Part 57: The Hotpot Faux Pas
Update 57: The Hotpot Faux Pas

The voices decide... the dungeon.

BUSH: The dungeon.

*And with that, Iris Blanche begins to shine with magical light...!*

*Everything goes white...*

*And Noire is left standing by herself.*

IRIS NOIRE: My self of the dungeon... The happy memories linger...

BUSH: Iris! Did the other Iris disappear?

IRIS NOIRE: No... Our bodies and minds have become one, but our memories remain separate.

IRIS NOIRE: Those joyous days when we spoke on Whale Island and the memories of when you saved me in the dungeon...

IRIS NOIRE: They are all inside me.

IRIS NOIRE: I am Iris. The last of the vampire tribe. The last of "those closest to the Spirits."

IRIS NOIRE: I am now but another citizen of Trampoli.
And so Noire is permanent now. Did she just marry herself? Who knows!
At least Bush isn't the only person in town with a strange memory situation now.

IRIS NOIRE: Even if we became one, I am still myself. Nothing has changed at all.
The only thing that has changed is now she's available for marriage. That's the end of her questline!

Nobody else has anything to say about this.
Out of things to say himself, Bush decides to just go stare at the stars.

Well, he would if it wasn't cloudy.

Joy, the next day is a snowstorm so we can't even go out to see the Whale constellation. I don't even know how that'll work out given it corresponds to Blanche.
It takes me until Friday to get a clear day.

Oh, hey, Mystery Girl again!


MYSTERY GIRL: I've made up my mind! I won't be returning to the abbey. I will build the church by myself!

MYSTERY GIRL: This is a wonderful place. Once the church is built, I just know that people will gather here.

MYSTERY GIRL: Building a church and village is my dream after all!

BUSH: People WILL gather here. I'm sure of it.

MYSTERY GIRL: Thank you very much. I feel like it can really happen when you say that.

BUSH: But how are you going to build the church?

MYSTERY GIRL: Most of the church is already finished.

MYSTERY GIRL: The only things left are the stained glass windows, pipe organ, and pews.

MYSTERY GIRL: I can ask a blacksmith I know to make the windows and I will build the pews myself. For the organ, I can save money and just buy it in the future.

MYSTERY GIRL: Now I am getting even more excited!

BUSH: I'm glad you're feeling much better.

MYSTERY GIRL: This is all thanks to you, Bush.

MYSTERY GIRL: The church will take longer to finish than expected, but please come to the ceremony!
And so a church was built upon Bush's motivational words. Where is this church? No idea.
Speaking of things we don't know, when is this ceremony?

MYSTERY GIRL: It'll be all over the moment you give up.

MYSTERY GIRL: But it will never end as long as you don't give up.
Hey, that's pretty good. We'll have to use that in our next motivational speech.
Anyways, off on our day we go.

STELLA: Our church is getting a bit run down.

STELLA: I think it's a good time to rebuild it.

BUSH: It's fine. We should just take good care of it.

BUSH: This is the only church in the world that you built yourself, Stella.

STELLA: Oh... Did I ever tell you how I built the church?

BUSH: You did. A long time ago...
Somewhere in the first few weeks I think, which for me has been quite a long time ago.
Oh, by the way, did you hear that a second church is getting built? No idea where it is or what we'll do with two, but how about that, huh?

Let's go visit Mr. Whale. It's been a while.

BUSH: Whale...
WHALE: "Bush. What is it?"

BUSH: I would like ask a favor from you.
WHALE: "I will try to help you the best I can. What is it?"

BUSH: Well, there is a day when Whale Island gets hidden from the sun at the end of autumn.

BUSH: People are very troubled with how they don't get any sun for that one day.

BUSH: If you don't have any special reason for it, would you please stop blocking out the sun?
WHALE: "I see... That does sound troubling."

