Part 61: Secret Agent Man
Update 61: Secret Agent Man

Welcome back.
Bush is currently in the void now that we've exited our unprompted narrative arc.

This is because he's hitting a watermelon.
Nothing is particularly new at this year's Beach Opening, outside of Erik not being around.

Large fruit destroyed, beach day had. Time for sleep.
The child bed we bought is also in the upper bedroom now, just in front of the chair.

ANETTE: Honey...? We need to talk.

BUSH: What's the matter?
The environment is dying, sure, but we can fix it don't worry-

ANETTE: Um...I think I may be pregnant.

BUSH: What... Are you serious?! Th-that's...wonderful! We're having a kid! I'm gonna be a father!

BUSH: Thank you! This is the happiest day of my life!

ANETTE: I was so happy when I found out, too. Honey, do you want a boy or a girl?
Well, that's a lot better than the environment dying. Although, I'm not sure asking if you want the baby to be a boy or a girl will change anything. Unless this is the Sims now, I guess.
We did vote on this, and the answer is...

BUSH: Either is fine.

ANETTE: I think so, too. I'm sure our child will be extremely cute. Look at the parents!

BUSH: Haha, yeah... We'll be waiting for you.
How long will we end up waiting?
I dunno, time doesn't make sense here. Each year is 4 months of 30 days.

~"I wonder how it was?" - Uzuki~
About the beach yesterday...
We have no custom of wearing
bathing suits in my country, so
I felt a bit uncomfortable, but
how was it? Did I look awkward?
The options on this are "I thought it was cute." and... "It was a feast for my eyes."
We pick the first one of course. Even if Bush wasn't already married, we'd pick the first because that second line is kinda ew.
Still, I feel like she's sent us this letter before.

~"R-really" - ~
Cute, you say?!
This may be a letter, but it
still makes my cheeks blush...
However, I am grateful.
Here's the reply.

ANETTE: I was thinking about learning to cook recently. You know how I'm not very feminine.

ANETTE: So I got Mist to teach me. Hahahahaha.

ANETTE: You should know what happened after that...

BUSH: (Is it just my imagination or common sense that tells me to fear Mist's cooking...?)
Bush could have taught you, but I guess this was meant to be something for a surprise.

ANETTE: Mist is sooo weird. But, she's a good kid. I really like people like her. What about you, Bush?

BUSH: Huh? Well, um...

ANETTE: It's like we're buddies. Or maybe like siblings. I never had siblings so I've always wanted one.
Potential turnip-related organizational issues aside, the days pass on. Until one morning...

ANETTE: Speaking of which, I saw Brodik the other day thinking long and hard about something in front of his house.

ANETTE: He looked really depressed so I asked how he was. He went inside right after that.

ANETTE: How weird...
After the golem incident, Brodik's been surprisingly absent. This is our cue to see the last part of this storyline at last.

The next day, we go to get our mail and lunch as usual. All is normal in the world.

~"A Challenge!" - Brodik~
I shall be waiting at Green Ruins, B1F.
Well then. Is it time to finally axe him some questions?

At some point along the way, we upgraded our barn. No particular reason, just because we could.
With Pony, off we ride to Green Ruins...

Our destination is none other than that strange circular platform in the center. This hasn't been used for anything else and has no monster gates or box spawns or anything on it.
We're pulled into a cutscene as we go down the stairs...

BRODIK: Glad you could make it.

BUSH: What's wrong? And what's with this letter of challenge...?

BRODIK: I... I will defeat you and chase you out of the village!

BUSH: Why? How do you benefit from chasing me out of the village?

BRODIK: I will answer nothing! Golem! I choose you!
Oh great, he's become a Pokemon Trainer now. And because of that, we're now shoved into a fight because we looked at him.

*magical fizzle*
*Bright green magic circles, crackling with electricity appear!*

*And from its center rises another black stone golem, the same kind from our fields!*

BUSH: A monster?! But that machine is...

BRODIK: Go, Golem! Beat him down!

*It winds its arm back...!*


BRODIK: Aargh!
*After a flash of white, we see the golem has managed to punch Brodik backwards, up into the air, onto a higher platform.*

BUSH: Brodik?!
good pokemon you got there, bud

*Bush moves to help, but the golem blocks him with a threatening stomp!*

BUSH: W-what should I do?!

