Part 130: TELEPORTS. Part the Second.
Update 76

First thing that happened after loading up the file was this. It was a pleasant surprise, getting a nice Omoikane fight.

An extremely NICE Omoikane fight.

The best possible Omoikane fight.

Hell. Yes.

God damn, first time I hit ALL of them.
It is awesome.

Calm Death"

Jupiter's Fury
Elec Amp"

Last Word"

Stun Wave
Null Panic
Null Poison"

Everyone levelled up, and everyone BUT Seraph completed their mantra. Very, very nice.

Roland gets a relatively cheapo one.

And so does Argilla. The next one in that path will be useful, but very expensive.
Still, Mediarama is very useful, even at these points. Not a guaranteed fullheal, but close enough.

Missing File: dds038.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact
Gale and Cielo get exactly the same mantra. Money will have to be saved for Seraph's more expensive stuff in the future.
Since going to the right was unfruitful, let's go left.

That was not a complete and total waste.

Hooray, advancement, at last.

Goddamn trapped things. They are annoying.

Elec Resist"
And so is this, getting a new mantra 15 or so minutes away from the terminal.

Well that was not as convoluted.

Excellent, another choice.
And in the door behind the teleports...

Well that is strange
Arahabaki speaks in EMOTICONS.
Like that character in Killer 7.

Arahabaki retains the same weaknesses it had in DDS1. That means that Ice is super-effective.

And when frozen up, it is succeptible to regular physical attacks.
Seraph's sure-fire critical is pretty neat.

Seraph extends a flaming energy sword thing out of the handmouth, and then proceeds to whack the enemy with it. It is satisfying.

Left can do no wrong, right?

Holy shit. FOR ONCE, I made the correct choice!

This one, on the other side, IS convoluted. Damn you.

My oh my.

A CONVENIENT small terminal. How nifty.

Fucking expensive, but hopefully it'll take a while to fill it.

Gong right can do no wrong, right?

Oh goddamnit.