Part 73: Unused Dialogue & Events (Final Update)
Man, the weather is great... It's so bright out.
... ...Huh?
My eyes... ...I can't see...
What in the world...? What just happened to me...?
Hm? I feel something soft...
Oh, good. You're awake.
You were under the sun for so long, you collapsed.
Mist...? Does this mean the soft thing I feel is...
Yup. You were sleeping on my lap.
!! S-s-s-s-sorry! I'm up, I'm up!
Oh, are you feeling better?
Yes! Totally fine!
I see... I'm a little disappointed.
What? I didn't catch that...
Oh, it's nothing. I'm glad you're feeling better, @Raguna@.
Well, see ya.
Yeah. Thanks.
(It felt so soft...)
Take that!
(Did something just land in my mouth? Hm... It's tastes pretty good!)
@Raguna@. If you stare at the sky with your mouth open like that, something could land inside it, you know.
Mi-Mist! Did you just put something in my mouth?
Yup! It was some of the cookies I baked.
Did it taste... ...bad?
It was delicious.
It was...different.
Oh, no no. It was very delicious.
It might be even better with more chocolate chips next time.
...Wait, what am I talking about?! You shouldn't just put cookies in people's mouths like that!
Oh, sorry about that...
I'll put something other than cookies in next time, then.
Man, the weather is great... It's so bright out.
... ...Huh?
My eyes... ...I can't see...
What in the world...? What just happened to me...?
Hm? I feel something soft...
You okay?
What were you thinking standing under the sun for so long on a hot day like this?
Rosetta...? Wait, so the soft thing I felt was...
Don't call it a thing! That sounds weird! It's my...lap.
!! S-s-s-s-sorry! I'll be getting up now!
Wa-wait! Are you sure you're okay?
Yes! I am totally fine!
Oh...really? I see...
What? I didn't catch that...
I didn't say anything! If you say you're fine, then you must be fine.
Yeah. Thanks.
(It felt so soft...)
Trying to get a tan?
Hey, Rosetta.
Basking in the sun like this, doing nothing on a rare holiday...
I guess we're very fortunate to be able to rest...
Haha. Rosetta, you sound like an old lady when you talk like that.
Wh-what?! How could you say something so mean to such a flowering example of youth, like myself?
Di-did I really... sound like an old lady...?
N-no... I was just kidding...
This is bad... Has the spring of my life come to an end...?
... I guess she can't hear me...
Hey, wake up!
Oh, hey, Rosetta. I was just admiring the sunset.
Hm... You must be pretty bored...
It's actually kinda nice looking up at the sky like this from time to time.
I guess you're right. I've been so busy, I haven't allowed myself to rest.
Well, it was a nice change of pace. Thank you.
Man, the weather is great... It's so bright out.
... ...Huh?
My eyes... ...I can't see...
What in the world...? What just happened to me...?
Hm? I feel something soft...
Good morning. ♪
You know, if you stay under the sun too long, you'll collapse, silly.
Melody...? Wait, then that must mean the soft thing I felt was...
Hm? Is my lap really that soft? Oooh, you're making me blush!
!! S-s-s-s-sorry! I'll be getting up now!
Don't worry. You can rest a bit longer if you're not feeling well.
N-no! I'm totally fine, as you can see!
Oh, okay... I kinda wanted you to, though...
What? I didn't catch that...
Oh, nothing. I'm just glad you're feeling better, @Raguna@.
See ya later.♪
Yeah. Thanks.
(It felt so soft...)
Ah! Hey, @Raguna@. ♪ What's up?
Just the sky.
That sounds fun. Let me try. ♪
Um, Melody? What's so funny?
Ahahaha... Sorry, sorry.
I was just imagining what we must look like staring up at the sky like this.
Now that you mention it, it is pretty funny.
Right? Man, it was so funny. We should do this again sometime.
Again? Do what again?!
Man, the weather is great... It's so bright out.
... ...Huh?
My eyes... ...I can't see...
What in the world...? What just happened to me...?
Hm? I feel something soft...
You've been out in the sun so long that you fainted.
Are you all right? Does it hurt anywhere?
Lara...? Um, no. It doesn't hurt anywhere...but I feel something soft...
*giggle* That would be my lap.
!! S-s-s-s-sorry! I'll be getting up now!
It's quite all right... You're still not feeling too well, right? You should rest.
N-no! I'm totally fine!
Oh, then that's good. Although I'm a bit disappointed...
