Part 66: Intermission 3: The Bonus Commentary Round
-INTERMISSION 3-Update 58.5: The Bonus Commentary Round

MYSTERY: Welcome back, all! It's time to take a brief look at the standings and the comments.

MYSTERY: I'm your host, Mystery Girl 2, and this is Amnesic Agriculture 102!

MYSTERY: Joining me today, as always, is the man of the show, Bush Shrub!

BUSH: Hey, wait, why am I still blanked out? The viewers know who-

MYSTERY: Moving on!

-----------PRE-SHOW COMMENTARY-----------

MYSTERY: Now then, before we start I just have to ask something: did you really let your dog decide who to marry?

BUSH: She's a horse, and yes, I did. Pony has a good nose for these sorts of things.

MYSTERY: ...Does your wife know?

BUSH: Moving on!

MYSTERY: Hey, that's my-

-----------THE CURRENT STANDINGS-----------

MYSTERY: The votes have just been flying in. Let's see what they say!

BUSH: ...I don't see anything.

MYSTERY: (are you seriously telling me the agency is pulling this-)

MYSTERY: Ooh, apologies folks! We've had so many votes it's broken the display and it'll take a while to fix.

BUSH: Man...! How could this happen?

MYSTERY: But I can (within contract) say that two names in particular are fighting back and forth for the lead! And two more aren't far behind!

BUSH: How exciting!

MYSTERY: While we get our top engineers on the situation, let's move into the next section!


MYSTERY: First up, we have...
["it is a mystery"]


BUSH: Next up is...

BUSH: ["the best hat shall win"]

MYSTERY: The Hat Wars are eternal.

MYSTERY: The next one is...
["Bush, please grow turnips."]


*The screen loses signal. A dull tone is heard until it returns.*

MYSTERY: The next one asks....
[Does Bush have stairs in his house?"]

MYSTERY: Yes. Yes he does.

MYSTERY: Next up is...
[Bush is very much a master cook. I don't know anyone who can make food explode.]

BUSH: As it turns out, combining magic and the culinary world would reveal the once hidden art of Incooktations.

BUSH: A challenging field for sure. Minerva and I are two of it's few practictioners.

MYSTERY: ...Hold on, I'm hearing from the crowd today a concern about the name of your child. Specifically, they want to know...
["Is the current winning name following the theming?"]

BUSH: It is! And there's a lot of good themed names on the list, too.

BUSH: Berry, Fern, Forrest, Flora-

FLORA: You called-

MYSTERY: wrong thread

FLORA Evidently. My apologies.

BUSH: Hedge, Juniper, Leaf, Lily, Shrub, Sprig, Stem, Twig, Yucca, and Pony II.

MYSTERY: ...You put that last one in there didn't you?

BUSH: Oh, and there's also "Default (not the default name, Default)"

MYSTERY: ...Well, the least I can say is these all sound like names you'd come up with.

MYSTERY: Oh, we've got a question hot off the presses!

BUSH: Oh, let me read this one!

["why can't we marry kross"]

BUSH: ... *a single tear runs down his cheek*

MYSTERY: ...We'll he's taking it better than usual.

MYSTERY: Rest assured, we wish it was a choice as well.

*awkward silence*

MYSTERY: Neeext commeeent!
["Don't have an SA account, but really been enjoying the LP..."]

MYSTERY: And that's why Trampoli TV is a publicly available channel! You can get it on all of... two stations! SA and the LP Beach!

MYSTERY: (wait do i get paid extra for saying that)

BUSH: And on that note, let's not forget all the thanks from entertained readers!

MYSTERY: That's right! We enjoy it when you enjoy it! And also thank you for reading along, no matter if you're a lurker or an active audience member!
*polite clapping*



MYSTERY: why are you still here. go away


MYSTERY: somebody call security, get this person out

*The screen loses signal. A dull tone is heard until it returns.*

MYSTERY: Our final question is...

KANNO: Hold on! It's Super Gramps Time!

KANNO: The... next person to answer correctly gets... 13 points! *hic*

MYSTERY: stooooooop

*The screen loses signal. A dull tone is heard until it returns.*

["How long will the vote be active?"]

MYSTERY: I... wish I could tell you! (legal contracts are a pain)

MYSTERY: That's all for this brief results update, folks! We'll try and have the bachelorette display fixed for next time.