BUSH: ...?!
Bush is more worried that Brodik might be bleeding out or something than dealing wth the monster in front of him.

KROSS: He's passed out. Leave him to me! You go take care of the monster!

KROSS: All right! Please take care of Brodik!
Kross is here to save the day!
...But why Kross?

*Kross picks Brodik up onto his shoulder then does a huge jump back to the entrance!*

Oh, also boss fight time.
"boss fight"

This golem is no different than the normal ones in terms of moveset. With our axe flip, Pony, and our postgame stats, it stands no chance.
In fact it barely even gets a chance to attack it gets stunlocked so bad.

Bush didn't even get hit.
From there, we fade out.

*We fade back in to find Kross, Bush, and the nuns watching over Brodik in the hospital.*

BUSH: How is Brodik?

LARA: He's asleep. Fortunately, his injuries aren't too bad. He should be able to recover after resting a little.

BUSH: That's good to hear.

STELLA: What happened?

KROSS: I'm sorry. It's all my fault.

BUSH: Kross...? Why are you apologizing?

KROSS: He... Brodik is probably a special agent from the Zzyzx Empire.

LARA: The Zzyzx Empire... The one next to the Kingdom of Norad?

STELLA: What's a special agent from Zzyzx doing here?

KROSS: ...A few years ago, a soldier defected from the army.

KROSS: He was an officer in the special agent unit, but he was sick of his work. Sick of deceiving and hurting...

KROSS: He drifted to a small village in the frontier lands and wanted to live in peace on a farm.

KROSS: But the Zzyzx Empire would not let him off so easily.

KROSS: They believed it would be bad if sensitive information were to be leaked so they sent someone after him.

BUSH: And that's...Brodik?

KROSS: Yes. But, he made one crucial mistake.

KROSS: He thinks that you, Bush, are that escaped soldier.

KROSS: The real one is elsewhere...

BRODIK: It can't be...!

LARA: Brodik! You'll reopen your wounds if you shout like that!

BRODIK: If the real AWOL soldier isn't him, then what are you, Bush?!

KROSS: Bush is just a civilian.

BRODIK: But the search bulletin said the man had dark hair, blue eyes, and is skilled with the sword...

KROSS: Yes. There is another person in this village that fits that description.

BRODIK: Then...
You really should have questioned how he knew all of this earlier in this conversation, man.

KROSS: Yes. Former Zzyzx Empire Special Agent, Weber...

KROSS: That is MY previous name, Brodik.

BRODIK: But... Then what have I been doing all this time...?
pretty much nothing

KROSS: If only I had told you sooner... I really must apologize to you, Bush...


BRODIK: But that... I'm sorry... Please leave me alone for now.

And thus we are unceremoniously booted from the room, back out into the summer day.
So, yeah, Kross is actually an ex-special agent of Evil Empire. The hints are dropped regarding some unpleasant military background up to this point, and his involvement in the Brodik situation somewhat telegraphed by his frequent apologies.
We're not done with this storyline just yet.

KROSS: I see... So you are having a baby.

KROSS: It is wonderful to have something you must protect with your life.

KROSS: I hope you will work hard not only for yourself, but for your family as well.
Visiting Kross now, we get no more answers on the matter, but we do get congratulations on our kid. News travels fast!

Brodik's out cold.

here have a get well present

The next day, a rainy Friday 18th, we head out for our mail.

~"A Challenge!" - Brodik~
You are my only worthy opponent.
This time, I shall defeat you
without the help of monsters.
I shall be waiting at
Green Ruins, B1F.
That's right, it's time to throw down, person to person.

Back into Green Ruins we go...

At the circular platform, we find Kross and Brodik waiting.

BUSH: Brodik...

BRODIK: I'm glad you could make it.

BUSH: Why do we have to fight? There is no reason that we should...

BRODIK: I can't move on until we finish things between us!

BRODIK: That's why...

BUSH: Brodik..
This is no longer a matter of spies and soldiers, it's just two fighters proving their skill.

KROSS: Bush, would you please grant his wish?

KROSS: There are times when people cannot turn back. For him, this is that time. Please understand..

BUSH: All right.

BRODIK: Thank you! I will fight you with everything I have! That is why you must, too...!

BUSH: Yes...!

And so the duel begins!

Brodik fights using draw slashes, into brief combos, and then sheathing. Pretty much every hit he has heavy hitstun + knockback. The guy is presumably using a real sword after all, and possibly not even a Retornen one.