What? I didn't catch that...
Oh, don't mind me. Just be careful not to collapse again, okay?
I'll excuse myself here.
Yeah. Thanks.
(It felt so soft...)
Man, the weather is great... It's so bright out.
... ...Huh?
My eyes... ...I can't see...
What in the world...? What just happened to me...?
Hm? I feel something soft...
Oh my. You're finally awake.
You collapsed because you were under the sun for too long. You should be more careful.
Bianca...? Hm...? Then this soft thing here is...
Hey, that's my lap you're talking about!!
!! S-s-s-s-sorry! I'll be getting up now!
It's okay. I don't mind... You must still be feeling a bit woozy.
No, I'm completely better now! See?!
Well, in that case... Although I kinda wish you weren't...
What? I didn't catch that...
I-it's nothing!
I have things to do, so I'm going to go now.
Okay. Thank you.
(It felt so soft...)
What are you doing?
Hey, Bianca. Just looking up at the sky.
I see... You must be really bored.
Well, I guess I can spare some time to spend with you.
... ... ...
... This is totally boring!
I never said it'd be fun...
...I guess you're right. Anyway, it was enough to kill some time.
I'm not gonna thank you or anything, though. Bye.
Hey, @Raguna@... Do you think this sky is connected to the "First Forest"?
I don't know... I don't really know what kind of place the "First Forest" is so...
You're dense as usual.
You're supposed to say, "Yeah, I do," at times like this!
In any case, I think it is. I mean, it's so big.
I'm sure Francoise is looking up at the sky like we are, too.
Yeah. I think so, too.
Are you just saying that because of what I said earlier? I'll let you go this one time. Francoise may be watching us.
Ah ha ha...
Man, the weather is great... It's so bright out.
... ...Huh?
My eyes... ...I can't see...
What in the world...? What just happened to me...?
Hm? I feel something soft...
Are you all right, @Raguna@?
You need to rest in the shade from time to time on days like this.
Tabatha...? I must have This soft thing is... shouldn't move around so much on my lap...
!! S-s-s-s-sorry! I'll be getting up now!
You must still be feeling a bit tired, so you should rest.
I-I'm all right! See? Completely healthy!
I see... Too bad...
What? I didn't catch that...
I-it's nothing... I was just talking to myself.
I think little miss is calling me, so I'll have to get going now.
All right. Thank you for earlier.
(It felt so soft...)
Well, hello, @Raguna@. Taking in the sun rays?
Hello, Tabatha. It's pretty nice basking in the sun.
Really? I love sitting out in fair weather, too.
The sun pours out blessings not just on plants but on us, too.
We should be grateful.
Yes, I agree...
Man, the weather is great... It's so bright out.
... ...Huh?
My eyes... ...I can't see...
What in the world...? What just happened to me...?
Hm? I feel something soft...
Are you okay? Should I bring you something cold to drink?
Eunice...? Something cold... No, this is soft and warm...
*gasp* Th-that's my lap...
!! S-s-s-s-sorry! I'll be getting up now!
Wait...but... Should you really be getting up so soon?
I'm fine! See? Totally fine!
I see... I'm glad it wasn't something serious, although I'm a bit sad, too...
What? I didn't catch that...
Huh...? Um, it was nothing!
Wait! ...There she goes...
(It felt so soft...)
What nice weather. The laundry should dry very quickly today.
Yeah, the weather does feel very nice today.
It's actually quite relaxing looking up at the sky like this. I feel so carefree.
Well, I'm not really all that busy, so...
What are you talking about Eunice? You work very hard at the inn and the tavern.
Y-you think so...?
I...uh... just remembered I have to do something. Bye!
(And there she goes...)
...Aren't you...going to fish?
Well... I just feel like looking up at the sky right now.
... ...
... ...
Oh, all right... We'll fish together next time, okay?
Man, the weather is great... It's so bright out.
... ...Huh?
My eyes... ...I can't see...
What in the world...? What just happened to me...?
Hm? I feel something soft...
...You're awake.
Cinnamon...? Yeah, I'm okay, but I think I feel something soft...
...That would be my lap.
!! S-s-s-s-sorry! I'll be getting up now!
...It's acceptable. Rest a bit more. Stay.
No, I'm quite all right! In fact, I'm great! Just great!
...Perhaps I should knock him out again...?
What? I didn't catch that...
...You can go. For now.
Okay. Thank you.
(It felt so soft...)
...@Raguna@. What are you doing?
