Part 56: Lady of the Rings- Two Vampires
Update 56: Lady of the Rings- Two Vampires

We return with Bush's status page. These stats probably won't change much from here, so consider this like a final look at him.
He's level 65, max HP 333, base ATK of 101, base DEF of 351, and MAG of 310. (Keeping in mind our armor modifies these.)
STR: 59
VIT: 58
INT: 58
AGL: 64
Weapons: 24
Magic: 50
Farming: 53
Lumber: 71
Hammer: 38
Fish: 26
Cooking: 99
Lab: 54
Forging: 51
Crafts: 53
Honestly, pretty well rounded. More than I thought we'd be by the end. Special mention of fishing, which was very useful early on but just fell out of something we had to do when the farming to cooking pipelines combined well.

It's Winter 8th by the way.

~"You're a harder worker than I thought." - Bianca~
I recieved the Steam Pumpkin.
Actually, I'm quite surprised you
would keep sending items that
I request. You're unexpectedly
diligent. Anyway, take this token
of thanks. I don't need it anymore.
Next, I would like a Roasted Carp.
I don't think we actually get a reward. If we do, I don't know what it is. This is is maybe a remnant of an earlier RF2/RF3 request implementation.
Carp will have to wait until Spring. I did not have the foresight to keep a fish in the fridge for a year.

~"You dummy!" - Eunice~
If you are upset about something,
try going to the beach and yelling
at the top of your lungs.
It will make you feel better.
Curiously enough, this comes up in the next game I'll be doing.
No wonder the Elder Dragon of Water doesn't like humans in this world if this is commonplace.

Our important matter for today is to help the Irises. Let's see what Lara has to say.

LARA: Oh, Bush, I was just about to do the examination. Please wait right here.

BUSH: Sure thing.

*And so Lara heads in...*

LARA: It seems that both of them were sick.

BUSH: was it?

LARA: There are still some things I don't understand so can you come back tomorrow?

BUSH: All right.
...So, yeah. One more day. We just confirmed they're sick.
I mean, we already told you that.

They're now in bed during this.

We skip ahead through another uneventful Winter day to meet up with Lara at the church next morning.

LARA: Bush, about Iris...

BUSH: Did you find out anything?

LARA: Both of them are sick.

LARA: And, it seems the reason for that is because Iris is separated into two people.

LARA: I also asked Kanno, Rita and Sister Stella about it. It seems the two of them had separated to avoid being lonely.

BUSH: That's what I heard, too.

LARA: But now that they are surrounded by many people, their lives have become much happier.

BUSH: I guess so. She even said that her work at the bar was really fun.

LARA: Yes. But that's the problem.

BUSH: Why is that?

LARA: Because, in their happiness, they are trying to return to one body, but yet remain separated.

LARA: That puts stress upon their existence, causing the illness. Separating into two must have put a lot of strain on Iris.

BUSH: So for Iris to get better...

LARA: ...she has to return to being one person.

LARA: But I don't know how to do it. Even Kanno and Sister Stella said they didn't know how.

BUSH: All right. I'll try to find out how.

LARA: Please do so. I'll try to search for the method from my end as well.

So now we need to gather all the knowledge on this we can. Our goal is to make Iris a single person, because she's no longer alone.
Lara's already talked to Kanno, but Super Gramps is the most knowledgeable guy in town. We still ought to see what he has to say.

KANNO: About how to return Iris to normal...

BUSH: Did you find something on it?

KANNO: Well... This will be difficult.

KANNO: It's already amazing enough that one person can split into two. But now we need to return them to one. It makes it all the more difficult...

BUSH: Oh...

KANNO: Of course, I haven't given up. If you find any clues, come to me.
Well, who else knowledgeable do we talk to?
You know, Lara didn't say anything to Selphy. Let's go do that!

...In a few days. She's busy with a new book right now.

STELLA: Is Selphy the same as always?

BUSH: Yes. She's still reading her books.

STELLA: Even though she was kidnapped by a book-shaped monster, she still loves her books. I think that's a good thing.
If anything, a book shaped monster just makes her more interested.

We do have a letter the next day!

~"I'm back." - Tart~
Hello... It has been a while.
I have returned from my trip.
I haven't traveled in... a while...
so it was quite fun.
Do you like... traveling?
Our reply options are "I visit the dungeons everyday.", "I have never traveled.", and "The beach, sometimes..."
Upon thinking of a reply, Bush distantly hears the call of the gift mines and automatically replies the first option.
Good to see Tart's still sending us letters. We still have a pen pal.

Another day passes, and Bush heads to the library...

SELPHY: You looked so awesome when you saved Mist, ÿ 0é0°0Êÿ .

SELPHY: You looked the hero of a story going to save a princess.

SELPHY: Thinking back, being a princess isn't half bad.
She's not even hiding it now! She did basically blurt it out a few weeks back, but here it is.
Minerva's Inside Information posted:
MINERVA: Did you know? Some nation in the north had a princess that was first in line for the throne but suddenly vanished.
MINERVA: Because of that, the royal family had a huge scuffle.
So yeah, Selphius Josephine is true crown princess to a northern kingdom, if that wasn't obvious already.

