Part 136
Update 82
Things things.

Let's try this thing.

Seraph's grid is almost completed.
The rest, not so.

Let's see how this behaves.

Failed on one, but one-shotted the rest. If they hadn't been one-shotted, they would have been stunned, which would have made them easier.
The stun doesn't work on Arahabakis, though.
Or bosses.

This expensive thing shall be learned.

And almost full stats now.

Nevermind, full now.

For some strange reason, Vitality and Agility can still be upgraded. Likely result of ring meddling.

The next target lies in the fifth layer. Teleporting there is not the best way to get there. Just go to the sixth and backtrack. Shorter that way.

There are three things needed for the fight.
One is to have Seraph equip th estrongest available bullet. The other is to have this. The last, is to use the HUMAN skill.

I had never noticed this skill before. Hm. This looks like a decentish set for Seraph.

And thus an annoying sector is opened.

Shroedinger is not lying.

Missing File: dds027.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact

Well, let's advance then.

Oh boy, invisibl goddamn things.

And apparently, a damage field.
But let's use this.

Fuck, it doesn't work. At all.

Five steps and this happens.
Random encounters DO happen in this place.

That could've been worse.

Oh boy, a new small terminal. That ought to be useful.

i SERIOUSLY messed up here.
I should've waited until MAX. That would've made the fight shorter.
Well, there it goes.
This is the last possible optional boss. (Youtube)
It is a departure from the previous two, though (Viddler)
But closer to the first set of optional bosses. It is Seth (Veoh)

Yeah, that is Satan.

And Seth is weak against BULLETS.

With this strategy he is pathetic, really. At least in Normal.

tHIS IS a very, very annoying skill. It blows away one character, and you have to resummon it. Annoying.

When near to death, he debilitates. Doesn't do him much good.

Oh my.

Well, there it was.

Usable in a bonus video, if you all want it. You'll see what kind of bonus video in th next update.

Only accesible in hard mode. Unfortunately. Aw.