Part 59: Into A New Year
Update 59: Into A New Year

BUSH: Huh? The letter? Torte's just my pen pal, that's all.

BUSH: But I was happy to get that letter. All of them, really. I've never had this sort of thing in my life before.

BUSH: We didn't have someone like Anette back in Kardia. Nobody came by to deliver letters, or said hello at the start of every day.

BUSH: She always makes the the day brighter, no matter what day it is. That's why I had to help her when she got sick.

BUSH: Even that day when I failed to catch Gelwein, she tried to take my mind off of it talking about farm work.
Back in Autumn posted:
ANETTE: Say... Do you, m... *cough* I mean...
ANETTE: Do you like m-me-melons? Do you like melons?

BUSH: ...

BUSH: Wait... she wasn't talking about melons at all!
(*Pony's method of facepalming is left to the reader's imagination.*)

BUSH: Who am I kidding? It's not the letters I was looking forward to, it was her!

BUSH: ...Man! After all this time and I guess I still don't know anything!

BUSH: Thank you, Pony! You really do know me better than I know myself.

*And so swiftly he rides to Mist's house, knowing Anette is likely there.*

BUSH: Hey, Anette! Is Mist here?

ANETTE: Mist? I think out she's at the inn.

ANETTE: Do you need her for something? I can help you look for her.

BUSH: No, but thank you. Actually, I was, um, looking for you.

BUSH: I...

BUSH: I came to ask you out.

ANETTE: Ask me out...? Like on a date?!

BUSH: Yeah. I was thinking maybe the Night of Holies?

ANETTE: The Night of Holies?!

BUSH: Is that a no...?

ANETTE: Oh, sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I was just surprised.

ANETTE: I didn't have any plans anyway, so sure.

BUSH: How does meeting up at the entrance to the forest behind the church at 9pm sound?

ANETTE: That's the 24th of winter, right? Sure...

ANETTE: See you then!


ANETTE: (Did I say that too casually? It is a "date" date, right?)

ANETTE: (But it's THE Night of Holies, it has to be!)

ANETTE: Aaah! How am I supposed to study like this?


ANETTE: (...Haha. At least I won't be constantly rewriting my invitation every day now...)

*And so, the night of, a few minutes before 9:00 PM...*
(You can watch the recording of it here, if you want to hear the voice acting.)

ANETTE: Oh, hey. I thought I was early. Did you wait long?

BUSH: No, I just got here a few minutes ago.

ANETTE: Oh, good. Um...

ANETTE: ...Hey, let's take a walk in the forest together. Is that...okay?

BUSH: Yeah, that sounds great.

ANETTE: (You would think a mailman would be better at delivering her own feelings, but I... never could.)

ANETTE: (Did some part of me know they weren't the one?)

ANETTE: (Or did I just not have the courage to ask?)

ANETTE: (And...I was never sure if they thought the same about me.)

ANETTE: (But that night, I found my answer.)

ANETTE: It's very quiet... It's like time stopped...

BUSH: Yeah... It feels like we're in a dream...

*And so the two stand close together under the moonlit night, watch the snow drift downwards.*

ANETTE: You know, I actually brought some food for us today. I made it...

[Today's Lunch is Bamboo Rice!]

BUSH: Really?! This looks great.
*Bush digs in, and...*

BUSH: ...!

ANETTE: it? Is it okay...?

BUSH: It's delicious!

*She gives a little cheer in response.*

ANETTE: Really?! *phew* I was so worried that you wouldn't like it!

BUSH: It's the perfect meal after a hard day's work. It's almost midnight but I feel like I'm ready to clear the other half of the field!

ANETTE: Ahaha... you don't have to go that far. But thanks.

*And so the two continue watching the snow fall, until...*

ANETTE: Thanks for today. I'll always remember this special night I got to spend with you.

BUSH: Oh, no. I should be thanking you for joining me. I had a great time with you.

ANETTE: ...It's funny, I never even noticed the cold all night. H-has it been getting warmer, or is it just me?

BUSH: This night really is special, huh?

*heart beats*

BUSH: (Oh, Anette... My feelings for her are uncontrollable...)

BUSH: (If not tonight, then when?! I have to ask...!)

ANETTE: (If I want to confess, now is the time!)

ANETTE: (I'll never get another chance like this!)

ANETTE: That was so fun!

