Part 121: Harley! Long time no see!
Update 67

They all float down there. Wait, no, only Seraph does. In any case, how nice of them for letting one see where a hole is before actually going through there.

The areas not shown in the map lead to holes.

But we don't want to go down through a hole, no, we want to go through the red door.

Hey, look just who is back! (Youtube)
It is Harley! (Viddler)
He is still batshit (Veoh)
Well, let's go in.

There he is.

He speaks like Legion on Devil Summoner.

And turns into his weirdass zebra form.

He happens to still be immune to any and all sorts of magical fire, so using Piryphlegeton is out of the question.

Other types of magical damage are fair game, though.

If not particularly effective.

Reincarnate is, as expexted, powerful against it.

But then again that was witha Mind Charge.

Fortunately, Seraph is not weak against Fire anymore.

Harley is still very much so succeptible to Ice, which is a good thing for the party.

And a Mind-charged Reincarnate is just nasty.

And here it is, once again, the number one type of spell every SMT player wishes he or she had access to it in the game (and no, Impel Stones don't count)

Missing File: dds024.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact
Missing File: dds025.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact
Two infernos and one of those. Nasty.
But, there is nothing to be afraid of, no sir.

There. Over.

And his data just dissipates.

Not bad, not bad.

Let's see what was it that Harley was guarding.

"He was going to shoot Serph, so I... I...
To be honest, I didn't lik that little girl! Those eyes...
It was all for Serph, I...
Oh... What have I done!?"
Well that wasn't exactly the best course of action she could've had

And this is th prelude for a rather annoying section. Yes, that is an invidible bridge, a leap of faith, if you will. This one ain't bad, though.

I don't know about you, but I really like the design for this thing,
Notice: As an Asura, he lacks eyes.

Another leevel up. Bah.

That was painless.

This weird offshoot is, well, weird.

Simple enough, I guess.

About time!
A new large node means that it is possible now to teleport to the surface.

Convenient, isn't it?

It certainly is, in my opinion.
Missing File: dds051.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact
Time to sell a lot of stuff. Or not such a lot, but at least it will provide ample moneys.

That is convenient, I think.

Let's buy a couple of these.

Not exactly what I wanted in any of the 3 boxes, but hey, that'll have to do.

Back to the third layer.

Hey, a wide open area! I don't think there have been any of those for a while.

Missing File: dds065.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact
Yup. A branching leap of faith. 
No, this is not the target.
Well, it is a target, but not the CURRENT target.
Straingely, the next encounter was a fun one.

Oh yes.

Is Timmy the most stereotypical "young boy in problem" name? I think it is.

The second one would make sense, but it isn't that.

What is the significance of a lock around a giant's neck?

The first one would be fun.

Silly Jack, there are no Bonus mantras.

Since MP drain shares the element type...

Which makes sense, really.

Each -nda spell removes two, so 2.

This was said by Angel, IIRC.

Yeah, FAQ.

It is more like 3 paces, though.

Vanity can cause all status effects, and Poison Rain has it in the name. Wicked Curse is Curse/Death, so that.

Who the hell is Arciel?

Just like Bugaboo.


This too.
Missing File: dds100.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact

The correct one is Turbulence. i assumed it was not because it was not correctly spelled. Or something. Oh well.

That means 2 more encounters with him, and there will be no more Quiz questions. I wonder what happens when there are no more quizzes?

Neural Shock
Poison Mist
Null Nerve"

That Bufula needs to be replaced

That'll do nicely.