Part 55: QUIZ DAY
Update 55: QUIZ DAY
We rejoin Bush on Winter 7th to a cozy fire in the morning. Ever since winter properly started, we've had the fireplace going- presumably with magic because it's not costing us lumber.
(It was also making its crackling sound on the last day of Autumn, but with no fire graphic present.)
Our music today is....

It's a festival day! Possibly the best festival.

So you have this to listen to as well.

BIANCA: Are you going to join the Quiz Contest, Bush?
That's right, today is the QUIZ CONTEST, ultimate challenge of our KNOWLEDGE.
Even though Bush always participates in festivals, there's no way we can't do this one.

BUSH: I will.

BIANCA: Oh... I suppose you have a lot of free time.
If Bush had replied "no" (as if there's a timeline where that happens), she remarks with this:

BIANCA: Oh, really? I thought you would like it, Bush.
She knows us well, I guess.

UZUKI: I will not be participating in the Quiz Contest. There are too many things I do not know of this country.
Tsk, tsk, Uzuki hasn't studied enough. One must seek to gain knowledge every day for moments like these!

BUSH: Eunice, I haven't seen Iris recently. Do you know what happened?

EUNICE: It seems that she isn't feeling well so she's taking some time off her work at the bar.

BUSH: Really?! Did you get Lara to take a look at her?

EUNICE: My mother wanted to take her but Iris said that she didn't want to go inside a church.

BUSH: Is that so... All right. I'll try to get Lara to go to the inn.

EUNICE: Please do so.

It seems festivities are not the only thing in store for us today.
Let's go check on the vampires and see how they're holding up.

IRIS NOIRE: I'm so sorry for making you worry about me like this.

IRIS NOIRE: I'll be better in no time...

BUSH: You should just relax for now.
Could just be some altitude sickness, although Noire wasn't that far underground. It's possible it's the chill getting to them- it's always mildly warm on Whale Island and even Snow Ruins isn't as cold as it seems. You can grow fall crops there after all.
They both say the same thing, by the way.

SELPHY: Today is the Quiz Contest? Hm, what should I do? I'm trying to decide whether to go or not.

SELPHY: I know I don't have much common sense, so I probably won't do well in the quiz.
Nonsense! This is the day we must duel with our wits! We cannot let this opportunity pass!
We'll see if she makes up her mind when the contest itself starts.

Lute, my man! Howsit goin'?

We're not that rich at the moment, and there's not a lot to buy outside of a bigger table. I don't really want the bigger table because I like the floorspace we have.

LARA: It is easy to get sick during the winter so please be careful.
That's why we're here!

BUSH: Lara, Iris is bedridden because she's ill.

LARA: That's terrible! I'll go see her right now!

BUSH: But she refuses to move because she doesn't want to step inside a church...

LARA: Oh...

LARA: All right, then I will visit Iris at her room tomorrow.

BUSH: Thank you very much!
They are vampires, it's pretty understandable they want nothing to do with being near a church.

CINNAMON: Did you find the Hairpin Constellation?

BUSH: Yes, but I think it's stretching it a bit to say that's a hairpin.

CINNAMON: There's a legend that says that hairpin was lost while a princess was swimming in the celestial river.

BUSH: Swimming at this time of year must be really cold.

CINNAMON: The legend says that she swam during summer, but the hairpin was moved to winter so she can't recover it.

BUSH: That's sounds a little cruel...

CINNAMON: ...I guess.
Bush is critical of the constellation and discovers its terrible history. You shouldn't judge the stars, Bush.

CINNAMON: In this season, it's all about the Cross. Out of all the constellations, it's thought to be the most mystical.

BUSH: Oh? There must be a lot of stories behind it, then.

CINNAMON: I'll tell you about it when you find it. You can see the Cross a bit late at night. Go find it.
Cinnamon is excited for the next one. This one corresponds to Lara of course.
There's only one more constellation she could possibly be more excited for:

CINNAMON: The "Fish Constellation" is one my favorites.

BUSH: You like fish, don't you, Cinnamon?

CINNAMON: ...Yes. can't see the Fish Constellation until it's the dead of night.

CINNAMON: I rarely see it. How unfortunate.
We have two top-tier star formations in our future, vouched for by the expert.

everything is fine

"Fishing is not allowed on the day of the festival. "
You can't tell me what to do, sign! You're a piece of wood! You're not even animate!

blast it all, the sign is too powerful
perhaps its best we lie low after last festival anyways
(This is probably because they use a different map model on this day, one without water zones.)