I'm looking at the sky. What are you doing, Cinnamon?
...I came to see the ruins...
Oh... You must have an interest in the ruins.
...A little.
These are the ruins of an old magic research facility. I'm curious about what research was going on.
I had no idea.
But I'm also curious about @Raguna@ because you're looking at the sky. You are...strange.
...How are you?
Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm doing well. What is it?
People that look up at the sky are rare...I think.
Ahaha... I never thought I'd be called "rare" by you, Cinnamon.
...I don't understand. It's a mystery to me.
... ...
Oh... Cinnamon...
What...are you doing?
Oh, nothing. Just looking at the clouds.
...I see.
...Are you having fun?
Well... I guess it's more calming than fun.
...I see.
... ... ...
Um... Cinnamon?
... Clouds are so strange.
Ah ha ha...
Hey! What are you up to?
The weather's so nice, so I thought I'd take a breather and look at the sky.
What about you, Selphy? What brings you here?
Just taking a walk.
A walk? you.
Hey...! That's mean, @Raguna@!
I like going outside sometimes, too!
Ahaha. Sorry about that.
It's these ruins. There's something so captivating about them.
Maybe there's a dreamy study inside!
@Raguna@, if you find a really lovely study in here, you have to tell me, okay?
You have to!
Man, the weather is great... It's so bright out.
... ...Huh?
My eyes... ...I can't see...
What in the world...? What just happened to me...?
Hm? I feel something soft...
Good morning! Did you sleep okay?
Staying in the sun too long isn't good for you! Be more careful!
Selphy...? This soft sensation is...
My lap. Is it soft? *chuckle*
!! S-s-s-s-sorry! I'll be getting up now!
Don't worry about it. You can lie on it for as long as you need to get better, @Raguna@.
That's quite all right! I'm feeling much better already!
Aw... I thought this could be our chance...
What? I didn't catch that...
Huh? Nothing, nothing!
Bye... Thank you for earlier.
(It felt so soft...)
You know, it's not good to stay out in the sun for too long.
Oh, I know! I'll bring you a parasol!
Thank you, Selphy.
You don't have to thank me! Just make sure you buy a book from me next time!
Hahaha! I knew you'd say that.
Oh... @Raguna@?
Good evening, Iris.
What are you doing here?
I was looking at the snow because it's so pretty.
Is that so? I like snow a lot, too. Especially the way it falls so gently to the ground.
I wasn't able to see any snow while I was in the Ruins or on Whale Island, so it's very moving when I see it like this.
Well, in that case, why don't we look at the snow all day today?
@Raguna@, that's mean! Don't joke with me like that!
Ah ha ha. Sorry, sorry.
Don't be late, okay?
That's my line. You better not be late because you were looking at snow.
Good evening. Taking a walk, too, @Raguna@?
Yeah. The wind feels very nice tonight.
It does, doesn't it? We used to come here often to just relax.
It was a secret place for the two of us, but I guess it will be the 3 of us from now on.
I'll be sure to come by here when I can't sleep.
Do you like stars?
Yeah, I do. They're beautiful.
Personally, I like to see the moon and the stars together.
It just seems so lonely with only the stars...
I like it better when there are only stars because it's easier to see them.
You just don't understand... It's because the moon takes center stage that the sky looks beautiful.
You're the one that doesn't understand.
... Ah ha ha...
Ha ha...
Ah ha ha ha.
Ah ha ha ha.
Wha... What's so funny...?
We're sorry, @Raguna@.
It's just that it felt silly for us to argue like this.
But it was kinda fun...
Ever since we met you, it feels like we're finding ourselves anew.
You're a peculiar person, @Raguna@...
I-I don't know about that...
Good evening.
Oh, Iris. Um... Were we supposed to meet already?
No, not yet.
I just thought I'd give myself a head start when I saw you looking up at the sky here, @Raguna@...
Ah ha ha... You must think I'm weird.
No, not at all! I used to look up at the moon in the night sky back on Whale Island, so... kinda made me feel nostalgic.
*chuckle* It's pretty nice looking at the snow like this, too.
Well, since you're here, why don't we head to the church?
Man, the weather is great... It's so bright out.
... ...Huh?
My eyes... ...I can't see...
What in the world...? What just happened to me...?
Hm? I feel something soft...
I know the sun feels nice, but you will collapse if you stay under it too long.
You should take better care of your body.
Uzuki...? I'm so sorry. You even got me a nice pillow...
