruined the festival so let's just go talk to people instead.

MIST: Today is the Coming of Age Day. We'll all go out and hunt for treasure.

BUSH: This is the Coming of Age Day, isn't it? What does it have to do with treasure hunting?

MIST: Beats me.
For some reason, Mist is unaware this whole thing revolves around turnips.

ROSETTA: This is the Coming of Age Day. So why do you go treasure hunting for it?
It's pretty unclear, yeah.

CANDY: Today's the Coming of Age Day, where all kids get treated like grownups.

CANDY: But nothing seems different. I wonder why...

BUSH: Candy, you act really mature so maybe nobody really considered you to be a kid.

CANDY: Really? I act mature? Heehee. ♪
Yeah, even years after you're old enough to drink, people will still treat you like you have no idea what you're doing. That's just life, I think.
Hey, Mystery Girl! You know anything about this?


BUSH: What's wrong? You seem down.

MYSTERY GIRL: I am not! The church is almost complete.

MYSTERY GIRL: There's no way that I'm feeling down when I'm this close to achieving my dream...

MYSTERY GIRL: I'm sorry... Would you please leave me alone for a while?
I guess not. She's still on about that invisible church.

Well, that sure was a festival. The game actually keeps track of victories and has comments for stuff like retaking your crown, but we probably won't see a lot of that until the very end.

Gotta love a nice 1 PM to 6 AM nap.
Oh and that's our new bed, I forgot to mention it. It's huge! Finally, Bush can sleep fully clothed, boots on, in the maximum comfort.
Until next time!


MYSTERY: ...Wow, I can see why it got replaced with Mist Festival now. All the adults just cheat.

BUSH: I'm just proud I saved an endangered crop from extinction. I can only imagine the culinary developments it contributed to.

MYSTERY: What do they taste like, anyways?

BUSH: Absolutely horrible. They also lack any nutritional value whatesoever and cause food poisoning in most people.

BUSH: Even my cooking skills can't save them.

MYSTERY: Then why do people pay so much for them?!

BUSH: Beats me.