WHALE: "But on that day, I am preparing the Spirits that have gathered on me to get through the winter."
WHALE: "Most of the Spirits live a harsh life on my back during winter."
WHALE: "In order to get through that lifeless season, they need to bask in strong sunlight at the end of autumn."
WHALE: "Unless they absorb the sunlight at the end of autumn, they will not have the power to bear new fruit in spring."

BUSH: I see... So the Spirits need the sun to get through winter and to return in spring...
WHALE: "Correct... Please understand, Bush."

BUSH: If that's the case, then it can't be helped. I'm sure the villagers will understand.
WHALE: "Thank you! I am grateful for your understanding..."

BUSH: I should be apologizing for not understanding your circumstances.
WHALE: "This is not enough to change our friendship."
Yeah, that's more than understandable. We don't need more impending ecological disasters.
Nice to know our friendship is strong though.

KROSS: Tomorrow is the Hotpot Convention. You should take your vegetables to the square.
Kross lets us know what we're in for tomorrow!

But before that, we have constellations to see!

BUSH: Uzuki?

BUSH: What are you doing out so late at night? It's dangerous out here.
Oh, what's this?

UZUKI: Hm? Oh, it is you, Bush.

UZUKI: In my country, we have a legend that says the moon can grant your wish...

BUSH: A wish... Oh, to find your brother?

UZUKI: Yes. My brother was a master swordsman... My skill cannot even compare to his.

UZUKI: That is why Father had such high expectations of him.

UZUKI: One day, Brother spoke to Father about wanting to go into training.

UZUKI:Father tried to stop him, but Brother's mind was resolute.

UZUKI: Brother was very kind to me. Even after he embarked on his journey he sent letters only to me.

UZUKI: But one day, those letters stopped coming.

BUSH: So that's why you're looking.

UZUKI: Yes. The last letter he sent was about a village with a flying island above it.

BUSH: A village with a flying island...!

UZUKI: That is correct. I believe that Trampoli holds the clues as to where Brother has gone.

UZUKI: I am tired from speaking so much. I will return to the inn now. Bush, be sure to take care.

*She gives a polite bow then walks away.*
Well, good luck with that! We're retired.

Now, about those stars.

At 7:58 we see the Cross Constellation. I suppose it's a sort of rosary?

BUSH: So it's not just a cross. That's pretty interesting.

And at an ungodly 1:58 AM, we see the Fish Constellation. It's the latest one in the game. Looks a bit like a salmon.

BUSH: I guess it does look like a fish.

And thanks to that, we wake up at 8:00 AM.
And that's not a sarcastic thanks, we don't mind waking up late anymore.

Lute, howsit goin'?!

LUTE: I brought some hotpot ingredients, too.

BUSH: What did you bring?

LUTE: It's a rare ingredient from another town. If you make soup stock from this, it'll taste great.
Sounds good, man! I've got golden turnips to put in. It's gonna be great!


BUSH: In hindsight, maybe I should've tasted one before that day.

LARA: Do you know about this thing called "kanpumasatsu"?

BUSH: What's that?

LARA: You use a dry cloth to rub your bare skin to boost your health.

LARA: Uzuki told me the other day that it's supposed to bolster the nervous system and warms you up to prevent illness.

LARA: Well? Would you like to try?

BUSH: W-wait... We have to rub our bare skin? have to take your clothes off?

BUSH: Won't that be really cold?

LARA: It's supposed to be effective because it's cold.

BUSH: I'll pass.

BUSH: Just hearing about that made me feel healthier already.
Bush's constitution went up!
You know, maybe not when there's snow on the ground. His clothes would get wet!
...What do you mean that's not the concern here?

CINNAMON: Did you find the Cross?

BUSH: Yes. It looked very mysterious.

CINNAMON: The travelers in the past used the Cross to guide their way. They must have felt like God was guiding them.

CINNAMON: Do you go traveling with only the stars to guide you sometimes, Bush?

BUSH: No, that's...
Of course, that thing with Lara was the result of seeing the Cross. Bush has traveled like this once, it's the way I assume he got here. One can really only track Mist based on pure intuition.

CINNAMON: Did you find the Fish Constellation?