Notably, he'll block and counter any attack you throw at him so aggression is pointless here.

That is, if he's not backflipping away.

Or just walking at you menacingly. Given his whole thing is dodging and parrying, he plays it well.
From time to time, he'll build up a menacing aura that shows he's about to try and combo you.

He can also do a flying drill attack with his sword extended, the most anime move in his arsenal and probably the only dangerous one. It hits Bush for ~70 or so, which would be way more on less geared character.
It's decently telegraphed though, so no worries.

This man has the kind of I-frames that'd make Dark Souls blush, though. He even gets them if he lands a hit.
So, how do we hit him?

Magic fails to hurt him most of the time, by the way.

The answer is to fully dodge his combos and get a hit in on his back.

I'm sure my description has made him sound harder than he actually is though. It's just a prolonged battle, really.

Hit 'em with upside down flip swing

rip in pieces

*We fade in and out to see him flat on his back on the floor.*

BRODIK: Heh heh heh...

BRODIK: Hahaha! I lost! I admit that I completely lost!

BRODIK: But why do I feel so refreshed?!

BRODIK: I fought with all my strength. I have no regrets...

BRODIK: Hahaha!
(he's not dying, just having an existential revelation)

BRODIK: Sorry to have caused you so much trouble till now. I'll just report to my superiors that our target wasn't here.

KROSS: Are you sure? If another person comes and finds me, it will be bad for you.

BRODIK: Heh heh heh...

BRODIK: I lived next to you all this time and didn't notice.

BRODIK: I doubt others will find it any easier.

BRODIK: Hahaha!

KROSS: ...
He had to get one last pair of laughs in.

BRODIK: See ya, Bush. I'll write to you when things settle down.

*And so he begins to slowly make his departure...*

BUSH: Brodik!

BUSH: Take care.

BRODIK: Heh heh heh...

BRODIK: You, too.

*And so the laughing rock man has exited the plot.*

KROSS: Bush, I really caused you so much trouble. I don't know how to apologize to you.

BUSH: It's nothing! I'm just glad the misunderstanding is cleared up. Besides...

BUSH: I feel like I got to know you a little better, Kross.

BUSH: Let's go back to the village.
In the end, it seems that Kross is so inconspicuous he managed to go entirely unnoticed in favor of Bush being mistaken for him. To be fair, Bush does likely have special miltary training, although how much of that remains in his skills is questionable.
And so now, he can probably live in peace and maybe one day monsters will finally be his friends.
We're not done yet though!

For the first time, we can finally go into Brodik's house.

It's extremely barebones and unexceptional.
The only notable thing to inspect is his bed, of course.

BUSH: I wonder how Brodik's doing.

BUSH: !!

BUSH: Hm? What are all these books doing under the bed? They all look the same.

BUSH: Let's see... "Golem Assembler Weekly"... ...
The man really likes his robots. I believe there's an implication that these are actual machines and not the monster ones we find in the dungeons.
Starting in the 1st winter he's around for, Golem Assembler Weekly can show up in his mail, foreshadowing the two golem incidents.
You got mail! posted:
ANETTE: Again? It's the newest issue of "Golem Assembler Weekly." I can't believe it... It's already on issue ####.
Of which it will have a random 4 digit number, sometimes lower than the last week's as a minorly funny detail.
I don't know if Brodik ever comes back to town, but there is a few alternate dialogues for some festivals.
Beach Opening Day posted:
BRODIK: Hmph! I hear that it's the Boat Race tomorrow. Sink or swim. SINK!
BRODIK: I've heard of your sailing skills. Show them to me today.
Beach Opening Day posted:
BRODIK: Playing at the beach with girls?! You wax your legs while you're at it?
BRODIK: Hmph. With your abilities, breaking that watermelon should be nothing.

Here's the last bit of interesting dialogue he has to say. I can't remember if we've seen it yet or not.
RF1 Connection posted:
BRODIK: A dragon was found at a place called Kardia not far from here.
BRODIK: I wanted to go there instead of wasting my time here...
So this does at least establish that RF1's plot probably happened, but how this game is a sequel remains confusing.
Anyways, let's see the last of this by visiting Kross.

We can't get any more information on his war chronicles or the blueprints, but...

There's this conspicuous bookcase that's been here the whole game.

BUSH: Huh...? This bookcase moves...

