Part 57: Episode LVII: Gravestones
Episode LVII: Gravestones.jpg)
Wales. It's just plain sinister is what it is... So let's avoid going there for as long as possible by embarking on a backpacking adventure across Europe.
A handful of new sidequests have unlocked following the events in Calios Mental Hospital. Before we travel back to the European mainland to sort that business out, there are a few new tidbits back in the hospital/doom fortress itself.

Music: Castle of Silence
Chiefly, if we return to the torture chamber room there is now a man strapped to the electric chair. Let's see what his deal is...

There's nothing funny going on with this Lottery Judgment Wheel other than another item name formatting error. At least they're keeping consistent with the area...
The top prize here is the Eternity Card which offers up to a 50% Discount on store purchases and a 25% Raise on sold goods. Almost ANYONE could be a guild member. Why we may have already secretly met one and we wouldn't even know it...

We actually need to do something a little bit counter-intuitive here. We're going to spend another Lottery Ticket here and intentionally lose.
We still get a prize, of sorts, in the form of a small pack of tissues. This may come in handy in the near future. We'll just stash those away for a later date.
If we return to the room where Koudelka was being held and position Yuri PRECISELY in the location in the screenshot above (seriously, it's like a single specific step you need to stand on, it took me like 30 seconds to make it trigger and I knew exactly where to look) we can now pick up...
A new sword for Keith. Remember Keith? He was the vampire guy we never use and doesn't really talk ever. He just kind of hangs out. I suppose we can give him a gift. This weirdly lowers Keith's Physical Attack by -15 but does provide a rather sizable +35 Special Attack.
That's it for Calios Mental Hospital -- for the rest of the game too, unless I am forgetting something. I'm fairly certain there is never a reason to return to that location, unlike almost everywhere else in Europe. As we'll soon see! Our next stop is another trip to Rouen.

Music: But-Dad-Dead-Bed
Specifically, we want to go into the town inn and head upstairs back toward the room the boys were staying in during the initial visit to town. As soon as we approach the room, we overhear...

Yuri can now opt to be a big ol' busybody and burst into the hotel room to see why this couple is arguing. They don't seem to take issue with this in the least.

So Yuri now needs to sort out this couple's relationship woes. How is he going to do that, you ask? Is it going and tracking down a diamond from some spirit cursed cave somewhere? Pfft... No. That's far too pedestrian Yuri Hyuga.
No, instead we're going to return to the confessional where Alice discovered Cardinal Simon's identity and pretend to be a priest in order to give marital advice, naturally.


So what we actually want from this quest is to our hands on that family heirloom stone he mentioned. Depending on our choice here, the means (and by that I mean the PRICE) of getting that stone will change. Let's try the first choice and see how that plays out. Yuri gives the sage life advice of...

If we return to the couple's room back in the inn, we now come upon...


And with that, we gain the Water Gravestone, which is our ultimate objective. But...
What if we took a different path in Yuri's Life Advice Session? What if Yuri just decided to ruin this relationship for shits and giggles? What then...?

Two minutes later we find John stumbling through the streets now. Wow. That was the quickest divorce in recorded history...

That clearly wasn't the best option...
Let's back up one final time and try the middle option. Maybe this time the wildly out of character love guru Fake Father Yuri will get it right.

Why are you like this Yuri!? Bah... Whatever! Let's just return to the couple's room one final time...


In any event, no matter what the outcome we get our hands on the Water Gravestone. As soon as we level up our Water Soul Energy to maximum, we can now obtain the Level 3 Fusion and then continue to probably never use it just like the Level 1 and Level 2 versions!
That's a wrap for Rouen. Let us never speak of that again. Our journey now continues eastward back to the mean streets of Prague.

Music: City
Well, I suppose it's really the mean street of Prague. Specifically, to the only building we can actually enter in all of the city -- Gismot's Pub.

Shit! Arcane Olga is still alive!? I thought we saw the last of her in Caioh... Wait. Never mind. It's just the solitary old woman model in the game. False alarm, Fake Sea Mother. Now, about that men's room...

Yuri takes a fighting stance.

The only way to progress this sidequest is if we happen to be holding some Tissues. Thankfully for Guard Darcie here, we just so happen to be carrying a choice pack of makeshift toiletry straight from a fine English medical facility. So...
Yuri opens the stall and hands Darcie the pack of tissues...

Yuri heads for the exit to the bar. Guard Darcie runs out of the bathroom and up to Yuri before he leaves.

Welp. Our reward is the Air Gravestone. You cannot even tell it's covered in piss since it's already yellow!
We have one final sidequest available back in Bistritz. We already grabbed the Gravestone from the Blue Castle and there's nothing new going on there yet, so we'll be skipping that location in our revisit tour of Europe.

Music: Coffee With Bullet
For this sidequest, we want to go take a visit to the shop on the other end of town and speak to Nina, the little girl from this story arc. Remember that business with the mysterious bag of seeds her father received in the mail and the creepy dipshit mayor was convinced was... gold dust? Man, that guy was a dumbass. Anyway, if we speak to that little girl now...

If we step back outside from the shop, there is a tiny sparkling point of interest right next to the entrance. Yuri is given the option of watching over it or stepping on it. Given his recent chaotic courses of action, who knows what he'd go with here. But if we want to successfully complete this sidequest, we need to watch over the seed.
Yuri proceeds to water the plant with err... Well, he makes a motion with an empty fist like he's using a watering can, but... Is it the sweat from his glove? Is it soaked piss from the Air Stone? It's hard to say.
Either way, we now need to leave town. The path to Blue Castle, right next to the shop, will dump us back on the Europe Map. But we're not done in Bistritz just yet!
If we re-enter the town and go inspect the seed sprout again, a new message appears and we're once more given the option to watch over the plant.
Let's do that again and then skip town. In order to progress this sidequest, we need to keep returning to the plant, watering it then leave Bistritz to advance it to the next phase of growth. It only takes like a minute to load the map, re-enter and run to the plant for the watering animation before leaving. Still, not the best implementation of a quest. But, at least we don't need to quit the game or anything...
I'm sure the intent was you were to return periodically to water the flower. A lot of games have quests with that sort of intent, where you do a little bit of a quest at a time between advancing other parts of the game. Nobody in the history of playing video games has ever done it that way...
This better not turn into a giant evil flower. Ditty if it turns into a giant flesh orb. I'm not doing another goddamn rhythm game.
Yuri returns to the plant for the fifth time and finds Nina in its place...

There is our final Gravestone collected for today. That's all of 'em available at this point in the game. The Light Gravestone is as of yet inaccessible until we advance a little further in the plot.

And that concludes all the available sidequests at the moment. I wanted to knock those out as soon as they're available. After certain upcoming events, we're gonna be ass deep in the endgame flood of sidequests so let's get through as many as we can early. That said, that concludes Chapter 19 of Shadow Hearts. Tune in next time for Chapter 20: Nemeton Monastery! The dark shadow of Wales is cast upon us...

Halley Portrait - Orphans just have to live with birds making nests in their newsboy hats. Such is their lot in life...