Part 69: Melody's Autumn Date (Update 51)
--*MELODY DATE*--*The night before...*

MELODY: Ask me out...? You mean on a date?

BUSH: Yeah. The autumn colors look absolutely amazing.

MELODY: The autumn colors, huh... Sure, let's go. ♪

BUSH: Then let's meet up on the 19th of autumn, at noon by the lake.

MELODY: Sounds good. Don't be late, okay!

*And now the day of, Melody arrives 35 minutes late...*

MELODY: Oh, did you just get here? I thought I was a little late, but I guess it worked out.

*Bush and Melody approach the bridge of Lake Poli.*

MELODY: Well, let's get going! I wonder where the view would be the prettiest...

*We then get a few different angles as they cross the bridge, stopping in the center to look out upon the lake and the forest beyond.*

MELODY: Wow... Was it always this pretty in the autumn?

BUSH: Yeah... It sure is something...

*And some more angles of the view follow...but!*

MELODY: Oh, I almost forgot! I tried making some lunch for us today. ♪ Wanna try some?

BUSH: Really?! This looks great.

Today's box lunch is Curry Udon!
*Bush proceeds to eat his share...*

*The taste makes him react in shock!*

MELODY: it? I tried my best, but...

BUSH: It's delicious!

*She stands proudly, arms behind her.*

MELODY: Really?! Hearing you say that makes me so happy!

*And some more angles of the view follow...*

MELODY: Thank you for today. I almost cried, it was so pretty. *giggle*

BUSH: The colors sure were beautiful. I'm glad I got to see it.

MELODY: It's kinda nice going on dates like this.

*Melody gives a happy wave goodbye as Bush starts to head off..*

MELODY: Bush, thanks for inviting me out.

MELODY: I hope we can do this again sometime.♪

BUSH: Of course!

*And so she waves as the scene ends...*

There is an option to not like the box lunch made for you. You can even still get married after this.
Bush doesn't like it posted:
*Melody hides her face under her hat..*
MELODY: Hm... Maybe I should have tasted the food first...
Curry Udon is a classic meal, and besides, Bush can taste the effort. A true master chef holds that in very high regard.