That's all for this day. Bush is too concerned about his vampire friends to think about anything else, so it's time to sleep.

And another day...

And another day...

Let's take our mind off this. How's the runeys doing?


Let's just go to tomorrow then, shall we? It's snowing!

SELPHY: Oh, right...

SELPHY: Iris is supposed to be one of the race of "those closest to the Spirits," right?

BUSH: Yes.

SELPHY: Well, I found a book about them so I put it on the bookshelf.

BUSH: Really?! Thank you!

SELPHY: Don't mention it. Thank Lara since she's the one who asked me to look for it.

~The Vampire Tribe~
"Those closest to the Spirits once inhabited the Trampoli area. They were able to converse with the Spirits through their Spirit Song."
"Even with special traits such as an inability to enter holy places, the ability to share minds with the person they drank blood from and being nocturnal, they still could have a child with a normal person. "
"Most of their descendants are of mixed blood now, and only a few special ones have inherited the Spirit Song. The next volume will cover rituals."
We've also got another book to look at...

~The Vampire Tribe~
"Among the rituals is one called "The Blessings from Around" that is particularly interesting."
"In it, the leader of the ritual brings a personal item, and those around bless it. In the case of two or more leaders, each leader brings an item of equal value and then trades after the blessings finish."
"It is said that the purpose of this ritual was to demonstrate the leaders' connection to the Spirits to the people around."
"After trading the blessed items, they offer up a prayer to the Spirits. If the Spirits respond, their wish will come true. At least, that is the belief."
"Without any known pure-blood descendants of those closest to the Spirits, there is no way of telling if this ritual was merely symbolic, or indeed granted one a wish come true."
So we now know the story of who the vampires are, and how we can ask the Spirits for help one last time.
But first, we have a few other texts.

~Constellation: Cross~
"The Cross is the most famous constellation in the winter skies. A bit after the sun has set, look up at the sky to spot this magnificent formation."

~Constellation: Fish~
"The Fish is a winter constellation seen in the sky past midnight. Its brilliance is worth waiting for in the cold weather."

~Constellation: Hairpin~
"The Hairpin is a winter constellation that appears soon after sunset, making it very easy to spot in the sky."
...Here's nearly the last few texts in the library. Bush is now a very well-read man. We'll catch these last constellations soon.

BUSH: Kanno, about how we can get Iris back to normal...

KANNO: Did you find out something?!

BUSH: Yes.
*And so we fade out as Bush explains what he's learned...*

KANNO: All right.

KANNO: Bush! Do exactly what I tell you.

KANNO: First, take a certain object from each Iris.

BUSH: Sure.

KANNO: Then take those things around to each villager and have them bless it .

BUSH: Bless...?

KANNO: Yes. Simply put, they just need to pray for it.

KANNO: Come back to me when you're done. I'll take care of the rest.

BUSH: All right. Then let me go get something from each of them.
We have our mission. Bush Hero Mode, engage!

BUSH: Iris, do you have a pair of something?

BUSH: If I take that and get everyone in the village to bless it, you might go back to normal.


IRIS BLANCHE: But, I'm worried about how much of a blessing we can receive since we haven't been here long...

BUSH: It's all right. Everyone is worried about you.

IRIS BLANCHE: Thank you... Then take this.

You got Gold Ring!

IRIS NOIRE: Take this with you. This is the first item that we exchanged when we separated.

IRIS NOIRE: I believe these will be the most fitting.

You got Silver Ring!

I don't think it matters which ring we hand over, but I'll keep it even regardless. After showing one, handing the other over just gets a "wrong quest item" prompt.
Off to every single villager in town!

RITA: We'll have one less person to work at the bar, but I have to respect what Iris wants.

RITA: I put all of my heart into it.

TURNER: I have to pray for it?

TURNER: Is that good enough? I hope Iris will get better soon.

UZUKI: In my country, tools that are used wholeheartedly can embody souls.

UZUKI: It seems that the emotions in this ring are so powerful that it has gained a soul as well.

UZUKI: There, I put my prayers into it.

EUNICE: It's for Iris? I'll gladly help.

EUNICE: Iris is part of our family now.

GANESHA: That's a pretty ring. I can feel the emotions of the owner just by looking at it.

GANESHA: I'll hammer in a lot of emotion so I can work even harder from now on. Here you go.

MARCO: So Iris will get better if I pray for it?

MARCO: ...Iris, get well soon so you can yell at my mom for drinking too much...

DANNY: You know how I'm closed on holidays every week? That's when I go back to my hometown.

DANNY: It's really far so I only get to stay for a little while.

DANNY: But my little brother and sister get really happy when they see me. It makes me feel really warm inside.

DANNY: I just have to pray for it? Fine, I'll do it...

DANNY: Here you go. I'm just not good when it comes to these things.

MELODY: Oh, so Iris is going back to being one person?

MELODY: I really liked it when they would come to my bathhouse together.

SELPHY: I'll be glad to join, too!

SELPHY: I've never even read about how two people can become one before!

