Part 1
Enter the protagonist. According to the manual, he has a mysterious past (oooooOOOoo!) and visits the European city of Lebensbaum on vacation about once a year because he felt, "drawn" to it. Why he didn't just live there if he liked it so damn much is never explained.
Oooops, he just got knifed in the back.
I found a video of him getting ganked on youtube, too! Ah, information superhighway. You are a constant spout of spoilers. Never change, Internet.
After falling through a bright white light, the hapless victim lands face-first in the universe's stupidest afterlife. A big door, a pillar, a random bust, and a few broken pieces of furniture seem to be the only things that exist. If /I/ had access to extra-dimensional space and magic powers, my afterlife would be hella sweet. But who knows, maybe ruined masonry is the source of true power.
"...ah... What the ...? What's going on..."
"Dammit, who is this? Are you making fun of me?"
"Not at all. I beg your pardon if I've offended you."
"You are destined to die."
Despite some misgivings, blondie decides to accept the mysterious voice's offer (his alternative seems to be spending eternity on a fifteen foot square platform) after being assured that his benefactor's only motive is to see that he survives. A strange device flies out of the darkness and clatters onto the ground.
It's hard to say just how reluctant he sounds sometimes.
This device allows the user to contact the other digidestined, as well as unlock his digimon's--wait, no, sorry, it allows him to bend time. Along with the device, a warning is given--fate is powerful, and stopping his murderer just once won't root out the problem. Also, time continues to move in the time period he leaves--and if he's not in the present when he's destined to die, then the timestream will do--something. It's not made clear. It's probably bad.
It's hard to get good screenshots of the times... they fade real quick, and when they arn't fading, they have a stupid red line over them. Oh, well.
"sir... sir, please wake up."
After the least graceful cover ever, he leaves the cafe.
Time to go exploring!
To cut a long scene short, yes, you're gonna die at 2:30. This surprises blondie, dispite the fact that he was there when it happened last time. Next time. When it will have happened--when it will did happen? Ah, screw it.
Hell of an example, lady. You know something you're not telling us? Still, she says that if I find a bunch of people to be with, then the murderer might be scared off. She seems to know what she's talking about, so hey, let's do that.
After the conversation, the digipad glows with light, indicating it can now be used to travel through time. Also shown, three minutes. Whenever you interact with a person or object, a certain amount of time passes... spend too much time screwing around with the locals, and your fate will catch up with you. Fortunately, Lebensbaum hasn't been the same since the great sickness five years ago, and there just aren't that many people to talk to.
And we're in the past! Those effects were the SHIT back inte day. Time makes fools of us all, I suppose. Speaking of which, time traveling is thirsty work, so I'll have our hero stop by the cafe.
You could say that, you could say that.
"Time is a wheel of changes!"
That would have been a useful thing to tell me half an hour ago, man!
Seems like as good a place as any to stop for now. Before I go any further... was there ever a Shadow of Destiny Let's Play before? Was it completed?