Part 10: Know Your Friends
Part 10 - Know Your Friends

We're back, and with a new party member and a bunch of mystery discs as souvenirs. We also get a juicy gift of +8 Karma for completing... well, finishing the mission.

We're also immediately greeted by this giant message. Crew advancement is a feature added in Director's Cut which allows us to pick various unique bonuses for each of our companions as the game progresses. This is yet another system which was carried practically unchanged into Hong Kong.

Here's an example of the crew advancement screen. As the game says, you always have to make a choice between two distinct options and the one you don't pick is lost forever. In the bottom left you can also see which attributes and skills have increased with this "level up". There are 6 levels in total and a new one is unlocked every couple of missions.
Time to make some choices, so let's take a look at what we have to choose from, starting from Eiger.

Scatter Shot inflicts the same Unbalanced debuff as flashbangs, increasing the target's chance to be hit by 6% for 2 turns. You can't really go super wrong with either of these. Scatter Shot no doubt sees more use but it's also real boring, so I prefer Steady Shot despite its 2 AP cost just for those situations where you want to absolutely make sure RNG doesn't screw you out of a finishing blow.
Next up is Dietrich:

At first glance this seems relatively clear-cut: -1 Armor on one specific spell isn't that much while better accuracy on throwing knives means more reliable flushing out of cover. But there's one problem: Direct stat boosts from crew advancement are bugged and don't actually apply the bonus they're supposed to. In other words Blade Specialist I which is supposed to increase Dietrich's Throwing Weapons skill does literally nothing, making Meltdown the winner here by default. Oops!
The upside is that Electro Core is (or rather will eventually be) a legitimately useful area spell which sees a decent amount of use and making it ever-so-slightly better doesn't hurt at all. But exciting it is not.
Glory is up last because Blitz starts from Level 2 and won't get an upgrade until Level 3:

Now maybe it's the humongous claws that make handling a gun a tad difficult, but whatever the reason there's no getting around the fact that Glory kind of sucks at hitting things with her pistol and a little extra damage on a 2-turn cooldown is not going to fix that.
Compound Attack isn't exactly game breaker material either, but at least it's an improvement on what she already does best and AP damage is always valuable. Plus kicking someone in the gut after clawing their eyes out is just rude in a way I can definitely appreciate.
As a side note Glory gets by far the biggest Karma boost on this level out of anyone, getting improvements on no less than 9 different stats and skills. Show-off.

With that out of the way, we can head back to the safe house. Many of Kreuzbasar's residents have new stuff to say and the merchants have improved their wares, but we'll leave that tour for another day. Today's focus is going to be on our crew members, both old and new.

Blitz's hangout is at the front of the store, alone in front of his computer like a true

[He slaps the table with a grin.]

This is a generic question we can ask everyone after completing a mission, and the answer often depends on how the mission was handled. Not everyone likes doing things the same way.

[Blitz glances wistfully back at the terminal on the table, then turns back with a sigh of resignation.]

[He does his best to give you a winning smile.]

With all the "chief"s Blitz keeps throwing around it's hard not to hear his dialogue in the voice of Morte from Planescape: Torment. Maybe that's just me though.

To my surprise googling "Leoni Luster" does not bring up a porn star.

Some people really dislike Blitz. I suspect one's opinion on the man depends a whole lot on how seriously you take his constant yet largely baseless self-compliments.

[Blitz rocks back on his feet, his hands in his pockets.]

If you're a real idiot then this really is the end of the story, but it definitely says something that it only takes Intelligence 2 to know better.

So the whole mess at the hotel was all because of him, huh. We have the option to call him out as a disloyal traitor here which obviously pisses him off, but if we're being honest giving up your life out of gang loyalty probably wouldn't have been our choice either. Still, he can count his lucky stars Winters was killed by the mysterious Matrix monster instead of one of the gangers.

[Blitz lets out a sigh of relief.]

There's something refreshingly ordinary about Blitz, he's just a guy who didn't get off to the best start in life and is trying to get by in a dog-eat-dog world using what means he can. He can sometimes come across as immature and even kind of shitty which means he'll never win popularity contests, but overall his flaws feel natural for someone who has gotten their life lessons from gangs and the streets.

Eiger's now seen the effects of whatever it is that's lurking in cyberspace with her own eyes, so let's see which way the wind is blowing today.

[Her body relaxes. She begins to turn away.]

[She stops, and turns back to face you. You can see the wariness behind her eyes.]