BUSH: Yes. It was hard staying up so late, but I got to see it.

CINNAMON: That's good...

CINNAMON: Then let me tell you something since you found the Fish Constellation.

BUSH: What is it?

CINNAMON: When fishing, thinking about what the fish are doing will help you catch them better.

BUSH: Oh... But does that have something to do with the Fish Constellation?


CINNAMON: There is a legend that says that your fishing skill will get better when you find the Fish Constellation.

BUSH: Really...? That sounds a bit too convenient...
Bush's fishing skill went up!
A nice little bonus, I guess. This would normally shoot Cinnamon's LP up by a lot, but she was already maxed.

CINNAMON: Did you find the Scorpion Constellation?

BUSH: Yes. I was surprised at how much it looked like a scorpion.

CINNAMON: That scorpion played tricks on others and was punished by a wizard.

CINNAMON: It guards the moon so you can only see it when there is no moon.

BUSH: I see... Now that you mention it, it does seem like that.
And this one was Noire's, we saw it a while back but never picked up the final dialogue for it.

SELPHY: Did you already go to the Hotpot Convention, Bush?

SELPHY: I tried to put in some rice balls and they yelled at me. I don't understand why... Rice balls are good...
I'm on the same page here, what's wrong with rice in soup? Must be some sort of hotpot faux pas.

ANETTE: Say, Bush, what are you going to put in the pot at today's Hotpot Convention?

ANETTE: I brought lots of vegetables. Hotpots all have to have lots of vegetables.

BIANCA: Tabatha put something in the pot.

BIANCA: I confess I'm a bit curious about Tabatha's hotpot. Maybe I should try it out...
Notably, she regards this festival as boorish the day before. Her opinions change so quickly when Tabatha is involved.

EUNICE: Welcome, Bush. The Hotpot Convention is right this way.

EUNICE: Please give the ingredient to Tabatha. Once the hotpot is done cooking, we can start eating right away.
We could, but there's another familiar face here instead...

MINERVA: Hand me or Tabatha the ingredients you want to use, okay?
She's back! I'm not sure how she gets time off from being queen to just show up and do this, but here she is.
She was around at Quiz day too, but I missed her then.

Here, an ingredient fit for a queen! Show us what you can do.

MINERVA: Hm... I had no idea you put Golden Turnip in hotpots... Humans are so weird...

BUSH: It was at that moment, I realized I farmed up.

[Hotpot Song Part 2: Lyrics by Minerva]

MINERVA: Super exciting cooking time!

MINERVA: Let get to cooking! ♪

MINERVA: I want a hot spark, a kick in the flavor!

*10 second interlude*

MINERVA: Whoa whoa yay!

MINERVA: Everyone's excited now! Ba-bump ba-bump!

MINERVA: I'm about to blow!

MINERVA: Gotcha gotcha, yeah!

MINERVA: I scream, you scream, we all scream for hotpot!
Well, that sure was... something?

*Immediately following that, the pot erupts into yellowish smoke.*


MINERVA: Minerva's Golden Turnip - flavored hotpot is complete!

MINERVA: Amazing! There's a strange smoke coming out of the pot, how marvelous!!!
what have we done

MINERVA: Well, Bush. Go ahead. Try it!

BUSH: Luckily, only one person suffered that day...

BUSH: *chew* *gulp*
*Bush starts eating...*

BUSH: !!!

[Whoa, so bright!
*The entire square is consumed in a golden flare.*

BUSH: So, um. Whoops.

MYSTERY: Alright, alright, enough tall tales. If that had happened there'd still be evidence of it, or at least someone else would have mentioned it.

BUSH: I'm not making it up!

BUSH: At the very least, take this as a reminder to only consume Golden Turnips raw.

MYSTERY: And probably only if you have no tastebuds.

BUSH: That too.
Before we move on, let's look at another few forgotten timelines.

[Eeew! It's so sour!]
On a different forgotten timeline we try Tomato Juice. Apparently that's sour? So sour that Bush is paralyzed?

