The Let's Play Archive

Shadow of Destiny

by Mystic Mongol

Part 26

Ending B1

kethryveris posted:

Ooh, I want to visit the fortune teller!

Your use of the neckbeard emoticon reminds me I need to shave.

Visit the fortune teller, huh? Right, we'll drop in on her, then.

Only because I read the credits. I stopped visiting you after chapter two... you never say anything interesting, just, "Ooooooh, you haven't defied fate yet. Four thirty! You owe me Fooooour thirty for my predictions!" Maybe if you kept giving hints, but you were so dull. I'd much rather spend what little time traveling time I have visiting random people and giving them things.

Go on, then, give your wife a hug, you jackass.

Ironically, her long, kind of rambling story has only just begun.

What the hell did you die of?

The homunculus machine is quite clearly a pot of water being boiled on a stove.

You can breach the barrier between life and death like that? I must have sent a lot of pasta to a tortured twilight zone between dimensions over the years.

This scene is full of crazy panning and spinning, making it dramatic and exciting! Lots of close-up shots of varrious walls and such.

That's the time Hugo tried ressurecting mom Margarete mentioned earlier.

If you look back, after he dies, Eike finds the fortune teller's house and says, "I've never noticed this place before." Continuity! So rare in a game like this.

Creature? Who do you mean?


So, in this ending Eike knows the horrible truth about who Homunculus is. Helena doesn't know who Eike is... or if she does, she's not letting on.

Awww, how sweet!

And Eike can no longer see the fortune teller or her fortune telling shop. I guess he's not halfway dead any more! Fate defied!

You regain control of Eike here... rather than ask the goons, I just marched him back to Hugo for another showdown.

Hugo goes on a whole emo rant here. Apparently he's crushed that his house isn't intact four hundred years in the future, and he's angry at Eike for that, too.

And here he starts squeaking like a five year old girl.

Well gee golly gosh, if you put it that way, I might as well take a look!

Quick scene change.

You can feel free to imagine four screenshots of "...Hugo...Hugo..." if you really want to.

You stay here and be held hostage. I'm going to go into this abandoned building.

Termites. Terrible problem.

Best action scene in the game, and it still comes up short compared to an attack animation from the final fantasy of your choice. I'm absolutely convinced half the programmers listed in the credits don't exist, and were simply pulling paychecks from Konami. Nothing complicated ever happens in the animation, and the screenshots make the actors all look like 3d poser models.

Mommy always makes everything better.

Sometimes mommy has to kill her little baby to make everything better, but it's OK. You don't have to thank her.

I think it was a happier ending when Mr. Eckart just beat the tar out of the little snot.

And the whole place collapses in on itself.

Maybe it would have been better if Eike had just erased him from the time line. This ending seems a little--harsh.

See what I mean?

Cut for brevity: Thirty seconds of watching Margarete be miserable.

Also cut: The fact that no one leaves their house and investigates the sudden destruction of one of the oldest buildings in the city.

That is so goddamn creepy.

Eike and Homunculus have their game-ending exposition here.

Maybe if you hadn't led her brother into a collapsing building, she'd want to spend more time with you, Eike.

You can't cancel out of this screen or travel to the present or anything.

You can walk arround in the past, but no one says anything new, there's no clock visible in the upper right corner, and there's nothing to do. And Dana's missing, as is Margarete. Also, for some reason there's no time machine in the basement of the laboratory. Maybe Homunculus cleaned it up somehow? Well, no matter, I guess.

I want to punch him so badly! He's fragile, he'd crumble like tissue.

This is LIKE the other B ending... only Mr. Eckart gets no shining moment, Margarete is miserable in the past, and Hugo is dead. Homunculus has ruined the lives of dozens, and Eike is going to do is round-the-world memoryless tour until he dies of some accident and falls into hell. So! Guess I'll do the C ending next.