ANETTE: I, um... just wanted to... I...

ANETTE: ...I won't hold it back any longer!

ANETTE: I like you, Bush! I really, really, really-

ANETTE: Really, really...

ANETTE: What... Are

BUSH: That's right. I love you. Will you marry me?

ANETTE: What...? Me? Really? Are you sure...?

BUSH: Absolutely. You are the only one for me.

BUSH: Well... What do you say?

ANETTE: Yeah... I-I mean, yes! ...Yes, I will...

*And so they hug...*

BUSH: I'll make you the happiest woman alive. I swear it...

ANETTE: Ahaha... haha!

BUSH: ...W-Was that too much...? I'm not that good at-

ANETTE: No, no! It was perfect!

ANETTE: And I'll make you the happiest man alive. I swear it!

*And so we get one last shot of them as the view fades to white.*

*We fade back in to find to see them walking to the church's altar together, dressed in their wedding clothes.*

*The whole town (excepting Brodik) is in here as well.*

STELLA: Do you take this woman to be your wife, to love, honor, comfort her in sickness and in health...

STELLA: long as you both shall live?

BUSH: Yes, I do.

*Bush looks towards Anette...*

STELLA: Do you take this man to be your husband, to love, honor, comfort him in sickness and in health...

STELLA: long as you both shall live?

ANETTE: ...Yes, I do.

STELLA: You may kiss the bride.
*...After everyone else gets a word in, of course.*

TURNER: Congratulations to the both of you. I hope you'll make a happy family.

RITA: Bush, Anette, congratulations. You should come to the bar together later.

EUNICE: Bush, Anette, congratulations.

EUNICE: Anette, you look beautiful. I wish you the best.

ERIK: Congratulations on your marriage, Anette.

ANETTE: Thank you, Erik.

ANETTE: Um... About that...

ANETTE: Can I still come to your house to eat with you, Erik?

BUSH: You'll still come? Isn't that going to cause some trouble?

ANETTE: So...I can't?

ERIK: That's so like you, Anette. Fine, fine. But be sure you don't end up fighting with your husband about it.

ANETTE: Thanks!
This is worded kinda confusingly, but Bush has no issue with it. They're friends and it's routine, getting married doesn't have to change that.
Besides, Erik is the rival for Lara. For all of the like one time he's mentioned it.

KANNO: You two make a great couple. Congratulations.

CINNAMON: ...Congratulations. You make a good couple.

CANDY: Congratulations on your marriage with Anette!

CANDY: You look beautiful, Anette. I wish I could be someone's bride, too.
Give it like 10 years maybe. You might find someone by then.

LARA: Bush, Anette, congratulations.

LARA: I hope you'll build a happy family.

GANESHA: Congratulations on your marriage. Next up is a baby! I'll be waiting for a cute baby from the two of you.

MARCO: Congrats on you marrying! You'll still have those adventures even after you marry though, right?

MARCO: You have to take me with you on an adventure someday!

ROSETTA: Congratulations to the both of you. You make a great couple.

DANNY: I really like Anette...

ANETTE: Really? I couldn't tell...

DANNY: Come on...

ROSETTA: Danny, as your boss, I order you to stop ruining the moment.

MELODY: Oh, marriage can be so nice! I wish I could do it! ♪
the answer's not as far away as you think

BIANCA: So you married Anette. And here I always thought you had a thing for me...

BIANCA: Oh well... Congratulations, I guess.

TABATHA: Congratulations, Bush, Anette. I wish you well.

SELPHY: It's always nice to see two people in love get married.
Must happen all the time in her romance novels, she's not particularly surprised.
Either that, or she somehow knows she was 2nd place in the vote by a single vote.

UZUKI: It surely is a joyous occasion. Anette looks beautiful in that dress.

UZUKI: A foreign wedding ceremony can be nice.

UZUKI: Someday, I too shall...

TSUBUTE: Congratulations on your marriage, Bush.

TSUBUTE: Now I am assured that milady will never be seduced by some ruffian anymore. This is truly a joyous occasion.
Despite this, he will still ask to have his arrow-mail shot at us. But that's just because that line of dialogue never changes.

KROSS: ...Congratulations.

KROSS: Take care...

NOLAN: Bush, Anette, congratulations.
Hey, Nolan! We haven't seen you in a while.