It's still regarded as tasting OK though.

On the most ill-fated timeline, Bush decides to pull the most avant garde culinary experiment yet- the Cute Bathing Suit.

MINERVA: Hm... I had no idea you put Cute Bathing Suit in hotpots... Looks fun!

MINERVA: Then let's put it in. Hip-hip, hooray!


BUSH: It's like the prize at the bottom of a cereal box!

MYSTERY: whyyy

*As it cooks, the pot begins to boil violently, practically on the verge of exploding.*

MINERVA: Minerva's Cute Bathing Suit-flavored hotpot is complete!

MINERVA: Wow, this hotpot is bubbling with foam I have never seen before! I'm a genius!
*It continues to mildly explode.*

MINERVA: Well, Bush, go ahead and try it!

BUSH: Um, Minerva. Is a Cute Bathing Suit hotpot even edible?

MINERVA: Huh? What are you talking about? You gave it to me, remember?

BUSH: But...
*Bush tears up, fearing the impending disaster...*

MINERVA: To be honest, I really want to try it, but I'll be nice and let you instead.

BUSH: But...

MINERVA: Come on. Be a man!

*And so he digs in, and his reaction is...*

[Too chewy!]

*He almost falls to his knees, sick, before...*

*He violently explodes!*

*And again!*

*And... again...*

*In the dim echoes of existence being annihilated, he hears but two things....*

MINERVA: You're kidding...right?

MINERVA: I fail... No, maybe it's better to call this modern art!!
[*Do not try this at home.]


TABATHA: What a wonderful Spinach. I wonder what kind of hotpot it will be.
In another alternate timeline, Bush gives a Spinach to Tabatha instead.

Let's begin cooking.

[Hotpot Song: Lyrics by Tabatha]

TABATHA: Hotpot hotpot bubble bubble pop!

TABATHA: The boiling won't stop! ♪

TABATHA: Yeah yeah yeah... ♪

TABATHA: Everyone, cooking together... ♪

TABATHA: Sister and brother... ♪

TABATHA: La la la doo doo doo... ♪

TABATHA: Yeah, we are Trampoli... ♪

TABATHA: Hotpot jubilee! ♪

TABATHA: La dee da da doo wop... ♪

[10 second interlude]
Oh, come on, the smoke again?! Wikipedia lists spinach as a common ingredient in hotpot!

It's regarded as a failure, but Bush's opinon is "nice and tender" as grass runeys gather around him.
I guess he was consumed by them in this timeline. Whoops.

I redo it again with an Apple instead. I don't even like spinach anyways.

[I wonder what we'll make! ♪]
*This time, the soup sparkles instead of foaming up.*


TABATHA: Tabatha's Apple-flavored hotpot is complete!
*The crowd gasps in amazement.*

TABATHA: Oh, my! It looks delicious!

TABATHA: Go ahead. Try it.

BUSH: Don't mind if I do!

BUSH: *slurp* *munch*

*A refreshing, powerful energy surrounds Bush.*

*Hearts appear over his head!*

TABATHA: It turned out well!

TABATHA: This concludes this year's Hotpot Convention. See you again next year!
At last, we make it out alive.

EUNICE: I feel relieved that today's hotpot came out all right.
You have no idea.
A failed hotpot doesn't do anything from what I know, but you only get one chance to get it right per year.
You can just keep handing stuff to Minerva to make even more strange concoctions though.

UZUKI: Today's hotpot was delicious. But, it feels like something was missing.

UZUKI: The soup stock...I suppose? No, it is not that...
Lute's soup stock is impeccable, of course it isn't that.
This kind of response I believe is caused by a valid hotpot, but not one with their favorite food. The items that do work in the hotpot are largely favorite foods.

SELPHY: Today's hotpot was good! I wish every day was the Hotpot Convention.
For the free food, of course.
Well, now that we've safely escaped the loop of Hotpot Day, perhaps we should talk to Stella about Mr. Whale.