This feels maybe a touch more aggressive than usual, but the other two choices are either telling her to stuff her apology completely or going way in the other direction with a syrupy sweet approach. More on the latter in a bit.

Hmm. We've gotten off to such a late start with Eiger that we still don't have the slightest clue of who she actually is and why she's here.

So, Eiger is a little interesting in that she pretty openly defies the usual RPG convention of "winning friendship points" by being super accepting and understanding to everyone at all times regardless of their actual personality. This is how the conversation goes if you get all mushy about her apology:
Youre a valued member of this team, Eiger. We need you now more than ever. Im glad that youre on my side.
I wasnt trying to flatter you, Eiger. I only wanted to tell you how--
How wonderful and valuable I am. Yeah, I got that part. And now that youve given me a pat on the head, I suppose that you expect me to fall in line like a good little soldier.
Meta commentary on the sociopathic nature of RPG protagonists who always pick the "right" things to say in order to please everyone, or just another example of Eiger's inflexible and suspicious nature making her read too much into a genuine (if misaimed) attempt at patching things up? Perhaps a bit of both.

Keeping with the same order as last time, we find Glory in her usual spot. No hard feelings over our unsolicited scrying from last time, hopefully.

[There is no hostility in her voice. If anything, she sounds suspicious.]

I don't really feel like my commentary's going to add anything worthwhile to Glory's tale, so you'll get a little time off from me here.

[Glory shakes her head.]

Mildly creepy alternative:
Keep going, Glory. This was just getting good.

Depending on who you ask, Glory's background can hit uncomfortably close to home, or maybe not at all. Either way it's pretty clear her story's not going to get much happier from here. One thing's for sure, after DMS' mostly paper-thin cast of characters Dragonfall sure feels like it was an expansion to some completely different game.

Now, what's our bald buddy cooking in the kitchen?

insert here that Simpsons quote about how being tired of Weird Al equals being tired of life except it's about Dietrich

Messer, er, MESSERKAMPF! has fans further abroad than he might think, a fact which we'll learn later. And by "later" I mean in the next game.

[Dietrich shakes his head.]

One obvious reason Dietrich is so likeable is because he's easy to relate to pretty much no matter who you are. If not yet, then at least eventually. We all grow old and many of us start giving gradually fewer fucks about superficial things, especially other people's opinions about ourselves. And sooner or later the day comes when we realize that we have to start slowing things down, that our body just can't quite keep up the way it used to even if the mind was still willing. It's not all bad - we find other, different things to replace what we lose - but it's definitely a one-way street.
[He shakes himself from his reverie and looks back up at you. That familiar, easy grin returns to his face.]

That's definitely a system I can get behind. Though it does raise the question of "where will it end", skulls will stop getting bigger eventually after all. But perhaps that's a discussion for another day.

This has all been a lot to chew on but before we end this update, let's at least see if Paul can figure out our next step.

Mid-2000's? I'm surprised they even had electricity that long ago.

Now before we finish, I'd like to show off an alternate conversation with Paul which happens if you started a gunfight on the Kesselhaus club floor by attacking Frank for his elevator key:
News travels fast, Rosa. It seems a small group of well-armed assailants entered Das Kesselhaus hotel earlier today and "cleaned house", so to speak.
If you believe the tale, the controlling gang was eliminated down to the last man, then the assailants strolled calmly out the front door. Leaving a rather interesting power vacuum for the residents of Drogenkippe in their wake.
[Amsel fixes you with a hard stare.]
You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?
Gang? What gang?
Yes, "what gang" indeed. I would recommend subtlety where possible. Mass bloodshed is not always the best means to an end. But enough of this. We have more pressing matters to discuss.
As one last thing, this conversation can be taken in a slightly different direction if you also have the Academic etiquette:
You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?
They had it coming. If our actions altered the balance of power in Drogenkippe, it was simply an example of the Flux in action.
An interesting theory. The Flux does seek to depose those who overstep the bounds of their power, it is true.
But I am not convinced that the elimination of an entire gang was the *only* way in which a more egalitarian state of affairs could be reached. Nor am I convinced that this will be an improvement for the people of Drogenkippe. Only time will tell.
It's actually possible for Paul to start disliking you, though I'm not entirely sure whether that's caused solely by being rude to him or if finishing missions in a questionable manner also plays into it.

Anyway, see you next time as we try to figure out what to do with these "DVD" thingamajigs and maybe go check how our colorful cast of neighbors are doing while we're at it.