Part 124
Update 70
Well, let's advance.

There is nothing to do here but go forward.

Aw, I was kind of expecting something right after the terminals. That would've been nice.
So, first, a bit of grinding.

Phys Resist"

Missing File: dds008.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact
"Charm SlashCounterstrike
Null Risks"

Notice: Whatever Datas are acquired in battle, they go to Seraph. All of them.

Well that enlightenment ability would be rather nice if it ever happened in occasions other than on levelups. Bah.

That is kind of disappointing, I would have preferred a regular mantra, it was too expensive for a measly 3 point increase.

Seraph will have to go a while without a mantra since the least expensive one costs more than the current total moneys.

Like so.

Roland and the rest can get some stuff, though.

And here is th target.
Hey look, Bat is also there (Youtube)
And retains exactly the same weaknesses as before (Viddler)
More fun than Harley, in any case. (Veoh)

And he, like Harley, also speaks like a Legion.

And still looks like a rejected Sailor Moon villain.

Camazotz is still an interesting design.

Reincarnate doesn't do much at first.

And clearly, attacking him with wind is not a very good idea.

Electricity, on the other hand, is perfectly advisable.

He still has an area of effect attack, but at first it is not particularly dangerous.

Uh. They are.

Bat happens to have both Rages.

And he is still able to turn the characters into bats.

Bad screenshot, hopefully more noticeable in the video.

Argilla is a bat

They regain their natural forms after a while. How silly.

Missing File: dds048.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact

Spiral Edge is more dangerous when they are turned into winged rats.

While turned into flying mammals, the stats are greatly diminished, but skills are still accesible and all.

In my opinion, this looks particularly silly.

Even with the bat form, Reincarnate with a Mind Charge is rather strong.

That means a Psycho Rage and turning everyone into bloodsuckers.

Aw, that's kind of cute.

When Bat is in that form, he is only weak against Earth. Fortunately, Argilla has just the ticket.

Like in the first encounter, that breaks the stance.

And then there is this.


"Sakura Rage
Attack All
Close Call"

Force Resist"

Expel Repel"

Bat is done.

And now, something annoying that I am not gonna transcribe.

Forever. And ever. And. Ever.

I should be upgrading the rings soon.

VERY nice. A new large terminal.

And that means teleporting.


And then buying a pair of mantras.

Well, that should be enough for a while.