Part 4
The chapter starts with Dana the waitress running up to Eike. She offers him an enormous ruby that someone apparently found in the cafe. None of the customers said it was theirs, so she came running to see if Eike had dropped it. Eike explains that no, it isn't his, sorry. Everyone in this city is so honest and friendly! I see why Eike vacations here.
Dana and Eike may look more human than the rest of the NPCs, but not by much.
"I had to run a few tiny objects two blocks."
"I've died twice in the last hour."
Eike realizes now may not be the best time to try to hit on Dana, so he schedules some time to hit on her tomorrow--hopefully by then his sudden bouts of die-alot-itis will have cleared up.
What does Eike DO for a living, anyway?
Not ENTIRELY sure how Eike died here. A needle? Maybe it was poisoned. It didn't look like it was thrown or anything, so... did the attacker sneak up behind Eike? But Eike was talking to Dana, face to face! And the square had at least three other people in it...
Well, no matter. Eike's dead, it's not like he can interview the witnesses and take statements.
That's that... the chapter's goal has been revealed. Time to try again, only without dying this time.
Eike has the exact same conversation as last time, so let's skip over that. When you gain control, you're standing in front of Dana.
That's right, you can't go look behind the tree because it would be socially awkward. Christ.
You can keep talking to her, and have a nice little conversation, but...
Well, there's a murderer behind the tree.
You keep having slightly different conversations with Dana, but you keep getting murdered, too.
Eventually Eike gets pretty smug about the whole affair. Still gets murdered, though.
Enough of this nonsense. This time.... TO THE PAST!
Er... was that supposed to happen?
I'm leaving out about 90% of these conversations, by the way. All of them are much longer.
Anyway, back in the day, we have a girl being hastled for wearing a fancy dress... either she goes to jail, or she gives fancy dresses to all of her neighbors. Ah, corruption.
The neighbors all look like women you saw in the present (who were much nicer) but the girl being badgered has no present-time counterpart.
Eike drops in.
The law gets involved. Oh noes, how will we deal with this?
Ha ha! People in the past sure were stupid! You can also use your lighter for the "Fire from my hand" trick, but that's lame. Everyone runs off and the girl invites you to her house. Ooooooh yeah!
And that's all you need to know about the mother, ever.
Eike's actually asking about what happened to Dana, it's not like he forgot she came along for the ride. She just wasn't there when he landed.
Ah, dysfunction in the home--a concept that transcends time periods. Anyway, Margerette runs off to see what's what downstairs, and Hugo (the brat) spots the Digipad. He runs over to investigate and knocks it out of Eike's hands, wretched little brat. Eike quickly retrieves it.
I like that guess, actually.
God DAMN! How would some kid from the past know what a device called the "Digipad" would do? Maybe it has something to do with his father's job.
It might be an alchemical device. It's not like WE have any clue how it works.
With THAT description, we'll find her in seconds! After exchanging a few more pleasantries, Eike excuses himself to go find Dana, who has to be arround here somewhere.
Did they HAVE casual dating in the late middle ages?
Thank GOD, chapter's almost done, and we're only just beginning the exploration.
He must be planting the murderer will hide behind! Hid behind. Will have hid behind?
Like any good adventure game, there are a few essential items just lying arround. mercifully, they're all highlighted by a blue pulsing glow, so you know to get the ladder. And like any true adventure game hero, Eike slips the ladder into his pocket without complaint.
Bribe our way into the Squire's Mansion with a picture postcard, and we find the crest... which can be reached with a ladder.
Eike pulls out a pack of cigarettes and starts to light one, but thinks better of it.
Those flowers have been there for FOUR HUNDRED YEARS. That's a good job planting flowers... and incidentally happens to prevent the murderer from having a place to hide. Hurrah!