The Let's Play Archive

Shattered Union

by pesty13480

Part 15

(click the thumbnails for large)

Here's the world at the beginning of the second month of Civil War 2.0:

My plan is to attack Southern Texas, you know the drill:

There's the landmark in San Antonio, I think it's a university of some sort.

This is the one in Austin. No idea what it is. I like Austin, some great music has come out of there, so it shall be spared.

And Houston wouldn't be Houston without the Astrodome, wouldn't it? God I hate football.

My deployment, Southwest of San Antonio. Did you know that Saint Anthony is the patron saint of graveyards, amputees and baskets? A fitting combination, especially for what happens to the people of San Antonio.

Upon deploying, I see the grey confederates in San Antonio.

And this is our new toy in action, I love it, I really do. That's why he gets a full sized screen shot.

By the time my turn ended, here is what it looked like after the confederates took over.

They succeeded at gunning down my chaparral.

And this is what San Antonio looked like after the battle. Also, I deliberately hit it with chemical weapons and white phosphorus, just because I'm a cruel tyrant and a terrible human being.

As I pushed the army North into San Antonio, this is what we came across. Just a few bits of partisans and an apache or supercobra.

Standard operating procedure of corrosives and chaparrals fixed that situation and, upon the enemy's turn:

Wow, they still had an army, but I still had a full army too - minus the chaparral, and since you pretty much know how I operate my forces you can imagine I trounced them on the very next turn.

Here's the ending stats:

Now Dallas/Fort Worth is an interesting map in that it only has one large city, worth all the objective points on it. My plan for this was to use our motherfucking MIRV-based nuclear warhead on the city, take a screen shot of that, and say game over.

+ my deployment.

Dallas' landmark. It's pretty shitty.

I basically held my troops here and ran down the turns to get to the goody. The problem is the Confederates just charged a bunch of God damned partisans and hummers into me, with no rhyme or reason, and then resigned. No nuked Dallas for you.

I promise I'll get you Atlanta though, I promise; even if I have to attack it with a single helicopter and fly the God damned thing around, evading the enemy, for eight turns.

And here's a map of the world.

The Confederates are almost as in as much bad shape as the Texans. No armies worth speaking of - hopefully my little cheat to give them some money should help things out otherwise I would have just steamrolled everything right up to the EU. That's the problem with this game, really. If you or the AI have one, really, really, bad battle and lose, it's game over for that faction.