SELPHY: "Fact is stranger than fiction" can be so true sometimes.

ERIK: You need my help? Man, I'm just too popular!

ERIK: ... Done! Now take it away!

LARA: I may be inexperienced as a sister, but I will bless it with all my heart.

LARA: ...There you go.

STELLA: I have to bless this? Sure thing. Iris is part of our village after all.

STELLA: Now take it with you. I've finished blessing it.

ANETTE: You sure you want me to do it? I'm not exactly part of the village, you know...

ANETTE: But I'm glad that you came to me. Here you go. I put my heart and soul into it.
You are a part of the village now though!

CINNAMON: Emotions can amplify the effects of magic. If people cast their emotions into the spell, then its power is more potent.

CINNAMON: ...Good luck.

CANDY: I hope Iris will get better soon.

CANDY: Here. Now the ring is full of my emotions.

KANNO: It seems that you're making good progress. Now it's my turn...

KANNO: Here. Take this with you.

MIST: So I just have to pray for it?

MIST: I wish for a good harvest of turnips this year.

BUSH: No, not like that...

MIST: I know, I know. Here you go.
And now for a brief intermission:

~"The Archives" - Anette~
You know how the library is so
messy in Trampoli? It's so weird
that Selphy still seems to know
where every book is. It's like...
It's the Selphy Decimal System in action!

BIANCA: Is it true that Iris will become one person now?

BIANCA: That sounds interesting. I'll be glad to cooperate.

BIANCA: There, I put all of my heart into it. If you want a more expensive ring, I'll prepare one for you.

TABATHA: So I just have to put my prayers in this ring? All right.

TABATHA: May the forest and trees and the blessings of the elves be heard...

TABATHA: Here you go. I hope Iris will get better soon.

KROSS: If there is anything I can do, I would do it gladly.

KROSS: ... I hope Iris gets better.

BRODIK: Heh heh heh...

BRODIK: Why should I have to do what you tell me?! Forget it!

BRODIK: Hah hah hah...

BUSH: (I guess Brodik is out of the question. I'll go ask others.)

BRODIK: Hey, Bush! Let me tell you something!

BRODIK: The reason why I dress this way even during winter...

BRODIK: not because I'm well-trained or very good at enduring the cold.

BRODIK: Heh heh heh...

BRODIK: It's because I thought this job would be easy and I didn't prepare for winter!

BRODIK: That's right! I'm friggin' cold right now! What do you think of that?! Hahahaha!

BRODIK: How do you like that, Bush?! Now come back with me already! Come on man, let's go back!
nah mate
you can stay out here and freeze your ass off, that's cool

ROSETTA: So I just have to pray for it? That sounds simple enough.

ROSETTA: ...It's not like I would refuse even if it cost money. Really!

ROSETTA: Is that it? I don't know if I did it right but I put a lot of my heart into it.
...And that should be everyone!

At 6:00 PM, we can finally get back into the Irises' room.

(The text has been falling out of the boxes pretty frequently of late.)

BUSH: Iris! We have finished the preparations for you to get back to normal! Everyone helped out!

IRIS NOIRE: Thank you very much... Bush and everyone else, too.

BUSH: Kanno is getting ready at the public square! Let's go!

IRIS BLANCHE: Yes, let's!
(A brief timewarp happened and we lost the brief conversation where Kanno tells us to take them to the square.)

*A fade to black...*

KANNO: We will now begin the ceremony which will bring the two Irises back to one again!

KANNO: Iris, are you ready?


IRIS NOIRE: I have long awaited this day.
And so the moment has arrived. Mist, Lara, and Stella are all also here. Why Mist?
Who knows.

KANNO: Let's finish this off by having you exchange the rings that have been blessed by the villagers.

KANNO: Bush. Exchange the rings that you have kept for Iris.

KANNO: In other words, the "Silver Ring" goes to the white Iris, and the "Gold Ring" to the black Iris.

KANNO: Now hand over the rings to the two of them.

MIST: I'm getting nervous.
You're not the one about to unify into a single persona.

LARA: Iris looks so happy.
I imagine so!
Let's stop delaying the ceremony, let's give the rings over.

IRIS NOIRE: Thank you.

IRIS NOIRE: We were originally the same person. With everyone's blessings, we can finally be whole again.

IRIS NOIRE: This is the most joyous day of my life.

IRIS BLANCHE: Thank you.

IRIS BLANCHE: I can feel it... I can feel everyone's warm feelings.
*And so we fade to black...*

This'll be the last time we hear this song! It's a really nice moment to finally hear it again here.

*The two turn to face one another...*

*They approach and hold hands...*

IRISES: The happy memories on Whale Island...

IRISES: The memory of being released from loneliness in the dungeon...

IRISES: Which of those memories reflect stronger for you...?
As their first friends and the one that brought them into the outside world, it's Bush's responsibility to make this decision.

Well, thread?
Whale Island corresponds to Blanche, and Snow Ruins corresponds to Noire. Whichever one we pick will remain the new Iris.
Unique abstract sketches or Tarot? Fun or goth? Short hair, or slightly longer hair?
Make thy choice.