Part 134
Update 80
Here it is, the result of all that grinding (Youtube)
It is also a gimmicked fight. One that if you don't know the pattern can be impossible (Viddler)
With the pattern known, it becomes relatively easy. (Veoh)

No point in not entering. After all, that's why we are here for.

Ah, Shiva, destroyer of worlds. Dancer of weird jigs. Female in Final Fantasy. Let's see how this goes.

Shiva is special. Shiva has ten thousand hit points, which isn't honestly all that much. The problem is that you CANNOT hit Shiva with everything at any time, or even use Almighty.
Why can't you use almighty? Because then Shiva flips the fuck out, uses Psycho Rage and one-shots you with a Focused Ragnarok, and a Mind Focused Third Eye.

And the battle is entirely unwinnable without this little skill. No good at all.

Shiva also flips out if you fully buff yourself, or if you fully debuff him. Not a fun prospect.

A single mind charged agidyne and we've already done 15% damage. That is not a bad thing.

In the first two turns, Shiva is weak against ice and Fire. Then it switches every oof his turns (not PRESS turns, complete turns. when the control goes from the player to Shiva, he gets to switch his affinities instantly.)
Rest of the possible configurations shown in the Youtube video.

Hm, his necklace is a goddamn cobra. That is pretty neat.

In the end, Shiva is not an easy fight, but it's all about keeping HP up, trying to have defense up (should've brought rakukaja), tracking his affinities, and ALWAYS having Void Ailment on. Always.

There it goes.

Not a bad haul at all.

Everyone learned whatever they had equipped, unfortunately that is the last they will be able to learn for a while
Then the true reward comes.

I don't get the significance of this. Not yet anyway.

Oh hell yes.
This is an awesome ring. A very, very awesome ring.

Jesus christ it is more expensive than Dragonslayer.

This is fixed byu a quick trip to the surface.

And that is BARELY enough.
So, before anything can be done to the next, two trips through layer 6 wioll have to be taken. Goddamnit.