Part 126: More weird subbosses.
Update 72
As Feinne said, there is a shockingly large amount of dungeon left to be explored. So let's get crackin' on that.

This part is silly, one has to traverse the place with the floating lily pads, and then go through unconnected corridors in order to get to the next lilies.

Like so.
And there are those weird sub bosses.

"I was a Corporal in the Brutes...
But, I was also born Girimehkala.
No, I'm a knight... On a crusade.
There's too much solar data here. I can't maintain my self...
I need to eliminate unnecessary data. Yeah, that'll work...
Unnecessary solar data like you!"

Isn't that adorable? A Girimehkala thinking he can destroy the Seraph. Silly.

All that is needed is there.

More tentacled sphincters.

And more.
And then another sub boss.

"Man and woman are not yet to become one.
By God's will, your mind and body must be split asunder once more!
Ingest once more the fruit of knowledge and realize your sin."
A Seraph Lore and it is ready for ingestions.

Like this.

"Null Sleep
Mana Walk"

How convenient, a terminal. There is probably something important nearby.

Let's see.

It is Mick! Again. (Youtube)
Unfortunately, I am an idiot (Viddler)
Never did once use the body's weakness. Doesn't matter, though.

Let's go.

Same as before, really.

That is for its only dangerous attack, which is Earth aligned.

Reincarnate is definitely awesome.

At last, bosses starting to use debuffers.

The body is not vulnerable to most magic. It is vulnerable to fire but noo I couldn't remember that while the fight was being recorded.

Likewise, Wind is good against the head, that I did remember. Body immune, though.

Due to abusing the head's weakness, the order of defeat is not the ideal one.

But the power of Reincarnate is far too much for poor Rahu.

Auto Chakra"

Stun Wave
Null Panic
Null Poison"

Hooray, that will provide ample monetary funds.

"My name is James Mason... Remember me now?
You gave here my message. Thanks.
I know she died too, but I guess that's just karma.
In the next life I'm gonna make her happy, no matter what. I swear it.
That means it's up to you to save the world, so we can be reborn in the first place.
I am counting on you. "

And that's why the Lotus was being kept. Eh.

Oh no! An ominous seal!

"As long as you're inside, you will be unable to transform during battle.
Proceed, Seraph."


Also carried by Noah's dove.