We wait until 9:00 AM...


CINNAMON: Are you going to join the Quiz Contest, Bush?

BUSH: Yes.

CINNAMON: Oh. ...I'm up for a challenge.
A tense duel of rapier wit! Have at you!
(She doesn't end up participating

ERIK: I won't lose to you, Bush.

ERIK: But that's only if I can participate...
I don't see why not. Bush accepts all challengers! En garde!

TABATHA: Bush, are you going to join in the Quiz Contest today?

BUSH: Well, I will if I find the time to.

TABATHA: I see. I'm still wondering if I should as well. If we were to join together, I hope it will be a good match.
Tabs would be a good challenger, I imagine she's got a lot of worldly knowledge as the ex-Elf Country queen.

LARA: I am still wondering if I should join. Kanno had asked me to.

LARA: Bush, will you be joining? I'm still thinking about what to do.
I suppose it's not worth keeping the Irises up past their bedtime while they're sick, gotta find something to do until 6 PM.

MIST: Today is the Quiz Contest. I was planning on joining.

MIST: I'll put up a good fight, Bush!
She's got her game face on, Bush is gonna have to challenge the might of her entire cadre of informants.
No holding back.

KANNO: Welcome. You have come to participate in the quiz contest, right?

BUSH: Of course.

KANNO: I knew it. Would you like me to explain the rules to you?
So yeah, Kanno runs this one, not Stella. Time to prove to Magic Grandpa that we've learned well. The rules aren't very deep so we'll skip 'em.
I can say this festival has a ton of alternate dialogue though.

KANNO: With Bush joining us, we now have enough members for the contest!

KANNO: Let's get the contest started!

Event Site: Public Square
*We get a sky-high zoom down on our contestants...*

KANNO: It is now time to begin the Quiz Contest sponsored by me!

CANDY: Let us all peacefully settle all our consultations of everyday life, today.
*The crowd gasps in excitement!*
(In the files, it suggests a vacation to either Kardia or Alvarna is usually on offer for this, but not this year.)

*We get a view from behind of our contestants.*

KANNO: Allow me to introduce the 4 smartest people of this town!
(He has alternate lines calling us "brave warriors", "self-proclaimed know-it-alls", and the best one "most bored people of this town".)

[Bush (Farmer)]

KANNO: The light and hope of Trampoli, Bush!
(Alternate titles being "Everyone's favorite" and "life of the party".)
1. I'm ready.
2. I can do this!
3. I won't disappoint.
We opt for the last one.

GANESHA: ...Okay.

KANNO: I have high hopes for you.
I can't tell if she's underwhelmed, speechless, or just drunk in regards to our confidence.

KANNO: And this person here got really serious about it!

KANNO: She is good with numbers, especially when multiplying by 7.

[Lara (Nurse)]

KANNO: The town's healing touch! Engaging in a different trade today, Nurse Lara!

LARA: I'll do my best to win today.

KANNO: Next is the person you've all been waiting for!

KANNO: A man who befriends monsters, Erik!
But he's frightened of monsters?

[Erik (Bachelor)]

ANETTE: Erik, you're so hot! ...There, I said it. Just like you asked. Dinner's on you.
...Oh, Erik.
At least she's getting dinner out of it.

KANNO: And last but not least...

[Mist (Helper)]

KANNO: 24/7 turnip-colored, colorful speaker, little miss Mist!

MIST: Thank you for that... wonderful introduction.
(The alternate line for announcing her second is this: "Nothing about her is clearly known: her job, income and thoughts! Our living legend, Mist!")

KANNO: And your hosts are your personal, walking encyclopedia, Kanno...

CANDY: ...and the lovely assistant Candy!

KANNO: Let's get the contest started!

CANDY: Question 1!

KANNO: This question was sent in by Lucas, the wandering poet. The topic is farming.

CANDY: Out of the following, which is a spring vegetable?
1. Cabbage
2. Pumpkin
3. Carrot

KANNO: What will your answer be?♪

*A techno drum beat starts up over the music.*
And so it begins! We just walk to the spot on the ground with the corresponding number to the answer.
Erik's already made his move, but the two girls stay in place looking at one another.
We run for the 1 square.

...And also push Erik out of place. Because we can push the other characters around.

Just before the timer ends...

