Part 26
The last battle against the EU is pretty anti-climatic. They all die, and fast, and I spare Boston because I like the state of Massachusetts and it's part of New England; I suppose I should hate them all, given that I live in New France, but hey, c'est la vie.
Just to let you know, I tried to toy with the idea of just running the overmap 'turns' about 50 times to let the EU accumulate some money but as soon as its bar got a quarter full it would launch everything it had right into New York and I would be forced to destroy it and try again. I gave up trying to do that and just attacked whatever they had.
And the curbstomp of the EU begins.
And that Church with the golden dome seems to be Boston's landmark; it's the New State House and is indeed covered with gold. Leaf. Cheap bastards.
I don't even bother taking a picture of the deployment zone. It's just a bunch of tanks in a straight line. I charge them as far as they can go forward and lo and behold.
Here's me swatting shit units.
Yes, none of them even survive to fire defensively. End of turn picture.
The AI didn't attack because all of its shit partisan units would instantly die to defensive fire from the Stuarts they probably wouldn't even scratch.
More cleanup.
Are those armoured limos?
And the last of the European Union Peacekeeping Force is dead, glory be.
A cheap video plays!
Allow me to transcribe:
Now that a new union has been formed, the Independent Commonwealth of Hawaii has agreed to join the new government. Furthermore, we have just been told that the American forces are preparing to engage the forces of President Vladekov in Alaska, to retake the last territory of the former USA. Vladekov still retains controls the Russian military and the fight to regain Alaska is expected to be one of the largest battles in recent memory.
We wish the best of luck to American troops on the eve of battle, and God bless America. :9/11:
Note: What the fuck kind of God would want to bless the America I just created?
Here's my army as it stands.
We'll be sending all of it.
There are no landmarks in Alaska. Alaska sucks and the Yukon Territory is better, so suck that.
Our job is to take Fairbanks.
And Anchorage.
I deploy my army in two, separate and unequal forces:
And these guys up on a hill which was dumb of me because tanks have shit mountain pathing and it will take them forever to crawl down.