Part 6: Jail Break (Goin' For Broke)
So, now it's off to prison for us.

The assistant from earlier runs in.

Saved for now, I suppose. Nothing can save me from...

Kyouji. No escaping this scolding.

I hate to say it, but it seems like your reputation wasn't the greatest in the first place. Not sure how much damage I could do at this point.

OFFICER: Get out, you're being released.
Lucky us. Wonder if Rei came to pick us up.

OFFICER: Somebody who confirmed your identity showed up just now. They're waiting for you outside.
A few chatterboxes come by to spout some exposition.

VOICES:, that explosion at the professor's house. Professor Azuma wasn't there?
...He's gone missing, like usual...
And that guy at the scene, that clumsy private detective...Isn't that just what he calls himself?
...Anyway, those Tendou-Gumi punks...We still haven't located their bodies...
I guess they went missing after the explosion...
Inspector Momochi says that he saw it...Isono? Oh, that near-sighted assistant of his...
Inspector Momochi already headed to the university?
...Yeah, and in a hurry...
It's just one of those "monster disturbances"
...But the campus seems to be in a panic...
Alright, that's enough plot from you two. Time to find our sponsor.

Oh, look who it is.

I can't say that was unexpected, but it would be nice if she could go about it in a bit of a gentler manner.

Lady, I just got out of prison, I think I'll have to pass for now.

Scary! I guess I'll take this job after all.

She's off, and Rei comes to take her place.

About that...

You don't understand, Rei, I was frightened for my very life.

I really can't please anyone.

The police station is located in the Chuou district. We won't need to come back here for awhile, though.
First I head to Yarai Ginza to heal up and save, as well as quickly check in with Redman.

And off we go to Casa Inui. A woman mentioned it back at Innocence; it's an apartment building located in the Asahi district.

New demons:
Obariyon Angel Ogre

Casa Inui is really nothing to sneeze at, though it does mark the first appearance of one of my favorite dungeon themes.

I'll agree with the woman at Innocence that it's a pretty nice place as far as apartment buildings go.

The entire building is 4 stories tall. The boss is on the fourth floor, but I can't just take the elevator up to get to him. This is also one of the first dungeons that's more maze-like, or at the very least it's less linear.

Whoa, lady! Put some clothes on! This is Angel, and this marks the first appearance of SMT's infamous "bondage angel" design.

To get to the boss, I'll have to go to the third floor, go down one floor, go down another floor, head back up to the third floor, and go up an elevator to the fourth floor.

Made it.

VENGEFUL GHOST'S VOICE: ...Who dares to trespass on our territory?

INUI: A human disturbing our slumber cannot be forgiven.
...Inui Platoon, charge!

VS Ghost Inui and Ghost Platoon Soldiers
These guys aren't too tough, especially after that last boss. The whole platoon specializes in Gun attacks, which we haven't seen a lot of, but there not much to sweat about. The only thing to watch out for are the Ghost Soldiers' kamikaze attack, Cherry Blossom, which can knock out a good percentage of your health and potentially kill you.
They're all weak to Fire, which is why I had Rei use Agi...except only one of her attacks actually managed to hit.

INUI: ...These sorrowful thoughts of suicide plague us, but all we wanted was to sleep peacefully...Yet after a mere half-century, this building dedicated to making money was built on these grounds...
Brimming with anger, we became these vengeful ghosts...
Man, this job ended up being depressing. But speaking of making money, I'm gonna go get my pay now.

Now, off to the panicking Kitayama University. I should be able to get in the front in this time...

POLICE: There is no entry allowed past this point.

Rude. Well, like Kumiko said, the back gate is always open. Guess we'll head there.
New demons:
Yowie Moh Shuvuu Yamachichi Yamawaro

Hmm. Wasn't exactly thinking I'd have to traverse a forest to get to the building. Didn't Kumiko say this was a shortcut? Well, it's the only way.

This dungeon marks a whole new slew of demons, including the Yamawaro that I fused for the last dungeon as well as SMTDS-exlusive Yamachichi.

Ta-da! Fan-favorite Moh Shuvuu makes an appearance! This is the only game where her color scheme is yellow and dark purple instead of pink and light purple. There's actually a few demons whose colors are SMTDS-exlusive, but whose designs are still used to this day. Normally I don't show many demon conversations, but this one was a bit special.

MOH SHUVUU: C'mon, talk about something fun.
Talk about your youth
Talk about your hardships
>Tell a vulgar joke
I pick the obvious choice.

MOH SHUVUU: ? Hey, hey, what's a ♂♂♂? Hey, are ♂♂♂ something good?
I guess Moh Shuvuu was not impressed with my dick joke, because she did not decide to join me. Well, it's actually just because she's a Dark demon, and you can't negotiate with them - I bet my joke was great. Demons are broken up into Light, Neutral, and Dark demons, and are further broken down by Law, Neutral, and Chaos. This Moh Shuvuu, for example, is Dark-Law.

Most of the demons here are Dark, like this Obariyon, which means very little recruiting.

I did get this little piggy, Katakirauwa, to join me, as well as bondage Angel.

Along the way, Yamawaro smacks me with another ailment, Panic. Those inflicted may choose to act randomly, choosing to guard or attack, and demons may choose to return to the COMP.

Did the students go through this to get to class every day? Was this university running some kind of crazy botany or arboriculture program? So many questions.

Oh, I see the building in the distance. Almost there.

Made it. I step inside.
Next update: We get to see-hee a special pair of demons, ho.