The Let's Play Archive

Secret of Mana

by Ryushikaze, QB

Part 30: Mana Seeds Ruin Christmas

Nidoking posted:

There are several reasons not to open chests while fighting Drops:

1) They count as one of the three enemies that can appear at a time, so you'll have fewer Drops to fight.
2) If you're not casting Analyzer on the chests, you'll hit traps (although it was interesting to see the stone trap for the first time ever).
3) Waiting until the Drops are all dead helps you judge whether you can afford the MP to cast Analyzer.

Hush up you, I don't need any of your fancy pants common sense or good ideas!

Miz Kriss, we're saving Santa.

Episode 30- Mana Seeds Ruin Christmas

And now for a short hiatus because QB and I need to record more episodes.