BUSH: Stella, about how Whale Island hides the sun at the end of autumn...

STELLA: Did you find out something?

BUSH: Yes. On that day, the Spirits need to store the sun's energy so that they can survive winter.

STELLA: I guess the Spirits have it hard, too. I never knew that.

STELLA: I know! Then why don't we make that a day where we express gratitude for the Spirits.

STELLA: We'll call it "Sea Surf Day." From now on, every 30th of autumn will be "Sea Surf Day." We'll have to express gratitude to the sun and Spirits on that day!
And so a new festival was born. We'll be able to catch it next year, of course.

MIST: The Hotpot Convention was so fun today.
"Fun" certainly is a word one could use, but I'm not sure how much Bush agrees.


BUSH: Yes!

MYSTERY GIRL: I was looking for you! Where were you?!

BUSH: What happened?

MYSTERY GIRL: You said you would come to the completion ceremony for the church.

BUSH: Oh...
It's been one day! How did we miss it already?

BUSH: So...the church is finished?!

MYSTERY GIRL: Yes, and it's all thanks to you. But, the ceremony ended yesterday...

MYSTERY GIRL: A couple of people said that they wanted to move here, too...

MYSTERY GIRL: I think this place will become a good village.

MYSTERY GIRL: I know! Can I ask you for a favor, Bush?

BUSH: What is it?

MYSTERY GIRL: I would like you to name this village.

BUSH: Are you sure you want me to do it?

MYSTERY GIRL: Of course. You also had a hand in the creation of this village.

BUSH: All right...

BUSH: Then how about "Trampoli"?
Bush, there's already a town here called that. You can't just use it's name.

MYSTERY GIRL: Trampoli... That's a nice name.

MYSTERY GIRL: Trampoli! This is the village of Trampoli! And this is the church of Trampoli!

MYSTERY GIRL: Thank you very much. I think I can work even harder at the church now!

BUSH: Oh... That's good.

MYSTERY GIRL: I will see you tomorrow...

BUSH: Um...


BUSH: Nothing. See you tomorrow.

MYSTERY GIRL: ...? You're strange. Heehee.
Well, I guess that's that.
How very odd.

Time for bed. Today was way too much.

We catch up with Anette in the morning for once in a long while.

ANETTE: I made up my mind! I won't care about my height anymore!

BUSH: Oh? I think you're great just the way you are.

ANETTE: Really? Thanks. But don't call me a midget!

BUSH: Huh?! I didn't say anything!

ANETTE: It's written all over your face!

BUSH: You can't be serious...
...Congrats? I think?
(something tells me she isn't over it yet)

ANETTE: So is this cute letter from Candy? That's rare...

ANETTE: "To Brodik, Thank you for pulling out the weeds all the time. I will work on the weeding the best I can, too."

ANETTE: Ugh... I hate weeding. Candy sure is a hard worker.
Anette, I don't think you're supposed to be reading the mail. That's kinda against postal restrictions, right?
Eh, anyways, this is in reference to our messed up field back in Autumn. We were supposed to see this much earlier

Marco can also send him a letter thanking him for cleaning up the rocks, so I guess we know where his supply comes from now.

SELPHY: I recently learned how to restore tattered books. Now I can fix any book to make it readable!
Hey, good for you! I've always wanted to learn book restoration. It sounds like the Archives is in good hands these days.
Maybe working her debt off at the church has helped a bit? At least this time she'll be able to restore the steam damaged scriptures the next time it happens.

Oh, hey Gramps! Did you hear about the second town?

KANNO: There are times that the wishes of people can transcend time.

KANNO: There is research about how the Spirits grant the wishes of people. But in truth, no one really understands it.

KANNO: Spirits and Runes are very mysterious, but the true mystery lies within the hearts and minds of people.

MYSTERY: ...Listen, I know you used to be pretty strong and all, but you don't really expect me to believe this, do you?

MYSTERY: You distorted time and were responsible for Trampoli's creation, and knew it's founder when she was young?