BUSH: Until next time!
Update 58.75: Trampoli TV Presents the Midway Results

MYSTERY: Welcome back all to another flash episode of Trampoli TV!

MYSTERY: I'm your host Mystery Girl 2!

BUSH: And I'm Bush Shrub!

-----------PRE-SHOW COMMENTARY-----------

BUSH: I've got a question this time.


BUSH: If I'm telling the history of what happened to me, why are we voting again?

MYSTERY: It's... a prediction! Yeah, that.

MYSTERY: Anyways, no time for delays, let's see how those votes have landed!

-----------THE CURRENT STANDINGS-----------

MYSTERY: Currently in first place is Anette! And just a few votes behind, Selphy!

MYSTERY: At first, it was a three-way battle between Selphy, Cinnamon, and Noire- how the battle has changed!

BUSH: Haha, well, when you're as fast as Anette, you can't fall behind!

MYSTERY: And for your kid, just over half our audience thinks you didn't have a special preference!

BUSH: Enough time in the gift mines will make anyone believe in randomness.

MYSTERY: Followed not far behind by a girl.

BUSH: And what about those names?

MYSTERY: It's currently a 4-way tie between, Hedge, Leaf, Shrub, and Twig!

BUSH: Hm, all up by 1 vote each. I don't think Super Gramps can do anything with that.

KANNO: *in the back of the crowd* Zero point grand prize to the one who can answer... hic... where am I?

MYSTERY: how are you still drunk

MYSTERY: AHEM, for those interested, the full list is:
Berry, Default, Fern, Flora, Forrest, Hedge, Juniper, Leaf, Lily, Pony II, Shrub, Sprig, Stem, Twig, Yucca

BUSH: Those are some great names. But it's so hard to choose...

MYSTERY: Turnip gallery lightning round, go!

MYSTERY: The hottest question on the minds of our readers is this:
[We should be able to marry the single parents]

MYSTERY: ...So, um, Ganesha? Rita and Turner are still married, right?

BUSH: Yeah.

MIST: ...


MYSTERY: Time for a dramatic recreation!
Questionable Speedrun Strat posted:
BUSH: Um, Ganesha...
GANESHA: For me? Thanks. You're not going to get something back, though!
GANESHA: ...Wait.
BUSH: Yes. I love you. Will you marry me?
GANESHA: Oh, stop it.
[You got slapped.]
BUSH: But...
And so Bush gets smacked so hard he loses all RP and goes down to 1 HP.
The same thing happens if you propose to Stella.
ERIK: I'm not your trashcan!
Notably, you can only attempt proposing to non-bachelorettes if they're at 10 FP. Thus why Erik thinks we're treating him as a trashcan. Although it is funny to think he's so hopelessly single he doesn't even know what a wedding bouquet looks like.
Kanno says his line about staying in love to stay young and complains he can still be young.
We don't actually have enough for Lute, surprisingly, but there is one entertaining response we can get...
Music: Brodik's Theme
BRODIK: Are you trying to spite me?
BRODIK: I-I have a girlfriend or three that I can give presents to...
BRODIK: Hahaha... Haha...ha... ...
It's even voiced, if you wanted to hear what Brodik sounds like.

MYSTERY: Aaand that's all for now!

MYSTERY: The vote closes sometime tomorrow! So step to it, voters!

BUSH: Whoa! That early?!

MYSTERY: I don't make the rules, the agency does.

MYSTERY: Until then!
Update 58.99: Trampoli TV Presents the Final-ish Results

MYSTERY: I'm your host Mystery Girl 2!

BUSH: And I'm Bush Shrub!

BOTH: And this is Trampoli TV!

MYSTERY: No time for commentary, off to the results!

-----------THE CURRENT STANDINGS-----------

MYSTERY: (this is so blatantly on purpose, come on)

MYSTERY: (no, i'm not telling them it's a glitch)

BUSH: It seems we have a dramatic final battle between Selphy and Anette!

MYSTERY: We'll just have to wait and see for the next episode to see what the result is!

MYSTERY: Votes for boy/girl/random have stayed firmly on the side of random! I suppose this'll be another wait and see situation.

BUSH: And we have an amazing 6-way tie for the name! Fantastic!

MYSTERY: (are we really doing another vote)

MYSTERY: ...That's right! And we'll be holding another vote all the way through the next episode!

MYSTERY: Just call in at the link below! Until next time!
-> The name tiebreaker can be found here <-