Part 61: Episode LXI: Amon
Episode LXI: Amon
Music: Wind Which Blows From the Dark II

Well, no sense in keeping the old man waiting. Hey, remember multiple people weirdly going on about Koudelka being dead after last time we saw her? Well... they definitely jumped the gun a LITTLE bit.




Music: Much Hatred Still Rankles


Simon raises his arm.

You'd think Yuri would build up a resistance to Dapper Force Lightning after getting zapped so many times.
Alice and Margarete run up to Yuri's aid.

Albert floods the area with his Dapper Force Lightning. Koudelka does not seem to be having a good time due to it. The rest of the party tries to intervene but...
Welp. It's a LOT of lightning and Yuri never built up his bolt dodging skills on the Thunder Plains.
The laser light show just kind of goes on for a while. That is, until...

Music: Tanjou


Seems Koudelka can also do Halley's power-up special. But she can focus hers into a combo fireball straight into Albert Simon's balls, taking him out instantly.

Music: ENDS
Albert Simon is a VERY sore loser. It's kind of the crux of his turn to evil...

Music: Much Hatred Still Rankles



Albert Simon briefly collapses as the energy dissipates.


Music: Demon's Gig
OK... If I've got this straight Albert Simon wants to use the Pulse Tract, an until now completely unmentioned tome similar to the Emigre Document, to summon some sort of god alien to Earth and hope it is really rowdy and nukes the planet because he vaguely knows World War I is about to go down and that seems like a huge bummer time. Yeah... we should probably not let him do that... Gonna go ahead and make the bold claim that both World Wars were preferable to a global extinction event.
With that said, Albert Simon is quite over the gang's bullshit and it's time for a proper battle against our warlock nemesis. Kinda... Albert initially begins with roughly 2000 HP, give or take. Remember that boss fight against Yuri early in the European adventures? It's gonna kinda be like that.
Sandaphlon is actually pretty useful for this fight by sheer virtue of using its Holy Crest spell to boost everyone's defenses. My first playthrough I don't think I had Alice with her full party heal yet, but did get Yuri's Level 3 Light Fusion so he was on healing duty for this battle. It made this fight a little bit rougher. But we're gonna stick to the tried and true Ifrit for now.
Usually, we've just been buffing Yuri with Ignition to boost his physical stats. But we've also been stuck almost exclusively with extra party members that were magic oriented so hell if it would have been any use there. Margarete, however, can totally benefit from a nice boost to her physical stats.
Alice's first duty is going to be giving Margarete Holy Edge to shift her physical affinity over to Light magic since Albert Simon is a Dark elemental jerk.
After that, Margarete is just on shooting Simon in the face duty while we spend Yuri and Alice's next turns giving our punchboy the same buff regiment. Marge and Yuri will both be dishing out around 350-400 HP of damage for this phase of the fight. It's going to go by very quickly at this rate. Which is good, as Cardinal Simon has some real bullshit moves.
He's still packing Revelation as his primary attack. Thankfully, we have a party that can withstand a blow from this attack and not Level 1 folks still in the tutorial. It only causes around 75-100 HP of damage at this juncture. Though, Simon can buff himself with Black Surge where he just kind of vapes/blows a cloud of fart gas (is there truly a difference) and suddenly has 33% more special attack output. Still, it ain't too bad.
On the other hand, here's a brand new attack unique to Albert Simon. He just fucking plops down the goddamn Ark of the Covenant and cracks that sucker open on the party. No face melting here, it only does 100-125 damage to the entire party. On the other hand, if we weren't equipped with this Will Power accessories we bought from Roger's shop... this attack would also halve everyone's SP. We're probably NOT gonna be able to finish this fight in less than four more turns, so that... ain't the best surprise if you're going into this fight unprepared. It still does a good 100-120 HP of damage to the entire party and that ain't insignificant. Albert, knock that shit off! That thing belongs in a museum, not as a makeshift summon!
But hey, that's what we have Alice here for, isn't it? I mean, other than the fact she's mandatory for this segment of the game for... some reason. Come to think of it, she doesn't actually DO anything of note in Nemeton and barely has any dialogue other than bagging on Yuri for being weird occasionally.
As I said early, we just need whittle down roughly 2000 HP from the warlock. He's surprisingly not very durable for the primary antagonist. That is, until...