MIST: Congratulations, Anette.

MIST: Please come visit from time to time.

ANETTE: I will!

*And so the bride and groom face one another...*

*And so the scene ends with a kiss.*

*And one last view of the two in their wedding clothes, blushing.*

ANETTE: Oh... I'm so happy...

*As we fade back in to the crackle of the fireplace, we find the two back at their home.*

ANETTE: So now we're married. Husband and wife... It still feels so unreal.

BUSH: It's the start of our new life together. It'll be quite a ride.

ANETTE: *giggle* I'm looking forward to all of it.

ANETTE: I have lots of stuff to do, like mail delivery and studying, but...

ANETTE: I'll I'll do my best to be a good wife!

ANETTE: I mean, I'm married to this wonderful man, and my number one joy is to see you smile!

BUSH: I'll also do my best to be a husband you can be proud of.

BUSH: I love you.

And so, Bush has finally entered a new chapter of his life. Gone are the days of chasing a cackling villain and fighting monsters in ruined research facilities. Now, he's just a stay-at-home husband.

We're not ready to leave him just yet, there's still a bit more content left to show.

ANETTE: Here's your lunch today!

[Today's box lunch is Fruit Sub!]

BUSH: Thanks. It looks great.

ANETTE: I made it so it's really healthy. I want my husband to stay strong.
Every day, Anette will have a lunch for Bush, always either Bamboo Rice or a Fruit Sub. The rice is already pretty good with a 50HP 150RP plus some max HP, but the sub is 140HP and 250 RP which is pretty much half of both of our bars.
So what I'm saying is she's awesome.

ANETTE: Good morning! Let's make this a good day!
Also, her greetings are now different. Her morning greeting happens to be the same text as it was, but the voice line is changed.

Anette - "Bush's beautiful bride. Her gentle smiles heals even the worst of exhaustion."
Her profile is now also this. If we talk to her while hit with the fatigue status effect, it'll be cured. Small detail, but cute.

And the home theme has updated too! I really like this rendition of it.

Unfortunately, she won't wear a Fire Cape like Bush's (maybe due to conflictions with the mail bag) so we give her that Fire Ring of ours for now. Gotta keep up on our matching red outfits.

Well, off we go. Spring's just around the corner and the field's a mess.

ANETTE: Oh wait... Well... You, um, forgot your goodbye kiss...

ANETTE: Goodbye... *smooch*


This'll happen every time we leave our house in the mornings from now on, provided her LP stays near the maximum. It'll take a decent penalty if we don't talk to her on a day.

do some chop
winter absolutely plasters your field in stumps

ANETTE: Good morning! Rise and shine!
She'll even greet us like this every morning (or alternatively shake Bush awake if he's oversleeping due being up past 0:59 AM)

But, I can only presume she's leaving us a note each morning, because she's not in the house. She still has to leave early to go deliver mail each non-Holiday / stormy day.
(Other bachelorettes would just be waiting right by the bed each morning.)

So, despite her showing up for a goodbye kiss, we have to go find her at the start of her route each morning to say hello (and get our lunch). Otherwise, I can't just skip days.
This update and the following ones took way longer to record than I thought because while I may neglect the fields and the runeys, but I wasn't going to let Bush and Anette's relationship deteriorate.

Anyways, that's all for mechanical talk.

ANETTE: Say, did you know? If you write a wish on new snow and it stays there until spring, that wish will come true.

ANETTE: I wrote, "I wish I won't get attacked by monsters anymore."

BUSH: That sounds like a pretty pressing problem...

ANETTE: It is! It's a huge problem for me!
This is apparently still an issue. Maybe we should give her a bit of Pony's fur or something, that'll probably scare off most roadside monsters I imagine.
Although, it could make things worse. We don't really know anything about monster attraction, we just know how to use a brush.
I think the obvious answer is just to send Pony with her. She's gotta get exercise somehow.

~"Congrats on your marriage!" - Tart~
It's been quite a while...
It's Torte. I hear you got married...
I wanted to attend your wedding
as well, but something else came
up... so I couldn't. Sorry.
I hope you have a wonderful life together.
Ah, it's no problem, it happened kinda suddenly anyways. I'm surprised you know already, it's only been a day.
But hey, didn't you send us a letter yesterday?

