Part 42: Orochi goes down. And Horus. Lots of Horus.
Update 42
Okay, let's get this over with.
The Orochi Fight (Gamevee)
Without need of any sort of alcoholic beverage. (Viddler)
Made easy because of the Beelzebub grind. (Youtube)

And so, this optional boss fight starts. Orochi. Also, Yamata-no-Orochi in Persona 3 and such other things.

It is not a particularly hard fight. Not after Beelzebub.
And it was true, Ragnarok is NOT physical.
Also art

Click here for the full 803x1024 image.
Orochi is a strange boss. It is magic oriented at first, so it pays to have elemental nullings.
But then it does this.

Four Makakajas in a row.
Four.That is because Orochi is a goddamn asshole and each head gets its own turn.

And then, THIS.

Due to obscene magic ratings, Argilla gets the least damage.
But then, he runs out of magic.
After doing that TWICE.
Yeah, twice
He changes his tune to this.

8 mad rushes in a row.
That is very assholey.
Phys repel takes care of it, but not really, since Orochi is perfectly shielded against Phys. Still it makes it waste the turns, but still annoying. He can't buff or remove the debuffs and buffs one casts, though, so when Orochi runs out of magic, it is pretty pathetic.
All in all, not a bad battle.

Another Soma for the collection. So, woohoo!

Level ups for everyone! Hooray! And again, no surprises like Heat liking magic suddenly.

Ah, treasure.

If the ladder on Manipura lead to the Embryon's base, I wonder where this one does lead to?

Well that wasn't completely expected.

It is like this.
For seven floors, up to level 3.

With a change in decor on level 1.
This is moderately important and very, very useful.

THERE is an architecture change on level 3. And this is a place that one has to learn to tolerate or not hate. Slightly less boring than the Titania Hallways, too.

Because this guy, and no one but this guy appears.

Click here for the full 1024x618 image.
Read this and see Horus' normal furry Egyptian God form

The rock that killed Abel kills Egyptian gods too.

It is rather satisfying.
But you know what is satisfying also?

The name itself is awesome. You get it by equipping Mamudoon on everyone.

It kills them dead, it does.

And they drop these things.

Oh so that was the prey Orochi mentioned before.

But hey, she ran seven flights of stairs before dying. And so near the outside...

Wait what THE TEAM NOW HAS ONE OF THE HARDEST, IF NOT THE HARDEST ITEM TO ACQUIRE IN THE GAME wait what no, it is not Phantasy Star Online.
But in any case, let's name the corpse "Rico."

Aww, it's only red because it is bloody. Redrum. Wait no.
And nevermind, apparently one can't get the Red Ring without cheating on PSO, or something. Nevermind.

Out there lies this.

A lonely cell.

From this:

This. Yeah.

With this as loot. That's 66 points of Magic.
Enough to max out Serph, and there will be some to spare.

Serph gets the strongest multihit Wind spell and Force Resist.
He does not need them.

Heat gets the best Expel spell and two very awesome and needed spells.

Argilla already got Auto Soma, so she gets this.

About time Gale got it.

Revelation is a very very good skill. It mutes the target. It is great.
Cielo needs more love.
Shall grind for another Mantraset there.