MIST: What a coincidence. It seems you and I were thinking the same thing, Bush.
Wait, get your own answers, lady

And so she comes to us and the timer ends.

CANDY: Could you tell me the answer, Gramps? ♪

KANNO: The answer is...

KANNO: Let's see it! *boom*

KANNO: 1! Cabbage! Ah, I see it now.

Bush and Mist get an O above their head, an X for Lara who was in box 2, and Erik only gets a sweatdrop. Because we pushed him out.

BUSH: Oh, nice!
[Bush got 1 correct!]
Our score is tallied in fruit. We have cherries.

LARA: Oh, how terrible! I refuse to get any more wrong!

ERIK: Come now, my little kittens... Pranks are bad.
got ya

MIST: I got it right! I guess even guessing works sometimes.
[Miss Mist got 1 correct!]
That wasn't a guess and you know it.
She has apples for her fruit.

CANDY: Question 2!

KANNO: This question was sent in by Jean, who runs the general store in Kardia. The topic is fish.

CANDY: Which is the smallest fish?
1. Red Salmon
2. Carp
3. Yellowtail

Well, we've only seen one of these fish. Carp are pretty small, but...

If Mist is gonna steal our answer, we'll steal hers next.

There's that emotion bubble they never use for anything else again.

MIST: Hm...I'm pretty sure this answer is wrong.

...Did we just get played for a fool?

KANNO: 1! Red Salmon! Oh!

KANNO: Bush is the only one correct! A clear lead!

Also Lara got pushed out of the box by Mist and she was wrong to begin with.

LARA: Oh, dear... This isn't right...

ERIK: What in the world?! How could I be wrong?!

MIST: I got it wrong? That's odd...
I thought Erik would know something about fish, given he said he smoked fish this time of year or something way back, but I guess not.
I'll be honest, I didn't know the answer either, but I was leaning on Red Salmon being a trick answer given how big normal salmon are.

CANDY: Question 3!

KANNO: This question was sent in by Father Wesley. The topic is fish.

CANDY: Which of the following does not affect what fish you can catch?
1. Fishing Pole
2. Time
3. Season

Wow, everyone seems to think it's time.

But even though we're not that dedicated an angler, I know that the season obviously matters and I usually catch the same fish no matter the time of day.

MIST: My intuition tells me that the right answer is this one.

She moves to Bush, displacing everyone else in the process.

KANNO: 1! Fishing Pole! All right!

KANNO: Impressive!

Because Mist can't move Bush, she got bodyblocked and didn't even make it onto the square. Although funny enough, she pushed Erik onto the very edge, so now he gets a point.
Also this is three in a row for option 1.

ERIK: I figured. You there. You shouldn't fall in love with me so easily. Haha!
[Mr. Erik got 1 correct!]
Erik, it was a complete fluke you even got credit for this. Also he has Chestnuts has his... fruit?

CANDY: Question 4!

KANNO: This question was sent in by Cecilia from Kardia. The topic is the world.

CANDY: What day does the New Year's Festival start on?
1. 1st of winter
2. 30th of winter
3. 1st of spring
This is pretty tricky question for a 10 year old to send in. I guess she does live in a library.

This time everyone is watching for Bush's answer.

It can only be option 2 or 3, and I'm inclined to say it starts after the new year has begun. These games usually start you on Spring 2nd for a reason.

Mist, of course, borrows our answer, abandoning Erik in box 2.

KANNO: 3! 1st of Spring. Ah, I see it now.

With this, the current standings are:
Bush: 4
Lara: 0
Erik: 1 (by accident)
Mist: 2
Poor Lara. I'm gonna have to push her into the right answer before this is over.

CANDY: Question 5!

KANNO: This question was sent in by Father Wesley. The topic is the world.

CANDY: What month and what day is it today?
1. 5th of winter
2. 7th of winter
3. 30th of autumn
The clock doesn't show up during this, so there's a chance you forget, I guess.
Even then, this answer is pretty easy. It's 2.

Oh, and Mist follows us, of course. Get yer own answer!

KANNO: 2! 7th of Winter. Ah, I see it now.

We've not missed a one, Mist is up to 3.


KANNO: It's time for a commercial break.

CANDY: We'll be back in 30 seconds!
Hey, I pay for premium service! What is this?! How come I still get commercials?!

GANESHA: Today, we are reporting from Trampoli!!

GANESHA: Hey, is something wrong? Why the long face?

MARCO: Oh, it's just that the "Broad Sword" I bought from you the other day just isn't enough anymore.