~"Congratulations!" - Minerva~
Hey, it's Minerva!
I heard you got married!
But I was shocked that it wasn't my
Sister that you... I mean, never mind.
Be a good husband to your new
wifey, okay? Or else!
You know, you don't have to write a letter like you're taking back a sentence in person. You can just erase that bit.
also "wifey"

~"Year-end Festival" - Stella~
The year is almost over.
Tomorrrow is the Year-end Festival,
a day we reflect on the passing
year and prepare for the new.
And so we come to final subject of today's update: the last festival of the year.

["To Brodik, Thank you for cleaning up the rocks every night. I want to do something for the sake of others, too."]
Oh, and here's that letter to Brodik I mentioned the last time.
Now we skip ahead to the day of the festival itself, Winter 30.

ANETTE: I'm used to seeing the sun rise since I get up early to do deliveries.

ANETTE: But, the sunrise on the first day of the year is different. It feels solemn so I make sure I look at it each year.
Being a holiday, Anette can finally wake Bush in person for the first time since they've been married.
Wise readers may remember that the Quiz Day question on this festival noted it starts tomorrow, Spring 1st. And while the festival music is playing, today is all just comments regarding the end of the year.
Something at least happens tomorrow though.

We kill time by chopping more stumps. I've been working on clearing this since the day we proposed.
All those empty spots? Those had stumps. We have somewhere over 1000 lumber now.
We need to make a bit more money to pay for some new expenses of married life, and our duplicated wine bottle nest egg isn't enough for all of it.
That and I'll eventually need some more fodder for the animals, I'm not neglecting them either.

ROSETTA: After I see the first sunrise tomorrow, I'll just be taking it easy at home. That's how to enjoy the New Year Festival.

ROSETTA: Of course, the shop will be closed tomorrow.

CANDY: What's your goal for next year?

CANDY: I want to be better at cooking.

CANDY: Maybe I should get Tabatha to teach me...
Ah, an early apprenticeship with the Coquilles! If you go through enough training, it's a job for life, really.

MARCO: Check it out! Candy gave me a birthday present!

MARCO: I'll wear this bandana for the rest of my life!
Marco's birthday happens to be the same day as the Year-end Festival. Situations like that usually burn. but it looks like it worked out this year.

MELODY: We'll have the first sunrise tomorrow. I should remodel the bathhouse so we can see the sun from there.

MELODY: Oh, but then people could see inside it. Whoops.
At least you have the foresight to notice that before making the change.

LUTE: Thank you as always.

LUTE: I hope you'll come again in the next year, too.
You got it, mate! We still have to buy the rest of your paintings.

RITA: I hope we'll get along next year, too.

RITA: By the way, let me give you this.

RITA: This is called a New Mochi." It's a symbol of the New Year's Festival. Just crush it and pass it along.
A bit misleadingly, we don't do anything with this mochi today. We get to smash it with a hammer tomorrow.
This all mirrors part of a Japanese New Year's custom, of course.

SELPHY: Oh, ÿ 0é0°0Êÿ . Looks like a lot happened between us this year.

BUSH: Aren't you going to see the first sunrise, Selphy?

SELPHY: It's cold and I feel sleepy and it'll probably be a pain.

BUSH: (She's hopeless...)
Selphy's her same old self.

CINNAMON: See you next year.

BUSH: Cinnamon, will you be watching the first sunrise?

CINNAMON: I might as well if I'm out watching the stars.
Cinnamon's still out there, charting the stars. Alas, we don't have any other constellations to learn about.
I'll still try to catch the Whale constellation though.

BIANCA: It seems that this is the end of the year. It surely was an ordinary year.

BIANCA: I will go out to see the first sunrise because I may as well. But, it's cold so I have get some warm clothes.
This year has hardly been ordinary, but I guess you just didn't notice.

KROSS: It seems that I have survived this year, yet again...
Glad to still have you with us, man.

We might as well catch some early sleep so we can watch the sunrise with Anette.

ANETTE: Happy New Year! After all is said and done, you did so much for me last year, Bush.

ANETTE: I hope we can get along for the next year, too.
You two are married now, so yeah, I'd hope so too.

And so we leave the house and we're greeted with a familiar, nostalgic green. We don't get to hear the Spring theme again until tomorrow though.