New Music: Sick Fucking (The berserk version of Demon's Gig. Good a time as any to play it since we're firmly in bonus/end game bosses after this.)
Meet Amon -- Albert Simon's Soul Contract Fusion. The sequel makes a much bigger deal about this but in the Shadow Hearts world, you can make a pact with a demon/spirit/magical BS to get a one-off Fusion type ability. It's not fair if only the protagonist gets to have fun transforming into monsters, now is it? I think Dehuai and Wugui technically had a Soul Pact too which is why they had monster forms. It's just never brought up because of course Dehuai would be making every dumb sorcerer decision and hoping for the best.
In any event, Amon has 4000 HP and there is no break here its phase two of the same fight. A most notable difference between Albert Simon and Amon is that Amon has a Non-Elemental affiliation. With that in mind, Yuri and Margarete's Holy Edge buffs are now negated. Light element ain't gonna matter an extra spit against this guy.
Amon also has a powerful new (but very limited) skill set. And by "very limited" I mean it has exactly two techniques.
Demon Rays is a doom laser that will immolate one unfortunate target for a HEFTY 300ish HP of damage, give or take twenty points depending on who it is targeting.
This is the one we want it to use more often than not since Alice can just negate it with one of our stockpiles of Thera Roots. Remember, Arc is a massive MP drain and the less we have to use it the better. Sometimes good fashion home remedies are the best solution, ya know? For some reason, Amon just HATED Margarete and targeted her with like four out of the five Demon Rays it cast.
Ignition has probably worn off with Margarete by this point and we really can't afford to waste a turn topping her off again for just like maybe an extra 100 damage a turn. That's a 300 damage loss wasting Yuri's time and Yuri needs to top off Ignition again as well. Marge can shift over to her magic attacks. They'll only do around 200-250 damage but it's a little bit better than her physical shots will be doing. Amon is just innately more durable to physical strikes. He's a very chuffy boy. Margarete also needs to make sure Alice has enough SP/MP going forward. Yuri is too busy punching to both with that kinda stuff and we do NOT need Alice out of commission. Especially with the next attack coming up.
The thing we really need to worry about with Amon is Atomic Dust.
He just casts a nuke. We cannot come upon the horrors of the atomic age and the threat of nuclear Armageddon if it is I who burns the planet to ash first, Albert Simon declares flipping the Thanksgiving dinner table over and declaring his victory over the times.
This attack does around 150-200 HP of damage to the entire party. Which means Alice needs to tag in with Arc because the follow-up of Demon Ray will 100% KO whoever it targets with their HP drained from Atomic Dust.
As long as everyone stays the course, we should be OK. I was quite happy I managed to end this fight in the most demeaning way possible -- by having Margarete drop a pan on Amon's head.
Albert Simon did NOT prepare for the possibility of a French spy burrowing a hole through the top of the sanctuary ruins and dropping an iron pot on his head. Honestly, who possibly could have seen that one coming?

Music: Results
We get a massive load of experience and Cash for defeating Amon -- enough for Alice to learn Resurrection which... well... resurrects a KOed character. With full health, mind you. We're also rewarded +5 Soul Energy for every single element. We're moving into the endgame. We really need to get those Level 3 Fusions already!
The party also receives the final in the +20% series of earring accessories. This one boosts Sanity Points by 20%. This might not be a bad idea to stick on Alice sometime, given her eternal SP woes.
Most important of all... hey, remember that whole Destruction Stone sidequest we wasted the last time updates doing? Yeah, it was for this moment. The player MUST have the Destruction Stone in their inventory before fighting Albert Simon/Amon in order for Yuri to obtain the Amon Fusion. This is gone forever otherwise. There are no second chances!
Amon is one of two hidden bonus Fusions, this one being of the Non-Elemental Class despite looking like the Dark Elemental line's buff older brother. Amon boosts stats a straight +17 across the board in every single stat. He's a beast! The catch is... this jerk takes a whopping 56 Sanity Points for his Fusion. For reference, Yuri following this fight is currently sitting at 62 SP total.
Tune in next time as Albert Simon gracefully concedes his defeat and everything turns out just fine. Surely, the LP is nearly over!

Video: Simon Albert/Amon Boss Battle (You should at least watch the Amon half.)

Amon Fusion Render - Devilman 2.0!