Part 123: Leaps of faith passed.
Update 69

Let's advance. This shouldn't be too annoying.

Cold Wave
Ice Amp"

It wasn't!

It can get confusing, though.
Missing File: dds009.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact

Jack is definitely more assholish in this incarnation than in any of the other games.
Missing File: dds012.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact

At least money is dropped generously by the enemies in this area.

Other than the leap of faith room, there is not much to say about this floor.

So obviously, it HAS to be reused in the next floor. Yes.

Let's see this area that looks like where Jack was. Maybe there will be someone there as well.


Two lackluster items were there, but no encounter.

Atma Premium
Devour Mana"

There is an object there. Let's get it.

Well. Now THAT is a neat goody.
Missing File: dds033.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact
I guess it is supposed to be the rock Cain used to smash Abel's head. Convenient.

And also conveniently, a save spot.
Missing File: dds039.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact

Another of the holy shit expensive ones.

Maybe Executioner WILL be a better Consume. Insatiable wasn't. Insatiable is a multihit med damage hunt skill.

As seen here.

Atma premium might be useful later, though. Or for the others since Seraph will gobble up everything in hir path.

This one is made useless by Auto Soma, though.
NEXT: Another old face returns.