The Let's Play Archive

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner 2

by Luisfe

Part 96: Mercy kill?

Update 96

I forgot the exact area to be visited so eh let's go through this particular Tento Sanctuary here.

Old One: "Apoluawn... ha scome from thes ky... At last... Apoluawn.... has fin ally come tothe... Tento Sanc tuary... Ohh... But... the Apoluawn... The Apoluawn! The... The Apoluawn! Many of them... came! They... ate... us... Muf ellow... Old Ones... we reaten! "

It seems not in the way the Old Ones wanted. Maybe the Mushibito know more.

Old one: "Theyb ring misfortune... with them... Even.... the Apoluawn... The Apoluawn are... ser vants of... the Great Ma... As thes ong... says... But.... That Apoluawn... It... cut me... It ripped me... Apart... Why? The Apoluawn is sup posed... to be... ours avior!"

So, are they a bit like the Reapers in Mass Effect? Salvation through destruction? WhaT? No?
Is the Old One just nuts?

Old One: "Wel ost... ourb ride... It's all the Apoluawn's fault! The Apoluawn... came and... caused havoc... Ourb ride... was here... I nee ded to... prot ect her... I let her... escape... She isnot... co ming back... Withou tour... bride... we will die out..."

Yup, there is decidedly a lack of Akane there.

Old One: "Th-The mask... we wear... it... It can't be! There... wa san... earthquake... A huge... earthquake... A fellow... Old One... wen tabove... to see... what ha ppened. If he had seen.. The Apoluawn... He would have... come back... to tell me... But... he did not. Then... Inthe... Apoluawun's mouth... Them ask... we wear... No... No... ! dID THAT... Apoluawn... e-e-eat... myb rother Old One?"

Well, that's enough Old ONes

Let's see what waits for us in this area.

Woman's voice: "...n thes ky..."

This gives no proper response. Why would she know who Raidou Kuzunoha is?

Woman's voice: "... en the sky... is pierced right through... Pier... ier... ced... Great Ma..."

This, on the other hand, has a decidedly different effect.

Of course, this is what Raidou is being paid to do, after all.

Those are sounds from her killing herself?

Yes they are.

"Brian... This might not be the best time to wonder, but... When Narita gave us the poison... What do you think his reasoning behind that was? He knew this dame was a sacrifice to the Tento Lords... That she'd be disfigured beyond all recognition. Was he thinking of her future? Did he know her suffering and work to give her salvation in death? Or was he thinking more of his own future? Knowing if anyone found out the ugly truth, it could hurt hinm politically? "

Everything seems to lead to THIS one, he was horribly concerned about her, and obviously still hurting about everything that happened. The pill was more or less a mercykill, after all, Akane was to take a place not dissimilar in time.
In any case, how the HELL could someone (that is not Raidou) find out and trace Narita to her? No, thinking about his future is pretty much out of the question.
On the other hand, this is the Law choice and we've seen a bunch of those already, so the other option it is.

"Maybe you're right. If that dame's continued existence means Narita could lose everything... Maybe she understood that and took the poison for his sake...."

"Either way... Our work for Narita is done. Good job."


Now let's head towards the Three Cedars.

Note: Light Up does more than just finding hidden items. It also undarkens dark areas where one trips and falls and loses money and demons. Bah.


Oh boy. Caught red-handed.

No one else has that speech pattern (And is male). To be expected.

"... I hope you won't take this personally, Raidou. "

"I'm aware you are charged with saving the Capital form the threat posed by the Gate to the Abysmal Realm... However... I can't allow you to have this. "
"I don't get it. We figured out the children's song and tracked down that scripture to get rid of the Gate... We're banking everything on that to make sure the Capital has a future. If you don't explain yourself, you can't expect me to understand your motives for doing this."

"Your theory is correct, Mr. Gouto. The logical processes are sound. I'll wait for you at the Pojitrawn Chamber, Raidou."

He could probably give Manfred Von Karma a run for his money in the pointing and objecting area.

So, the next thing to be done is to follow him to the Pojitrawn. Hm. Well, he likely has something to say there.