MYSTERY: Even aging gracefully only goes so far. Besides, nobody's that powerful.

BUSH: Hey, believe what you want, it's my story.
And such is the end of Stella's storyline- nothing more is said about the matter.
What, you thought I was just making meta jokes with the alternate timelines? How silly of you, ye of little faith.
Apparently Bush both met Stella when she was younger and was instrumental in getting the town made. Seemingly, she's forgotten him, or just doesn't recognize him. ...Or something along those lines- it's not completely clear.
Posters in the thread picked up on Mystery Girl, (otherwise known as the Frontier Ghost,) being Stella pretty early on, but I appreciate the lasting mystery of the matter.

Hey, Kross! Isn't it a bit cold for the tanktop and shorts?

KROSS: I feel like I have to apologize for charging you money for the extensions.

BUSH: Why would you say that?

KROSS: Because I don't need much money to live on. I donate it to all sorts of places through the sister.
Kross remains a good guy.

KROSS: I'm sorry. My neighbor seems to be bothering you.

KROSS: He looks very much like me when I was young.

BUSH: So you were a lively child. You really don't look it now. Haha.

KROSS: Heh... I wasn't lively at all...
Aw, you don't have to apologize for the brodinkus. You're cool, man.

And another day passes by without a lot happening. We do have Kross to almost 10 FP by this point though.
through a lot of offscreen goblin farming- don't tell the authorities or they'll cancel our retirement

Time to spy on Brodik's mail again.

ANETTE: Hm? Is this a letter from Brodik? There's no send address...

["That hair, those eyes, they belong to me! No one else can have them!"]


ANETTE: Is this...a love letter?! Who could he be sending such a passionate letter to?!

...No clue. Kinda almost sounds like a threat, but I think that's just Brodik.
I'm sure it's nothing.

And there. That should be FP 10.
I found out after all this time that you can multi-gift non-bachelorettes and if there's a penalty to it, it's not much.

KROSS: This coldness feels comfortable. Or do people normally see it as painful?

KROSS: Before, I wished that I would be reborn as a monster instead of a human.

KROSS: But now, I would want to do farm work even if I were to be reborn. I started to think that way after talking to you.
You can be a monster and do farmwork, as it turns out! Seek your dream, mate!
But also,

Worth noting both Stella and Kross are at 10 FP now.

...But as Bush passes through the church again on this day, he is reminded of what this weekend is: The Night of Holies. The Winter Date.
Kross's mentions of blue roses come back to him...

Taking that bouquet he made for fun in days now long past... he cannot help but look at it differently.

BUSH: Oh? A letter? I thought Anette would have given it to me earlier...

~"That's amazing!" - Tart~
That is amazing...
That is something... I would never be able to do...
I'm really into knitting right now.
Do you... have any hobbies...?

BUSH: Do I have any hobbies?

BUSH: The answer is cooking, right?

BUSH: ...But is that all it will ever be?

BUSH: I only explored the ruins because I had to.

BUSH: I learned everything I could because I needed to.

BUSH: I only started cooking because I needed to support my mission. To prevent what could have been...

BUSH: Whale Island, the Ruins, Gelwein, the Spirits-- even Mist. That's all in my past now.

*He holds the delicate bouquet before him- the blue flowers pierce the fog of the snowy day.*

BUSH: And with that gone, what have I become? My farm's a wreck, and I sleep through most days unless there's a festival.

BUSH: ...Maybe it's time I stop thinking so much about the immediate future.

BUSH: Where do I want to be in a year from now? Where does my timeline end?

BUSH: ...

BUSH: Haha... Thank you, Tart. I don't know how much longer it would've taken me to realize this.

BUSH: ...But... how can I choose?

BUSH: ...

BUSH: "A blue rose in their fluffy fur..."

BUSH: Pony, I feel like you know me better than myself sometimes.

BUSH: I think I would've been long lost without you by my side.

BUSH: So, please...

BUSH: Find who this wedding bouquet belongs to!