Part 133
Update 79:
Too much grind. Just showing the effects.

Ayup. The last Earth Mantra. Not like I am ever going to use it.

Roland gets to acquire a fullheal.

Not much to be said, other than Gale should've had this before.

This was done several times. Yay for Item Find.
It was pretty much "traverse the entire layout once, sell shit, buy more mantras". Rinse and repeat.

And then back again.

Traversed. With this on.

Cielo gets something more expensive than the usual.

Revival and then a fucking annoying attack that will never be used by the party.

Useless. Useful. In that order.
Fucking expensive.

And yet I don't equip it after it is learned. Why? I don't know.

Appropriate. Roland is not seeing time anytime soon though.

This is the only eventful thing in the shop.

Could be nifty. Could also be terrible. Possibly not worth it.

Never going to use either.

About time Argilla got that. Maragi was pretty much the strongest fire thing she has.


Fuck you, Cielo.

You too, Roland.

Same to you, Gale.

And you too, Seraph.
That could've been useful against Meganada. On Gale.

Double for you, Argilla.

Dekunda is EXTREMELY useful. Spell Gloom works as a magic-only Debilitate. Bah.

Fullheals for everyone.

Atma Premium is about the most useful one there. Not getting equipped though.


Another thing that would have been useful against Meganada.
Jesus christ that is expensive.

Cielo could usethe third one. Oh wait, it is castable. Nevermind.

Attack All is not exactly a good idea.

Item Find is, though.

The learning was a single fight earlier. The acquisition was an entire traversing later.

Phys Drain would've been useful against Meganada as well.

This is after finishing the entire mantra grid for Seraph.
Minus other things. You'll see. Later.

This is not the definitive skillset. Haven't seen the new stuff for more efficiency.
Not yet, anyway.
Also final stats for the update.

Seraph is extra-broken due to DATAS.
Hell yes, at least the enemies drop a lot of those.

Fuck this floor. Fuck it to hell.