Part 131: Sixth Layer. DONE.
Update 77

Well let's try this again. Hopefully this time it will be successful.

And it is, a previously sealed off area is accessible and open now.

Let's see what lies beyond this cramped room.

Money and a Jack Frost.

Fire Amp"

Roland learns the exact same skills.

The flower is rather pretty.
But nevermind, due to the high encounter rate, more levelups and mantra learnings happen rather fast in this floor.
And it is kind of boring. It seriously takes a long time to navigate it.

Fire Amp"

Heey the thing in the middle is starting to get rather defined.

This floor is actually the most ideal grinding place in the game since the enemies tend to drop a LOT of datas.

But the goddamn teleports are still there. On the other hand, at least there are no goddamn holes mixed with the teleports.

And they had the decency to put a couple terminals near to some of the teleports. That is neat.



God damn expensive things. Argilla gets something less than one tenth of the price of Seraph's most accessible mantra.
And no way I am teleporting to the Surface. Not now.

OH GOD DAMN THIS TO HELL. Let's repeat that.


A load later, the correct one is approached.

Oh, hooray. Instantly filled map. That is a nice gesture.

Missing File: dds052.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact

Unfortunately, no small terminal, or even better, large terminal. Boo.
Let's see what the containers have.

How lame.

This one was a success! Incredible. The game must be getting less sadistic. Or something.

And that's the whole layout. Interesting that it has a Star of David in the middle. It is insane, it is long, it has a way too high encounter rate, it has GODDAMN TELEPORTS, and yet it is still less aggravating than the DDS1 sewers.
Funny how that works.
And like the kalpas, it is perfectly excused to have crazy, possibly meaningful labyrinthine layouts. It can pull it off.

Oh boy, I bet there's something important right around the corner.

Oh, a small terminal, and a life terminal. Neat.

Oh my.
Notice: NOT DOING THE BIFURCATIONS IN THE NEXT UPDATE since a lot of goddamn grind is required before that.
Oh yes.