~"It's finally spring!" - Rosetta~
The cold passed and it is
slowly becoming warmer.
It is the start of another fruitful
year! Have you purchased any
spring seeds yet?
Materia has them all!
We have plenty of strawberries, golden turnips, and white roses leftover, so we've got enough to grow for this season.

~"Happy New Year!" - Uzuki~
Happy New Years.
Let us hope this year will be
as good as the last.
In my country, it is customary
to send letters as this at the
beginning of a new year.
May this year be full of happiness!
I don't really celebrate many holidays personally, and I don't think I've ever celebrated New Year's.
Still, happy to get mail as always.

KROSS: Hi. The new year has started. Let's work hard to make this a good year.
You got it, man.
He came by to visit while Bush spent the morning up to the festival opening preparing the fields.

Most people don't have a lot to say today outside of welcoming in the new year, but the square is quite different today. I like how they have different set dressing for each festival.

UZUKI: Happy New Years. In my country, the new year is the most important festival of the year.

UZUKI: We have a saying of, "The plans of the year are set on New Year's day." We then have our fortune told for the year.

UZUKI: Would you like me to tell your fortune, Bush?

BUSH: Yes, please.

UZUKI: All right then. Here I go.

UZUKI: Ha! Ha! Kieeeeeeeeee!

*And so she shakes the decorations attached to her naginata back and forth...*

UZUKI: ...There it is. Let's see...
*Failed crafting fanfare*

UZUKI: "Ill Fortune." Nothing will go as planned. You will especially have trouble with women. Beware.
Impossible! We get a second reading but it returns the same.
Eh, Bush doesn't believe in fate anyways. He's seen enough timelines to know this can be changed. He'll just have to try his hardest to not let it happen.

TURNER: Happy New Years. I hope we'll get along in the next year, too.

TURNER: By the way, there's a "Split Cake" at the square.

BUSH: Split Cake...?

TURNER: It's where you split the "New Mochi" to celebrate the new year.

TURNER: You place it on top of a stand and smash with a hammer to wish for a peaceful next year.

BUSH: Oh... That sounds interesting.
And so that's what the New Mochi is for. Might as well give it a shot, maybe it'll help counter that fortune.

You specifically just hit A on it rather than taking it out of your bag to put it on there.

BUSH: Let's see... Take a New Mochi out of the bag...

BUSH: ...and voila!

TURNER: All right, Bush. Let's see you kick some butt!

RITA: Keep at it!

*We zoom up onto the mochi from afar. It's rather large!*

We won't need more than 1 swing though.


Rather than just sending rice everywhere at potentially harmful velocities, this just breaks it into an even 5 plates of Mochi.
Notably, you can make both kind of mochis yourself at around 30 something cooking skill.
This overall spreads them into more HP and RP restoration overall, and sells for a combined 1550g compared to the initial 1080g of a New Mochi.
This isn't an effective money making strategy though, as the New Mochi takes 2 mochi, an orange, quality cloth, thick stick, and green grass to make. I guess if you duped it, you could make 50% profit.
So instead of trying to profit off of cultural holidays, let's actually celebrate.

ANETTE: Wow, thanks! I feel so much better when I eat Mochi.

KROSS: Thank you. You don't have to worry so much.
And that's about all there is to it, really. A nice LP boost if you've been playing the game at a more reasonable pace instead of trying to pack every single day with content like me.

And so, the day celebrated, we get our farm ready. The monsters can take care of this much on their own, although we'll have to cut the fodder ourselves.
Speaking of...

BUSH: Oh, Grant? What's up, little buddy?
*assorted ant noises

BUSH: You met a really nice ant and you're off to start a colony somewhere?

BUSH: Yeah, go ahead! We'll be fine here.

BUSH: Here, take one of these with you.

BUSH: Drop by to visit sometime! Just don't scare Anette.
And so with that, we send off Grant to go pursue their own buggy life. They've worked tirelessly on the farm, they deserve it.

And so, to close out the day, we share a last mochi with the best girl, watching the sun set from up high on Whale Island.

BUSH: Exactly a year ago I was wandering down empty roads looking for Mist.

BUSH: If you told me I would find all of this instead, I don't think I would've believed you.

BUSH: But I'm happy it turned out this way.

BUSH: As long as I've got you and Anette, I can face anything.

And that's all for this time.
Next, we'll see what's changed in the first half of the new year, and investigate one last mystery.