KROSS: Bush, you shouldn't pry into people's secrets like that.

KROSS: There are times when knowing what you shouldn't brings tremendous pain.

KROSS: Do you still want to know?

BUSH: I want to know.
We get the option to say yes or no, but of course we're saying yes.

KROSS: I see... Sometimes curiosity can make a person strong.

KROSS: I guess you have the right to know.

*We fade in and out to see...*

A hidden closet!

It's filled with armor, shields, and swords!

BUSH: What is this...?

KROSS: Odd, huh? I came here to escape the constant fighting, but I've hidden these here.

KROSS: I... I'm a coward...

BUSH: No, you're not!

BUSH: All these weapons have Retornen cast on them, right?

BUSH: I've heard that Retornen is a magic created with the firm conviction not to hurt anyone.

BUSH: I don't consider someone who only has such weapons a coward.

KROSS: Bush...

KROSS: *sigh*

KROSS: You are a strange young man. You've managed to melt even my hardened heart...

KROSS: I think I finally understand why everyone in town speaks so highly of you.

KROSS: Thank you, Bush...

KROSS: I won't hide anything anymore. I'll also leave this room open at all times.

KROSS: That is a sign of the trust I have in you...
Such is the finale of Kross's storyline. I believe you only need 6 FP to see all of this (enough to trigger Brodik putting the rock in front of your door), but I got 10 anyways.
Your depressed neighbor is an ex-military, ex-espionage agent from the enemy country just looking to live a peaceful life. Now, he can just be the quiet farmer/carpenter that he's wanted to be.

All in all, a very cool side story with way more attention to it than non-bachelor/ettes usually get in these games. I have to wonder if at some point Kross was meant to have a larger role in the plot, but there's no way to know for sure.
To shed some final light on the situation, there's one last bit of interesting dialogue that puts some of what we've seen in a different light.

KROSS: He... Brodik was too kind of a person to be a soldier.

KROSS: I just hope it does not become a burden for him.

KROSS: I know that he is not as weak as I am. I'm sure he will be fine.
If you take this in mind, one can maybe attribute Brodik's... unconventional (and ineffective) methods as him being unwilling to go any farther than that. He only fights us personally when it's a spar of skill, and...

BRODIK: It'd be easy to run you out of here by force...

BRODIK: But if I did that, it would cause trouble for the other people here so I won't do it!
Perhaps even helping clean up the rocks and weeds was rooted in some sort of kindness. On the other hand, he's kinda a massive jerk.
He is the first plainly human enemy, let alone boss in the series though.

Well, anyways, Sechs involvement removed from plot, our war vet neighbor liberated of his past, and a final duel of skill complete... Bush needs some sleep.

But first, our new paintings!
This is "House in the Forest". It feels very weird to have a painting of the Coquille manor on our wall, so I change it.

The other we have is "Small Lake", which is of Lake Poli. How did he get this angle given there's no land to stand there? No idea, the guy is magic.

The next day we take Anette out on the Summer Date...

And we snap up a new painting and a Toy Box from Lute. The Toy Box will hold the various toys we can make for our kid once they've grown up a bit.

We can also find Anette studying in the library.

BUSH: How are you feeling?

ANETTE: Very good! The baby is kicking a lot lately, too!

BUSH: That's good. Just don't push yourself, okay?

ANETTE: Okay... Thank you, honey...
Not too long after that we get this dialogue. I believe this marks the halfway point.
Anette's still running her mail route at full speed each morning, somehow.
Also tomorrow is the Boat Race! Everything progresses as usual, Turner included, until it's time for a girl to join us. Of course, Anette is guaranteed to do so now.

ANETTE: I was so ready to win it this year, but I totally forgot to prepare...

ANETTE: Ganesha. Sister Stella. I would like to withdraw from the race this time.

GANESHA: What?! But Anette, you were this year's hopeful...

ANETTE: And...

ANETTE: ...instead, I would like to enter the race as the Bush - Anette pair!

GANESHA: Haha! I knew you were up to something!

ANETTE: Oh, man... I'm even more excited. I can't wait any longer!
As of course, she normally participates in this.

ANETTE: Let's do this!
Here's what the Cute Bathing Suit looks like on her, if anyone at all wanted to know. The prevailing theme is that they're two-piece suits instead of the single ones, and thus, show much more skin.
Cinnamon and Noire get these neat tattoos in theirs somehow, at least.
(Since I'm really covering all angles here, it's worth mentioning Anette hasn't shown up to the beach since we've discovered a child was on the way. This festival is just an exception to that.)