Eeek! What do you think you are doing?! That is my leg!
!! S-s-s-s-sorry! I'll be getting up now!
'Tis quite all right. It was something you were unaware of.
In any sense, you should not be getting up yet. Rest a little...
Oh, no! I'm all right!
Is that so. That is fine. However, I do feel a bit saddened...
What? I didn't catch that...
'Tis nothing at all! Perhaps it is better that you could not hear!
I will see you again.
Right. Thank you.
(It felt so soft...)
Such a beautiful day... The blessing of the Tendo is the same across the lands.
Oh, right. Tendo is what the people of my country call the sun.
The tongue of my country and this one differs rather much, so it is hard sometimes.
I think it's very interesting. You tell me about things I've never known, so I like listening to you.
So please, feel free to talk to me anytime.
Re-really? I feel happy and embarrassed at the same time...
Do you see something?
Yeah, I do. All sorts of clouds.
Oh! Clouds, eh? That sounds interesting!
When I was younger, I used to imagine all sorts of things looking at the clouds, too.
Look! That one looks just like the old man! Oh! That one's you, @Raguna@!
What?! I don't look all weird like that!
What are you talking about? That is most assuredly you. I've decided!
You've decided...
No bites at all... Perhaps I will look at the sky together with @Raguna@.
Hm... Looking up at the sky like this almost makes you forget about time, doesn't it?
How soothing...
Uzuki, Uzuki!
? What's the matter @Raguna@? Getting all excited up like that...
A bite! A bite!
Bite...? What are you talking... Oh, you're right!
That's great! Incredible!
Hm. This is wonderful.
It seems as though my luck has turned. This is all thanks to you, @Raguna@.
Perhaps from now on, when the fish won't bite, I'll just look up at the sky.
Ahaha. That might not be too bad of an idea.
The sky sure is big...
Yeah... It just goes on forever.
Forever... This sky is connected to my home...
Oh, sorry! It is not that I miss it or anything.
Indeed, quite the opposite! I was thinking that since the sky is connected, I don't need to miss it!
So I don't miss it...
Haha... I believe you.
Do you see something?
Yeah, the clouds.
...Oh, I see.
Ah! Did you, did you see that? Something just whooshed through the sky!
Huh? What did?
Something, white... It look like a white saucer or something.
You didn't see it?
No, sorry...
Oh, come on! @Raguna@!
So you're saying a white saucer flew across the sky just now?
Yes! Just over there...
Okay, but why would a saucer be up in the sky?
I don't know...
Now that I think about it, maybe it was a bird...or something...
Ah, hahaha... I must have mistaken a bird for something. That makes more sense.
Good evening. Are you going for a walk, too, @Raguna@?
Yeah. The sound of the waves is so soothing.
I love the sound of the water. It calms me down when I close my eyes like this and just listen.
It's so strange.
But, it may be a good idea to come here to listen on a sleepless night.
That's true.
[SKY VIEWING (Maybe Selphy?)]
...Nothing's...falling from the sky.
Well, I wasn't looking up at the sky because something was falling.
Oh. I thought maybe you've read a book about snacks raining down from the sky...
...and decided to test it out or something.
Just what kind of book is that...?
You don't know? Once upon a time, a man laid in front of a shelf and a dumpling fell...
Stop. It's okay. I think I know the story...
[CLOUD VIEWING (Tabatha?)]
The weather's so pleasant today.
Yeah, it is.
Look, over there! Doesn't that cloud look like a wooly?
Huh? Which one?
That one, right there! The white one on the far right.
Oh... Now that you mention it...
*chuckle* It's very like you to think even clouds look like monsters.
Is... Is that so...
You think it'll rain?
No, I think we'll be fine.
I see. That's good...
It would be terrible if it were to rain during the festival today.
@Raguna@, aren't you gonna join everyone at the festival?
I'm feeling the excitement of the festival by looking at the sky like this.
...Really? I guess everyone has their own way of enjoying the festival.
Yeah, I guess so. ...Wait, are you trying to say that I'm strange or something?
*giggle* Not necessarily.
Let's enjoy the festival today.
It doesn't look like it'll let up anytime soon...
I know rain is important, but...
I really wish it'd stop for the evening at least.
I wish it'd just stop raining around me at any rate.
Ah ha ha. That'd be nice...

What are you looking at?
Um...nothing really. I'm just looking up at the sky.
Oh... Having fun?
... ...
This isn't fun at all.
Ah ha ha...