GANESHA: I see... Marco, it seems like you've grown a bit.

GANESHA: Many people graduate from the Broad Sword as their sword-fighting skills improve.

GANESHA: What you need now is this! The "Spear"!
*~Level up fanfare~*

User Review

DANNY: Using the Spear helped save my business.
*Results may vary.

STELLA: It's so useful when reaching for things up high. It may even be useful for trimming trees in the garden.
A limb cutter's not far off from a naginata, I guess.

GANESHA: Order now, and Marco's allowance will pay your interest!

MARCO: What? Wait! Why my allowance?!

*Please refrain from swinging away too much.
*~Item creation jingle~*

Location: Public Square

CANDY: Rune Factory: Frontier

CANDY: Don't turn that dial. We'll be back after these messages!♪
what why
it's winter
who put you out here in a swimsuit

KANNO: It is now time for the second half!
Well, that brief fever dream is over. Back to the quiz.
Hopefully Bush isn't quizzing so hard he's hallucinating.

CANDY: Question 6!

KANNO: This question was sent in by Ms. Lynette all the way from the Zzyzx Empire. The topic is cooking.
I think it's kinda unlikely Lynette went back to Sechs, given she deserted the military and directly defied the Emperor, so maybe she just wrote the letter that way to keep them off her trail.
...Unless they got her

CANDY: Which is used to cook?
1. Steamer
2. Seed Maker
3. Lab
Well, option 3 can be used to cook in a sense of the word, but yeah it's 1.

KANNO: 1! Steamer! Oh!
You know, if it wasn't for the first question, I'd be inclined to say Erik has unique AI to just pick a girl and follow. Maybe it's just an exception for farming questions?
Anyways, another point for Bush and Mist.

CANDY: Question 7!

KANNO: The topic is magic.

CANDY: Which magic won't use up RP?
1.Life Absorber
Must be a question from Kanno himself. 3 is the answer. Life Absorber (Bubble Staff) uses a ton, by the way.

KANNO: 3! Return! Oh!
Mist, as usual, banks off our answer.

CANDY: Question 8!

KANNO: The topic is villagers.

CANDY: What's the name of the innkeeper?
1 .Ganesha
2. Turner
3. Danny
this question is ridiculously easy
it's turner

...Erik, what
even Lara's getting this one
erik please

MIST: The same as Bush...? That's depressing.

Erik: picks the only answer corresponding to a woman
Mist: ignores what she knows just to not stand next to us
Lara: finally gets one right, although it'd be concerning if she didn't get this one

KANNO: We have everyone's answer, correct?



*the tension is palpable*

And so it cycles perspectives a few more times...

ERIK: I won't be able to win at this rate...
10 minutes left!!

ERIK: Someone, please... Give me a hint!
Outside of the fact it's statistically impossible for you to win at this point, what about Lara?

CANDY: Then let us ask the audience.

MELODY: The answer is 5, Return ...or it should be, I think?
Melody's not even paying attention.

ERIK: Thank you! I...oh, no! I don't have enough time to answer!

KANNO: 2! Turner! I see!

KANNO: Great job. A round of applause for everyone!
Out of all the villager questions, we had to do this dramatic bit on this one. Possibly the easiest question of all the possibilities.

LARA: Oh, goodness... I'm glad I got it right.
Well, at least the stage fright didn't make it to where I had to push her to a correct answer. She has oranges as her fruit.

CANDY: Question 9!

KANNO: This question was sent in by Lucas, the wandering poet. The topic is farming.

CANDY: Which of the following tools can cut down fodder?
1. One-handed Sword
2. Axe
3. Sickle
You can actually cut plants with swords in some of the DS games, although I forget if it goes all the way back to RF1. The answer is 3, of course.

Lara can't seem to remember if sword cutting was a thing back in Kardia either. Mist is being contrary again.

KANNO: 3! Sickle is the answer!
Erik's now at an astounding 2 points.

CANDY: Question 10!
Well, this is the last-

KANNO: Hold your horses! It's Super Gramp's Time! Here's a special question!

CANDY: Oh, hooray! It's grandpa's Super Gramp's Time!

"Super Gramp's Time is simply..."
" explosion of Kanno's favoritism expressed in the form of a special question."

KANNO: The person in last place currently has 1 points...

KANNO: ...and the leader currently has 9 points.

KANNO: You must not give up until the end. This is your chance to win!