Anyways we drift on everyone with style and end on exactly 420 points.

ANETTE: You did it! You won! I cheered you on with all my heart so it felt like I was racing with you.

And eventually, Selphy decides to sell me the very expensive toy book so we can set about making some toys for our kid.

In a lucky coincidence, we have the materials for quite a few of these just lying around. Notably, some do require boss materials.
The full list of stuff we set out to make is this:
Toy Duck, Ribbon, Fan, Toy Can, Toy Sword, and Teddy Fluff (a wooly plushy).
The Yo-yo takes a snake tongue to make (not fighting that again), and the Turnip and Pumpkin Lamps need Lamp Grass (takes too long) so we cut those.
The tricky matters here are the Fairy Dust needed for the Ribbon, the cockscomb for the Duck, and the minimum 60 Crafts skill needed to make the Teddy.

The Teddy also so happens to need our old Fluffy Hat as well as a Furry Belt.
The others we can make right now, even. The toy can even uses that Electrosquid tentacle we had no use for.

Anette's constant supply of lunch has given us an extremely strong supply of HP and RP for combat, which lets me slowly chip the buffed Chickogriff down with the Earth Wand.
The trick to this fight is to just bait the charging attacks, dodge, and retaliate. Don't risk anything else.

The Fairy Dust is a 10% drop off the upgraded fairies in the Tower of Glory, so we farm the ones at the bottom in a deadly, chaotic mess until we finally get one.
It's made more difficult due to the spawn of 2 Hunter Wolves with them, a combination that can quickly take down Bush even now.

But as the first day of Autumn arrives, Bush finally finishes the last toy.

worth it

ANETTE: Today is the Harvest Festival. This is the day where I pass out vegetables instead of mail to everyone.
[You got a Yam!]
It is also the Harvest Festival in not too long after that. Not a lot happens today to be honest, just that it's a town-wide thing rather than only a couple people being in on it.

KROSS: The girl at the general store is buying up vegetables. Even the ones I needed to eat are gone.
Capitalism strikes again!

please don't starve

KROSS: Is this a vegetable you grew, Bush?

KROSS: This is a nice vegetable. I can feel your kindness emanating from it, Bush.

KROSS: Please don't ever forget that kindness.
You got it man.

ROSETTA: Today is the Harvest Festival. We express thanks to the the earth and we give vegetables to the people around us.

ROSETTA: Here you go.
[You got Yam!]
We interrogate Rosetta in regards of the mass vegetable purchasing but obtain no information.

A few days later we get more mail.

~"How are you doing?" - Brodik~
Hey, it's me. How have you been?
I reported that the target was not
in Trampoli, so I've been sent to a
different region to search. It's
harder to pretend than to really
search, it seems.
Oh, and I'm retraining with the sword.
It's as though my humility and
willingness to learn was awakened
by losing to you. I'll definitely become
stronger and pay back the debt I
owe you. Later!
Brodik's really turned over a new leaf.

I don't think we hear any more from him after this point, but we'll see.
I would like to note that in general letters have really fallen off in the rate they arrive. I'm not cutting any out but the usual "season change soon, buy more seeds" and Melody's advertisements.

Life goes on in Trampoli.
But, on the night of the 24th, we go to sleep, awaiting the Coming Of Age festival tomorrow, when...

*We fade into Anette holding a baby!*

ANETTE: Honey, we have a child!

BUSH: That's wonderful! Just great!

ANETTE: Look. She looks just like you.

HEALTHY GIRL: Dada. Aboobooba.

HEALTHY GIRL: (Impossible. I do not look like that.)

BUSH: cute.

ANETTE: Honey, have you decided on a name?
Conveniently, she does kinda look like both of them to a degree if you consider the eyes being brighter.

And so it's time to name our kid...
Next time!

HEALTHY GIRL: Agooga. *gurgle*

HEALTHY GIRL: (Unhand me, strange creature!)

ANETTE: Aww...!

HEALTHY GIRL: (Were it so that my ability to articulate myself was not so limited.)

HEALTHY GIRL: Agababa...googa.

HEALTHY GIRL: (I must concede, this is not entirely disagreeable however...)