KANNO: If you get this next question right you'll get 7 points! A big chance to win for anyone!!

LARA: Nice! That's the way to do it!

CANDY: (Grandpa... If last place gets 7 added to the current 1, there still isn't enough for an upset...)

CANDY: Question 10!
...This day gets even more bonkers. I didn't think it was possible.

KANNO: Whose voice is it?!

KANNO: Candy will mimic someone's voice.

KANNO: Try to guess who it is. Better listen closely!

CANDY: Hello... M-my name is Mi... What? I can't say it?

KANNO: And now the person's name is...!!
1. Melody
2. Cinnamon
3. Mist
This is even voiced.

Mist, I was going to be concerned if you didn't recognize yourself after that.

KANNO: Everyone except Lara is correct!

Our final score is 16, and they ran out of cherries to display it seems.

This also puts Erik up to 9 and Mist up to 12.

KANNO: Stop! That was the last question!

KANNO: Now, for the results.

(Bush is stuck staring at Lara the whole time instead of looking straight ahead.)

KANNO: A clear-cut victory! With 16, Bush is the winner!

BUSH: Thank you. I feel greatly honored.

KANNO: Congratulations! The winner gets the number of items all the players' points add up to!

KANNO: You get 16 Cherry, 1 Orange, 9 Chestnut, 12 Apple!
(Corresponding to Bush, Lara, Erik, and Mist respectively.)
To clarify, we get all the fruit used to count points. This means the actual challenge is to make everyone get the right answer and win just 1 point higher than all of them.
We'll try that next year. Maybe next time Cinnamon or Selphy will be here.

KANNO: For all other participants, we have "Int. Vitamins" for your efforts!

KANNO: This concludes this year's Annual Quiz Contest. See you again next year!

Our sponsors were... Snowstyle Tavern and Sunshine Inn.
to truly win, we had to lose....
even our big brain could not have foreseen this...

LARA: Congratulations on winning the Quiz Contest.

LARA: You're too good, Bush.
I feel like Lara got hit with a ton of stage fright. I know she doesn't get out a lot, but still.

MIST: You're pretty knowledgeable despite how you look, Bush.
Yeowch, talk about a backhanded compliment. No respect for the guy who pulled you out of hyperspace?

Well, time to pick up all of this lesser reward. Some of these are stacks of two to accomodate the surplus.

BIANCA: I saw you at the Quiz Contest. You were pretty good.
She even gives a little cheer.

Can't get it any better form than this, unfortunately, but here it is.

KANNO: You're quite the man for winning my Quiz Contest, Bush.
Magic Grandpa (or is it Super Gramps?) at last acknowledges our smarts.

SELPHY: Oh, so you won the Quiz Contest...

SELPHY: But what prize did you win? If it's one of Kanno's books, give it to me!

BUSH: It's not...
All we got was a bunch of fruit. I guess the apples will be useful-ish, but that's all.

KROSS: Heh...

KROSS: Today is supposed to be the Quiz Contest. But it has nothing to do with me...
Kross isn't particularly fussed about it.

Oh, hey, Mystery Girl! We're the smartest person in town!

MYSTERY GIRL: Bush, I may have to give up on my dream...

BUSH: Your dream of building the church?


BUSH: Why?! You worked so hard for it!

MYSTERY GIRL: There's no point in building a church where no one lives...

MYSTERY GIRL: They said it was a waste of money and had the carpenters all go home...

MYSTERY GIRL: I was even told to return to the abbey...

BUSH: And you're all right with this?

MYSTERY GIRL: I have no choice. I can't do anything alone. And this time, there is no one I can rely on...

BUSH: But it will all be over the moment you give up!

BUSH: You were so happy when you talked about how you wanted to build the church!

MYSTERY GIRL: Then what am I supposed to do?!

BUSH: I...

MYSTERY GIRL: ... I'm sorry I raised my voice.

MYSTERY GIRL: People can't live on their dreams alone.

Well, I suppose there's some seriousness to cap off this goofy update.

STELLA: I have a meeting with other sisters that are old acquaintances.

STELLA: I'll be out of the church for awhile, but I left Lara in charge.

BUSH: Old acquaintances?

STELLA: When I lived at the abbey, we had training together. We meet once in a while to exchange information.
Hey... you don't think...
Stella might be from the same abbey as the Mystery Girl?

...nah, that's ridiculous
i think all this quizzing has our brain worn out, lets get some rest
Catch you next time!